04/21/10 20:42:50 (14 years ago)
Kana Sugimoto

New Development: Yes

JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1801)

Ready to Release: Yes

Interface Changes: Yes

What Interface Changed: two classes, CustomToolbarTkAgg? and CustomToolbarCommon?,

are created to a new module casatoolbar

Test Programs: run sdplot with plottype='spectra' and 'totalpower'

Put in Release Notes: Yes/No?

Module(s): CASA task sdplot, sdbaseline, sdstat, sdfit


Two new classes, CustomToolbarTkAgg? and CustomToolbarCommon?, are
created to a new module casatoolbar in order to remove backend dependency
of sdplot(). The other code are modified accordingly.
The additional toolbar, casabar, is now default in ASAP plotter
(asapplotter.plot and asapplotter.plottp).

1 added

Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.