// // C++ Implementation: STGrid // // Description: // // // Author: Takeshi Nakazato , (C) 2011 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MathUtils.h" #include #include "STGrid.h" using namespace std ; using namespace concurrent ; using namespace casa ; using namespace asap ; namespace asap { // for performance check double eToInt = 0.0 ; double eGetWeight = 0.0 ; // constructor STGrid::STGrid() : vshape_( 1 ), wshape_( 2 ), dshape_( 2 ) { init() ; } STGrid::STGrid( const string infile ) : vshape_( 1 ), wshape_( 2 ), dshape_( 2 ) { init() ; setFileIn( infile ) ; } STGrid::STGrid( const vector infile ) { init() ; setFileList( infile ) ; } void STGrid::init() { ifno_ = -1 ; nx_ = -1 ; ny_ = -1 ; npol_ = 0 ; nchan_ = 0 ; nrow_ = 0 ; cellx_ = 0.0 ; celly_ = 0.0 ; center_ = Vector ( 2, 0.0 ) ; convType_ = "BOX" ; wtype_ = "UNIFORM" ; convSupport_ = -1 ; userSupport_ = -1 ; truncate_ = ""; gwidth_ = ""; jwidth_ = ""; convSampling_ = 100 ; nprocessed_ = 0 ; nchunk_ = 0 ; // initialize user input nxUI_ = -1 ; nyUI_ = -1 ; cellxUI_ = "" ; cellyUI_ = "" ; centerUI_ = "" ; doclip_ = False ; } void STGrid::setFileIn( const string infile ) { nfile_ = 1 ; String name( infile ) ; infileList_.resize( nfile_ ) ; infileList_[0] = String(infile) ; } void STGrid::setFileList( const vector infile ) { nfile_ = infile.size() ; infileList_.resize( nfile_ ) ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < nfile_ ; i++ ) { infileList_[i] = infile[i] ; } } void STGrid::setPolList( vector pols ) { pollist_.assign( Vector( pols ) ) ; } void STGrid::setScanList( vector scans ) { scanlist_.assign( Vector( scans ) ) ; } void STGrid::setWeight( const string wType ) { wtype_ = String( wType ) ; wtype_.upcase() ; } void STGrid::defineImage( int nx, int ny, string scellx, string scelly, string scenter ) { nxUI_ = (Int)nx ; nyUI_ = (Int)ny ; cellxUI_ = String( scellx ) ; cellyUI_ = String( scelly ) ; centerUI_ = String( scenter ) ; } void STGrid::setFunc( string convType, int convSupport, string truncate, string gwidth, string jwidth ) { convType_ = String( convType ) ; convType_.upcase() ; userSupport_ = (Int)convSupport ; truncate_ = String( truncate ); gwidth_ = String( gwidth ); jwidth_ = String( jwidth ); } #define NEED_UNDERSCORES #if defined(NEED_UNDERSCORES) #define ggridsd ggridsd_ #endif extern "C" { void ggridsd(Double*, const Complex*, Int*, Int*, Int*, const Int*, const Int*, const Float*, Int*, Int*, Complex*, Float*, Int*, Int*, Int *, Int *, Int*, Int*, Float*, Int*, Int*, Double*); } void STGrid::call_ggridsd( Array &xypos, Array &spectra, Int &nvispol, Int &nvischan, Array &flagtra, Array &flagrow, Array &weight, Int &nrow, Int &irow, Array &gdata, Array &gwgt, Int &nx, Int &ny, Int &npol, Int &nchan, Int &support, Int &sampling, Vector &convFunc, Int *chanMap, Int *polMap ) { // parameters for gridding Int idopsf = 0 ; Int len = npol*nchan ; Double *sumw_p = new Double[len] ; { Double *work_p = sumw_p ; for ( Int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) { *work_p = 0.0 ; work_p++ ; } } // prepare pointer Bool deletePos, deleteData, deleteWgt, deleteFlag, deleteFlagR, deleteConv, deleteDataG, deleteWgtG ; Double *xy_p = xypos.getStorage( deletePos ) ; const Complex *values_p = spectra.getStorage( deleteData ) ; const Int *flag_p = flagtra.getStorage( deleteFlag ) ; const Int *rflag_p = flagrow.getStorage( deleteFlagR ) ; const Float *wgt_p = weight.getStorage( deleteWgt ) ; Complex *grid_p = gdata.getStorage( deleteDataG ) ; Float *wgrid_p = gwgt.getStorage( deleteWgtG ) ; Float *conv_p = convFunc.getStorage( deleteConv ) ; // pass copy of irow to ggridsd since it will be modified in theroutine Int irowCopy = irow ; // call ggridsd ggridsd( xy_p, values_p, &nvispol, &nvischan, &idopsf, flag_p, rflag_p, wgt_p, &nrow, &irowCopy, grid_p, wgrid_p, &nx, &ny, &npol, &nchan, &support, &sampling, conv_p, chanMap, polMap, sumw_p ) ; // finalization xypos.putStorage( xy_p, deletePos ) ; spectra.freeStorage( values_p, deleteData ) ; flagtra.freeStorage( flag_p, deleteFlag ) ; flagrow.freeStorage( rflag_p, deleteFlagR ) ; weight.freeStorage( wgt_p, deleteWgt ) ; gdata.putStorage( grid_p, deleteDataG ) ; gwgt.putStorage( wgrid_p, deleteWgtG ) ; convFunc.putStorage( conv_p, deleteConv ) ; delete sumw_p ; } #define NEED_UNDERSCORES #if defined(NEED_UNDERSCORES) #define ggridsd2 ggridsd2_ #endif extern "C" { void ggridsd2(Double*, const Complex*, Int*, Int*, Int*, const Int*, const Int*, const Float*, Int*, Int*, Complex*, Float*, Int*, Complex*, Float*, Float*, Complex*, Float*, Float*, Int*, Int*, Int *, Int *, Int*, Int*, Float*, Int*, Int*, Double*); } void STGrid::call_ggridsd2( Array &xypos, Array &spectra, Int &nvispol, Int &nvischan, Array &flagtra, Array &flagrow, Array &weight, Int &nrow, Int &irow, Array &gdata, Array &gwgt, Array &npoints, Array &clipmin, Array &clipwmin, Array &clipcmin, Array &clipmax, Array &clipwmax, Array &clipcmax, Int &nx, Int &ny, Int &npol, Int &nchan, Int &support, Int &sampling, Vector &convFunc, Int *chanMap, Int *polMap ) { // parameters for gridding Int idopsf = 0 ; Int len = npol*nchan ; Double *sumw_p = new Double[len] ; { Double *work_p = sumw_p ; for ( Int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) { *work_p = 0.0 ; work_p++ ; } } // prepare pointer Bool deletePos, deleteData, deleteWgt, deleteFlag, deleteFlagR, deleteConv, deleteDataG, deleteWgtG, deleteNpts, deleteCMin, deleteCWMin, deleteCCMin, deleteCMax, deleteCWMax, deleteCCMax ; Double *xy_p = xypos.getStorage( deletePos ) ; const Complex *values_p = spectra.getStorage( deleteData ) ; const Int *flag_p = flagtra.getStorage( deleteFlag ) ; const Int *rflag_p = flagrow.getStorage( deleteFlagR ) ; const