// C++ Interface: STSideBandSep // // Description: // A class to invoke sideband separation of Scantable // // Author: Kana Sugimoto , (C) 2012 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // // STL #include // cascore #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // asap #include "STGrid.h" #include "STMath.h" #include "MathUtils.h" #include "STSideBandSep.h" using namespace std ; using namespace casa ; using namespace asap ; // #ifndef KS_DEBUG // #define KS_DEBUG // #endif namespace asap { // constructors STSideBandSep::STSideBandSep(const vector &names) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","STSideBandSep()", WHERE)); os << "Setting scantable names to process." << LogIO::POST ; // Set file names ntable_ = names.size(); infileList_.resize(ntable_); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ntable_; i++){ if (!checkFile(names[i], "d")) throw( AipsError("File does not exist") ); infileList_[i] = names[i]; } intabList_.resize(0); init(); {// Summary os << ntable_ << " files are set: ["; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ntable_; i++) { os << " '" << infileList_[i] << "' "; if (i != ntable_-1) os << ","; } os << "] " << LogIO::POST; } }; STSideBandSep::STSideBandSep(const vector &tables) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","STSideBandSep()", WHERE)); os << "Setting list of scantables to process." << LogIO::POST ; // Set file names ntable_ = tables.size(); intabList_.resize(ntable_); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ntable_; i++){ intabList_[i] = tables[i].getCP(); } infileList_.resize(0); init(); tp_ = intabList_[0]->table().tableType(); os << ntable_ << " tables are set." << LogIO::POST; }; STSideBandSep::~STSideBandSep() { #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Destructor ~STSideBandSep()" << endl; #endif }; void STSideBandSep::init() { // frequency setup sigIfno_= -1; ftol_ = -1; solFrame_ = MFrequency::N_Types; // shifts initshift(); // direction tolerance xtol_ = ytol_ = 9.69627e-6; // 2arcsec // solution parameters otherside_ = false; doboth_ = false; rejlimit_ = 0.2; // LO1 values lo1Freq_ = -1; loTime_ = -1; loDir_ = ""; // Default LO frame is TOPO loFrame_ = MFrequency::TOPO; // scantable storage tp_ = Table::Memory; }; void STSideBandSep::initshift() { // shifts nshift_ = 0; nchan_ = 0; sigShift_.resize(0); imgShift_.resize(0); tableList_.resize(0); }; void STSideBandSep::setFrequency(const unsigned int ifno, const string freqtol, const string frame) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","setFrequency()", WHERE)); initshift(); // IFNO sigIfno_ = (int) ifno; // Frequency tolerance Quantum qftol; readQuantity(qftol, String(freqtol)); if (!qftol.getUnit().empty()){ // make sure the quantity is frequency if (qftol.getFullUnit().getValue() != Unit("Hz").getValue()) throw( AipsError("Invalid quantity for frequency tolerance.") ); qftol.convert("Hz"); } ftol_ = qftol; // Frequency Frame if (!frame.empty()){ MFrequency::Types mft; if (!MFrequency::getType(mft, frame)) throw( AipsError("Invalid frame type.") ); solFrame_ = mft; } else { solFrame_ = MFrequency::N_Types; } {// Summary const String sframe = ( (solFrame_ == MFrequency::N_Types) ? "table frame" : MFrequency::showType(solFrame_) ); os << "Frequency setup to search IF group: " << "IFNO of table[0] = " << sigIfno_ << " , Freq tolerance = " << ftol_.getValue() << " [ " << (ftol_.getUnit().empty() ? "channel" : ftol_.getUnit() ) << " ] (in " << sframe <<")" << LogIO::POST; } }; void STSideBandSep::setDirTolerance(const vector dirtol) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","setDirTolerance()", WHERE)); Quantum qcell; if ( (dirtol.size() == 1) && !dirtol[0].empty() ) { readQuantity(qcell, String(dirtol[0])); if (qcell.getFullUnit().getValue() == Unit("rad").getValue()) xtol_ = ytol_ = qcell.getValue("rad"); else throw( AipsError("Invalid unit for direction tolerance.") ); } else if (dirtol.size() > 1) { if ( dirtol[0].empty() && dirtol[1].empty() ) throw( AipsError("Direction tolerance is empty.") ); if ( !dirtol[0].empty() ) { readQuantity(qcell, String(dirtol[0])); if (qcell.getFullUnit().getValue() == Unit("rad").getValue()) xtol_ = qcell.getValue("rad"); else throw( AipsError("Invalid unit for direction tolerance.") ); } if ( !dirtol[1].empty() ) { readQuantity(qcell, String(dirtol[1])); if (qcell.getFullUnit().getValue() == Unit("rad").getValue()) ytol_ = qcell.getValue("rad"); else throw( AipsError("Invalid unit for direction tolerance.") ); } else { ytol_ = xtol_; } } else throw( AipsError("Invalid direction tolerance.") ); os << "Direction tolerance: ( " << xtol_ << " , " << ytol_ << " ) [rad]" << LogIO::POST; }; void STSideBandSep::setShift(const vector &shift) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","setShift()", WHERE)); imgShift_.resize(shift.