### # CMakeLists.txt for ASAP module ### # minimum requirement for cmake version cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8 ) # options option( USE_LIBCASACORE "set ON to use libcasacore.so instead of libcasa_*.so" OFF ) option( STANDALONE "set ON to build standalone mode" OFF ) message( STATUS "USE_LIBCASACORE = " ${USE_LIBCASACORE} ) message( STATUS "STANDALONE = " ${STANDALONE} ) # Define compiler paths on OSX 10.5. This must be done before invoking project() if( APPLE ) if( EXISTS /opt/casa/core2-apple-darwin8/3rd-party/bin/gfortran ) set( CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER /opt/casa/core2-apple-darwin8/3rd-party/bin/gfortran ) set( CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /opt/casa/core2-apple-darwin8/3rd-party/bin/g++ ) elseif( EXISTS /opt/local/bin/gfortran ) set( CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER /opt/local/bin/gfortran ) elseif( EXISTS /opt/local/bin/gfortran-mp-4.4 ) set( CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER /opt/local/bin/gfortran-mp-4.4 ) if( EXISTS /opt/local/bin/g++-mp-4.4 ) set( CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /opt/local/bin/g++-mp-4.4 ) endif() endif() endif() # project name is ASAP project( ASAP ) # flags set( DEFAULT_CXX_FLAGS "-pipe -Wall -Wextra -Wno-non-template-friend -Wcast-align -Wno-comment -O3" ) find_package( OpenMP ) if( OPENMP_FOUND ) set( DEFAULT_CXX_FLAGS "${DEFAULT_CXX_FLAGS} ${OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS}" ) endif() set( CASACORE_DEFINITIONS ${CASACORE_DEFINITIONS} -DCASA_USECASAPATH -DCASACORE_NEEDS_RETHROW -DAIPS_STDLIB -DAIPS_AUTO_STL -D_GNU_SOURCE ) if( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Linux ) set( CASACORE_DEFINITIONS ${CASACORE_DEFINITIONS} -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE ) endif() add_definitions( ${CASACORE_DEFINITIONS} ) # set flags for cpp compiler set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ${DEFAULT_CXX_FLAGS} ) # environment dependent settings message( STATUS "CMAKE_SYSTEM = " ${CMAKE_SYSTEM} ) message( STATUS "CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR = " ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} ) if( APPLE ) set( SO dylib ) if( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES ^Darwin-10 ) if( NOT archflag ) if( EXISTS /opt/casa/darwin10-64b ) set( archflag x86_64 ) elseif( EXISTS /opt/casa/core2-apple-darwin10 ) set( archflag i386 ) else() set( archflag x86_64 ) endif() endif() if( archflag STREQUAL x86_64 ) add_definitions( -DAIPS_64B ) endif() execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} --version COMMAND head -1 COMMAND perl -pe "s|.*?(\\d+\\.\\d+)\\.\\d+$|$1|" OUTPUT_VARIABLE _cxx_version OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if( NOT _cxx_version STREQUAL "4.4" ) set( DEFAULT_CXX_FLAGS "${DEFAULT_CXX_FLAGS} -arch ${archflag}" ) endif() endif() elseif( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Linux ) set( SO so ) add_definitions( -DAIPS_LINUX ) if( CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR STREQUAL x86_64 ) add_definitions( -DAIPS_64B ) set( DEFAULT_CXX_FLAGS "${DEFAULT_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-deprecated" ) else() set( DEFAULT_CXX_FLAGS "${DEFAULT_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-deprecated -Woverloaded-virtual" ) endif() endif() # # mode specific settings # # STANDALONE=ON standalone build # STANDALONE=OFF build with casa # set( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH};${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake" ) message( STATUS "CMAKE_MODULE_PATH = " ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ) if( STANDALONE ) include( standalone ) else() include( withcasa ) endif() message( STATUS "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = " ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} ) # # casacore # unset( CASACORE_INCLUDE_DIR CACHE ) unset( CASACORE_LIBRARIES CACHE ) if( NOT USE_LIBCASACORE ) # use casacore libraries set( _includename casa/aipsdef.h ) find_path( CASACORE_INCLUDE_DIR ${_includename} PATHS ${CASACORE_PATHS} PATH_SUFFIXES include include/casacore NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) find_path( CASACORE_INCLUDE_DIR ${_includename} ) if( CASACORE_INCLUDE_DIR MATCHES "NOTFOUND$" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "${_includename} could not be found. Please check!" ) endif() set( CASACORE_LIBS casa components coordinates fits images lattices measures mirlib ms msfits scimath scimath_f tables ) set( _casacore_libs "" ) foreach( _a ${CASACORE_LIBS} ) set( _libname libcasa_${_a}.