// // C++ Implementation: STMath // // Description: // // // Author: Malte Marquarding , (C) 2006 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MathUtils.h" #include "RowAccumulator.h" #include "STAttr.h" #include "STMath.h" using namespace casa; using namespace asap; STMath::STMath(bool insitu) : insitu_(insitu) { } STMath::~STMath() { } CountedPtr STMath::average( const std::vector >& in, const std::vector& mask, const std::string& weight, const std::string& avmode, bool alignfreq) { if ( avmode == "SCAN" && in.size() != 1 ) throw(AipsError("Can't perform 'SCAN' averaging on multiple tables")); WeightType wtype = stringToWeight(weight); // output // clone as this is non insitu bool insitu = insitu_; setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in[0], true); setInsitu(insitu); std::vector >::const_iterator stit = in.begin(); ++stit; while ( stit != in.end() ) { out->appendToHistoryTable((*stit)->history()); ++stit; } Table& tout = out->table(); /// @todo check if all scantables are conformant ArrayColumn specColOut(tout,"SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagColOut(tout,"FLAGTRA"); ArrayColumn tsysColOut(tout,"TSYS"); ScalarColumn mjdColOut(tout,"TIME"); ScalarColumn intColOut(tout,"INTERVAL"); // set up the output table rows. These are based on the structure of the // FIRST scantable in the vector const Table& baset = in[0]->table(); Block cols(3); cols[0] = String("BEAMNO"); cols[1] = String("IFNO"); cols[2] = String("POLNO"); if ( avmode == "SOURCE" ) { cols.resize(4); cols[3] = String("SRCNAME"); } if ( avmode == "SCAN" && in.size() == 1) { cols.resize(4); cols[3] = String("SCANNO"); } uInt outrowCount = 0; TableIterator iter(baset, cols); while (!iter.pastEnd()) { Table subt = iter.table(); // copy the first row of this selection into the new table tout.addRow(); TableCopy::copyRows(tout, subt, outrowCount, 0, 1); ++outrowCount; ++iter; } RowAccumulator acc(wtype); Vector cmask(mask); acc.setUserMask(cmask); ROTableRow row(tout); ROArrayColumn specCol, tsysCol; ROArrayColumn flagCol; ROScalarColumn mjdCol, intCol; ROScalarColumn scanIDCol; for (uInt i=0; i < tout.nrow(); ++i) { for ( int j=0; j < in.size(); ++j ) { const Table& tin = in[j]->table(); const TableRecord& rec = row.get(i); ROScalarColumn tmp(tin, "TIME"); Double td;tmp.get(0,td); Table basesubt = tin(tin.col("BEAMNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("BEAMNO")) && tin.col("IFNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("IFNO")) && tin.col("POLNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("POLNO")) ); Table subt; if ( avmode == "SOURCE") { subt = basesubt( basesubt.col("SRCNAME") == rec.asString("SRCNAME") ); } else if (avmode == "SCAN") { subt = basesubt( basesubt.col("SCANNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("SCANNO")) ); } else { subt = basesubt; } specCol.attach(subt,"SPECTRA"); flagCol.attach(subt,"FLAGTRA"); tsysCol.attach(subt,"TSYS"); intCol.attach(subt,"INTERVAL"); mjdCol.attach(subt,"TIME"); Vector spec,tsys; Vector flag; Double inter,time; for (uInt k = 0; k < subt.nrow(); ++k ) { flagCol.get(k, flag); Vector bflag(flag.shape()); convertArray(bflag, flag); if ( allEQ(bflag, True) ) { continue;//don't accumulate } specCol.get(k, spec); tsysCol.get(k, tsys); intCol.get(k, inter); mjdCol.get(k, time); // spectrum has to be added last to enable weighting by the other values acc.add(spec, !bflag, tsys, inter, time); } } //write out specColOut.put(i, acc.getSpectrum()); const Vector& msk = acc.getMask(); Vector flg(msk.shape()); convertArray(flg, !msk); flagColOut.put(i, flg); tsysColOut.put(i, acc.getTsys()); intColOut.put(i, acc.getInterval()); mjdColOut.put(i, acc.getTime()); acc.reset(); } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::getScantable(const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in, bool