Float *wgt_p = weight.getStorage( deleteWgt ) ; Complex *grid_p = gdata.getStorage( deleteDataG ) ; Float *wgrid_p = gwgt.getStorage( deleteWgtG ) ; Float *conv_p = convFunc.getStorage( deleteConv ) ; Int *npts_p = npoints.getStorage( deleteNpts ) ; Complex *cmin_p = clipmin.getStorage( deleteCMin ) ; Float *cwmin_p = clipwmin.getStorage( deleteCWMin ) ; Float *ccmin_p = clipcmin.getStorage( deleteCCMin ) ; Complex *cmax_p = clipmax.getStorage( deleteCMax ) ; Float *cwmax_p = clipwmax.getStorage( deleteCWMax ) ; Float *ccmax_p = clipcmax.getStorage( deleteCCMax ) ; // pass copy of irow to ggridsd since it will be modified in theroutine Int irowCopy = irow ; // call ggridsd ggridsd2( xy_p, values_p, &nvispol, &nvischan, &idopsf, flag_p, rflag_p, wgt_p, &nrow, &irowCopy, grid_p, wgrid_p, npts_p, cmin_p, cwmin_p, ccmin_p, cmax_p, cwmax_p, ccmax_p, &nx, &ny, &npol, &nchan, &support, &sampling, conv_p, chanMap, polMap, sumw_p ) ; // finalization xypos.putStorage( xy_p, deletePos ) ; spectra.freeStorage( values_p, deleteData ) ; flagtra.freeStorage( flag_p, deleteFlag ) ; flagrow.freeStorage( rflag_p, deleteFlagR ) ; weight.freeStorage( wgt_p, deleteWgt ) ; gdata.putStorage( grid_p, deleteDataG ) ; gwgt.putStorage( wgrid_p, deleteWgtG ) ; convFunc.putStorage( conv_p, deleteConv ) ; clipmin.putStorage( cmin_p, deleteCMin ) ; clipwmin.putStorage( cwmin_p, deleteCWMin ) ; clipcmin.putStorage( ccmin_p, deleteCCMin ) ; clipmax.putStorage( cmax_p, deleteCMax ) ; clipwmax.putStorage( cwmax_p, deleteCWMax ) ; clipcmax.putStorage( ccmax_p, deleteCCMax ) ; delete sumw_p ; } void STGrid::grid() { LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid", "grid", WHERE) ) ; double t0,t1 ; // data selection t0 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; selectData() ; t1 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "selectData: elapsed time is " << t1-t0 << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; setupGrid() ; setupArray() ; if ( wtype_.compare("UNIFORM") != 0 && wtype_.compare("TINT") != 0 && wtype_.compare("TSYS") != 0 && wtype_.compare("TINTSYS") != 0 ) { LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid", "grid", WHERE) ) ; os << LogIO::WARN << "Unsupported weight type '" << wtype_ << "', apply UNIFORM weight" << LogIO::POST ; wtype_ = "UNIFORM" ; } // Warn if gauss or gjinc gridding with non-square cells if ((cellx_ != celly_) && (convType_=="GAUSS"||convType_=="GJINC")) { os << LogIO::WARN << "The " << convType_ << " gridding doesn't support non-square grid." << endl << "Result may be wrong." << LogIO::POST; } // grid parameter os << LogIO::DEBUGGING ; os << "----------" << endl ; os << "Data selection summary" << endl ; os << " ifno = " << ifno_ << endl ; os << " pollist = " << pollist_ << endl ; os << " scanlist = " << scanlist_ << endl ; os << "----------" << endl ; os << "Grid parameter summary" << endl ; os << " (nx,ny) = (" << nx_ << "," << ny_ << ")" << endl ; os << " (cellx,celly) = (" << cellx_ << "," << celly_ << ")" << endl ; os << " center = " << center_ << endl ; os << " weighting = " << wtype_ << endl ; os << " convfunc = " << convType_ << endl; if (convType_ == "GAUSS") { os << " gwidth = " << gwidth_ << endl; os << " truncate = " << truncate_ << endl; } else if (convType_ == "GJINC") { os << " gwidth = " << gwidth_ << endl; os << " jwidth = " << jwidth_ << endl; os << " truncate = " << truncate_ << endl; } else { os << " support = " << userSupport_ << endl; } os << " doclip = " << (doclip_?"True":"False") << endl ; os << "----------" << LogIO::POST ; os << LogIO::NORMAL ; if ( doclip_ ) gridPerRowWithClipping() ; else gridPerRow() ; } void STGrid::updateChunkShape() { // TODO: nchunk_ must be determined from nchan_, npol_, and (nx_,ny_) // by considering data size to be allocated for ggridsd input/output nchunk_ = 400 ; nchunk_ = min( nchunk_, nrow_ ) ; vshape_ = IPosition( 1, nchunk_ ) ; wshape_ = IPosition( 2, nchan_, nchunk_ ) ; dshape_ = IPosition( 2, 2, nchunk_ ) ; } struct STGChunk { Int nrow ; Array spectra; Array flagtra; Array rflag; Array weight; Array direction; STGChunk(IPosition const &wshape, IPosition const &vshape, IPosition const &dshape) : spectra(wshape), flagtra(wshape), rflag(vshape), weight(wshape), direction(dshape) { } }; struct STCommonData { Int gnx; Int gny; Int *chanMap; Vector convFunc ; Array gdataArrC; Array gwgtArr; STCommonData(IPosition const &gshape, Array const &data) : gdataArrC(gshape, 0.0), gwgtArr(data) {} }; struct STCommonDataWithClipping { Int gnx; Int gny; Int *chanMap; Vector convFunc ; Array gdataArrC; Array gwgtArr; Array npoints ; Array clipMin ; Array clipWMin ; Array clipCMin ; Array clipMax ; Array clipWMax ; Array clipCMax ; STCommonDataWithClipping(IPosition const &gshape, IPosition const &pshape, Array const &data) : gdataArrC(gshape, 0.0), gwgtArr(data), npoints(pshape, 0), clipMin(gshape, Complex(FLT_MAX,0.0)), clipWMin(gshape, 0.0), clipCMin(gshape, 0.0), clipMax(gshape, Complex(-FLT_MAX,0.0)), clipWMax(gshape, 0.0), clipCMax(gshape, 0.0) {} }; #define DO_AHEAD 3 struct STContext { STCommonData &common; FIFO queue; STGrid *const self; const Int pol; STContext(STGrid *obj, STCommonData &common, Int pol) : self(obj), common(common), pol(pol) {} }; struct STContextWithClipping { STCommonDataWithClipping &common; FIFO queue; STGrid *const self; const Int pol; STContextWithClipping(STGrid *obj, STCommonDataWithClipping &common, Int pol) : self(obj), common(common), pol(pol) {} }; bool STGrid::produceChunk(void *ctx) throw(PCException) { STContext &context = *(STContext *)ctx; if ( context.self->nprocessed_ >= context.self->nrow_ ) { return false; } STGChunk *chunk = new STGChunk(context.self->wshape_, context.self->vshape_, context.self->dshape_); double