1 | //
2 | // C++ Implementation: STSelector
3 | //
4 | // Description:
5 | //
6 | //
7 | // Author: Malte Marquarding <asap@atnf.csiro.au>, (C) 2006
8 | //
9 | // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
10 | //
11 | //
12 | #include <tables/TaQL/ExprNode.h>
13 | #include <tables/TaQL/TableParse.h>
14 | #include <casa/BasicSL/String.h>
15 | #include <casa/iostream.h>
16 | #include <casa/iomanip.h>
17 | #include <casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
18 |
19 | #include "MathUtils.h"
20 | #include "STPol.h"
21 | #include "STSelector.h"
22 |
23 | using namespace asap;
24 | using namespace casa;
25 |
26 | STSelector::STSelector() :
27 | taql_("")
28 | {
29 | }
30 |
31 | STSelector::STSelector( const STSelector& other ) :
32 | intselections_(other.intselections_),
33 | stringselections_(other.stringselections_),
34 | poltypes_(other.poltypes_),
35 | order_(other.order_),
36 | taql_(other.taql_),
37 | rowselection_(other.rowselection_)
38 | {
39 | }
40 |
41 | STSelector& STSelector::operator=( const STSelector& other )
42 | {
43 | if (&other != this) {
44 | this->intselections_ = other.intselections_;
45 | this->stringselections_ = other.stringselections_;
46 | this->taql_ = other.taql_;
47 | this->poltypes_ = other.poltypes_;
48 | this->order_ = other.order_;
49 | this->rowselection_ = other.rowselection_;
50 | }
51 | return *this;
52 | }
53 |
54 | STSelector::~STSelector()
55 | {
56 | }
57 |
58 | void STSelector::setScans( const std::vector< int >& scans )
59 | {
60 | setint("SCANNO", scans);
61 | }
62 |
63 | void STSelector::setBeams( const std::vector< int >& beams )
64 | {
65 | setint("BEAMNO", beams);
66 | }
67 |
68 | void STSelector::setIFs( const std::vector< int >& ifs )
69 | {
70 | setint("IFNO", ifs);
71 | }
72 |
73 | void STSelector::setPolarizations( const std::vector< int >& pols )
74 | {
75 | setint("POLNO", pols);
76 | poltypes_ = std::vector<std::string>();
77 | }
78 |
79 | void asap::STSelector::setCycles( const std::vector< int >& cycs )
80 | {
81 | setint("CYCLENO", cycs);
82 | }
83 |
84 | void asap::STSelector::setName( const std::string& sname )
85 | {
86 | std::string sql = "SELECT FROM $1 WHERE SRCNAME == pattern('"+sname+"')";
87 | setTaQL(sql);
88 | }
89 |
90 | void STSelector::setTypes( const std::vector< int >& types )
91 | {
92 | setint("SRCTYPE", types);
93 | }
94 |
95 | void STSelector::setint(const std::string& key, const std::vector< int >& val)
96 | {
97 | if ( val.size() > 0 ) {
98 | intselections_[key] = val;
99 | }
100 | }
101 |
102 | void STSelector::setstring( const std::string& key,
103 | const std::vector<std::string>& val )
104 | {
105 | if ( val.size() > 0 ) {
106 | stringselections_[key] = val;
107 | }
108 | }
109 |
110 | void STSelector::setTaQL( const std::string& taql )
111 | {
112 | taql_ = taql;
113 | }
114 |
115 |
116 | void asap::STSelector::setSortOrder( const std::vector< std::string > & order )
117 | {
118 | order_.resize(order.size(), True);
119 | for (unsigned int i=0;i<order.size();++i) {
120 | order_[i] = order[i];
121 | }
122 | }
123 |
124 | void STSelector::setRows( const std::vector< int >& rows )
125 | {
126 | rowselection_ = rows;
127 | }
128 |
129 | // Table STSelector::apply( const Table& tab )
130 | // {
131 | // if ( empty() ) {
132 | // return sort(tab);
133 | // }
134 | // TableExprNode query;
135 | // intidmap::const_iterator it;