droprows) { if (insitu_) return in; else { // clone Scantable* tabp = new Scantable(*in, Bool(droprows)); return CountedPtr(tabp); } } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::unaryOperate( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in, float val, const std::string& mode, bool tsys ) { // modes are "ADD" and "MUL" CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tab = out->table(); ArrayColumn specCol(tab,"SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn tsysCol(tab,"TSYS"); for (uInt i=0; i spec; Vector ts; specCol.get(i, spec); tsysCol.get(i, ts); if (mode == "MUL") { spec *= val; specCol.put(i, spec); if ( tsys ) { ts *= val; tsysCol.put(i, ts); } } else if ( mode == "ADD" ) { spec += val; specCol.put(i, spec); if ( tsys ) { ts += val; tsysCol.put(i, ts); } } } return out; } MaskedArray STMath::maskedArray( const Vector& s, const Vector& f) { Vector mask; mask.resize(f.shape()); convertArray(mask, f); return MaskedArray(s,!mask); } Vector STMath::flagsFromMA(const MaskedArray& ma) { const Vector& m = ma.getMask(); Vector flags(m.shape()); convertArray(flags, !m); return flags; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::quotient( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in, const std::string & mode, bool preserve ) { /// @todo make other modes available /// modes should be "nearest", "pair" // make this operation non insitu const Table& tin = in->table(); Table ons = tin(tin.col("SRCTYPE") == Int(0)); Table offs = tin(tin.col("SRCTYPE") == Int(1)); if ( offs.nrow() == 0 ) throw(AipsError("No 'off' scans present.")); // put all "on" scans into output table bool insitu = insitu_; setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, true); setInsitu(insitu); Table& tout = out->table(); TableCopy::copyRows(tout, ons); TableRow row(tout); ROScalarColumn offtimeCol(offs, "TIME"); ArrayColumn outspecCol(tout, "SPECTRA"); ROArrayColumn outtsysCol(tout, "TSYS"); ArrayColumn outflagCol(tout, "FLAGTRA"); for (uInt i=0; i < tout.nrow(); ++i) { const TableRecord& rec = row.get(i); Double ontime = rec.asDouble("TIME"); ROScalarColumn offtimeCol(offs, "TIME"); Double mindeltat = min(abs(offtimeCol.getColumn() - ontime)); Table sel = offs( abs(offs.col("TIME")-ontime) <= mindeltat && offs.col("BEAMNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("BEAMNO")) && offs.col("IFNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("IFNO")) && offs.col("POLNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("POLNO")) ); TableRow offrow(sel); const TableRecord& offrec = offrow.get(0);//should only be one row RORecordFieldPtr< Array > specoff(offrec, "SPECTRA"); RORecordFieldPtr< Array > tsysoff(offrec, "TSYS"); RORecordFieldPtr< Array > flagoff(offrec, "FLAGTRA"); /// @fixme this assumes tsys is a scalar not vector Float tsysoffscalar = (*tsysoff)(IPosition(1,0)); Vector specon, tsyson; outtsysCol.get(i, tsyson); outspecCol.get(i, specon); Vector flagon; outflagCol.get(i, flagon); MaskedArray mon = maskedArray(specon, flagon); MaskedArray moff = maskedArray(*specoff, *flagoff); MaskedArray quot = (tsysoffscalar * mon / moff); if (preserve) { quot -= tsysoffscalar; } else { quot -= tsyson[0]; } outspecCol.put(i, quot.getArray()); outflagCol.put(i, flagsFromMA(quot)); } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::freqSwitch( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in ) { // make copy or reference CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tout = out->table(); Block cols(3); cols[0] = String("SCANNO"); cols[1] = String("BEAMNO"); cols[2] = String("POLNO"); TableIterator