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < shift.size(); i++) imgShift_[i] = shift[i]; if (imgShift_.size() == 0) { os << "Channel shifts are cleared." << LogIO::POST; } else { os << "Channel shifts of image sideband are set: ( "; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < imgShift_.size(); i++) { os << imgShift_[i]; if (i != imgShift_.size()-1) os << " , "; } os << " ) [channels]" << LogIO::POST; } }; void STSideBandSep::setThreshold(const double limit) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","setThreshold()", WHERE)); if (limit < 0) throw( AipsError("Rejection limit should be a positive number.") ); rejlimit_ = limit; os << "Rejection limit is set to " << rejlimit_ << LogIO::POST; }; void STSideBandSep::separate(string outname) { #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "STSideBandSep::separate" << endl; #endif LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","separate()", WHERE)); if (outname.empty()) outname = "sbseparated.asap"; // Set up a goup of IFNOs in the list of scantables within // the frequency tolerance and make them a list. nshift_ = setupShift(); if (nshift_ < 2) throw( AipsError("At least 2 IFs are necessary for convolution.") ); // Grid scantable and generate output tables ScantableWrapper gridst = gridTable(); sigTab_p = gridst.getCP(); if (doboth_) imgTab_p = gridst.copy().getCP(); vector remRowIds; remRowIds.resize(0); Matrix specMat(nchan_, nshift_); Matrix flagMat(nchan_, nshift_); vector sigSpec(nchan_), imgSpec(nchan_); Vector flagVec(nchan_); vector tabIdvec; //Generate FFTServer fftsf.resize(IPosition(1, nchan_), FFTEnums::REALTOCOMPLEX); fftsi.resize(IPosition(1, nchan_), FFTEnums::COMPLEXTOREAL); /// Loop over sigTab_p and separate sideband for (int irow = 0; irow < sigTab_p->nrow(); irow++){ tabIdvec.resize(0); const int polId = sigTab_p->getPol(irow); const int beamId = sigTab_p->getBeam(irow); const vector dir = sigTab_p->getDirectionVector(irow); // Get a set of spectra to solve if (!getSpectraToSolve(polId, beamId, dir[0], dir[1], specMat, flagMat, tabIdvec)){ remRowIds.push_back(irow); #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "no matching row found. skipping row = " << irow << endl; #endif continue; } // Solve signal sideband sigSpec = solve(specMat, tabIdvec, true); sigTab_p->setSpectrum(sigSpec, irow); if (sigTab_p->isAllChannelsFlagged(irow)){ // unflag the spectrum since there should be some valid data sigTab_p->flagRow(vector(irow), true); // need to unflag whole channels anyway sigTab_p->flag(irow, vector(), true); } // apply channel flag flagVec = collapseFlag(flagMat, tabIdvec, true); //boolVec = !boolVec; // flag vector tmpflag; flagVec.tovector(tmpflag); sigTab_p->flag(irow, tmpflag, false); // Solve image sideband if (doboth_) { imgSpec = solve(specMat, tabIdvec, false); imgTab_p->setSpectrum(imgSpec, irow); if (imgTab_p->isAllChannelsFlagged(irow)){ // unflag the spectrum since there should be some valid data imgTab_p->flagRow(vector(irow), true); // need to unflag whole channels anyway imgTab_p->flag(irow, vector(), true); } // apply channel flag flagVec = collapseFlag(flagMat, tabIdvec, false); //boolVec = !boolVec; // flag flagVec.tovector(tmpflag); imgTab_p->flag(irow, tmpflag, false); } } // end of row loop // Remove or flag rows without relevant data from gridded tables if (remRowIds.size() > 0) { const size_t nrem = remRowIds.size(); if ( sigTab_p->table().canRemoveRow() ) { sigTab_p->table().removeRow(remRowIds); os << "Removing " << nrem << " rows from the signal band table" << LogIO::POST; } else { sigTab_p->flagRow(remRowIds, false); os << "Cannot remove rows from the signal band table. Flagging " << nrem << " rows" << LogIO::POST; } if (doboth_) { if ( imgTab_p->table().canRemoveRow() ) { imgTab_p->table().removeRow(remRowIds); os << "Removing " << nrem << " rows from the image band table" << LogIO::POST; } else { imgTab_p->flagRow(remRowIds, false); os << "Cannot remove rows from the image band table. Flagging " << nrem << " rows" << LogIO::POST; } } } // Finally, save tables on disk if (outname.size() ==0) outname = "sbseparated.asap"; const string sigName = outname + ".signalband"; os << "Saving SIGNAL sideband table: " << sigName << LogIO::POST; sigTab_p->makePersistent(sigName); if (doboth_) { solveImageFrequency(); const string imgName = outname + ".imageband"; os << "Saving IMAGE sideband table: " << sigName << LogIO::POST; imgTab_p->makePersistent(imgName); } }; unsigned int STSideBandSep::setupShift() { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","setupShift()", WHERE)); if (infileList_.size() == 0 && intabList_.size() == 0) throw( AipsError("No scantable has been set. Set a list of scantables first.") ); const bool byname = (intabList_.size() == 0); // Make sure sigIfno_ exists in the first table. CountedPtr stab; vector coordsav; vector coordtmp(3); os << "Checking IFNO in the first table." << LogIO::POST; if (byname) { if (!checkFile(infileList_[0], "d")) os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Could not find scantable '" << infileList_[0] << "'" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; stab = CountedPtr(new Scantable(infileList_[0])); } else { stab = intabList_[0]; } if (sigIfno_ < 0) { sigIfno_ = (int) stab->getIF(0); os << "IFNO to process has not been set. Using the first IF = " << sigIfno_ << LogIO::POST; } unsigned int basench; double basech0, baseinc, ftolval, inctolval; coordsav = stab->getCoordInfo(); const string stfframe = coordsav[1]; coordtmp[0] = "Hz"; coordtmp[1] = ( (solFrame_ == MFrequency::N_Types) ? stfframe : MFrequency::showType(solFrame_) ); coordtmp[2] = coordsav[2]; stab->setCoordInfo(coordtmp); if (!getFreqInfo(stab, (unsigned int) sigIfno_, basech0, baseinc, basench)) { os << LogIO::SEVERE << "No data with IFNO=" << sigIfno_ << " found in the first table." << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } else { os << "Found IFNO = " << sigIfno_ << " in the first table." << LogIO::POST; } if (ftol_.getUnit().empty()) { // tolerance in unit of channels ftolval = ftol_.getValue() * baseinc; } else { ftolval = ftol_.getValue("Hz"); } inctolval = abs(baseinc/(double) basench); const string poltype0 = stab->getPolType(); // Initialize shift values initshift(); const bool setImg = ( doboth_ && (imgShift_.size() == 0) ); // Select IFs for (unsigned int itab = 0; itab < ntable_; itab++ ){ os << "Table " << itab << LogIO::POST; if (itab > 0) { if (byname) { if (!checkFile(infileList_[itab], "d")) os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Could not find scantable '" << infileList_[itab] << "'" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; stab = CountedPtr(new Scantable(infileList_[itab])); } else { stab = intabList_[itab]; } //POLTYPE should be the same. if (stab->getPolType() != poltype0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "POLTYPE differs from the first table." << " Skipping the table" << LogIO::POST; continue; } // Multi beam data may not handled properly if (stab->nbeam() > 1) os << LogIO::WARN << "Table contains multiple beams. " << "It may not be handled properly." << LogIO::POST; coordsav = stab->getCoordInfo(); coordtmp[2] = coordsav[2]; stab->setCoordInfo(coordtmp); } bool selected = false; vector ifnos = stab->getIFNos(); vector::iterator iter; const STSelector& basesel = stab->getSelection(); for (iter = ifnos.begin(); iter != ifnos.end(); iter++){ unsigned int nch; double freq0, incr; if ( getFreqInfo(stab, *iter, freq0, incr, nch) ){ if ( (nch == basench) && (abs(freq0-basech0) < ftolval) && (abs(incr-baseinc) < inctolval) ){ //Found STSelector sel(basesel); sel.setIFs(vector(1,(int) *iter)); stab->setSelection(sel); CountedPtr seltab = ( new Scantable(*stab, false) ); stab->setSelection(basesel); seltab->setCoordInfo(coordsav); const double chShift = (freq0 - basech0) / baseinc; tableList_.push_back(seltab); sigShift_.push_back(-chShift); if (setImg) imgShift_.push_back(chShift); selected = true; os << "- IF" << *iter << " selected: sideband shift = " << chShift << " channels" << LogIO::POST; } } } // ifno loop stab->setCoordInfo(coordsav); if (!selected) os << LogIO::WARN << "No data selected in Table " << itab << LogIO::POST; } // table loop nchan_ = basench; os << "Total number of IFs selected = " << tableList_.size() << LogIO::POST; if ( setImg && (sigShift_.size() != imgShift_.size()) ){ os << LogIO::SEVERE << "User defined channel shift of image sideband has " << imgShift_.size() << " elements, while selected IFNOs are " << sigShift_.size() << "\nThe frequency tolerance (freqtol) may be too small." << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } return tableList_.size(); }; bool STSideBandSep::getFreqInfo(const CountedPtr &stab, const unsigned int &ifno, double &freq0, double &incr, unsigned int &nchan) { vector ifnos = stab->getIFNos(); bool found = false; vector::iterator iter; for (iter = ifnos.begin(); iter != ifnos.end(); iter++){ if (*iter == ifno) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) return false; const STSelector& basesel = stab->getSelection(); STSelector sel(basesel); sel.setIFs(vector(1,(int) ifno)); stab->setSelection(sel); vector freqs; freqs = stab->getAbcissa(0); freq0 = freqs[0]; incr = freqs[1] - freqs[0]; nchan = freqs.size(); stab->setSelection(basesel); return true; }; ScantableWrapper STSideBandSep::gridTable() { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","gridTable()", WHERE)); if (tableList_.size() == 0) throw( AipsError("Internal error. No scantable has been set to grid.") ); Double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; mapExtent(tableList_, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); const Double centx = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax); const Double centy = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax); const int nx = max(1, (int) ceil( (xmax - xmin) * cos(centy) /xtol_ ) ); const int ny = max(1, (int) ceil( (ymax - ymin) / ytol_ ) ); string scellx, scelly; { ostringstream oss; oss << xtol_ << "rad" ; scellx = oss.str(); } { ostringstream oss; oss << ytol_ << "rad" ; scelly = oss.str(); } ScantableWrapper stab0; if (intabList_.size() > 0) stab0 = ScantableWrapper(intabList_[0]); else stab0 = ScantableWrapper(infileList_[0]); string scenter; { ostringstream oss; oss << stab0.getCP()->getDirectionRefString() << " " << centx << "rad" << " " << centy << "rad"; scenter = oss.str(); } STGrid2 gridder = STGrid2(stab0); gridder.setIF(sigIfno_); gridder.defineImage(nx, ny, scellx, scelly, scenter); // gridder.setFunc("box", 1); // convsupport=1 fails gridder.setFunc("box"); gridder.setWeight("uniform"); #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Grid parameter summary: " << endl; cout << "- IF = " << sigIfno_ << endl; cout << "- center = " << scenter << "\n" << "- npix = (" << nx << ", " << ny << ")\n" << "- cell = (" << scellx << ", " << scelly << ")" << endl; #endif gridder.grid(); const int itp = (tp_ == Table::Memory ? 