${SO} ) unset( _casacore_lib CACHE ) find_library( _casacore_lib ${_libname} PATHS ${CASACORE_PATHS} PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib ) if( _casacore_lib MATCHES "NOTFOUND$" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "${_libname} could not be found. Please check!" ) else() #list( APPEND _casacore_libs casa_${_a} ) list( APPEND _casacore_libs ${_casacore_lib} ) endif() endforeach() set( CASACORE_LIBRARIES ${_casacore_libs} ) else() # use libcasacore set( _libname libcasacore.${SO} ) find_library( CASACORE_LIBRARIES ${_libname} PATHS ${CASACORE_PATHS} PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib ) if( CASACORE_LIBRARIES MATCHES "NOTFOUND$" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "${_libname} could not be found. Please check!" ) endif() set( _includename casa/aipsdef.h ) string( REGEX REPLACE /[^/]+/[^/]+/?$ "" _coreroot ${CASACORE_LIBRARIES} ) find_path( CASACORE_INCLUDE_DIR ${_includename} PATHS ${_coreroot} PATH_SUFFIXES include include/casacore NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) find_path( CASACORE_INCLUDE_DIR ${_includename} PATHS ${CASACORE_PATHS} PATH_SUFFIXES include include/casacore NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) find_path( CASACORE_INCLUDE_DIR ${_includename} ) if( CASACORE_INCLUDE_DIR MATCHES "NOTFOUND$" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "${_includename} could not be found. Please check!" ) endif() endif() message( STATUS "CASACORE_LIBRARIES = " ${CASACORE_LIBRARIES} ) message( STATUS "CASACORE_INCLUDE_DIR = " ${CASACORE_INCLUDE_DIR} ) unset( USE_LIBCASACORE CACHE ) # # Python # if( STANDALONE ) include( FindPythonLibs ) if( NOT PYTHONLIBS_FOUND ) message( FATAL_ERROR "Python could not be found. Please check!" ) endif() # Define pyroot string( REGEX REPLACE "/[^/]+/[^/]+/?$" "" pyroot ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) # find numpy string( REGEX MATCH [0-9].[0-9] PYTHONV ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) string( REPLACE "." "" PV ${PYTHONV} ) find_path( NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR numpy/npy_interrupt.h PATHS ${pyroot}/lib/python${PYTHONV}/site-packages/numpy/core ${pyroot}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/${PYTHONV} ${pyroot}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/${PYTHONV}/lib/python${PYTHONV}/site-packages/numpy/core PATH_SUFFIXES include ) if( NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR MATCHES "NOTFOUND$" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "numpy/npy_interrupt.h could not be found. Please check!" ) endif() list( APPEND PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS ${NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR} ) set( PYTHON_DEFINITIONS ${PYTHON_DEFINITIONS} -DPYTHONROOT=\"${pyroot}\" -DPYTHONVER=\"${PYTHONV}\" -DPYVERSION=${PV} ) else() if( NOT PYTHON_FOUND ) if ( NOT PYTHON_LIBNAME ) set( _names 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5.2 2.5 ) # (The library named libpython.2.5.2.dylib seems to exist only in the CASA world.) else() set( _names ${PYTHON_LIBNAME} ) endif() set( _found False ) foreach( _v ${_names} ) casa_find( PYTHON${_v} LIBS python${_v} NO_REQUIRE ) if( PYTHON${_v}_FOUND ) set( PYTHON_LIBNAME ${_v} ) set( _found True ) break() endif() endforeach() if( NOT _found ) message( FATAL_ERROR "Could not find any PYTHON library with version one of ${_names}. Please check!" ) endif() endif() if( NOT PYTHON_LIBNAME ) # Found Python, but PYTHON_LIBNAME is undefined, that is impossible. message( FATAL_ERROR "The variable PYTHON_LIBNAME is undefined. Most likely, CMake's cache is out of date and you need to redetect your PYTHON installation (\"cmake -U PYTHON*\")") endif() string( SUBSTRING ${PYTHON_LIBNAME} 0 3 PYTHONV ) string( REPLACE "." "" PV ${PYTHONV} ) set( python_library python${PYTHON_LIBNAME} ) # Form the Python install prefix by stripping away "lib/libpython2.5.2.dylib" (example) from # the full python library path string( REGEX MATCH "/lib(64)?/lib${python_library}" _match ${PYTHON${PYTHON_LIBNAME}_LIBRARIES} ) if( _match ) string( REGEX REPLACE "/lib(64)?/lib${python_library}.