1 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | //# python_PlotHelper.cpp: python exposure of c++ PlotHelper class
3 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | //# Author: Kanako Sugimoto, (C) 2012
5 | //#
6 | //# Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
7 | //#
8 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 | #include <boost/python.hpp>
10 | #include <boost/python/args.hpp>
11 |
12 | #include "PlotHelper.h"
13 | //#include "ScantableWrapper.h"
14 |
15 | using namespace boost::python;
16 |
17 | namespace asap {
18 | namespace python {
19 |
20 | void python_PlotHelper() {
21 | class_<PlotHelper>("plothelper")
22 | .def( init <> () )
23 | .def( init <ScantableWrapper> () )
24 | .def("set_scan", &PlotHelper::setScantable)
25 | .def("set_gridval", &PlotHelper::setGridParamVal,
26 | (boost::python::arg("epoch")="J2000",
27 | boost::python::arg("projname")="SIN"))
28 | // .def("set_gird", &PlotHelper::setGridParam,
29 | // (boost::python::arg("scellx")="",
30 | // boost::python::arg("scelly")="",
31 | // boost::python::arg("scenter")=""))
32 | .def("get_gpos", &PlotHelper::getGridPixel,
33 | (boost::python::arg("whichrow")=0) )
34 | /** TODO
35 | .def("get_gdir", &PlotHelper::getGridDirection)
36 | .def("get_gdirval", &PlotHelper::getGridWorld)
37 | **/
38 | ;
39 |
40 | };
41 |
42 | } // python
43 | } // asap