0 : 1); ScantableWrapper gtab = gridder.getResultAsScantable(itp); return gtab; }; void STSideBandSep::mapExtent(vector< CountedPtr > &tablist, Double &xmin, Double &xmax, Double &ymin, Double &ymax) { ROArrayColumn dirCol_; dirCol_.attach( tablist[0]->table(), "DIRECTION" ); Matrix direction = dirCol_.getColumn(); Vector ra( direction.row(0) ); mathutil::rotateRA(ra); minMax( xmin, xmax, ra ); minMax( ymin, ymax, direction.row(1) ); Double amin, amax, bmin, bmax; const uInt ntab = tablist.size(); for ( uInt i = 1 ; i < ntab ; i++ ) { dirCol_.attach( tablist[i]->table(), "DIRECTION" ); direction.assign( dirCol_.getColumn() ); ra.assign( direction.row(0) ); mathutil::rotateRA(ra); minMax( amin, amax, ra ); minMax( bmin, bmax, direction.row(1) ); xmin = min(xmin, amin); xmax = max(xmax, amax); ymin = min(ymin, bmin); ymax = max(ymax, bmax); } }; // bool STSideBandSep::getSpectraToSolve(const int polId, const int beamId, // const double dirX, const double dirY, // Matrix &specMat, vector &tabIdvec) bool STSideBandSep::getSpectraToSolve(const int polId, const int beamId, const double dirX, const double dirY, Matrix &specMat, Matrix &flagMat, vector &tabIdvec) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","getSpectraToSolve()", WHERE)); tabIdvec.resize(0); specMat.resize(nchan_, nshift_); Vector spec; Vector boolVec; uInt nspec = 0; STMath stm(false); // insitu has no effect for average. for (uInt itab = 0 ; itab < nshift_ ; itab++) { CountedPtr currtab_p = tableList_[itab]; // Selection by POLNO and BEAMNO const STSelector& basesel = currtab_p->getSelection(); STSelector sel(basesel); sel.setPolarizations(vector(1, polId)); sel.setBeams(vector(1, beamId)); try { currtab_p->setSelection(sel); } catch (...) { #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Table " << itab << " - No spectrum found. skipping the table." << endl; #endif continue; } // Selection by direction; vector selrow(0); vector currDir(2, 0.); const int nselrow = currtab_p->nrow(); for (int irow = 0 ; irow < nselrow ; irow++) { currDir = currtab_p->getDirectionVector(irow); if ( (abs(currDir[0]-dirX) > xtol_) || (abs(currDir[1]-dirY) > ytol_) ) continue; // within direction tolerance selrow.push_back(irow); } // end of row loop if (selrow.size() < 1) { currtab_p->setSelection(basesel); #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Table " << itab << " - No spectrum found. skipping the table." << endl; #endif continue; } // At least a spectrum is selected in this table CountedPtr seltab_p = ( new Scantable(*currtab_p, false) ); currtab_p->setSelection(basesel); STSelector sel2(seltab_p->getSelection()); sel2.setRows(selrow); seltab_p->setSelection(sel2); CountedPtr avetab_p; if (seltab_p->nrow() > 1) { // STMath::average also merges FLAGTRA and FLAGROW avetab_p = stm.average(vector< CountedPtr >(1, seltab_p), vector(), "TINTSYS", "NONE"); #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Table " << itab << " - more than a spectrum is selected. averaging rows..." << endl; #endif if (avetab_p->nrow() > 1) throw( AipsError("Averaged table has more than a row. Somethigs went wrong.") ); } else { avetab_p = seltab_p; } // Check FLAGTRA and FLAGROW if there's any valid channel in the spectrum if (avetab_p->getFlagRow(0) || avetab_p->isAllChannelsFlagged(0)) { #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Table " << itab << " - All data are flagged. skipping the table." << endl; #endif continue; } // Interpolate flagged channels of the spectrum. Vector tmpSpec = avetab_p->getSpectrum(0); // Mask is true if the data is valid (!flag) vector mask = avetab_p->getMask(0); mathutil::doZeroOrderInterpolation(tmpSpec, mask); spec.reference(specMat.column(nspec)); spec = tmpSpec; boolVec.reference(flagMat.column(nspec)); boolVec = mask; // cast std::vector to casa::Vector boolVec = !boolVec; tabIdvec.push_back((uInt) itab); nspec++; //Liberate from reference spec.unique(); boolVec.unique(); } // end of table loop // Check the number of selected spectra and resize matrix. if (nspec != nshift_){ //shiftSpecmat.resize(nchan_, nspec, true); specMat.resize(nchan_, nspec, true); flagMat.resize(nchan_, nspec, true); #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Could not find corresponding rows in some tables." << endl; cout << "Number of spectra selected = " << nspec << endl; #endif } if (nspec < 2) { #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "At least 2 spectra are necessary for convolution" << endl; #endif return false; } return true; }; Vector STSideBandSep::collapseFlag(const Matrix &flagMat, const vector &tabIdvec, const bool signal) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","collapseFlag()", WHERE)); if (tabIdvec.size() == 0) throw(AipsError("Internal error. Table index is not defined.")); if (flagMat.ncolumn() != tabIdvec.size()) throw(AipsError("Internal error. The row number of input matrix is not conformant.")); if (flagMat.nrow() != nchan_) throw(AipsError("Internal error. The channel size of input matrix is not conformant.")); const size_t nspec = tabIdvec.size(); vector *thisShift; if (signal == otherside_) { // (solve signal && solveother = T) OR (solve image && solveother = F) thisShift = &imgShift_; } else { // (solve