iter(tout, cols); while (!iter.pastEnd()) { Table subt = iter.table(); // this should leave us with two rows for the two IFs....if not ignore if (subt.nrow() != 2 ) { continue; } ArrayColumn specCol(tout, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn tsysCol(tout, "TSYS"); ArrayColumn flagCol(tout, "FLAGTRA"); Vector onspec,offspec, ontsys, offtsys; Vector onflag, offflag; tsysCol.get(0, ontsys); tsysCol.get(1, offtsys); specCol.get(0, onspec); specCol.get(1, offspec); flagCol.get(0, onflag); flagCol.get(1, offflag); MaskedArray on = maskedArray(onspec, onflag); MaskedArray off = maskedArray(offspec, offflag); MaskedArray oncopy = on.copy(); on /= off; on -= 1.0f; on *= ontsys[0]; off /= oncopy; off -= 1.0f; off *= offtsys[0]; specCol.put(0, on.getArray()); const Vector& m0 = on.getMask(); Vector flags0(m0.shape()); convertArray(flags0, !m0); flagCol.put(0, flags0); specCol.put(1, off.getArray()); const Vector& m1 = off.getMask(); Vector flags1(m1.shape()); convertArray(flags1, !m1); flagCol.put(1, flags1); ++iter; } return out; } std::vector< float > STMath::statistic( const CountedPtr< Scantable > & in, const std::vector< bool > & mask, const std::string& which ) { Vector m(mask); const Table& tab = in->table(); ROArrayColumn specCol(tab, "SPECTRA"); ROArrayColumn flagCol(tab, "FLAGTRA"); std::vector out; for (uInt i=0; i < tab.nrow(); ++i ) { Vector spec; specCol.get(i, spec); Vector flag; flagCol.get(i, flag); MaskedArray ma = maskedArray(spec, flag); float outstat = 0.0; if ( spec.nelements() == m.nelements() ) { outstat = mathutil::statistics(which, ma(m)); } else { outstat = mathutil::statistics(which, ma); } out.push_back(outstat); } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::bin( const CountedPtr< Scantable > & in, int width ) { if ( !in->getSelection().empty() ) throw(AipsError("Can't bin subset of the data.")); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tout = out->table(); out->frequencies().rescale(width, "BIN"); ArrayColumn specCol(tout, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagCol(tout, "FLAGTRA"); for (uInt i=0; i < tout.nrow(); ++i ) { MaskedArray main = maskedArray(specCol(i), flagCol(i)); MaskedArray maout; LatticeUtilities::bin(maout, main, 0, Int(width)); /// @todo implement channel based tsys binning specCol.put(i, maout.getArray()); flagCol.put(i, flagsFromMA(maout)); // take only the first binned spectrum's length for the deprecated // global header item nChan if (i==0) tout.rwKeywordSet().define(String("nChan"), Int(maout.getArray().nelements())); } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::resample( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in, const std::string& method, float width ) // // Should add the possibility of width being specified in km/s. This means // that for each freqID (SpectralCoordinate) we will need to convert to an // average channel width (say at the reference pixel). Then we would need // to be careful to make sure each spectrum (of different freqID) // is the same length. // { InterpolateArray1D::InterpolationMethod interp; Int interpMethod(stringToIMethod(method)); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tout = out->table(); // Resample SpectralCoordinates (one per freqID) out->frequencies().rescale(width, "RESAMPLE"); TableIterator iter(tout, "IFNO"); TableRow row(tout); while ( !iter.pastEnd() ) { Table tab = iter.table(); ArrayColumn specCol(tab, "SPECTRA"); //ArrayColumn tsysCol(tout, "TSYS"); ArrayColumn flagCol(tab, "FLAGTRA"); Vector spec; Vector flag; specCol.get(0,spec); // the number of channels should be constant per IF uInt nChanIn = spec.nelements(); Vector xIn(nChanIn); indgen(xIn); Int fac = Int(nChanIn/width); Vector xOut(fac+10); // 