12/18/08 19:36:57 (15 years ago)
Kana Sugimoto

New Development: Yes

JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1080)

Ready to Release: Yes

Interface Changes: Yes

What Interface Changed: This is a brand new module.

Test Programs:

#from ASAP
scan=scantable('A_FILE_NAME') # Read spectral data from 'A_FILE_NAME'.
new_mask=interactivemask() # Create a interactive masking object
new_mask.select_mask(scan) # Do interactive mask selection
mask=new_mask.get_mask() # Get a final channel mask

Put in Release Notes: No


The class for interactive mask selection, 'interactivemask', is used
to hard coded in CASA tasks 'sdbaseline' and 'sdstat'.
I moved the class from the tasks and defined as a new ASAP module.

1 added

Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.