1 | //
2 | // C++ Interface: STGrid
3 | //
4 | // Description:
5 | //
6 | //
7 | // Author: Takeshi Nakazato <takeshi.nakazato@nao.ac.jp>, (C) 2011
8 | //
9 | // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
10 | //
11 | //
12 | #ifndef ASAPSTGRID_H
13 | #define ASAPSTGRID_H
14 |
15 | #include <iostream>
16 | #include <fstream>
17 | #include <string>
18 | #include <vector>
19 |
20 | #include <casa/BasicSL/String.h>
21 | #include <casa/Arrays/Array.h>
22 | #include <casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
23 | #include <casa/Containers/RecordField.h>
24 |
25 | #include <tables/Tables/Table.h>
26 | #include <tables/Tables/ScalarColumn.h>
27 | #include <tables/Tables/ArrayColumn.h>
28 | //#include <tables/Tables/TableRow.h>
29 |
30 | // #include <measures/Measures/MDirection.h>
31 |
32 | // #include "Scantable.h"
33 |
34 | using namespace std ;
35 | using namespace casa ;
36 |
37 | namespace asap {
38 | class STGrid
39 | {
40 | public:
41 | STGrid() ;
42 | STGrid( const string infile ) ;
43 | virtual ~STGrid() {} ;
44 |
45 | void setFileIn( const string infile ) ;
46 |
47 | void setIF( unsigned int ifno ) { ifno_ = ifno ; } ;
48 |
49 | void setPolList( vector<unsigned int> pols ) ;
50 |
51 | void setScanList( vector<unsigned int> scans ) ;
52 |
53 | void defineImage( int nx=-1,
54 | int ny=-1,
55 | string scellx="",
56 | string scelly="",
57 | string scenter="" ) ;
58 | void setFunc( string convtype="box",
59 | int convsupport=-1 ) ;
60 |
61 | void setWeight( const string wType="uniform" ) ;
62 |
63 | void grid() ;
64 |
65 | string saveData( string outfile="" ) ;
66 |
67 | private:
68 | void init() ;
69 |
70 | // actual gridding
71 | void gridPerRow() ;
72 | void gridPerPol() ;
73 |
74 | void setupGrid( Int &nx,
75 | Int &ny,
76 | String &cellx,
77 | String &celly,
78 | Double &xmin,
79 | Double &xmax,
80 | Double &ymin,
81 | Double &ymax,
82 | String ¢er ) ;
83 |
84 | void setData( Array<Complex> &gdata,
85 | Array<Float> &gwgt ) ;
86 |
87 | void getDataPerPol( Array<Complex> &spectra,
88 | Array<Double> &direction,
89 | Array<Int> &flagtra,
90 | Array<Int> &rflag,
91 | Array<Float> &weight ) ;
92 | void getDataPerPol( Array<Float> &spectra,
93 | Array<Double> &direction,
94 | Array<uChar> &flagtra,
95 | Array<uInt> &rflag,
96 | Array<Float> &weight ) ;
97 | Int getDataChunk( Array<Complex> &spectra,
98 | Array<Double> &direction,
99 | Array<Int> &flagtra,
100 | Array<Int> &rflag,
101 | Array<Float> &weight ) ;
102 | Int getDataChunk( Array<Float> &spectra,
103 | Array<Double> &direction,
104 | Array<uChar> &flagtra,
105 | Array<uInt> &rflag,
106 | Array<Float> &weight ) ;
107 |
108 | void getWeight( Array<Float> &w,
109 | Array<Float> &tsys,
110 | Array<Double> &tint ) ;
111 |
112 | void toInt( Array<uChar> &u, Array<Int> &v ) ;
113 | void toInt( Array<uInt> &u, Array<Int> &v ) ;
114 |
115 | void toPixel( Array<Double> &world, Array<Double> &pixel ) ;
116 |
117 | void boxFunc( Vector<Float> &convFunc, Int &convSize ) ;
118 | void spheroidalFunc( Vector<Float> &convFunc ) ;
119 | void gaussFunc( Vector<Float> &convFunc ) ;
120 | void pbFunc( Vector<Float> &convFunc ) ;
121 | void setConvFunc( Vector<Float> &convFunc ) ;
122 |
123 | void prepareTable( Table &tab, String &name ) ;
124 |
125 | Bool pastEnd() ;
126 |
127 | void selectData() ;
128 | void setupArray() ;
129 |
130 | Bool examine() ;
131 | void attach( Table &tab ) ;
132 |
133 | void call_ggridsd( Array<Double> &xy,
134 | Array<Complex> &values,
135 | Int &nvispol,
136 | Int &nvischan,
137 | Array<Int> &flag,
138 | Array<Int> &rflag,
139 | Array<Float> &weight,
140 | Int &nrow,
141 | Int &irow,
142 | Array<Complex> &grid,
143 | Array<Float> &wgrid,
144 | Int &nx,
145 | Int &ny,
146 | Int &npol,
147 | Int &nchan,
148 | Int &support,
149 | Int &sampling,
150 | Vector<Float> &convFunc,
151 | Int *chanMap,
152 | Int *polMap ) ;
153 |
154 | void initPol( Int ipol ) ;
155 |
156 |
157 | String infile_ ;
158 | Int ifno_ ;
159 | Int nx_ ;
160 | Int ny_ ;
161 | Int npol_ ;
162 | Int nchan_ ;
163 | Int nrow_ ;
164 | Double cellx_ ;
165 | Double celly_ ;
166 | Vector<Double> center_ ;
167 | String convType_ ;
168 | Int convSupport_ ;
169 | Int userSupport_ ;
170 | Int convSampling_ ;
171 | Array<Float> data_ ;
172 | Vector<uInt> pollist_ ;
173 | Vector<uInt> scanlist_ ;
174 | String wtype_ ;
175 |
176 | Table tab_ ;
177 | Table ptab_ ;
178 | ROArrayColumn<Float> spectraCol_ ;
179 | ROArrayColumn<uChar> flagtraCol_ ;
180 | ROArrayColumn<Double> directionCol_ ;
181 | ROScalarColumn<uInt> flagRowCol_ ;
182 | ROArrayColumn<Float> tsysCol_ ;
183 | ROScalarColumn<Double> intervalCol_ ;
184 | Int nprocessed_ ;
185 | Vector<uInt> rows_ ;
186 | Int nchunk_ ;
187 |
188 | Array<Float> spectraF_ ;
189 | Array<uChar> flagtraUC_ ;
190 | Array<uInt> rflagUI_ ;
191 |
192 | };
193 | }
194 | #endif