t0 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; chunk->nrow = context.self->getDataChunk( context.self->wshape_, context.self->vshape_, context.self->dshape_, chunk->spectra, chunk->direction, chunk->flagtra, chunk->rflag, chunk->weight); double t1 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; context.self->eGetData_ += t1-t0 ; context.queue.lock(); context.queue.put(chunk); context.queue.unlock(); return true; } void STGrid::consumeChunk(void *ctx) throw(PCException) { STContext &context = *(STContext *)ctx; STGChunk *chunk = NULL; try { context.queue.lock(); chunk = context.queue.get(); context.queue.unlock(); } catch (FullException &e) { context.queue.unlock(); // TODO: log error throw PCException(); } double t0, t1 ; // world -> pixel Array xypos( context.self->dshape_ ) ; t0 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; context.self->toPixel( chunk->direction, xypos ) ; t1 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; context.self->eToPixel_ += t1-t0 ; // call ggridsd Int nvispol = 1 ; Int irow = -1 ; t0 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; context.self->call_ggridsd( xypos, chunk->spectra, nvispol, context.self->nchan_, chunk->flagtra, chunk->rflag, chunk->weight, chunk->nrow, irow, context.common.gdataArrC, context.common.gwgtArr, context.common.gnx, context.common.gny, context.self->npol_, context.self->nchan_, context.self->convSupport_, context.self->convSampling_, context.common.convFunc, context.common.chanMap, (Int*)&context.pol ) ; t1 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; context.self->eGGridSD_ += t1-t0 ; delete chunk; } void STGrid::gridPerRow() { LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid", "gridPerRow", WHERE) ) ; double t0, t1 ; // grid data // Extend grid plane with convSupport_ // Int gnx = nx_+convSupport_*2 ; // Int gny = ny_+convSupport_*2 ; Int gnx = nx_; Int gny = ny_; IPosition gshape( 4, gnx, gny, npol_, nchan_ ) ; // 2011/12/20 TN // data_ and gwgtArr share storage data_.resize( gshape ) ; data_ = 0.0 ; STCommonData common = STCommonData(gshape, data_); common.gnx = gnx ; common.gny = gny ; // parameters for gridding Int *chanMap = new Int[nchan_] ; for ( Int i = 0 ; i < nchan_ ; i++ ) { chanMap[i] = i ; } common.chanMap = chanMap; // convolution kernel t0 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; setConvFunc( common.convFunc ) ; t1 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "setConvFunc: elapsed time is " << t1-t0 << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; // for performance check eGetData_ = 0.0 ; eToPixel_ = 0.0 ; eGGridSD_ = 0.0 ; double eInitPol = 0.0 ; for ( uInt ifile = 0 ; ifile < nfile_ ; ifile++ ) { initTable( ifile ) ; os << "start table " << ifile << ": " << infileList_[ifile] << LogIO::POST ; Broker broker = Broker(produceChunk, consumeChunk); for ( Int ipol = 0 ; ipol < npol_ ; ipol++ ) { t0 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; initPol( ipol ) ; // set ptab_ and attach() t1 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; eInitPol += t1-t0 ; STContext context(this, common, ipol); os << "start pol " << ipol << LogIO::POST ; nprocessed_ = 0 ; #if 1 broker.runProducerAsMasterThread(&context, DO_AHEAD); #else for (;;) { bool produced = produceChunk(&context); if (! produced) { break; } consumeChunk(&context); } #endif os << "end pol " << ipol << LogIO::POST ; } os << "end table " << ifile << LogIO::POST ; } os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "initPol: elapsed time is " << eInitPol << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "getData: elapsed time is " << eGetData_-eToInt-eGetWeight << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "toPixel: elapsed time is " << eToPixel_ << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "ggridsd: elapsed time is " << eGGridSD_ << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "toInt: elapsed time is " << eToInt << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "getWeight: elapsed time is " << eGetWeight << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; delete chanMap ; // set data setData( common.gdataArrC, common.gwgtArr ) ; } void STGrid::consumeChunkWithClipping(void *ctx) throw(PCException) { STContextWithClipping &context = *(STContextWithClipping *)ctx; STGChunk *chunk = NULL; try { context.queue.lock(); chunk = context.queue.get(); context.queue.unlock(); } catch (FullException &e) { context.queue.unlock(); // TODO: log error throw PCException(); } double t0, t1 ; // world -> pixel Array xypos( context.self->dshape_ ) ; t0 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; context.self->toPixel( chunk->direction, xypos ) ; t1 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; context.self->eToPixel_ += t1-t0 ; // call ggridsd Int nvispol = 1 ; Int irow = -1 ; t0 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; context.self->call_ggridsd2( xypos, chunk->spectra, nvispol, context.self->nchan_, chunk->flagtra, chunk->rflag, chunk->weight, chunk->nrow, irow, context.common.gdataArrC, context.common.gwgtArr, context.common.npoints, context.common.clipMin, context.common.clipWMin, context.common.clipCMin, context.common.clipMax, context.common.clipWMax, context.common.clipCMax, context.common.gnx, context.common.gny, context.self->npol_, context.self->nchan_, context.self->convSupport_, context.self->convSampling_, context.common.convFunc, context.common.chanMap, (Int*)&context.pol ) ; t1 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; context.self->eGGridSD_ += t1-t0 ; delete chunk; } void STGrid::gridPerRowWithClipping() { LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid", "gridPerRowWithClipping", WHERE) ) ; double