// // C++ Interface: STPolLinear // // Description: // // // Author: Malte Marquarding , (C) 2006 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #ifndef ASAPSTPOLCircular_H #define ASAPSTPOLCircular_H #include "Factory.h" #include "STPol.h" namespace asap { /** The Circular representation of polarisation. NOTE U and V are probably wrong We are using the following convention: @li I = RR + LL @li Q = RR - LL @li U = 2*Real(RL) @li V = 2*Imag(RL) resulting in: @li I' = I @li Q' = Q * cos(theta) - V *sin(theta) @li U' = Q * sin(theta) + U * cos(theta) @li V' = V @author Malte Marquarding */ class STPolCircular : public STPol { public: STPolCircular() {} explicit STPolCircular(const casacore::Matrix& specs) { setSpectra(specs); } ~STPolCircular(); static Factory myFactory; virtual casacore::Vector getCircular( casacore::uInt index ); virtual casacore::Vector getStokes( casacore::uInt index); virtual casacore::Vector getLinPol( casacore::uInt index); virtual casacore::Vector getLinear( casacore::uInt index ); }; } #endif