136 | // for (it = intselections_.begin(); it != intselections_.end(); ++it) {
137 | // TableExprNode theset(Vector<Int>( (*it).second ));
138 | // if ( query.isNull() ) {
139 | // query = tab.col((*it).first).in(theset);
140 | // } else {
141 | // query = tab.col((*it).first).in(theset) && query;
142 | // }
143 | // }
144 | // stringidmap::const_iterator it1;
145 | // for (it1 = stringselections_.begin(); it1 != stringselections_.end(); ++it1) {
146 | // TableExprNode theset(mathutil::toVectorString( (*it1).second ));
147 | // if ( query.isNull() ) {
148 | // query = tab.col((*it1).first).in(theset);
149 | // } else {
150 | // query = tab.col((*it1).first).in(theset) && query;
151 | // }
152 | // }
153 | // // add taql query
154 | // if ( taql_.size() > 0 ) {
155 | // Table tmpt = tab;
156 | // std::string pytaql = "USING STYLE PYTHON " + taql_;
157 |
158 | // if ( !query.isNull() ) { // taql and selection
159 | // tmpt = tableCommand(pytaql, tab(query));
160 | // } else { // taql only
161 | // tmpt = tableCommand(pytaql, tab);
162 | // }
163 | // return sort(tmpt);
164 | // } else {
165 | // if ( query.isNull() ) {
166 | // return sort(tab);
167 | // } else {
168 | // return sort(tab(query));
169 | // }
170 | // }
171 | // }
172 | Table STSelector::apply( const Table& tab )
173 | {
174 | if ( empty() ) {
175 | return sort(tab);
176 | }
177 | Table basetab = tab;
178 | // Important!! Be sure to apply row selection first.
179 | if (rowselection_.size() > 0){
180 | //Vector<Int> intrownrs(rowselection_);
181 | Vector<uInt> rownrs( rowselection_.size() );
182 | convertArray(rownrs, Vector<Int> ( rowselection_ ));
183 | basetab = tab( rownrs );
184 | ///TableExprNode theset(Vector<Int>( rowselection_ ));
185 | ///query = tab.nodeRownr().in(theset);
186 | }
187 | TableExprNode query;
188 | intidmap::const_iterator it;
189 | for (it = intselections_.begin(); it != intselections_.end(); ++it) {
190 | TableExprNode theset(Vector<Int>( (*it).second ));
191 | if ( query.isNull() ) {
192 | //query = tab.col((*it).first).in(theset);
193 | query = basetab.col((*it).first).in(theset);
194 | } else {
195 | //query = tab.col((*it).first).in(theset) && query;
196 | query = basetab.col((*it).first).in(theset) && query;
197 | }
198 | }
199 | stringidmap::const_iterator it1;
200 | for (it1 = stringselections_.begin(); it1 != stringselections_.end(); ++it1) {
201 | TableExprNode theset(mathutil::toVectorString( (*it1).second ));
202 | if ( query.isNull() ) {
203 | //query = tab.col((*it1).first).in(theset);
204 | query = basetab.col((*it1).first).in(theset);
205 | } else {
206 | //query = tab.col((*it1).first).in(theset) && query;
207 | query = basetab.col((*it1).first).in(theset) && query;
208 | }
209 | }
210 | // add taql query
211 | if ( taql_.size() > 0 ) {
212 | //Table tmpt = tab;
213 | Table tmpt = basetab;
214 | std::string pytaql = "USING STYLE PYTHON " + taql_;
215 |
216 | if ( !query.isNull() ) { // taql and selection
217 | //tmpt = tableCommand(pytaql, tab(query));
218 | tmpt = tableCommand(pytaql, basetab(query));
219 | } else { // taql only
220 | //tmpt = tableCommand(pytaql, tab);
221 | tmpt = tableCommand(pytaql, basetab);
222 | }
223 | return sort(tmpt);
224 | } else {
225 | if ( query.isNull() ) {
226 | //return sort(tab);
227 | return sort(basetab);
228 | } else {
229 | //return sort(tab(query));
230 | return sort(basetab(query));
231 | }