t0, t1 ; // grid data // Extend grid plane with convSupport_ // Int gnx = nx_+convSupport_*2 ; // Int gny = ny_+convSupport_*2 ; Int gnx = nx_; Int gny = ny_; IPosition gshape( 4, gnx, gny, npol_, nchan_ ) ; IPosition pshape( 3, gnx, gny, npol_ ) ; // 2011/12/20 TN // data_ and gwgtArr share storage data_.resize( gshape ) ; data_ = 0.0 ; STCommonDataWithClipping common = STCommonDataWithClipping( gshape, pshape, data_ ) ; common.gnx = gnx ; common.gny = gny ; // parameters for gridding Int *chanMap = new Int[nchan_] ; for ( Int i = 0 ; i < nchan_ ; i++ ) { chanMap[i] = i ; } common.chanMap = chanMap; // convolution kernel t0 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; setConvFunc( common.convFunc ) ; t1 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "setConvFunc: elapsed time is " << t1-t0 << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; // for performance check eGetData_ = 0.0 ; eToPixel_ = 0.0 ; eGGridSD_ = 0.0 ; double eInitPol = 0.0 ; for ( uInt ifile = 0 ; ifile < nfile_ ; ifile++ ) { initTable( ifile ) ; os << "start table " << ifile << ": " << infileList_[ifile] << LogIO::POST ; Broker broker = Broker(produceChunk, consumeChunkWithClipping); for ( Int ipol = 0 ; ipol < npol_ ; ipol++ ) { t0 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; initPol( ipol ) ; // set ptab_ and attach() t1 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; eInitPol += t1-t0 ; STContextWithClipping context(this, common, ipol); os << "start pol " << ipol << LogIO::POST ; nprocessed_ = 0 ; #if 1 broker.runProducerAsMasterThread(&context, DO_AHEAD); #else for (;;) { bool produced = produceChunk(&context); if (! produced) { break; } consumeChunkWithClipping(&context); } #endif os << "end pol " << ipol << LogIO::POST ; } os << "end table " << ifile << LogIO::POST ; } os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "initPol: elapsed time is " << eInitPol << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "getData: elapsed time is " << eGetData_-eToInt-eGetWeight << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "toPixel: elapsed time is " << eToPixel_ << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "ggridsd2: elapsed time is " << eGGridSD_ << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "toInt: elapsed time is " << eToInt << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "getWeight: elapsed time is " << eGetWeight << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; delete chanMap ; // clip min and max in each grid // os << "BEFORE CLIPPING" << LogIO::POST ; // os << "gdataArrC=" << common.gdataArrC << LogIO::POST ; // os << "gwgtArr=" << common.gwgtArr << LogIO::POST ; t0 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; clipMinMax( common.gdataArrC, common.gwgtArr, common.npoints, common.clipMin, common.clipWMin, common.clipCMin, common.clipMax, common.clipWMax, common.clipCMax ) ; t1 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "clipMinMax: elapsed time is " << t1-t0 << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; // os << "AFTER CLIPPING" << LogIO::POST ; // os << "gdataArrC=" << common.gdataArrC << LogIO::POST ; // os << "gwgtArr=" << common.gwgtArr << LogIO::POST ; // set data setData( common.gdataArrC, common.gwgtArr ) ; } void STGrid::clipMinMax( Array &grid, Array &weight, Array &npoints, Array &clipmin, Array &clipwmin, Array &clipcmin, Array &clipmax, Array &clipwmax, Array &clipcmax ) { //LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid","clipMinMax",WHERE) ) ; // prepare pointers Bool delG, delW, delNP, delCMin, delCWMin, delCCMin, delCMax, delCWMax, delCCMax ; Complex *grid_p = grid.getStorage( delG ) ; Float *wgt_p = weight.getStorage( delW ) ; const Int *npts_p = npoints.getStorage( delNP ) ; const Complex *cmin_p = clipmin.getStorage( delCMin ) ; const Float *cwmin_p = clipwmin.getStorage( delCWMin ) ; const Float *ccmin_p = clipcmin.getStorage( delCCMin ) ; const Complex *cmax_p = clipmax.getStorage( delCMax ) ; const Float *cwmax_p = clipwmax.getStorage( delCWMax ) ; const Float *ccmax_p = clipcmax.getStorage( delCCMax ) ; const IPosition &gshape = grid.shape() ; long offset = gshape[0] * gshape[1] * gshape[2] ; // nx * ny * npol Int nchan = gshape[3] ; long origin = nchan * offset ; for ( long i = 0 ; i < offset ; i++ ) { if ( *npts_p > 2 ) { for ( Int ichan = 0 ; ichan < nchan ; ichan++ ) { // clip minimum and maximum *grid_p -= (*cmin_p)*(*cwmin_p)*(*ccmin_p) + (*cmax_p)*(*cwmax_p)*(*ccmax_p) ; *wgt_p -= (*cwmin_p)*(*ccmin_p) + (*cwmax_p)*(*ccmax_p) ; grid_p += offset ; wgt_p += offset ; cmin_p += offset ; cwmin_p += offset ; ccmin_p += offset ; cmax_p += offset ; cwmax_p += offset ; ccmax_p += offset ; } grid_p -= origin ; wgt_p -= origin ; cmin_p -= origin ; cwmin_p -= origin ; ccmin_p -= origin ; cmax_p -= origin ; cwmax_p -= origin ; ccmax_p -= origin ; } grid_p++ ; wgt_p++ ; npts_p++ ; cmin_p++ ; cwmin_p++ ; ccmin_p++ ; cmax_p++ ; cwmax_p++ ; ccmax_p++ ; } grid_p -= offset ; wgt_p -= offset ; npts_p -= offset ; cmin_p -= offset ; cwmin_p -= offset ; ccmin_p -= offset ; cmax_p -= offset ; cwmax_p -= offset ; ccmax_p -= offset ; // finalization grid.putStorage( grid_p, delG ) ; weight.putStorage( wgt_p, delW ) ; npoints.freeStorage( npts_p, delNP ) ; clipmin.freeStorage( cmin_p, delCMin ) ; clipwmin.freeStorage( cwmin_p, delCWMin ) ; clipcmin.freeStorage( ccmin_p, delCCMin ) ; clipmax.freeStorage( cmax_p, delCMax ) ; clipwmax.freeStorage( cwmax_p, delCWMax ) ; clipcmax.freeStorage( ccmax_p, delCCMax ) ; } void STGrid::initPol( Int ipol ) { LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid","initPol",WHERE) ) ; if ( npolOrg_ == 1 ) { os << "single