// C++ Interface: STSideBandSep // // Description: // A class to invoke sideband separation of Scantable // // Author: Kana Sugimoto , (C) 2012 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // // STL #include // cascore #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // asap #include "STSideBandSep.h" using namespace std ; using namespace casa ; using namespace asap ; //#ifndef KS_DEBUG //#define KS_DEBUG //#endif namespace asap { // constructors STSideBandSep::STSideBandSep() : sigIfno_(0), ftol_(-1), loTime_(-1), lo1Freq_(-1), loDir_("") { #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Default constructor STSideBandSep()" << endl; #endif // Default LO frame is TOPO loFrame_ = MFrequency::TOPO; }; STSideBandSep::~STSideBandSep() { #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "Destructor ~STSideBandSep()" << endl; #endif }; void STSideBandSep::setFrequency(const unsigned int ifno, const double freqtol, string frame) { #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "STSideBandSep::setFrequency" << endl; cout << "IFNO = " << ifno << endl; cout << "freq tol = " << freqtol << " [Hz]" << endl; cout << "frame = " << frame << endl; #endif }; // Temporal function to set scantable of image sideband void STSideBandSep::setImageTable(const ScantableWrapper &s) { #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "STSideBandSep::setImageTable" << endl; cout << "got image table nrow = " << s.nrow() << endl; #endif imgTab_p = s.getCP(); AlwaysAssert(!imgTab_p.null(),AipsError); }; // void STSideBandSep::setLO1(const double lo1, string frame, double reftime, string refdir) { lo1Freq_ = lo1; MFrequency::getType(loFrame_, frame); loTime_ = reftime; loDir_ = refdir; #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "STSideBandSep::setLO1" << endl; if (lo1Freq_ > 0.) cout << "lo1 = " << lo1Freq_ << " [Hz] (" << frame << ")" << endl; if (loTime_ > 0.) cout << "ref time = " << loTime_ << " [day]" << endl; if (!loDir_.empty()) cout << "ref direction = " << loDir_ << " [day]" << endl; #endif }; void STSideBandSep::setLO1Root(string name) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","setLO1Root()", WHERE)); os << "Searching for '" << name << "'..." << LogIO::POST; // Check for existance of the file if (!checkFile(name)) { throw(AipsError("File does not exist")); } if (name[(name.size()-1)] == '/') name = name.substr(0,(name.size()-2)); if (checkFile(name+"/Receiver.xml", "file") && checkFile(name+"/SpectralWindow.xml", "file")){ os << "Found '" << name << "/Receiver.xml' ... got an ASDM name." << LogIO::POST; asdmName_ = name; } else if (checkFile(name+"/ASDM_RECEIVER") && checkFile(name+"/ASDM_SPECTRALWINDOW")){ os << "Found '" << name << "/ASDM_RECEIVER' ... got a Table name." << LogIO::POST; asisName_ = name; } else { throw(AipsError("Invalid file name. Set an MS or ASDM name.")); } #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "STSideBandSep::setLO1Root" << endl; if (!asdmName_.empty()) cout << "asdm name = " << asdmName_ << endl; if (!asisName_.empty()) cout << "MS name = " << asisName_ << endl; #endif }; ///// TEMPORAL FUNCTION!!! ///// void STSideBandSep::setScanTb0(const ScantableWrapper &s){ st0_ = s.getCP(); }; //////////////////////////////// void STSideBandSep::solveImageFreqency() { #ifdef KS_DEBUG cout << "STSideBandSep::solveImageFrequency" << endl; #endif LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","solveImageFreqency()", WHERE)); os << "Start calculating frequencies of image side band" << LogIO::POST; if (imgTab_p.null()) throw AipsError("STSideBandSep::solveImageFreqency - an image side band scantable should be set first"); // Convert frequency REFVAL to the value in frame of LO. // The code assumes that imgTab_p has only an IF and only a FREQ_ID // is associated to an IFNO // TODO: More complete Procedure would be // 1. Get freq IDs associated to sigIfno_ // 2. Get freq information of the freq IDs // 3. For each freqIDs, get freq infromation in TOPO and an LO1 // frequency and calculate image band frequencies. STFrequencies freqTab_ = imgTab_p->frequencies(); // get the base frame of table const MFrequency::Types tabframe = freqTab_.getFrame(true); TableVector freqIdVec( imgTab_p->table(), "FREQ_ID" ); // assuming single freqID per IFNO uInt freqid = freqIdVec(0); int nChan = imgTab_p->nchan(imgTab_p->getIF(0)); double refpix, refval, increment ; freqTab_.getEntry(refpix, refval, increment, freqid); //MFrequency sigrefval = MFrequency(MVFrequency(refval),tabframe); // get freq infromation of sigIfno_ in loFrame_ const