signal && solveother = F) OR (solve image && solveother = T) thisShift = &sigShift_; } Vector outflag(nchan_, false); double tempshift; Vector shiftvec(nchan_, false); Vector accflag(nchan_, false); uInt shiftId; for (uInt i = 0 ; i < nspec; ++i) { shiftId = tabIdvec[i]; tempshift = - thisShift->at(shiftId); shiftFlag(flagMat.column(i), tempshift, shiftvec); // Now accumulate Flag for (uInt j = 0 ; j < nchan_ ; ++j) accflag[j] |= shiftvec[j]; } // Shift back Flag shiftFlag(accflag, thisShift->at(0), outflag); return outflag; } vector STSideBandSep::solve(const Matrix &specmat, const vector &tabIdvec, const bool signal) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","solve()", WHERE)); if (tabIdvec.size() == 0) throw(AipsError("Internal error. Table index is not defined.")); if (specmat.ncolumn() != tabIdvec.size()) throw(AipsError("Internal error. The row number of input matrix is not conformant.")); if (specmat.nrow() != nchan_) throw(AipsError("Internal error. The channel size of input matrix is not conformant.")); #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Solving " << (signal ? "SIGNAL" : "IMAGE") << " sideband." << endl; #endif const size_t nspec = tabIdvec.size(); vector *thisShift, *otherShift; if (signal == otherside_) { // (solve signal && solveother = T) OR (solve image && solveother = F) thisShift = &imgShift_; otherShift = &sigShift_; #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Image sideband will be deconvolved." << endl; #endif } else { // (solve signal && solveother = F) OR (solve image && solveother = T) thisShift = &sigShift_; otherShift = &imgShift_; #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Signal sideband will be deconvolved." << endl; #endif } vector spshift(nspec); Matrix shiftSpecmat(nchan_, nspec, 0.); double tempshift; Vector shiftspvec; uInt shiftId; for (uInt i = 0 ; i < nspec; i++) { shiftId = tabIdvec[i]; spshift[i] = otherShift->at(shiftId) - thisShift->at(shiftId); tempshift = - thisShift->at(shiftId); shiftspvec.reference(shiftSpecmat.column(i)); shiftSpectrum(specmat.column(i), tempshift, shiftspvec); } Matrix convmat(nchan_, nspec*(nspec-1)/2, 0.); vector thisvec(nchan_, 0.); float minval, maxval; minMax(minval, maxval, shiftSpecmat); #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Max/Min of input Matrix = (max: " << maxval << ", min: " << minval << ")" << endl; #endif #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "starting deconvolution" << endl; #endif deconvolve(shiftSpecmat, spshift, rejlimit_, convmat); #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "finished deconvolution" << endl; #endif minMax(minval, maxval, convmat); #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Max/Min of output Matrix = (max: " << maxval << ", min: " << minval << ")" << endl; #endif aggregateMat(convmat, thisvec); if (!otherside_) return thisvec; // subtract from the other side band. vector othervec(nchan_, 0.); subtractFromOther(shiftSpecmat, thisvec, spshift, othervec); return othervec; }; void STSideBandSep::shiftSpectrum(const Vector &invec, double shift, Vector &outvec) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","shiftSpectrum()", WHERE)); if (invec.size() != nchan_) throw(AipsError("Internal error. The length of input vector differs from nchan_")); if (outvec.size() != nchan_) throw(AipsError("Internal error. The length of output vector differs from nchan_")); #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Start shifting spectrum for " << shift << "channels" << endl; #endif // tweak shift to be in 0 ~ nchan_-1 if ( fabs(shift) > nchan_ ) shift = fmod(shift, nchan_); if (shift < 0.) shift += nchan_; double rweight = fmod(shift, 1.); if (rweight < 0.) rweight += 1.; double lweight = 1. - rweight; uInt lchan, rchan; outvec = 0; for (uInt i = 0 ; i < nchan_ ; i++) { lchan = uInt( floor( fmod( (i + shift), nchan_ ) ) ); if (lchan < 0.) lchan += nchan_; rchan = ( (lchan + 1) % nchan_ ); outvec(lchan) += invec(i) * lweight; outvec(rchan) += invec(i) * rweight; } }; void STSideBandSep::shiftFlag(const Vector &invec, double shift, Vector &outvec) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","shiftFlag()", WHERE)); if (invec.size() != nchan_) throw(AipsError("Internal error. The length of input vector differs from nchan_")); if (outvec.size() != nchan_) throw(AipsError("Internal error. The length of output vector differs from nchan_")); #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Start shifting flag for " << shift << "channels" << endl; #endif // shift is almost integer think it as int. // tolerance should be in 0 - 1 double tolerance = 0.01; // tweak shift to be in 0 ~ nchan_-1 if ( fabs(shift) > nchan_ ) shift = fmod(shift, nchan_); if (shift < 0.) shift += nchan_; double rweight = fmod(shift, 1.); bool ruse(true), luse(true); if (rweight < 0.) rweight += 1.; if (rweight < tolerance){ ruse = true; luse = false; } if (rweight > 1-tolerance){ ruse = false; luse = true; } uInt lchan, rchan; outvec = false; for (uInt i = 0 ; i < nchan_ ; i++) { lchan = uInt( floor( fmod( (i + shift), nchan_ ) ) ); if (lchan < 0.) lchan += nchan_; rchan = ( (lchan + 1) % nchan_ ); outvec(lchan) |= (invec(i) && luse); outvec(rchan) |= (invec(i) && ruse); } }; void