*" "" python_prefix ${PYTHON${PYTHON_LIBNAME}_LIBRARIES} ) else() # Python library was not in a lib(64) directory! message( WARNING "Python library path \"${PYTHON${PYTHON_LIBNAME}_LIBRARIES}\" does not contain \"/lib(64)/lib${python_library}\"" ) set( python_prefix ${casa_packages} ) endif() # The python version and prefix is known, do the actual search if( NOT PYTHON_FOUND ) message( STATUS "Looking for PYTHON version ${PYTHONV}.x in ${python_prefix}" ) endif() casa_find( PYTHON VERSION 2.5 # minimum required INCLUDES Python.h numpy/npy_interrupt.h # for numpy INCLUDES_SUFFIXES python${PYTHONV} PREFIX_HINTS ${python_prefix}/lib/python${PYTHONV}/site-packages/numpy/core ${python_prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/${PYTHONV} ${python_prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/${PYTHONV}/lib/python${PYTHONV}/site-packages/numpy/core LIBS ${python_library} CPP_VERSION PY_VERSION ) # Store PYTHON_LIBNAME in the cache set( PYTHON_LIBNAME ${PYTHON_LIBNAME} CACHE STRING "Python major and minor version to use" FORCE ) # Define pyroot to two directory levels above Python.h. string( REGEX REPLACE "/[^/]+/[^/]+/?$" "" pyroot ${PYTHON_Python.h} ) set( PYTHON_DEFINITIONS ${PYTHON_DEFINITIONS} -DAIPSROOT=\"${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}\" -DAIPSARCH=\"${arch}\" -DAIPSSITE=\"garching\" -DPYTHONROOT=\"${pyroot}\" -DPYTHONVER=\"${PYTHONV}\" -DPYVERSION=${PV} ) endif() message( STATUS "PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS = " ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) message( STATUS "PYTHON_LINRARIES = " ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES} ) message( STATUS "PYTHONV = " ${PYTHONV} ) # # DL # set( DL_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} CACHE STRING "dl libraries" FORCE ) if( DL_LIBRARIES STREQUAL "dl" ) set( DL_LIBRARIES "-ldl" CACHE STRING "dl libraries" FORCE ) endif() message( STATUS "DL_LIBRARIES = " ${DL_LIBRARIES} ) # # BLAS # find_library( BLAS_LIBRARIES libblas.${SO} ) if ( BLAS_LIBRARIES MATCHES "NOTFOUND$" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "blas could not be found. Please check!" ) endif() message( STATUS "BLAS_LIBRARIES = " ${BLAS_LIBRARIES} ) # # LAPACK # find_library( LAPACK_LIBRARIES liblapack.${SO} ) if ( LAPACK_LIBRARIES MATCHES "NOTFOUND$" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "lapack could not be found. Please check!" ) endif() message( STATUS "LAPACK_LIBRARIES = " ${LAPACK_LIBRARIES} ) # # Boost # set( boost_components python ) if( NOT STANDALONE ) set( boost_components ${boost_components} system ) endif() find_package( Boost REQUIRED ${boost_components} ) if( NOT Boost_FOUND ) message( FATAL_ERROR "Boost could not be found. Please check!" ) endif() message( STATUS "BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR = " ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR} ) message( STATUS "BOOST_LIBRARIES = " ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ) # # cfitsio # if( STANDALONE ) find_path( CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIRS fitsio.h PATH_SUFFIXES cfitsio ) if( CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIRS MATCHES "NOTFOUND$" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "fitsio.h could not be found. Please check!" ) endif() string( REGEX REPLACE "/[^/]+/?$" "" CFITSIO_ROOT ${CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) message( STATUS "CFITSIO_ROOT=" ${CFITSIO_ROOT} ) find_library( CFITSIO_LIBRARIES libcfitsio.${SO} PATHS ${CFITSIO_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) if( CFITSIO_LIBRARIES MATCHES "NOTFOUND$" ) find_library( CFITSIO_LIBRARIES libcfitsio.a PATHS ${CFITSIO_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) endif() find_library( CFITSIO_LIBRARIES libcfitsio.${SO} PATHS /usr/local /usr PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib ) if( CFITSIO_LIBRARIES MATCHES "NOTFOUND$" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "libcfitsio.so could not be found. Please check!" ) endif() else() casa_find( CFITSIO VERSION 3.006 INCLUDES fitsio.h fitsio2.h INCLUDES_SUFFIXES cfitsio LIBS cfitsio CPP_VERSION CFITSIO_VERSION RUN_VERSION "(ffvers(&v), v)" ) endif() message( STATUS "CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIRS = " ${CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) message( STATUS "CFITSIO_LIBRARIES = " ${CFITSIO_LIBRARIES} ) # # Fortran # if( NOT FORTRAN_LIBRARIES ) message( STATUS "Looking for Fortran runtime libraries" ) set( _try ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/try_fortran.cc ) file( WRITE ${_try} "int main() { return 0; }\n" ) if( _gfortran_lib_path ) try_compile( _have_gfortran ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${_try} CMAKE_FLAGS -Wdev "-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=${_gfortran_lib_path}" ) else() try_compile( _have_gfortran ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${_try} CMAKE_FLAGS -Wdev "-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-lgfortran" ) endif() try_compile( _have_g2c ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${_try} CMAKE_FLAGS -Wdev "-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-lg2c" ) if( _have_gfortran ) if( _gfortran_lib_path ) set( FORTRAN_LIBRARIES ${_gfortran_lib_path} CACHE STRING "Fortran library linker option" FORCE ) else() set( FORTRAN_LIBRARIES -lgfortran CACHE STRING "Fortran library linker option" FORCE ) endif() message( STATUS "Looking for Fortran runtime libraries -- ${FORTRAN_LIBRARIES}" ) elseif( _have_g2c ) set( FORTRAN_LIBRARIES -lg2c CACHE STRING "Fortran library linker option" FORCE ) message( STATUS "Looking for Fortran runtime libraries -- ${FORTRAN_LIBRARIES}" ) else() set( FORTRAN_LIBRARIES "" CACHE STRING "Fortran library linker option" FORCE ) message( STATUS "Looking for Fortran runtime libraries -- " ) # Not a fatal error because it might work, if all Fortran dependencies were # already linked statically to the Fortran runtime... endif() endif() # # RPFITS # if ( STANDALONE ) find_path( RPFITS_INCLUDE_DIRS RPFITS.h PATHS /usr/local /usr PATH_SUFFIXES include ) if( RPFITS_INCLUDE_DIRS MATCHES "NOTFOUND$" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "RPFITS.h could not be found. Please check!" ) endif() find_library( RPFITS_LIBRARIES librpfits.so PATHS /usr/local /usr PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib ) if( RPFITS_LIBRARIES MATCHES "NOTFOUND$" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "librpfits.so could not be found. Please check!" ) endif() list( APPEND RPFITS_LIBRARIES ${FORTRAN_LIBRARIES} ) else() casa_find( RPFITS VERSION 2.11 INCLUDES RPFITS.h LIBS rpfits RUN_VERSION names_.rpfitsversion DEPENDS FORTRAN ) endif() message( STATUS "RPFITS_INCLUDE_DIRS = " ${RPFITS_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) message( STATUS "RPFITS_LIBRARIES = " ${RPFITS_LIBRARIES} ) # # wcslib # set( _wcslib libwcs.${SO} ) set( _wcs_version 4.3 ) find_library( WCSLIB ${_wcslib} PATHS ${WCSLIB_PATHS} PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib ) if( WCSLIB MATCHES "NOTFOUND$" ) message( STATUS "${_wcslib} could not be found." ) unset( _wcslib CACHE ) unset( WCSLIB CACHE ) set( _wcslib libwcs.${_wcs_version}.${SO} ) message( STATUS "Try to find ${_wcslib}..." ) find_library( WCSLIB ${_wcslib} PATHS ${WCSLIB_PATHS} PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib ) if( WCSLIB MATCHES "NOTFOUND$" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "${_wcslib} could not be found. Please check!" ) endif() endif() message( STATUS "WCSLIB = " ${WCSLIB} ) find_path( WCSLIB_INCLUDE_DIR wcslib/wcs.h PATHS ${WCSLIB_PATHS} PATH_SUFFIXES include ) if( WCSLIB_INCLUDE_DIR MATCHES "NOTFOUND$" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "wcs.h could not be found. Please check!" ) endif() message( STATUS "WCSLIB_INCLUDE_DIR = " ${WCSLIB_INCLUDE_DIR} ) # # common include path # include_directories( ${CASACORE_INCLUDE_DIR} ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR} ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${WCSLIB_INCLUDE_DIR} ${CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${RPFITS_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) # # install directory # set( EXEC_INSTALL_DIR bin ) set( LIB_INSTALL_DIR lib ) set( PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR python/${PYTHONV}/asap ) set( SHARED_INSTALL_DIR share/asap ) # # execute getsvnrev.sh to create/update svninfo.txt # run chmod to make sure the script has executable # exec_program( chmod ARGS a+x ${ASAP_SOURCE_DIR}/getsvnrev.sh ) exec_program( chmod ARGS a+x ${ASAP_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/exec_getsvnrev.sh ) exec_program( ${ASAP_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/exec_getsvnrev.sh ARGS ${ASAP_SOURCE_DIR}) # Add the modules to be built. # # Choose to have correct RPATHs both in the build tree and # in the install tree (at the cost of having to change the # rpath when installing) # set( CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib ) set( CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) set( CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib ) # # libraries and executables # set( ASAPLIB asap ) set( PYRAPLIB pyrap ) set( ATNFLIB atnf ) set( ASAP2TO3 asap2to3 ) if ( NOT STANDALONE ) set( ASDM2ASAP_OLD oldasdm2ASAP ) set( ASDM2ASAP asdm2ASAP ) endif() # # always install by default # add_custom_target( inst ALL ${CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL} install/fast ) # # subdirectories # asap_add_subdirectory()