Changeset 1266
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- 09/12/06 14:37:29 (19 years ago)
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r1265 r1266 48 48 package. 49 49 50 This userguide is beingupdated for the ASAP 2.1. Please report any50 This userguide has been updated for the ASAP 2.1. Please report any 51 51 mistakes you find. 52 52 … … 65 65 66 66 {\em Note. ASAP2.1 only runs on ATNF Linux machines which have been 67 updated to Debian Sarge and are using the ``DEBIAN sarge''67 updated to Debian Sarge and are using the ``DEBIANSarge'' 68 68 /usr/local. If your favourite machine has not been upgraded, send a 69 request youryour friendly IT support. At the time of writing asap 2.169 request to your friendly IT support. At the time of writing asap 2.1 70 70 does not run on hydra, bourbon or kaputar.} 71 71 … … 77 77 \end{verbatim} 78 78 79 This starts the ASAP. To quit, you need to type \verb+^+-d80 (control-d) ortype \cmd{\%Exit}.79 This starts ASAP. To quit, you need to type \verb+^+-d (control-d) or 80 type \cmd{\%Exit}. 81 81 82 82 \section{Interface} … … 99 99 main objects are used : 100 100 101 \begin{itemize} 102 \item[\cmd{scantable}] The data container (actual spectra and header 103 information) 104 \item[\cmd{selector}] Allows the user to select a subsection of the 105 data, such as a specified or range of beam numbers, IFs, etc. 106 \item[\cmd{plotter}] A tool used to plot the spectral line data 107 \item[\cmd{fitter}] A tool used to fit functions to the spectral data 108 \item[\cmd{reader}] A tool which can be used to read data from disks 109 into a scantable object (advanced use). 110 \end{itemize} 101 \begin{tabular}{ll} 102 103 \cmd{scantable} & \parbox[t]{0.7\textwidth}{The data container (actual 104 spectra and header information)} \\ 105 \cmd{selector} & \parbox[t]{0.80\textwidth}{Allows the user to select 106 a subsection of the data, such as a specified or range of beam 107 numbers, IFs, etc.} \\ 108 \cmd{plotter} & A tool used to plot the spectral line data \\ 109 \cmd{fitter} & A tool used to fit functions to the spectral data \\ 110 \cmd{reader} & \parbox[t]{0.8\textwidth}{A tool which can be used to 111 read data from disks into a scantable object (advanced use).}\\ 112 \end{tabular} 111 113 112 114 There can be many objects of the same type. Each object is referred to … … 383 385 The common selection functions are: 384 386 385 \begin{itemize} 386 387 \item[\cmd{set\_beams}] Select beams by index number 388 \item[\cmd{set\_ifs}] Select ifs by index number 389 \item[\cmd{set\_name}] Select by source name. Can contain ``*'' as a 390 wildcard, e.g. ``Orion*\_R''. 391 \item[\cmd{set\_ifs}] Select IFs by index number 392 \item[\cmd{set\_polarisation}] Select by polarisation index or 393 name. If polarisation names are given, the data will be on-the-fly 394 converted (for example from linears to Stokes). 395 \item[\cmd{set\_query}] Set query directly. For power users only! 396 \item[\cmd{set\_tsys}] Select data based on Tsys. Also example of user 397 definable query. 398 \item[\cmd{reset}] Reset the selection to include all spectra. 399 387 \begin{tabular}{ll} 388 389 \cmd{set\_beams} & Select beams by index number \\ 390 \cmd{set\_ifs} & Select ifs by index number \\ 391 \cmd{set\_name} & Select by source name. Can contain ``*'' as a 392 wildcard, e.g. ``Orion*\_R''. \\ 393 \cmd{set\_ifs} & Select IFs by index number \\ 394 395 \cmd{set\_polarisation} & \parbox[t]{0.73\textwidth}{Select by 396 polarisation index or name. If polarisation names are given, the data 397 will be on-the-fly onverted (for example from linears to Stokes). }\\ 398 399 \cmd{set\_query} & Set query directly. For power users only! \\ 400 \cmd{set\_tsys} & Select data based on Tsys. Also example of user 401 definable query. \\ 402 \cmd{reset} & Reset the selection to include all spectra. \\ 403 404 \end{tabular} 400 405 401 406 Note that all indices are zero based. … … 419 424 420 425 \end{verbatim} 421 422 \end{itemize}423 426 424 427 \subsection{State} … … 494 497 \end{verbatim} 495 498 496 {\em Currently the following is not implemented 497 498 In both of the above modes, you can also specify the rest frequencies via 499 names in a known list rather than by their values. 500 501 Examples: 502 503 \begin{verbatim} 504 ASAP>scans.set_restfreqs(freqs=['OH1665','OH1667']) 505 \end{verbatim} 506 } 499 A predetermined ``line catalog'' can be used to set the rest 500 frequency. See section \S \ref{sec:linecat}. 501 507 502 508 503 \subsubsection{Masks} … … 1114 1109 zooming the individual plots). From left to right: 1115 1110 1116 \begin{itemize} 1117 1118 \item[Home] This will unzoom the plots to the original zoom factor 1119 1120 \item[Plot history] (left and right arrow). The plotter keeps a 1121 history of zoom settings. The left arrow sets the plot zoom to the 1122 previous value. The right arrow returns back again. This allows you, 1123 for example, to zoom in on one feature then return the plot to how it 1124 was previously. 