1 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | //# STWriter.cc: ASAP class to write out single dish spectra.
3 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | //# Copyright (C) 2004
5 | //# ATNF
6 | //#
7 | //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 | //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
9 | //# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
10 | //# any later version.
11 | //#
12 | //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 | //# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 | //# Public License for more details.
16 | //#
17 | //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
18 | //# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
19 | //# 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20 | //#
21 | //# Correspondence concerning this software should be addressed as follows:
22 | //# Internet email: Malte.Marquarding@csiro.au
23 | //# Postal address: Malte Marquarding,
24 | //# Australia Telescope National Facility,
25 | //# P.O. Box 76,
26 | //# Epping, NSW, 2121,
27 | //# AUSTRALIA
28 | //#
29 | //# $Id: STWriter.cpp 822 2006-02-16 23:05:16Z mar637 $
30 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 |
32 | #include <string>
33 |
34 | #include <casa/aips.h>
35 | #include <casa/Arrays/Array.h>
36 | #include <casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
37 | #include <casa/BasicSL/Complex.h>
38 | #include <casa/Utilities/CountedPtr.h>
39 | #include <casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
40 |
41 | #include <atnf/PKSIO/PKSMS2writer.h>
42 | #include <atnf/PKSIO/PKSSDwriter.h>
43 |
44 | #include <tables/Tables/ArrayColumn.h>
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 | #include "SDContainer.h"
50 | #include "SDMemTable.h"
51 | #include "STWriter.h"
52 | #include "SDFITSImageWriter.h"
53 | #include "SDAsciiWriter.h"
54 | #include "SDPol.h"
55 |
56 | using namespace casa;
57 | using namespace asap;
58 |
59 | //--------------------------------------------------------- STWriter::STWriter
60 |
61 | // Default constructor.
62 |
63 | STWriter::STWriter(const std::string &format)
64 | {
65 | cFormat = format;
66 | //
67 | String t(cFormat);
68 | t.upcase();
69 | if (t== "MS2") {
70 | cWriter = new PKSMS2writer();
71 | } else if (t== "SDFITS") {
72 | cWriter = new PKSSDwriter();
73 | } else if (t== "FITS") {
74 | cWriter = 0;
75 | } else if (t== "ASCII") {
76 | cWriter = 0;
77 | } else {
78 | throw (AipsError("Unrecognized Format"));
79 | }
80 | }
81 |
82 | //-------------------------------------------------------- STWriter::~STWriter
83 |
84 | // Destructor.
85 |
86 | STWriter::~STWriter()
87 | {
88 | if (cWriter) {
89 | delete cWriter;
90 | }
91 | }
92 |
93 | //-------------------------------------------------------- STWriter::setFormat
94 |
95 | // Reset the output format.
96 |
97 | Int STWriter::setFormat(const std::string &format)
98 | {
99 | if (format != cFormat) {
100 | if (cWriter) delete cWriter;
101 | }
102 | //
103 | cFormat = format;
104 | String t(cFormat);
105 | t.upcase();
106 | if (t== "MS2") {
107 | cWriter = new PKSMS2writer();
108 | } else if (t== "SDFITS") {
109 | cWriter = new PKSSDwriter();
110 | } else if (t== "FITS") {
111 | cWriter = 0;
112 | } else if (t== "ASCII") {
113 | cWriter = 0;
114 | } else {
115 | throw (AipsError("Unrecognized Format"));
116 | }
117 | return 0;
118 | }
119 |
120 | //------------------------------------------------------------ STWriter::write
121 |
122 | // Write an SDMemTable to file in the desired format, closing the file when
123 | // finished.