232 | }
233 | }
234 |
235 | std::vector< int > STSelector::getint( const std::string& key ) const
236 | {
237 | if (intselections_.count(key) > 0) {
238 | return intselections_[key];
239 | }
240 | return std::vector<int>();
241 | }
242 |
243 | std::vector< int > STSelector::getScans( ) const
244 | {
245 | return getint("SCANNO");
246 | }
247 |
248 | std::vector< int > STSelector::getBeams( ) const
249 | {
250 | return getint("BEAMNO");
251 | }
252 |
253 | std::vector< int > STSelector::getIFs( ) const
254 | {
255 | return getint("IFNO");
256 | }
257 |
258 | std::vector< int > STSelector::getPols( ) const
259 | {
260 | return getint("POLNO");
261 | }
262 |
263 | std::vector< int > asap::STSelector::getCycles( ) const
264 | {
265 | return getint("CYCLENO");
266 | }
267 |
268 | std::vector< int > asap::STSelector::getTypes( ) const
269 | {
270 | return getint("SRCTYPE") ;
271 | }
272 |
273 | std::vector< int > asap::STSelector::getRows( ) const
274 | {
275 | return rowselection_ ;
276 | }
277 |
278 | std::string asap::STSelector::print( )
279 | {
280 | ostringstream oss;
281 | oss.flags(std::ios_base::left);
282 | oss << setw(15) << "Selection:";
283 | if ( empty() ) {
284 | oss << "none";
285 | return String(oss);
286 | }
287 |
288 | intidmap::const_iterator it = intselections_.begin();
289 | while (it != intselections_.end()) {
290 | if ( it != intselections_.begin() )
291 | oss << setw(15) << " ";
292 | oss << it->first << ": " << Vector<Int>(it->second);
293 | ++it;
294 | if ( it != intselections_.end() ) oss << endl;
295 | }
296 | stringidmap::const_iterator it1 = stringselections_.begin();
297 | while (it1 != stringselections_.end()) {
298 | if ( it1 != stringselections_.begin() )
299 | oss << setw(15) << " ";
300 | oss << it1->first << ": " << mathutil::toVectorString(it1->second);
301 | ++it1;
302 | if ( it1 != stringselections_.end() ) oss << endl;
303 | }
304 | if ( taql_.size() > 0 ) {
305 | oss << endl << setw(15) << "" << taql_;
306 | }
307 | return String(oss);
308 | }
309 |
310 | bool asap::STSelector::empty( ) const
311 | {
312 | //return (intselections_.empty() && taql_.size() == 0 );
313 | return (intselections_.empty() && taql_.size() == 0 && rowselection_.size() == 0);
314 | }
315 |
316 | casa::Table asap::STSelector::sort( const casa::Table & tab )
317 | {
318 | if (order_.nelements() > 0) {
319 | Table t = tab.sort(order_);
320 | return t;
321 | } else {
322 | return tab;
323 | }
324 | }
325 |
326 |
327 | void asap::STSelector::setPolFromStrings( const std::vector< std::string >& pols )
328 | {
329 | poltypes_.clear();
330 | std::vector<int> polints;
331 | std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator strit;
332 | for (strit = pols.begin(); strit != pols.end(); ++strit) {
333 | std::pair<int, std::string> val;
334 | try {
335 | val = STPol::polFromString(*strit);
336 | } catch (AipsError& e) {
337 | poltypes_.clear();
338 | throw(e);
339 | }
340 | polints.push_back(val.first);
341 | poltypes_.push_back(val.second);
342 | }
343 | setint("POLNO", polints);
344 | }
345 |
346 | std::vector< std::string > asap::STSelector::getPolTypes( ) const
347 | {
348 | return poltypes_;
349 | }
350 |
351 | std::vector<std::string> asap::STSelector::getSortOrder() const
352 | {
353 | std::vector<std::string> out;
354 | for (uInt i=0;i<order_.nelements(); ++i)
355 | out.push_back(order_[i]);
356 | return out;
357 | }