10 to be safe - resize later uInt k = 0; Float x = 0.0; while (x < Float(nChanIn) ) { xOut(k) = x; k++; x += width; } uInt nChanOut = k; xOut.resize(nChanOut, True); // process all rows for this IFNO Vector specOut; Vector maskOut; Vector flagOut; for (uInt i=0; i < tab.nrow(); ++i) { specCol.get(i, spec); flagCol.get(i, flag); Vector mask(flag.nelements()); convertArray(mask, flag); IPosition shapeIn(spec.shape()); //sh.nchan = nChanOut; InterpolateArray1D::interpolate(specOut, maskOut, xOut, xIn, spec, mask, interpMethod, True, True); /// @todo do the same for channel based Tsys flagOut.resize(maskOut.nelements()); convertArray(flagOut, maskOut); specCol.put(i, specOut); flagCol.put(i, flagOut); } ++iter; } return out; } STMath::imethod STMath::stringToIMethod(const std::string& in) { static STMath::imap lookup; // initialize the lookup table if necessary if ( lookup.empty() ) { lookup["NEAR"] = InterpolateArray1D::nearestNeighbour; lookup["LIN"] = InterpolateArray1D::linear; lookup["CUB"] = InterpolateArray1D::cubic; lookup["SPL"] = InterpolateArray1D::spline; } STMath::imap::const_iterator iter = lookup.find(in); if ( lookup.end() == iter ) { std::string message = in; message += " is not a valid interpolation mode"; throw(AipsError(message)); } return iter->second; } WeightType STMath::stringToWeight(const std::string& in) { static std::map lookup; // initialize the lookup table if necessary if ( lookup.empty() ) { lookup["NONE"] = asap::NONE; lookup["TINT"] = asap::TINT; lookup["TINTSYS"] = asap::TINTSYS; lookup["TSYS"] = asap::TSYS; lookup["VAR"] = asap::VAR; } std::map::const_iterator iter = lookup.find(in); if ( lookup.end() == iter ) { std::string message = in; message += " is not a valid weighting mode"; throw(AipsError(message)); } return iter->second; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::gainElevation( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in, const vector< float > & coeff, const std::string & filename, const std::string& method) { // Get elevation data from Scantable and convert to degrees CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tab = in->table(); ROScalarColumn elev(tab, "ELEVATION"); Vector x = elev.getColumn(); x *= Float(180 / C::pi); // Degrees Vector coeffs(coeff); const uInt nc = coeffs.nelements(); if ( filename.length() > 0 && nc > 0 ) { throw(AipsError("You must choose either polynomial coefficients or an ascii file, not both")); } // Correct if ( nc > 0 || filename.length() == 0 ) { // Find instrument Bool throwit = True; Instrument inst = STAttr::convertInstrument(tab.keywordSet().asString("AntennaName"), throwit); // Set polynomial Polynomial* ppoly = 0; Vector coeff; String msg; if ( nc > 0 ) { ppoly = new Polynomial(nc); coeff = coeffs; msg = String("user"); } else { STAttr sdAttr; coeff = sdAttr.gainElevationPoly(inst); ppoly = new Polynomial(3); msg = String("built in"); } if ( coeff.nelements() > 0 ) { ppoly->setCoefficients(coeff); } else { delete ppoly; throw(AipsError("There is no known gain-elevation polynomial known for this instrument")); } ostringstream oss; oss << "Making polynomial correction with " << msg << " coefficients:" << endl; oss << " " << coeff; pushLog(String(oss)); const uInt nrow = tab.nrow(); Vector factor(nrow); for ( uInt i=0; i < nrow; ++i ) { factor[i] = 1.0 / (*ppoly)(x[i]); } delete ppoly; scaleByVector(tab, factor, true); } else { // Read and correct pushLog("Making correction from ascii Table"); scaleFromAsciiTable(tab, filename, method, x, true); } return out; } void STMath::scaleFromAsciiTable(Table& in, const std::string& filename, const std::string& method, const Vector& xout, bool dotsys) { // Read gain-elevation ascii file data into a Table. String