1125 1126 \item[Pan] (The Cross) This sets the cursor to pan, or scroll mode 1127 allowing you to shift the plot within the window. Useful when 1128 zoomed in on a feature. 1129 1130 \item[Zoom] (the letter with the magnifying glass) lets you draw a 1131 rectangle around a region of interest then zooms in on that 1132 region. Use the plot history to unzoom again. 1133 1134 \item[Adjust] (rectangle with 4 arrows) adjust subplot parameters 1135 (space at edge of plots) 1136 1137 \item[Save] (floppy disk). Save the plot as a postscript or .png file 1111 \begin{tabular}{ll} 1112 1113 Home & This will unzoom the plots to the original zoom factor \\ 1114 1115 Plot history & \parbox[t]{0.8\textwidth}{(left and right arrow) The 1116 plotter keeps a history of zoom settings. The left arrow sets the plot 1117 zoom to the previous value. The right arrow returns back again. This 1118 allows you, for example, to zoom in on one feature then return the 1119 plot to how it was previously. }\\ 1120 1121 Pan & \parbox[t]{0.8\textwidth}{(The Cross) This sets the cursor to 1122 pan, or scroll mode allowing you to shift the plot within the 1123 window. Useful when zoomed in on a feature. }\\ 1124 1125 Zoom & \parbox[t]{0.8\textwidth}{(the letter with the magnifying 1126 glass) lets you draw a rectangle around a region of interest then 1127 zooms in on that region. Use the plot history to unzoom again.}\\ 1128 1129 Adjust & \parbox[t]{0.8\textwidth}{(rectangle with 4 arrows) adjust 1130 subplot parameters (space at edge of plots)}\\ 1131 1132 Save & \parbox[t]{0.8\textwidth}{(floppy disk). Save the plot as a 1133 postscript or .png file}\\ 1134 1135 \end{tabular} 1138 1136 1139 1137 You can also type ``g'' in the plot window to toggle on and off grid 1140 1138 lines. Typing 'l' turns on and off logarithmic Y-axis. 1141 1142 \end{itemize}1143 1139 1144 1140 \subsection{Other control} … … 1229 1225 \bigcommanddef{arrow(x,y,x+dx,y+dy)}{Draw an arrow from a specified 1230 1226 \cmd{(x,y)} position to \cmd{(x+dx, y+dy)}. The values are in world 1231 coordinates. \em {HOW TO SET ARROW HEAD??}}{1232 ASAP>plotter.arrow(-40,7,35,0 )1227 coordinates. Addition arguments which must be passed are {\cmd head\_width} and \cmd{head\_length}}{ 1228 ASAP>plotter.arrow(-40,7,35,0,head\_width=0.2, head\_length=10) 1233 1229 } 1234 1230 … … 1236 1232 specified \cmd{y} position (in world coordinates) between xmin and xmax 1237 1233 (in relative coordinates, i.e. 0.0 is the left hand edge of the plot 1238 while 1.0 is the right side of the plot .}{1234 while 1.0 is the right side of the plot).}{ 1239 1235 ASAP>plotter.axhline(6.0,0.2,0.8) 1240 1236 } … … 1271 1267 1272 1268 \begin{tabular}{ll} 1273 \tt color 1274 \tt linewidth \\1269 \tt color, facecolor, edgecolor \\ 1270 \tt width, linewidth \\ 1275 1271 \tt fontsize \\ 1276 1272 \tt fontname & Sans, Helvetica, Courier, Times etc\\ … … 1286 1282 1287 1283 \section{Line Catalog} 1288 1284 \label{sec:linecat} 1289 1285 \index{Linecatalog}ASAP can load and manipulate line catlogs to 1290 1286 retrieve rest frequencies for \cmd{set\_restfreqs} and for line … … 1295 1291 the users own creation or a standard line catalog such as the JPL line 1296 1292 catalog or Lovas. The ATNF asap ftp area as copies of the JPL and 1297 Lovas catalog in the appropriate format 1298 (\cmd{}) 1293 Lovas catalog in the appropriate format: 1294 1295 \hspace{1cm}\cmd{} 1296 1299 1297 1300 1298 \subsection{Loading a Line Catalog} … … 1342 1340 example). \cmd{set\_frequency\_limits} selects on frequency range, 1343 1341 \cmd{set\_strength\_limits} selects on intensity while \cmd{set\_name} 1344 selects on molecule name (wild cards allowed). 1342 selects on molecule name (wild cards allowed). The \cmd{summary} 1343 function lists the currently selected lines. 1345 1344 1346 1345 \begin{verbatim} … … 1385 1384 1386 1385 ASAP>plotter.plot() # Reset plotter 1387 ASAP>plotter.plot_lines(jpl,doppler=-10,location='Top') # On top with -10 km/s velocity 1386 ASAP>plotter.plot_lines(jpl,doppler=-10,location='Top') 1387 # On top with -10 km/s velocity 1388 1388 \end{verbatim} 1389 1389 … … 1412 1412 \end{verbatim} 1413 1413 1414 1415 1414 For data with many IFs, such as from MOPS, the user it is recommended 1415 that the user creates their own line cstalog for the data and use this 1416 to set the rest frequency for each IF. 1416 1417 1417 1418 \section{Fitting} … … 2250 2251 \subsection{Installation} 2251 2252 2252 \index{Installation}ASAP depends on a number of third-party libraries which you must 2253 have installed before attempting to build ASAP. These are: 2254 2255 \begin{itemize} 2256 \item AIPS++ 2257 \item Boost 2258 \item Matplotlib 2259 \item python/ipython 2260 \end{itemize} 2261 2262 Debian Linux is currently supported and we intend also 2263 to support other popular Linux flavours, Solaris and Mac. 2264 2265 Of the dependencies, AIPS++ is the most complex to install. 2253 \index{Installation} 2254 2255 Please refer to the asap wiki for instructions on downloading and/or 2256 building asap from source. 2257 2258 \hspace{1cm}\cmd{} 2266 2259 2267 2260 \printindex
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