124 |
125 | Int STWriter::write(const CountedPtr<SDMemTable> in,
126 | const std::string &filename, Bool toStokes)
127 | {
128 |
129 | // Image FITS
130 |
131 | if (cFormat=="FITS") {
132 | Bool verbose = True;
133 | SDFITSImageWriter iw;
134 | if (iw.write(*in, filename, verbose, toStokes)) {
135 | return 0;
136 | } else {
137 | return 1;
138 | }
139 | } else if (cFormat=="ASCII") {
140 | SDAsciiWriter iw;
141 | if (iw.write(*in, filename, toStokes)) {
142 | return 0;
143 | } else {
144 | return 1;
145 | }
146 | }
147 |
148 | // MS or SDFITS
149 |
150 | // Extract the header from the table.
151 | SDHeader hdr = in->getSDHeader();
152 | const Int nPol = hdr.npol;
153 | const Int nChan = hdr.nchan;
154 |
155 | // Get Freq table
156 |
157 | SDFrequencyTable sdft = in->getSDFreqTable();
158 | Vector<Double> restFreqs;
159 | String restFreqUnit;
160 | sdft.restFrequencies(restFreqs, restFreqUnit);
161 | Double restFreq = 0.0;
162 | if (restFreqs.nelements()>0) {
163 | Quantum<Double> rF(restFreqs(0), Unit(restFreqUnit));
164 | restFreq = rF.getValue(Unit("Hz"));
165 | }
166 |
167 | // Table columns
168 |
169 | const Table table = in->table();
170 | ROArrayColumn<uInt> freqIDCol(table, "FREQID");
171 | Vector<uInt> freqIDs;
172 |
173 | // Create the output file and write static data.
174 | Int status;
175 | if (status = cWriter->create(filename, hdr.observer, hdr.project,
176 | hdr.antennaname, hdr.antennaposition,
177 | hdr.obstype, hdr.equinox, hdr.freqref,
178 | nChan, nPol, False, False)) {
179 | throw(AipsError("Failed to create output file"));
180 | }
181 |
182 | Vector<Double> srcPM(2, 0.0);
183 | Double srcVel = 0.0;
184 |
185 | Array<Float> spectra, tSys, stokes;
186 | Array<uChar> flags;
187 | Bool doLinear = True;
188 |
189 | String fieldName, srcName, tcalTime;
190 | Vector<Float> calFctr, sigma, tcal, tsys;
191 | Vector<Double> direction(2), scanRate(2), srcDir(2), srcPM(2,0.0);
192 | Matrix<Float> spectra;
193 | Matrix<uChar> flagtra;
194 | Complex xCalFctr;
195 | Int count = 0;
196 | Int scanno = 1;
197 | // use spearate iterators to ensure renumbering of all numbers
198 | TableIterator scanit(table, "SCANNO");
199 | while (!scanit.pastEnd() ) {
200 | Table stable = scanit.table();
201 | TableIterator beamit(table, "BEAMNO");
202 | Int beamno = 1;
203 | while (!beamit.pastEnd() ) {
204 | Table btable = beamit.table();
205 | TableIterator ifit(btable, "IFNO");
206 | Int ifno = 1;
207 | while (!ifit.pastEnd() ) {
208 | Table itable = ifit.table();
209 | TableIterator cycit(itable, "CYCLENO");
210 | Int cycno = 1;
211 | while (!cycit.pastEnd() ) {
212 | Table ctable = cycit.table();
213 | TableRow row(ctable);
214 | // use the first row to fill in all the "metadata"
215 | const TableRecord& rec = row.record(0);
216 | ROArrayColumn<Float> specCol(ctable, "SPECTRA");
217 | uInt nchan = specCol(0).nelements();
218 | Double cdelt,crval,crpix, restfreq;
219 | String tmp,tmp2;
220 | in->frequencies().getEntry(crpix,crval,cdelt, rec.asuInt("FREQ_ID"));
221 | in->molecules().getEntry(restfreq,tmp,tmp2,rec.asuInt("RESTFREQ_ID"));