formatString; Table tbl = readAsciiTable(formatString, Table::Memory, filename, "", "", False); scaleFromTable(in, tbl, method, xout, dotsys); } void STMath::scaleFromTable(Table& in, const Table& table, const std::string& method, const Vector& xout, bool dotsys) { ROScalarColumn geElCol(table, "ELEVATION"); ROScalarColumn geFacCol(table, "FACTOR"); Vector xin = geElCol.getColumn(); Vector yin = geFacCol.getColumn(); Vector maskin(xin.nelements(),True); // Interpolate (and extrapolate) with desired method //InterpolateArray1D::InterpolationMethod method; Int intmethod(stringToIMethod(method)); Vector yout; Vector maskout; InterpolateArray1D::interpolate(yout, maskout, xout, xin, yin, maskin, intmethod, True, True); scaleByVector(in, Float(1.0)/yout, dotsys); } void STMath::scaleByVector( Table& in, const Vector< Float >& factor, bool dotsys ) { uInt nrow = in.nrow(); if ( factor.nelements() != nrow ) { throw(AipsError("factors.nelements() != table.nelements()")); } ArrayColumn specCol(in, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagCol(in, "FLAGTRA"); ArrayColumn tsysCol(in, "TSYS"); for (uInt i=0; i < nrow; ++i) { MaskedArray ma = maskedArray(specCol(i), flagCol(i)); ma *= factor[i]; specCol.put(i, ma.getArray()); flagCol.put(i, flagsFromMA(ma)); if ( dotsys ) { Vector tsys; tsysCol.get(i, tsys); tsys *= factor[i]; specCol.put(i,tsys); } } } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::convertFlux( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in, float d, float etaap, float jyperk ) { CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tab = in->table(); Unit fluxUnit(tab.keywordSet().asString("FluxUnit")); Unit K(String("K")); Unit JY(String("Jy")); bool tokelvin = true; Double cfac = 1.0; if ( fluxUnit == JY ) { pushLog("Converting to K"); Quantum t(1.0,fluxUnit); Quantum t2 = t.get(JY); cfac = (t2 / t).getValue(); // value to Jy tokelvin = true; out->setFluxUnit("K"); } else if ( fluxUnit == K ) { pushLog("Converting to Jy"); Quantum t(1.0,fluxUnit); Quantum t2 = t.get(K); cfac = (t2 / t).getValue(); // value to K tokelvin = false; out->setFluxUnit("Jy"); } else { throw(AipsError("Unrecognized brightness units in Table - must be consistent with Jy or K")); } // Make sure input values are converted to either Jy or K first... Float factor = cfac; // Select method if (jyperk > 0.0) { factor *= jyperk; if ( tokelvin ) factor = 1.0 / jyperk; ostringstream oss; oss << "Jy/K = " << jyperk; pushLog(String(oss)); Vector factors(tab.nrow(), factor); scaleByVector(tab,factors, false); } else if ( etaap > 0.0) { Instrument inst = STAttr::convertInstrument(tab.keywordSet().asString("AntennaName"), True); STAttr sda; if (d < 0) d = sda.diameter(inst); Float jyPerk = STAttr::findJyPerK(etaap, d); ostringstream oss; oss << "Jy/K = " << jyperk; pushLog(String(oss)); factor *= jyperk; if ( tokelvin ) { factor = 1.0 / factor; } Vector factors(tab.nrow(), factor); scaleByVector(tab, factors, False); } else { // OK now we must deal with automatic look up of values. // We must also deal with the fact that the factors need // to be computed per IF and may be different and may // change per integration. pushLog("Looking up conversion factors"); convertBrightnessUnits(out, tokelvin, cfac); } return out; } void STMath::convertBrightnessUnits( CountedPtr& in, bool tokelvin, float cfac ) { Table& table = in->table(); Instrument inst = STAttr::convertInstrument(table.keywordSet().asString("AntennaName"), True); TableIterator iter(table, "FREQ_ID"); STFrequencies stfreqs = in->frequencies(); STAttr sdAtt; while (!iter.pastEnd()) { Table tab = iter.table(); ArrayColumn specCol(tab, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagCol(tab, "FLAGTRA"); ROScalarColumn