#!/usr/bin/env python from asap import * rcParams['verbose'] = 0 # Don't plot to the screen... del plotter plotter = asapplotter(False) print "Test of Tidbinbilla" # Create the quotient spectra data = scantable('data/tid-t002.rpf') s = data.get_scan('*[^we]') r = data.get_scan('*[we]') q = quotient(s,r) av = average_time(q) # Set the restfreq for each IF av.set_restfreqs(freqs= [23694.4700e6,23722.6336e6]) av.set_unit('km/s') av.set_freqframe('LSRK') av.smooth('gauss',5) av.scale(1.05) av.add(0.05) # Baseline msk=av.create_mask([-70,-50],[40,60]) av.poly_baseline(msk,1) plotter.plot(av) plotter.set_mode('i') plotter.save('output/tid.png') # These are currently broken as Tid does not set the elevation correctly av.gain_el() av.opacity(0.075) print "Tid test finished successfully"