02/10/10 19:39:06 (14 years ago)
Takeshi Nakazato

New Development: No

JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1908

Ready to Release: Yes

Interface Changes: No

What Interface Changed: Please list interface changes

Test Programs: List test programs

Put in Release Notes: Yes

Module(s): Module Names change impacts.

Description: Describe your changes here...

Changed a tagging as the source type is tagged by using SRCTYPE, not
an extra string in SRCNAME. To do this, I have defined a selection method
by SRCTYPE in STSelector class. I have newly added python_SrcType.cpp
that defines a Python interface of SrcType? enums which is defined
in atnf/PKSIO/SrcType.h.

Since I have added new file in the src directory, I have modified src/Makefile
to compile new file.

1 added

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