222 | Double pixel = Double(nchan/2);
223 | Double refFreqNew = (pixel-crpix)*cdelt + crval;
224 | // ok, now we have nrows for the n polarizations in this table
225 | Matrix<Float> specs;
226 | Matrix<uChar> flags;
227 | Vector<Complex> xpol;
228 | polConversion(specs, flags, xpol, ctable);
229 | // dummy data
230 | uInt nPol = specs.ncolumns();
231 | Matrix<Float> baseLin(npol,2, 0.0f);
232 | Matrix<Float> baseSub(npol,9, 0.0f);
233 | Complex xCalFctr;
234 | Vector<Double> scanRate(2, 0.0);
235 | Vector<Float> sigma(npol, 0.0f);
236 | Vector<Float> calFctr(npol, 0.0f);
237 |
238 |
239 | if (status = cWriter->write(scano, cycno, rec.asDouble("TIME"),
240 | rec.asDouble("INTERVAL"),
241 | rec.asString("FIELDNAME"),
242 | rec.asString("SRCNAME"),
243 | direction ,//
244 | srcPM, srcVel, // not in scantable yet
245 | ifno,
246 | refFreqNew, nchan*abs(cdelt), cdelt,
247 | restfreq,
248 | tcal,//
249 | tcaltime,//
250 | rec.asFloat("AZIMUTH"),
251 | rec.asFloat("ELEVATION"),
252 | rec.asFloat("PARANGLE"),
253 | focusAxi, focusTan, focusRot,//
254 | temperature,//
255 | pressure, humidity, windSpeed, windAz,//
256 | rec.asInt("REFBEAM"), beamno,
257 | direction,//
258 | scanRate,// not in scantable
259 | tSys, //
260 | sigma, calFctr,// not in scantable
261 | baseLin, baseSub,// not in scantable
262 | specs, flags,
263 | xCalFctr,//
264 | xpol)
265 | ) {
266 | cerr << "Error writing output file." << endl;
267 | return 1;
268 | }
269 |
270 | ++cycno;
271 | ++cycit;
272 | }
273 | ++ifno;
274 | ++ifit;
275 | }
276 | ++beamno;
277 | ++beamit;
278 | }
279 | ++scanno;
280 | ++scanit;
281 | }
282 | ostringstream oss;
283 | oss << "STWriter: wrote " << count << " rows to " << filename << endl;
284 | pushLog(String(oss));
285 | cWriter->close();
286 |
287 | return 0;
288 | }
289 |
290 | void STWriter::polConversion( Matrix< Float >& specs, Matrix< Float >& flags,
291 | Vector< Complex > & xpol, const Table & tab )
292 | {
293 | TableRow row(tab);
294 | String poltype = tab.keywordSet().asString("POLTYPE");
295 | if ( poltype != "linear")
296 | String msg = "poltype = " + poltype + " not yet supported in output.";
297 | throw(AipsError("msg"));
298 | // use the first row to fill in all the "metadata"
299 | const TableRecord& rec = row.record(0);
300 | ROArrayColumn<Float> specCol(ctable, "SPECTRA");
301 | ROArrayColumn<uChar> flagCol(ctable, "FLAGTRA");
302 | uInt nchan = specCol(0).nelements();
303 | uInt ncols = ( ctable.nrow()==1 ? 1: 2 );
304 | specs.resize(nchan, ncols);
305 | flags.resize(nchan, ncols);
306 | // the linears
307 | for (uInt i=0; i<ncols; ++i) {
308 | specs.column(i) = specCol(i);
309 | flags.column(i) = flagCol(i);
310 | }
311 | // now the complex if exists
312 | Vector<Complex> xpol;
313 | Bool hasxpol = False;
314 | xpol.resize();
315 | if ( ctable.nrow() == 4 ) {
316 | hasxpol = True;
317 | xpol.resize(nchan);
318 | Vector<Float> reals, imags;
319 | reals = specCol(2); imags = specCol(3);
320 | for (uInt k=0; k < nchan; ++k) {
321 | ` xpol[k] = Complex(reals[k], imags[k]);
322 | }
323 | }
324 | }