STSideBandSep::deconvolve(Matrix &specmat, const vector shiftvec, const double threshold, Matrix &outmat) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","deconvolve()", WHERE)); if (specmat.nrow() != nchan_) throw(AipsError("Internal error. The length of input matrix differs from nchan_")); if (specmat.ncolumn() != shiftvec.size()) throw(AipsError("Internal error. The number of input shifts and spectrum differs.")); #ifdef KS_DEBUG float minval, maxval; #endif #ifdef KS_DEBUG minMax(minval, maxval, specmat); cout << "Max/Min of input Matrix = (max: " << maxval << ", min: " << minval << ")" << endl; #endif uInt ninsp = shiftvec.size(); outmat.resize(nchan_, ninsp*(ninsp-1)/2, 0.); Matrix fftspmat(nchan_/2+1, ninsp, 0.); Vector rvecref(nchan_, 0.); Vector cvecref(nchan_/2+1, 0.); uInt icol = 0; unsigned int nreject = 0; #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Starting initial FFT. The number of input spectra = " << ninsp << endl; cout << "out matrix has ncolumn = " << outmat.ncolumn() << endl; #endif for (uInt isp = 0 ; isp < ninsp ; isp++) { rvecref.reference( specmat.column(isp) ); cvecref.reference( fftspmat.column(isp) ); #ifdef KS_DEBUG minMax(minval, maxval, rvecref); cout << "Max/Min of inv FFTed Matrix = (max: " << maxval << ", min: " << minval << ")" << endl; #endif fftsf.fft0(cvecref, rvecref, true); #ifdef KS_DEBUG double maxr=cvecref[0].real(), minr=cvecref[0].real(), maxi=cvecref[0].imag(), mini=cvecref[0].imag(); for (uInt i = 1; i cspec(nchan_/2+1, 0.); const double PI = 6.0 * asin(0.5); const double nchani = 1. / (float) nchan_; const Complex trans(0., 1.); #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "starting actual deconvolution" << endl; #endif for (uInt j = 0 ; j < ninsp ; j++) { for (uInt k = j+1 ; k < ninsp ; k++) { const double dx = (shiftvec[k] - shiftvec[j]) * 2. * PI * nchani; #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "icol = " << icol << endl; #endif for (uInt ichan = 0 ; ichan < cspec.size() ; ichan++){ cspec[ichan] = ( fftspmat(ichan, j) + fftspmat(ichan, k) )*0.5; double phase = dx*ichan; if ( fabs( sin(phase) ) > threshold){ cspec[ichan] += ( fftspmat(ichan, j) - fftspmat(ichan, k) ) * 0.5 * trans * sin(phase) / ( 1. - cos(phase) ); } else { nreject++; } } // end of channel loop #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "done calculation of cspec" << endl; #endif Vector rspec; rspec.reference( outmat.column(icol) ); #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Starting inverse FFT. icol = " << icol << endl; //cout << "- size of complex vector = " << cspec.size() << endl; double maxr=cspec[0].real(), minr=cspec[0].real(), maxi=cspec[0].imag(), mini=cspec[0].imag(); for (uInt i = 1; i::iterator iter; for (iter = outvec.begin(); iter != outvec.end(); iter++){ *iter *= scale; } }; void STSideBandSep::subtractFromOther(const Matrix &shiftmat, const vector &invec, const vector &shift, vector &outvec) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","subtractFromOther()", WHERE)); if (shiftmat.nrow() != nchan_) throw(AipsError("Internal error. The row numbers of input matrix differs from nchan_")); if (invec.size() != nchan_) throw(AipsError("Internal error. The length of input vector should be nchan_")); if (shift.size() != shiftmat.ncolumn()) throw(AipsError("Internal error. The column numbers of input matrix != the number of elements in shift")); const uInt nspec = shiftmat.ncolumn(); Vector subsp(nchan_, 0.), shiftsub; Matrix submat(nchan_, nspec, 0.); vector::iterator iter; for (uInt isp = 0 ; isp < nspec ; isp++) { for (uInt ich = 0; ich < nchan_ ; ich++) { subsp(ich) = shiftmat(ich, isp) - invec[ich]; } shiftsub.reference(submat.column(isp)); shiftSpectrum(subsp, shift[isp], shiftsub); } aggregateMat(submat, outvec); }; void STSideBandSep::setLO1(const string lo1, const string frame, const double reftime, const string refdir) { Quantum qfreq; readQuantity(qfreq, String(lo1)); lo1Freq_ = qfreq.getValue("Hz"); MFrequency::getType(loFrame_, frame); loTime_ = reftime; loDir_ = refdir; #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "STSideBandSep::setLO1" << endl; if (lo1Freq_ > 0.) cout << "lo1 = " << lo1Freq_ << " [Hz] (" << frame << ")" << endl; if (loTime_ > 0.) cout << "ref time = " << loTime_ << " [day]" << endl; if (!loDir_.empty()) cout << "ref direction = " << loDir_ << " [day]" << endl; #endif }; void STSideBandSep::setLO1Root(string name) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","setLO1Root()", WHERE)); os << "Searching for '" << name << "'..." << LogIO::POST; // Check for existance of the file if (!checkFile(name)) { throw(AipsError("File does not exist")); } if (name[(name.size()-1)] == '/') name = name.substr(0,(name.size()-2)); if (checkFile(name+"/Receiver.xml", "file") && checkFile(name+"/SpectralWindow.xml", "file")){ os << "Found '" << name << "/Receiver.xml' ... got an ASDM name." << LogIO::POST; asdmName_ = name; } else if (checkFile(name+"/ASDM_RECEIVER") && checkFile(name+"/ASDM_SPECTRALWINDOW")){ os << "Found '" << name << "/ASDM_RECEIVER' ... got a Table name." << LogIO::POST; asisName_ = name; } else { throw(AipsError("Invalid file name. Set an MS or ASDM name.")); } #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "STSideBandSep::setLO1Root" << endl; if (!asdmName_.empty()) cout << "asdm name = " << asdmName_ << endl; if (!asisName_.empty()) cout << "MS name = " << asisName_ << endl; #endif }; void STSideBandSep::solveImageFrequency() { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","solveImageFreqency()", WHERE)); os << "Start calculating frequencies of image side band" << LogIO::POST; if (imgTab_p.null()) throw AipsError("STSideBandSep::solveImageFreqency - an image side band scantable should be set first"); // Convert frequency REFVAL to the value in frame of LO. // The code assumes that imgTab_p has only an IF and only a FREQ_ID // is associated to an IFNO // TODO: More complete Procedure would be // 1. Get freq IDs associated to sigIfno_ // 2. Get freq information of the freq IDs // 3. For each freqIDs, get freq infromation in TOPO and an LO1 // frequency and calculate image band frequencies. STFrequencies freqTab_ = imgTab_p->frequencies(); // get the base frame of table const MFrequency::Types tabframe = freqTab_.getFrame(true); TableVector freqIdVec( imgTab_p->table(), "FREQ_ID" ); // assuming single freqID per IFNO uInt freqid = freqIdVec(0); int nChan = imgTab_p->nchan(imgTab_p->getIF(0)); double refpix, refval, increment ; freqTab_.getEntry(refpix, refval, increment, freqid); //MFrequency sigrefval = MFrequency(MVFrequency(refval),tabframe); // get freq infromation of sigIfno_ in loFrame_ const MPosition mp = imgTab_p->getAntennaPosition(); MEpoch me; MDirection md; if (loTime_ < 0.) me = imgTab_p->getEpoch(-1); else me = MEpoch(MVEpoch(loTime_)); if (loDir_.empty()) { ArrayColumn srcdirCol_; srcdirCol_.attach(imgTab_p->table(), "SRCDIRECTION"); // Assuming J2000 and SRCDIRECTION in unit of rad Quantum srcra = Quantum(srcdirCol_(0)(IPosition(1,0)), "rad"); Quantum srcdec = Quantum(srcdirCol_(0)(IPosition(1,1)), "rad"); md = MDirection(srcra, srcdec, MDirection::J2000); //imgTab_p->getDirection(0); } else { // parse direction string string::size_type pos0 = loDir_.find(" "); if (pos0 == string::npos) { throw AipsError("bad string format in LO1 direction"); } string::size_type pos1 = loDir_.find(" ", pos0+1); String sepoch, sra, sdec; if (pos1 != string::npos) { sepoch = loDir_.substr(0, pos0); sra = loDir_.substr(pos0+1, pos1-pos0); sdec = loDir_.substr(pos1+1); } MDirection::Types epoch; MDirection::getType(epoch, sepoch); QuantumHolder qh ; String err ; qh.fromString( err, sra); Quantum ra = qh.asQuantumDouble() ; qh.fromString( err, sdec ) ; Quantum dec = qh.asQuantumDouble() ; //md = MDirection(ra.getValue("rad"), dec.getValue("rad"),epoch); md = MDirection(ra, dec, epoch); } MeasFrame mframe( me, mp, md ); MFrequency::Convert tobframe(loFrame_, MFrequency::Ref(tabframe, mframe)); MFrequency::Convert toloframe(tabframe, MFrequency::Ref(loFrame_, mframe)); // Convert refval to loFrame_ double sigrefval; if (tabframe == loFrame_) sigrefval = refval; else sigrefval = toloframe(Quantum(refval, "Hz")).get("Hz").getValue(); // Check for the availability of LO1 if (lo1Freq_ > 0.) { os << "Using user defined LO1 frequency." << LogIO::POST; } else if (!asisName_.empty()) { // MS name is set. os << "Using user defined MS (asis): " << asisName_ << LogIO::POST; if (!getLo1FromAsisTab(asisName_, sigrefval, refpix, increment, nChan)) { throw AipsError("Failed to get LO1 frequency from MS"); } } else if (!asdmName_.empty()) { // ASDM name is set. os << "Using user defined ASDM: " << asdmName_ << LogIO::POST; if (!getLo1FromAsdm(asdmName_, sigrefval, refpix, increment, nChan)) { throw AipsError("Failed to get LO1 frequency from ASDM"); } } else { // Try getting ASDM name from scantable header os << "Try getting information from scantable header" << LogIO::POST; if (!getLo1FromScanTab(tableList_[0], sigrefval, refpix, increment, nChan)) { //throw AipsError("Failed to get LO1 frequency from asis table"); os << LogIO::WARN << "Failed to get LO1 frequency using information in scantable." << LogIO::POST; os << LogIO::WARN << "Could not fill frequency information of IMAGE sideband properly." << LogIO::POST; os << LogIO::WARN << "Storing values of SIGNAL sideband in FREQUENCIES table" << LogIO::POST; return; } } // LO1 should now be ready. if (lo1Freq_ < 0.) throw(AipsError("Got negative LO1 Frequency")); // Print summary { // LO1 Vector dirvec = md.getAngle(Unit(String("rad"))).getValue(); os << "[LO1 settings]" << LogIO::POST; os << "- Frequency: " << lo1Freq_ << " [Hz] (" << MFrequency::showType(loFrame_) << ")" << LogIO::POST; os << "- Reference time: " << me.get(Unit(String("d"))).getValue() << " [day]" << LogIO::POST; os << "- Reference direction: [" << dirvec[0] << ", " << dirvec[1] << "] (" << md.getRefString() << ") " << LogIO::POST; // signal sideband os << "[Signal side band]" << LogIO::POST; os << "- IFNO: " << imgTab_p->getIF(0) << " (FREQ_ID = " << freqid << ")" << LogIO::POST; os << "- Reference value: " << refval << " [Hz] (" << MFrequency::showType(tabframe) << ") = " << sigrefval << " [Hz] (" << MFrequency::showType(loFrame_) << ")" << LogIO::POST; os << "- Reference pixel: " << refpix << LogIO::POST; os << "- Increment: " << increment << " [Hz]" << LogIO::POST; } // Calculate image band incr and refval in loFrame_ Double imgincr = -increment; Double imgrefval = 2 * lo1Freq_ - sigrefval; Double imgrefval_tab = imgrefval; // Convert imgrefval back to table base frame if (tabframe != loFrame_) imgrefval = tobframe(Quantum(imgrefval, "Hz")).get("Hz").getValue(); // Set new frequencies table uInt fIDnew = freqTab_.addEntry(refpix, imgrefval, imgincr); // Update FREQ_ID in table. freqIdVec = fIDnew; // Print summary (Image sideband) { os << "[Image side band]" << LogIO::POST; os << "- IFNO: " << imgTab_p->getIF(0) << " (FREQ_ID = " << freqIdVec(0) << ")" << LogIO::POST; os << "- Reference value: " << imgrefval << " [Hz] (" << MFrequency::showType(tabframe) << ") = " << imgrefval_tab << " [Hz] (" << MFrequency::showType(loFrame_) << ")" << LogIO::POST; os << "- Reference pixel: " << refpix << LogIO::POST; os << "- Increment: " << imgincr << " [Hz]" << LogIO::POST; } }; Bool STSideBandSep::checkFile(const string name, string type) { File file(name); if (!file.exists()){ return false; } else if (type.empty()) { return true; } else { // Check for file type switch (tolower(type[0])) { case 'f': return file.isRegular(True); case 'd': return file.isDirectory(True); case 's': return file.isSymLink(); default: throw AipsError("Invalid file type. Available types are 'file', 'directory', and 'symlink'."); } } }; bool STSideBandSep::getLo1FromAsdm(const string asdmname, const double /*refval*/, const double /*refpix*/, const double /*increment*/, const int /*nChan*/) { // Check for relevant tables. string spwname = asdmname + "/SpectralWindow.xml"; string recname = asdmname + "/Receiver.xml"; if (!checkFile(spwname) || !checkFile(recname)) { throw(AipsError("Could not find subtables in ASDM")); } return false; }; bool STSideBandSep::getLo1FromScanTab(CountedPtr< Scantable > &scantab, const double refval, const double refpix, const double increment, const int nChan) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","getLo1FromScanTab()", WHERE)); // Check for relevant tables. const TableRecord &rec = scantab->table().keywordSet() ; String spwname, recname; if (rec.isDefined("ASDM_SPECTRALWINDOW") && rec.isDefined("ASDM_RECEIVER")){ spwname = rec.asString("ASDM_SPECTRALWINDOW"); recname = rec.asString("ASDM_RECEIVER"); } else { // keywords are not there os << LogIO::WARN << "Could not find necessary table names in scantable header." << LogIO::POST; return false; } if (!checkFile(spwname,"directory") || !checkFile(recname,"directory")) { throw(AipsError("Could not find relevant subtables in MS")); } // Get root MS name string msname; const String recsuff = "/ASDM_RECEIVER"; String::size_type pos; pos = recname.size()-recsuff.size(); if (recname.substr(pos) == recsuff) msname = recname.substr(0, pos); else throw(AipsError("Internal error in parsing table name from a scantable keyword.")); if (!checkFile(msname)) throw(AipsError("Internal error in parsing MS name from a scantable keyword.")); return getLo1FromAsisTab(msname, refval, refpix, increment, nChan); }; bool STSideBandSep::getLo1FromAsisTab(const string msname, const double refval, const double refpix, const double increment, const int nChan) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","getLo1FromAsisTab()", WHERE)); os << "Searching an LO1 frequency in '" << msname << "'" << LogIO::POST; // Check for relevant tables. const string spwname = msname + "/ASDM_SPECTRALWINDOW"; const string recname = msname + "/ASDM_RECEIVER"; if (!checkFile(spwname,"directory") || !checkFile(recname,"directory")) { throw(AipsError("Could not find relevant tables in MS")); } Table spwtab_ = Table(spwname); String asdmSpw; ROTableRow spwrow(spwtab_); const Double rtol = 0.01; for (uInt idx = 0; idx < spwtab_.nrow(); idx++){ const TableRecord& rec = spwrow.get(idx); // Compare nchan if (rec.asInt("numChan") != (Int) nChan) continue; // Compare increment Double asdminc; Array incarr = rec.asArrayDouble("chanWidthArray"); if (incarr.size() > 0) asdminc = incarr(IPosition(1, (uInt) refpix)); else asdminc = rec.asDouble("chanWidth"); if (abs(asdminc - abs(increment)) > rtol * abs(increment)) continue; // Compare refval Double asdmrefv; Array refvarr = rec.asArrayDouble("chanFreqArray"); if (refvarr.size() > 0){ const uInt iref = (uInt) refpix; const Double ratio = refpix - (Double) iref; asdmrefv = refvarr(IPosition(1, iref))*(1.-ratio) + refvarr(IPosition(1,iref+1))*ratio; } else { const Double ch0 = rec.asDouble("chanFreqStart"); const Double chstep = rec.asDouble("chanFreqStep"); asdmrefv = ch0 + chstep * refpix; } if (abs(asdmrefv - refval) < 0.5*abs(asdminc)){ asdmSpw = rec.asString("spectralWindowId"); break; } } if (asdmSpw.empty()){ os << LogIO::WARN << "Could not find relevant SPW ID in " << spwname << LogIO::POST; return false; } else { os << asdmSpw << " in " << spwname << " matches the freqeuncies of signal side band." << LogIO::POST; } Table rectab_ = Table(recname); ROTableRow recrow(rectab_); for (uInt idx = 0; idx < rectab_.nrow(); idx++){ const TableRecord& rec = recrow.get(idx); if (rec.asString("spectralWindowId") == asdmSpw){ const Array loarr = rec.asArrayDouble("freqLO"); lo1Freq_ = loarr(IPosition(1,0)); os << "Found LO1 Frequency in " << recname << ": " << lo1Freq_ << " [Hz]" << LogIO::POST; return true; } } os << LogIO::WARN << "Could not find " << asdmSpw << " in " << recname << LogIO::POST; return false; }; } //namespace asap