MPosition mp = imgTab_p->getAntennaPosition(); MEpoch me; MDirection md; if (loTime_ < 0.) me = imgTab_p->getEpoch(-1); else me = MEpoch(MVEpoch(loTime_)); if (loDir_.empty()) { ArrayColumn srcdirCol_; srcdirCol_.attach(imgTab_p->table(), "SRCDIRECTION"); // Assuming J2000 and SRCDIRECTION in unit of rad Quantum srcra = Quantum(srcdirCol_(0)(IPosition(1,0)), "rad"); Quantum srcdec = Quantum(srcdirCol_(0)(IPosition(1,1)), "rad"); md = MDirection(srcra, srcdec, MDirection::J2000); //imgTab_p->getDirection(0); } else { // parse direction string string::size_type pos0 = loDir_.find(" "); if (pos0 == string::npos) { throw AipsError("bad string format in LO1 direction"); } string::size_type pos1 = loDir_.find(" ", pos0+1); String sepoch, sra, sdec; if (pos1 != string::npos) { sepoch = loDir_.substr(0, pos0); sra = loDir_.substr(pos0+1, pos1-pos0); sdec = loDir_.substr(pos1+1); } MDirection::Types epoch; MDirection::getType(epoch, sepoch); QuantumHolder qh ; String err ; qh.fromString( err, sra); Quantum ra = qh.asQuantumDouble() ; qh.fromString( err, sdec ) ; Quantum dec = qh.asQuantumDouble() ; md = MDirection(ra.getValue("rad"), dec.getValue("rad"),epoch); } MeasFrame mframe( me, mp, md ); MFrequency::Convert tobframe(loFrame_, MFrequency::Ref(tabframe, mframe)); MFrequency::Convert toloframe(tabframe, MFrequency::Ref(loFrame_, mframe)); // Convert refval to loFrame_ double sigrefval; if (tabframe == loFrame_) sigrefval = refval; else sigrefval = toloframe(Quantum(refval, "Hz")).get("Hz").getValue(); // Check for the availability of LO1 if (lo1Freq_ > 0.) { os << "Using user defined LO1 frequency." << LogIO::POST; } else if (!asisName_.empty()) { // MS name is set. os << "Using user defined MS (asis): " << asisName_ << LogIO::POST; if (!getLo1FromAsisTab(asisName_, sigrefval, refpix, increment, nChan)) { throw AipsError("Failed to get LO1 frequency from MS"); } } else if (!asdmName_.empty()) { // ASDM name is set. os << "Using user defined ASDM: " << asdmName_ << LogIO::POST; if (!getLo1FromAsdm(asdmName_, sigrefval, refpix, increment, nChan)) { throw AipsError("Failed to get LO1 frequency from ASDM"); } } else { // Try getting ASDM name from scantable header os << "Try getting information from scantable header" << LogIO::POST; if (!getLo1FromScanTab(st0_, sigrefval, refpix, increment, nChan)) { //throw AipsError("Failed to get LO1 frequency from asis table"); os << LogIO::WARN << "Failed to get LO1 frequency using information in scantable." << LogIO::POST; os << LogIO::WARN << "Could not fill frequency information of IMAGE sideband properly." << LogIO::POST; os << LogIO::WARN << "Storing values of SIGNAL sideband in FREQUENCIES table" << LogIO::POST; return; } } // LO1 should now be ready. if (lo1Freq_ < 0.) throw(AipsError("Got negative LO1 Frequency")); // Print summary (LO1) Vector dirvec = md.getAngle(Unit(String("rad"))).getValue(); os << "[LO1 settings]" << LogIO::POST; os << "- Frequency: " << lo1Freq_ << " [Hz] (" << MFrequency::showType(loFrame_) << ")" << LogIO::POST; os << "- Reference time: " << me.get(Unit(String("d"))).getValue() << " [day]" << LogIO::POST; os << "- Reference direction: [" << dirvec[0] << ", " << dirvec[1] << "] (" << md.getRefString() << ") " << LogIO::POST; //Print summary (signal) os << "[Signal side band]" << LogIO::POST; os << "- IFNO: " << imgTab_p->getIF(0) << " (FREQ_ID = " << freqid << ")" << LogIO::POST; os << "- Reference value: " << refval << " [Hz] (" << MFrequency::showType(tabframe) << ") = " << sigrefval << " [Hz] (" << MFrequency::showType(loFrame_) << ")" << LogIO::POST; os << "- Reference pixel: " << refpix << LogIO::POST; os << "- Increment: " << increment << " [Hz]" << LogIO::POST; // Calculate image band incr and refval in loFrame_ Double imgincr = -increment; Double imgrefval = 2 * lo1Freq_ - sigrefval; Double imgrefval_tab = imgrefval; // Convert imgrefval back to table base frame if (tabframe != loFrame_) imgrefval = tobframe(Quantum(imgrefval, "Hz")).get("Hz").getValue(); // Set new frequencies table uInt fIDnew = freqTab_.addEntry(refpix, imgrefval, imgincr); // Update FREQ_ID in table. freqIdVec = fIDnew; // Print summary (Image side band) os << "[Image side band]" << LogIO::POST; os << "- IFNO: " << imgTab_p->getIF(0) << " (FREQ_ID = " << freqIdVec(0) << ")" << LogIO::POST; os << "- Reference value: " << imgrefval << " [Hz] (" << MFrequency::showType(tabframe) << ") = " << imgrefval_tab << " [Hz] (" << MFrequency::showType(loFrame_) << ")" << LogIO::POST; os << "- Reference pixel: " << refpix << LogIO::POST; os << "- Increment: " << imgincr << " [Hz]" << LogIO::POST; }; Bool STSideBandSep::checkFile(const string name, string type) { File file(name); if (!file.exists()){ return false; } else if (type.empty()) { return true; } else { // Check for file type switch (tolower(type[0])) { case 'f': return file.isRegular(True); case 'd': return file.isDirectory(True); case 's': return file.isSymLink(); default: throw AipsError("Invalid file type. Available types are 'file', 'directory', and 'symlink'."); } } }; bool STSideBandSep::getLo1FromAsdm(const string asdmname, const double refval, const double refpix, const double increment, const int nChan) { // Check for relevant tables. string spwname = asdmname + "/SpectralWindow.xml"; string recname = asdmname + "/Receiver.xml"; if (!checkFile(spwname) || !checkFile(recname)) { throw(AipsError("Could not find subtables in ASDM")); } return false; }; bool STSideBandSep::getLo1FromScanTab(CountedPtr< Scantable > &scantab, const double refval, const double refpix, const double increment, const int nChan) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","getLo1FromScanTab()", WHERE)); // Check for relevant tables. const TableRecord &rec = scantab->table().keywordSet() ; String spwname, recname; if (rec.isDefined("ASDM_SPECTRALWINDOW") && rec.isDefined("ASDM_RECEIVER")){ spwname = rec.asString("ASDM_SPECTRALWINDOW"); recname = rec.asString("ASDM_RECEIVER"); } else { // keywords are not there os << LogIO::WARN << "Could not find necessary table names in scantable header." << LogIO::POST; return false; } if (!checkFile(spwname,"directory") || !checkFile(recname,"directory")) { throw(AipsError("Could not find relevant subtables in MS")); } // Get root MS name string msname; const String recsuff = "/ASDM_RECEIVER"; String::size_type pos; pos = recname.size()-recsuff.size(); if (recname.substr(pos) == recsuff) msname = recname.substr(0, pos); else throw(AipsError("Internal error in parsing table name from a scantable keyword.")); if (!checkFile(msname)) throw(AipsError("Internal error in parsing MS name from a scantable keyword.")); return getLo1FromAsisTab(msname, refval, refpix, increment, nChan); }; bool STSideBandSep::getLo1FromAsisTab(const string msname, const double refval, const double refpix, const double increment, const int nChan) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STSideBandSep","getLo1FromAsisTab()", WHERE)); os << "Searching an LO1 frequency in '" << msname << "'" << LogIO::POST; // Check for relevant tables. const string spwname = msname + "/ASDM_SPECTRALWINDOW"; const string recname = msname + "/ASDM_RECEIVER"; if (!checkFile(spwname,"directory") || !checkFile(recname,"directory")) { throw(AipsError("Could not find relevant tables in MS")); } Table spwtab_ = Table(spwname); String asdmSpw; ROTableRow spwrow(spwtab_); const Double rtol = 0.01; for (uInt idx = 0; idx < spwtab_.nrow(); idx++){ const TableRecord& rec = spwrow.get(idx); // Compare nchan if (rec.asInt("numChan") != (Int) nChan) continue; // Compare increment Double asdminc; Array incarr = rec.asArrayDouble("chanWidthArray"); if (incarr.size() > 0) asdminc = incarr(IPosition(1, (uInt) refpix)); else asdminc = rec.asDouble("chanWidth"); if (abs(asdminc - abs(increment)) > rtol * abs(increment)) continue; // Compare refval Double asdmrefv; Array refvarr = rec.asArrayDouble("chanFreqArray"); if (refvarr.size() > 0){ const uInt iref = (uInt) refpix; const Double ratio = refpix - (Double) iref; asdmrefv = refvarr(IPosition(1, iref))*(1.-ratio) + refvarr(IPosition(1,iref+1))*ratio; } else { const Double ch0 = rec.asDouble("chanFreqStart"); const Double chstep = rec.asDouble("chanFreqStep"); asdmrefv = ch0 + chstep * refpix; } if (abs(asdmrefv - refval) < 0.5*abs(asdminc)){ asdmSpw = rec.asString("spectralWindowId"); break; } } if (asdmSpw.empty()){ os << LogIO::WARN << "Could not find relevant SPW ID in " << spwname << LogIO::POST; return false; } else { os << asdmSpw << " in " << spwname << " matches the freqeuncies of signal side band." << LogIO::POST; } Table rectab_ = Table(recname); ROTableRow recrow(rectab_); for (uInt idx = 0; idx < rectab_.nrow(); idx++){ const TableRecord& rec = recrow.get(idx); if (rec.asString("spectralWindowId") == asdmSpw){ const Array loarr = rec.asArrayDouble("freqLO"); lo1Freq_ = loarr(IPosition(1,0)); os << "Found LO1 Frequency in " << recname << ": " << lo1Freq_ << " [Hz]" << LogIO::POST; return true; } } os << LogIO::WARN << "Could not find " << asdmSpw << " in " << recname << LogIO::POST; return false; }; // String STSideBandSep::() // { // }; } //namespace asap