#!/usr/bin/env python from asap import * import time,sys wait_str = "" if len(sys.argv)>=2: if sys.argv[1].lower() == "wait": wait_str = " Press Enter." # read the spectrum from ascii file f = open('data/atca_spectrum.dat') spc=[] try: for line in f: parts=line.split() if len(parts)!=3: raise RuntimeError, "Expect 3 parts, you have %s"% (parts,) spc.append(float(parts[2])) finally: f.close() #run the line finder lf = simplelinefinder() rng=lf.find_lines(spc,threshold=3,splitFeatures=False) print "Found %i lines.%s" % (len(rng),wait_str) b=len(spc)/4 e=len(spc)*3/4 plotter._plotter.plot(range(b,e),spc[b:e]) plotter._plotter.set_line(number=0,label='Full spectrum') plotter._plotter.show() if wait_str == "": time.sleep(1.5) else: raw_input() cnt = 1 for line in rng: if len(line)!=2: raise RuntimeError, "Line is supposed to have two parameters" b = line[0]-1 if b<0: b=0 e = line[1]+1 if e>len(spc): e=len(spc) print "Showing line %s.%s" % (line,wait_str) plotter._plotter.set_line(label='Line %i' % cnt) cnt = cnt + 1 plotter._plotter.plot(range(b,e),spc[b:e]) plotter._plotter.show() if wait_str == "": time.sleep(1.5) else: raw_input()