freqidCol(tab, "FREQ_ID"); MEpoch::ROScalarColumn timeCol(tab, "TIME"); uInt freqid; freqidCol.get(0, freqid); Vector tmpspec; specCol.get(0, tmpspec); // STAttr.JyPerK has a Vector interface... change sometime. Vector freqs(1,stfreqs.getRefFreq(freqid, tmpspec.nelements())); for ( uInt i=0; i ma = maskedArray(specCol(i), flagCol(i)); ma *= factor; specCol.put(i, ma.getArray()); flagCol.put(i, flagsFromMA(ma)); } ++iter; } } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::opacity( const CountedPtr< Scantable > & in, float tau ) { CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tab = in->table(); ROScalarColumn elev(tab, "ELEVATION"); ArrayColumn specCol(tab, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagCol(tab, "FLAGTRA"); for ( uInt i=0; i ma = maskedArray(specCol(i), flagCol(i)); ma *= factor; specCol.put(i, ma.getArray()); flagCol.put(i, flagsFromMA(ma)); } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::smooth( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in, const std::string& kernel, float width ) { CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& table = in->table(); VectorKernel::KernelTypes type = VectorKernel::toKernelType(kernel); // same IFNO should have same no of channels // this saves overhead TableIterator iter(table, "IFNO"); while (!iter.pastEnd()) { Table tab = iter.table(); ArrayColumn specCol(tab, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagCol(tab, "FLAGTRA"); Vector tmpspec; specCol.get(0, tmpspec); uInt nchan = tmpspec.nelements(); Vector kvec = VectorKernel::make(type, width, nchan, True, False); Convolver conv(kvec, IPosition(1,nchan)); Vector spec; Vector flag; for ( uInt i=0; i mask(flag.nelements()); convertArray(mask, flag); Vector specout; if ( type == VectorKernel::HANNING ) { Vector maskout; mathutil::hanning(specout, maskout, spec , mask); convertArray(flag, maskout); flagCol.put(i, flag); } else { mathutil::replaceMaskByZero(specout, mask); conv.linearConv(specout, spec); } specCol.put(i, specout); } ++iter; } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::merge( const std::vector< CountedPtr < Scantable > >& in ) { if ( in.size() < 2 ) { throw(AipsError("Need at least two scantables to perform a merge.")); } std::vector >::const_iterator it = in.begin(); bool insitu = insitu_; setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(*it, false); setInsitu(insitu); Table& tout = out->table(); ScalarColumn freqidcol(tout,"FREQ_ID"), molidcol(tout, "MOLECULE_ID"); ScalarColumn scannocol(tout,"SCANNO"),focusidcol(tout,"FOCUS_ID"); uInt newscanno = max(scannocol.getColumn())+1; ++it; while ( it != in.end() ){ if ( ! (*it)->conformant(*out) ) { // log message: "ignoring scantable i, as it isn't // conformant with the other(s)" cerr << "oh oh" << endl; ++it; continue; } out->appendToHistoryTable((*it)->history()); const Table& tab = (*it)->table(); TableIterator scanit(tab, "SCANNO"); while (!scanit.pastEnd()) { TableIterator freqit(scanit.table(), "FREQ_ID"); while ( !freqit.pastEnd() ) { Table thetab = freqit.table(); uInt nrow = tout.nrow(); //tout.addRow(thetab.nrow()); TableCopy::copyRows(tout, thetab, nrow, 0, thetab.nrow()); ROTableRow row(thetab); for ( uInt i=0; ifrequencies().getEntry(rp, rv, inc, rec.asuInt("FREQ_ID")); uInt id; id = out->frequencies().addEntry(rp, rv, inc); freqidcol.put(k,id); String name,fname;Double rf; (*it)->molecules().getEntry(rf, name, fname, rec.asuInt("MOLECULE_ID")); id = out->molecules().addEntry(rf, name, fname); molidcol.put(k, id); Float frot,fang,ftan; (*it)->focus().getEntry(frot, fang, ftan, rec.asuInt("FOCUS_ID")); id = out->focus().addEntry(frot, fang, ftan); focusidcol.put(k, id); } ++freqit; } ++newscanno; ++scanit; } ++it; } return out; }