polarization data." << LogIO::POST ; ptab_ = tab_ ; } else ptab_ = tab_( tab_.col("POLNO") == pollist_[ipol] ) ; attach( ptab_ ) ; } void STGrid::initTable( uInt idx ) { tab_ = tableList_[idx] ; nrow_ = rows_[idx] ; updateChunkShape() ; } void STGrid::setData( Array &gdata, Array &gwgt ) { // 2011/12/20 TN // gwgt and data_ share storage LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid","setData",WHERE) ) ; double t0, t1 ; t0 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; uInt len = data_.nelements() ; const Complex *w1_p ; Float *w2_p ; Bool b1, b2 ; const Complex *gdata_p = gdata.getStorage( b1 ) ; Float *gwgt_p = data_.getStorage( b2 ) ; w1_p = gdata_p ; w2_p = gwgt_p ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) { if ( *w2_p > 0.0 ) *w2_p = (*w1_p).real() / *w2_p ; w1_p++ ; w2_p++ ; } gdata.freeStorage( gdata_p, b1 ) ; data_.putStorage( gwgt_p, b2 ) ; t1 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "setData: elapsed time is " << t1-t0 << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; } void STGrid::setupGrid() { Double xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax ; mapExtent( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax ) ; setupGrid( nxUI_, nyUI_, cellxUI_, cellyUI_, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, centerUI_ ) ; } void STGrid::setupGrid( Int &nx, Int &ny, String &cellx, String &celly, Double &xmin, Double &xmax, Double &ymin, Double &ymax, String ¢er ) { LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid","setupGrid",WHERE) ) ; //cout << "nx=" << nx << ", ny=" << ny << endl ; // center position if ( center.size() == 0 ) { center_(0) = 0.5 * ( xmin + xmax ) ; center_(1) = 0.5 * ( ymin + ymax ) ; } else { String::size_type pos0 = center.find( " " ) ; if ( pos0 == String::npos ) { throw AipsError( "bad string format in parameter center" ) ; } String::size_type pos1 = center.find( " ", pos0+1 ) ; String typestr, xstr, ystr ; if ( pos1 != String::npos ) { typestr = center.substr( 0, pos0 ) ; xstr = center.substr( pos0+1, pos1-pos0 ) ; ystr = center.substr( pos1+1 ) ; // todo: convert to J2000 (or direction ref for DIRECTION column) } else { typestr = "J2000" ; xstr = center.substr( 0, pos0 ) ; ystr = center.substr( pos0+1 ) ; } QuantumHolder qh ; String err ; qh.fromString( err, xstr ) ; Quantum xcen = qh.asQuantumDouble() ; qh.fromString( err, ystr ) ; Quantum ycen = qh.asQuantumDouble() ; center_(0) = xcen.getValue( "rad" ) ; center_(1) = ycen.getValue( "rad" ) ; double base = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax) ; int maxrotate = 1 ; int nelem = 2 * maxrotate + 1 ; double *sep = new double[nelem] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < nelem ; i++ ) sep[i] = abs(base - center_[0] - (i-maxrotate) * C::_2pi) ; // os << "sep[0]=" << sep[0] << endl // << "sep[1]=" << sep[1] << endl // << "sep[2]=" << sep[2] << LogIO::POST ; int idx = 0 ; base = sep[0] ; int nrotate = 0 ; while ( idx < nelem ) { if ( base > sep[idx] ) { base = sep[idx] ; nrotate = idx ; } idx++ ; } delete sep ; nrotate -= maxrotate ; // os << "nrotate = " << nrotate << LogIO::POST ; center_[0] += nrotate * C::_2pi ; } // os << "xmin=" << xmin << LogIO::POST ; // os << "center_=" << center_ << LogIO::POST ; nx_ = nx ; ny_ = ny ; if ( nx < 0 && ny > 0 ) { nx_ = ny ; ny_ = ny ; } if ( ny < 0 && nx > 0 ) { nx_ = nx ; ny_ = nx ; } //Double wx = xmax - xmin ; //Double wy = ymax - ymin ; Double wx = max( abs(xmax-center_(0)), abs(xmin-center_(0)) ) * 2 ; Double wy = max( abs(ymax-center_(1)), abs(ymin-center_(1)) ) * 2 ; // take 10% margin wx *= 1.10 ; wy *= 1.10 ; Quantum qcellx ; Quantum qcelly ; //cout << "nx_ = " << nx_ << ", ny_ = " << ny_ << endl ; if ( cellx.size() != 0 && celly.size() != 0 ) { readQuantity( qcellx, cellx ) ; readQuantity( qcelly, celly ) ; } else if ( celly.size() != 0 ) { os << "Using celly to x-axis..." << LogIO::POST ; readQuantity( qcelly, celly ) ; qcellx = qcelly ; } else if ( cellx.size() != 0 ) { os << "Using cellx to y-axis..." << LogIO::POST ; readQuantity( qcellx, cellx ) ; qcelly = qcellx ; } else { if ( nx_ < 0 ) { os << "No user preference in grid setting. Using default..." << LogIO::POST ; readQuantity( qcellx, "1.0arcmin" ) ; qcelly = qcellx ; } else { if ( wx == 0.0 ) { os << "Using default spatial extent (10arcmin) in x" << LogIO::POST ; wx = 0.00290888 ; } if ( wy == 0.0 ) { os << "Using default spatial extent (10arcmin) in y" << LogIO::POST ; wy = 0.00290888 ; } qcellx = Quantum( wx/nx_, "rad" ) ; qcelly = Quantum( wy/ny_, "rad" ) ; } } cellx_ = qcellx.getValue( "rad" ) ; celly_ = qcelly.getValue( "rad" ) ; //os << "cellx_=" << cellx_ << ", celly_=" << celly_ << ", cos("< xform(2,2) ; xform = 0.0 ; xform.diagonal() = 1.0 ; dircoord_ = new DirectionCoordinate(MDirection::J2000, Projection( Projection::SIN ), center_[0], center_[1], -cellx_, celly_, xform, 0.5*Double(nx_-1), 0.5*Double(ny_-1)) ; } void STGrid::mapExtent( Double &xmin, Double &xmax, Double &ymin, Double &ymax ) { //LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid","mapExtent",WHERE) ) ; directionCol_.attach( tableList_[0], "DIRECTION" ) ; Matrix direction = directionCol_.getColumn() ; //os << "dirCol.nrow() = " << dirCol.nrow() << LogIO::POST ; minMax( xmin, xmax, direction.row( 0 ) ) ; minMax( ymin, ymax, direction.row( 1 ) ) ; Double amin, amax, bmin, bmax ; for ( uInt i = 1 ; i < nfile_ ; i++ ) { directionCol_.attach( tableList_[i], "DIRECTION" ) ; direction.assign( directionCol_.getColumn() ) ; //os << "dirCol.nrow() = " << dirCol.nrow() << LogIO::POST ; // to make contiguous RA distribution (no 2pi jump) Vector ra( direction.row(0) ) ; mathutil::rotateRA( ra ) ; minMax( amin, amax, direction.row( 0 ) ) ; minMax( bmin, bmax, direction.row( 1 ) ) ; xmin = min( xmin, amin ) ; xmax = max( xmax, amax ) ; ymin = min( ymin, bmin ) ; ymax = max( ymax, bmax ) ; } //os << "(xmin,xmax)=(" << xmin << "," << xmax << ")" << LogIO::POST ; //os << "(ymin,ymax)=(" << ymin << "," << ymax << ")" << LogIO::POST ; } void STGrid::table( Table &tab, uInt i ) { if ( i >= 0 && i < nfile_ ) tab = Table( infileList_[i] ) ; } void STGrid::selectData() { LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid","selectData",WHERE) ) ; Int ifno = ifno_ ; tableList_.resize( nfile_ ) ; if ( ifno_ == -1 ) { //Table taborg( infileList_[0] ) ; Table taborg ; table( taborg, 0 ) ; ROScalarColumn ifnoCol( taborg, "IFNO" ) ; ifno_ = ifnoCol( 0 ) ; os << LogIO::WARN << "IFNO is not given. Using default IFNO: " << ifno_ << LogIO::POST ; } for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < nfile_ ; i++ ) { //Table taborg( infileList_[i] ) ; Table taborg ; table( taborg, i ) ; TableExprNode node ; if ( ifno != -1 || isMultiIF( taborg ) ) { os << "apply selection on IFNO" << LogIO::POST ; node = taborg.col("IFNO") == ifno_ ; } if ( scanlist_.size() > 0 ) { os << "apply selection on SCANNO" << LogIO::POST ; node = node && taborg.col("SCANNO").in( scanlist_ ) ; } if ( node.isNull() ) { tableList_[i] = taborg ; } else { tableList_[i] = taborg( node ) ; } os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "tableList_[" << i << "].nrow()=" << tableList_[i].nrow() << LogIO::POST ; if ( tableList_[i].nrow() == 0 ) { os << LogIO::SEVERE << "No corresponding rows for given selection: IFNO " << ifno_ ; if ( scanlist_.size() > 0 ) os << " SCANNO " << scanlist_ ; os << LogIO::EXCEPTION ; } } } Bool STGrid::isMultiIF( Table &tab ) { ROScalarColumn ifnoCol( tab, "IFNO" ) ; Vector ifnos = ifnoCol.getColumn() ; return anyNE( ifnos, ifnos[0] ) ; } void STGrid::attach( Table &tab ) { // attach to table spectraCol_.attach( tab, "SPECTRA" ) ; flagtraCol_.attach( tab, "FLAGTRA" ) ; directionCol_.attach( tab, "DIRECTION" ) ; flagRowCol_.attach( tab, "FLAGROW" ) ; tsysCol_.attach( tab, "TSYS" ) ; intervalCol_.attach( tab, "INTERVAL" ) ; } Int STGrid::getDataChunk( IPosition const &wshape, IPosition const &vshape, IPosition const &dshape, Array &spectra, Array &direction, Array &flagtra, Array &rflag, Array &weight ) { LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid","getDataChunk",WHERE) ) ; Array spectraF_(wshape); Array flagtraUC_(wshape); Array rflagUI_(vshape); Int nrow = getDataChunk( spectraF_, direction, flagtraUC_, rflagUI_, weight ) ; if ( nrow < nchunk_ ) { spectra.resize( spectraF_.shape() ) ; flagtra.resize( flagtraUC_.shape() ) ; rflag.resize( rflagUI_.shape() ) ; } double t0, t1 ; t0 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; convertArray( spectra, spectraF_ ) ; toInt( flagtraUC_, flagtra ) ; toInt( rflagUI_, rflag ) ; t1 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; eToInt = t1 - t0 ; return nrow ; } #if 0 Int STGrid::getDataChunk( Array &spectra, Array &direction, Array &flagtra, Array &rflag, Array &weight ) { LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid","getDataChunk",WHERE) ) ; Int nrow = getDataChunk( spectraF_, direction, flagtraUC_, rflagUI_, weight ) ; if ( nrow < nchunk_ ) { spectra.resize( spectraF_.shape() ) ; flagtra.resize( flagtraUC_.shape() ) ; rflag.resize( rflagUI_.shape() ) ; } double t0, t1 ; t0 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; convertArray( spectra, spectraF_ ) ; toInt( flagtraUC_, flagtra ) ; toInt( rflagUI_, rflag ) ; t1 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; eToInt = t1 - t0 ; return nrow ; } #endif Int STGrid::getDataChunk( Array &spectra, Array &direction, Array &flagtra, Array &rflag, Array &weight ) { LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid","getDataChunk",WHERE) ) ; Int nrow = spectra.shape()[1] ; Int remainingRow = nrow_ - nprocessed_ ; if ( remainingRow < nrow ) { nrow = remainingRow ; IPosition mshape( 2, nchan_, nrow ) ; IPosition vshape( 1, nrow ) ; spectra.resize( mshape ) ; flagtra.resize( mshape ) ; direction.resize( IPosition(2,2,nrow) ) ; rflag.resize( vshape ) ; weight.resize( mshape ) ; } // 2011/12/22 TN // tsys shares its storage with weight Array tsys( weight ) ; Array tint( rflag.shape() ) ; Vector rflagVec( rflag ) ; Vector tintVec( tint ) ; RefRows rows( nprocessed_, nprocessed_+nrow-1, 1 ) ; //os< polnoCol( tableList_[0], "POLNO" ) ; Vector pols = polnoCol.getColumn() ; //os << pols << LogIO::POST ; Vector pollistOrg ; npolOrg_ = 0 ; uInt polno ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < polnoCol.nrow() ; i++ ) { //polno = polnoCol( i ) ; polno = pols( i ) ; if ( allNE( pollistOrg, polno ) ) { pollistOrg.resize( npolOrg_+1, True ) ; pollistOrg[npolOrg_] = polno ; npolOrg_++ ; } } if ( pollist_.size() == 0 ) pollist_ = pollistOrg ; else { Vector newlist ; uInt newsize = 0 ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < pollist_.size() ; i++ ) { if ( anyEQ( pollistOrg, pollist_[i] ) ) { newlist.resize( newsize+1, True ) ; newlist[newsize] = pollist_[i] ; newsize++ ; } } pollist_.assign( newlist ) ; } npol_ = pollist_.size() ; if ( npol_ == 0 ) { os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Empty pollist" << LogIO::EXCEPTION ; } rows_.resize( nfile_ ) ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < nfile_ ; i++ ) { rows_[i] = tableList_[i].nrow() / npolOrg_ ; //if ( nrow_ < rows_[i] ) // nrow_ = rows_[i] ; } flagtraCol_.attach( tableList_[0], "FLAGTRA" ) ; nchan_ = flagtraCol_( 0 ).nelements() ; // os << "npol_ = " << npol_ << "(" << pollist_ << ")" << endl // << "nchan_ = " << nchan_ << endl // << "nrow_ = " << nrow_ << LogIO::POST ; } void STGrid::getWeight( Array &w, Array &tsys, Array &tint ) { LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid","getWeight",WHERE) ) ; // 2011/12/22 TN // w (weight) and tsys share storage IPosition refShape = tsys.shape() ; Int nchan = refShape[0] ; Int nrow = refShape[1] ; // os << "nchan=" << nchan << ", nrow=" << nrow << LogIO::POST ; // os << "w.shape()=" << w.shape() << endl // << "tsys.shape()=" << tsys.shape() << endl // << "tint.shape()=" << tint.shape() << LogIO::POST ; // set weight if ( wtype_.compare( "UNIFORM" ) == 0 ) { w = 1.0 ; } else if ( wtype_.compare( "TINT" ) == 0 ) { Bool b0, b1 ; Float *w_p = w.getStorage( b0 ) ; Float *w0_p = w_p ; const Double *ti_p = tint.getStorage( b1 ) ; const Double *w1_p = ti_p ; for ( Int irow = 0 ; irow < nrow ; irow++ ) { for ( Int ichan = 0 ; ichan < nchan ; ichan++ ) { *w0_p = *w1_p ; w0_p++ ; } w1_p++ ; } w.putStorage( w_p, b0 ) ; tint.freeStorage( ti_p, b1 ) ; } else if ( wtype_.compare( "TSYS" ) == 0 ) { Bool b0 ; Float *w_p = w.getStorage( b0 ) ; Float *w0_p = w_p ; for ( Int irow = 0 ; irow < nrow ; irow++ ) { for ( Int ichan = 0 ; ichan < nchan ; ichan++ ) { Float temp = *w0_p ; *w0_p = 1.0 / ( temp * temp ) ; w0_p++ ; } } w.putStorage( w_p, b0 ) ; } else if ( wtype_.compare( "TINTSYS" ) == 0 ) { Bool b0, b1 ; Float *w_p = w.getStorage( b0 ) ; Float *w0_p = w_p ; const Double *ti_p = tint.getStorage( b1 ) ; const Double *w1_p = ti_p ; for ( Int irow = 0 ; irow < nrow ; irow++ ) { Float interval = *w1_p ; for ( Int ichan = 0 ; ichan < nchan ; ichan++ ) { Float temp = *w0_p ; *w0_p = interval / ( temp * temp ) ; w0_p++ ; } w1_p++ ; } w.putStorage( w_p, b0 ) ; tint.freeStorage( ti_p, b1 ) ; } else { //LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid", "getWeight", WHERE) ) ; //os << LogIO::WARN << "Unsupported weight type '" << wtype_ << "', apply UNIFORM weight" << LogIO::POST ; w = 1.0 ; } } void STGrid::toInt( Array &u, Array &v ) { uInt len = u.nelements() ; Int *int_p = new Int[len] ; Bool deleteIt ; const uChar *data_p = u.getStorage( deleteIt ) ; Int *i_p = int_p ; const uChar *u_p = data_p ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) { *i_p = ( *u_p == 0 ) ? 0 : 1 ; i_p++ ; u_p++ ; } u.freeStorage( data_p, deleteIt ) ; v.takeStorage( u.shape(), int_p, TAKE_OVER ) ; } void STGrid::toInt( Array &u, Array &v ) { uInt len = u.nelements() ; Int *int_p = new Int[len] ; Bool deleteIt ; const uInt *data_p = u.getStorage( deleteIt ) ; Int *i_p = int_p ; const uInt *u_p = data_p ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) { *i_p = ( *u_p == 0 ) ? 0 : 1 ; i_p++ ; u_p++ ; } u.freeStorage( data_p, deleteIt ) ; v.takeStorage( u.shape(), int_p, TAKE_OVER ) ; } void STGrid::toPixel( Array &world, Array &pixel ) { uInt nrow = world.shape()[1] ; Bool bw, bp ; Double *w_p = world.getStorage( bw ) ; Double *p_p = pixel.getStorage( bp ) ; Double *ww_p = w_p ; Double *wp_p = p_p ; IPosition vshape( 1, 2 ) ; Vector _world, _pixel ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < nrow ; i++ ) { _world.takeStorage( vshape, ww_p, SHARE ) ; _pixel.takeStorage( vshape, wp_p, SHARE ) ; dircoord_->toPixel( _pixel, _world ) ; ww_p += 2 ; wp_p += 2 ; } world.putStorage( w_p, bw ) ; pixel.putStorage( p_p, bp ) ; } void STGrid::boxFunc( Vector &convFunc, Int &convSize ) { convFunc = 0.0 ; for ( Int i = 0 ; i < convSize/2 ; i++ ) convFunc(i) = 1.0 ; } #define NEED_UNDERSCORES #if defined(NEED_UNDERSCORES) #define grdsf grdsf_ #define grdgauss grdgauss_ #define grdjinc1 grdjinc1_ #endif #if defined(USE_CASAPY) extern "C" { void grdsf(Double*, Double*); void grdgauss(Double*, Double*, Double*); void grdjinc1(Double*, Double*, Int*, Double*); } #else extern "C" { void grdsf(Double*, Double*); } void grdgauss(Double *hwhm, Double *val, Double *out) { *out = exp(-log(2.0) * (*val / *hwhm) * (*val / *hwhm)); } void grdjinc1(Double *c, Double *val, Int *normalize, Double *out) { // Calculate J_1(x) using approximate formula Double x = C::pi * *val / *c; Double ax = fabs(x); Double ans; if ( ax < 8.0 ) { Double y = x * x; Double ans1 = x * (72362614232.0 + y * (-7895059235.0 + y * (242396853.1 + y * (-2972611.439 + y * (15704.48260 + y * (-30.16036606)))))); Double ans2 = 144725228442.0 + y * (2300535178.0 + y * (18583304.74 + y * (99447.43394 + y * (376.9991397 + y * 1.0)))); ans = ans1 / ans2; } else { Double z = 8.0 / ax; Double y = z * z; Double xx = ax - 2.356194491; Double ans1 = 1.0 + y * (0.183105e-2 + y * (-0.3516396496e-4 + y * (0.2457520174e-5 + y * (-0.240337019e-6)))); Double ans2 = 0.04687499995 + y * (-0.2002690873e-3 + y * (0.8449199096e-5 + y * (-0.88228987e-6 + y * (0.105787412e-6)))); ans = sqrt(0.636619772 / ax) * (cos(xx) * ans1 - z * sin(xx) * ans2); if (x < 0.0) ans = -ans; } // Then, calculate Jinc if (x == 0.0) { *out = 0.5; } else { *out = ans / x; } if (*normalize == 1) *out = *out / 0.5; } #endif void STGrid::spheroidalFunc( Vector &convFunc ) { convFunc = 0.0 ; for ( Int i = 0 ; i < convSampling_*convSupport_ ; i++ ) { Double nu = Double(i) / Double(convSupport_*convSampling_) ; Double val ; grdsf( &nu, &val ) ; convFunc(i) = ( 1.0 - nu * nu ) * val ; } } void STGrid::gaussFunc( Vector &convFunc, Double hwhm, Double truncate ) { convFunc = 0.0 ; Int len = (Int)(truncate*Double(convSampling_)+0.5); Double out, val; for ( Int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) { val = Double(i) / Double(convSampling_) ; grdgauss(&hwhm, &val, &out); convFunc(i) = out; } } void STGrid::gjincFunc( Vector &convFunc, Double hwhm, Double c, Double truncate ) { convFunc = 0.0; Double out1, out2, val; Int normalize = 1; if (truncate >= 0.0) { Int len = (Int)(truncate*Double(convSampling_)+0.5); for (Int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) { val = Double(i) / Double(convSampling_); grdgauss(&hwhm, &val, &out1); grdjinc1(&c, &val, &normalize, &out2); convFunc(i) = out1 * out2; } } else { Int len = convFunc.nelements(); for (Int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) { val = Double(i) / Double(convSampling_); grdjinc1(&c, &val, &normalize, &out2); if (out2 <= 0.0) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STGrid","gjincFunc",WHERE)); os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "convFunc is automatically truncated at radius " << val << LogIO::POST; break; } grdgauss(&hwhm, &val, &out1); convFunc(i) = out1 * out2; } } } void STGrid::pbFunc( Vector &convFunc ) { convFunc = 0.0 ; } vector STGrid::getConvFunc() { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STGrid","getConvFunc",WHERE)); Vector convFunc; vector out; if (cellx_ <= 0.0 || celly_ <= 0.0) { selectData(); setupGrid(); } if (convType_ == "BOX" || convType_ == "SF") { setConvFunc(convFunc); } else if (convType_ == "GAUSS") { Quantum q1,q2; readQuantity(q1,gwidth_); readQuantity(q2,truncate_); // if (celly_ <= 0.0 // && ((!q1.getUnit().empty()&&q1.getUnit()!="pixel") || // (!q2.getUnit().empty()&&q2.getUnit()!="pixel"))) { // throw AipsError("You have to call defineImage to get correct convFunc"); // } setConvFunc(convFunc); } else if (convType_ == "GJINC") { Quantum q1,q2,q3; readQuantity(q1,gwidth_); readQuantity(q2,truncate_); readQuantity(q3,jwidth_); // if (celly_ <= 0.0 // && ((!q1.getUnit().empty()&&q1.getUnit()!="pixel") || // (!q2.getUnit().empty()&&q2.getUnit()!="pixel") || // (!q3.getUnit().empty()&&q3.getUnit()!="pixel"))) { // throw AipsError("You have to call defineImage to get correct convFunc"); // } setConvFunc(convFunc); } else if (convType_ == "PB") { throw AipsError("Grid function PB is not available"); } else { throw AipsError("Unknown grid function: "+convType_); } convFunc.tovector(out); return out; } void STGrid::setConvFunc( Vector &convFunc ) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("STGrid","setConvFunc",WHERE)); convSupport_ = userSupport_ ; if ( convType_ == "BOX" ) { if ( convSupport_ < 0 ) convSupport_ = 0 ; Int convSize = convSampling_ * ( 2 * convSupport_ + 2 ) ; convFunc.resize( convSize ) ; boxFunc( convFunc, convSize ) ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "convType_ = " << convType_ << endl << "convSupport_ = " << convSupport_ << LogIO::POST; } else if ( convType_ == "SF" ) { if ( convSupport_ < 0 ) convSupport_ = 3 ; Int convSize = convSampling_ * ( 2 * convSupport_ + 2 ) ; convFunc.resize( convSize ) ; spheroidalFunc( convFunc ) ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "convType_ = " << convType_ << endl << "convSupport_ = " << convSupport_ << LogIO::POST; } else if ( convType_ == "GAUSS" ) { // determine pixel gwidth // default is HWHM corresponding to b = 1.0 (Mangum et al. 2007) Double pixelGW; Quantum q ; if (!gwidth_.empty()) { readQuantity( q, gwidth_ ); if ( q.getUnit().empty() || q.getUnit()=="pixel" ) { pixelGW = q.getValue(); } else { pixelGW = q.getValue("rad")/celly_; } } pixelGW = (pixelGW >= 0.0) ? pixelGW : sqrt(log(2.0)); if (pixelGW < 0.0) { os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Negative width is specified for gaussian" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } // determine truncation radius // default is 3 * HWHM Double truncate; if (!truncate_.empty()) { readQuantity( q, truncate_ ); if ( q.getUnit().empty() || q.getUnit()=="pixel" ) { truncate = q.getValue(); } else { truncate = q.getValue("rad")/celly_; } } //convSupport_ = (Int)(truncate+0.5); truncate = (truncate >= 0.0) ? truncate : 3.0 * pixelGW; convSupport_ = Int(truncate); convSupport_ += (((truncate-(Double)convSupport_) > 0.0) ? 1 : 0); Int convSize = convSampling_ * ( 2*convSupport_ + 2 ) ; convFunc.resize( convSize ) ; gaussFunc( convFunc, pixelGW, truncate ) ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "convType_ = " << convType_ << endl << "convSupport_ = " << convSupport_ << endl << "truncate_ = " << truncate << "pixel" << endl << "gwidth_ = " << pixelGW << "pixel" << LogIO::POST; } else if ( convType_ == "GJINC" ) { // determine pixel gwidth // default is HWHM corresponding to b = 2.52 (Mangum et al. 2007) Double pixelGW; Quantum q ; if (!gwidth_.empty()) { readQuantity( q, gwidth_ ); if ( q.getUnit().empty() || q.getUnit()=="pixel" ) { pixelGW = q.getValue(); } else { pixelGW = q.getValue("rad")/celly_; } } pixelGW = (pixelGW >= 0.0) ? pixelGW : sqrt(log(2.0)) * 2.52; if (pixelGW < 0.0) { os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Negative width is specified for gaussian" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } // determine pixel c // default is c = 1.55 (Mangum et al. 2007) Double pixelJW; if (!jwidth_.empty()) { readQuantity( q, jwidth_ ); if ( q.getUnit().empty() || q.getUnit()=="pixel" ) { pixelJW = q.getValue(); } else { pixelJW = q.getValue("rad")/celly_; } } pixelJW = (pixelJW >= 0.0) ? pixelJW : 1.55; if (pixelJW < 0.0) { os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Negative width is specified for jinc" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } // determine truncation radius // default is -1.0 (truncate at first null) Double truncate = -1.0; if (!truncate_.empty()) { readQuantity( q, truncate_ ); if ( q.getUnit().empty() || q.getUnit()=="pixel" ) { truncate = q.getValue(); } else { truncate = q.getValue("rad")/celly_; } } //convSupport_ = (truncate >= 0.0) ? (Int)(truncate+0.5) : (Int)(2*pixelJW+0.5); Double convSupportF = (truncate >= 0.0) ? truncate : (2*pixelJW); convSupport_ = (Int)convSupportF; convSupport_ += (((convSupportF-(Double)convSupport_) > 0.0) ? 1 : 0); Int convSize = convSampling_ * ( 2*convSupport_ + 2 ) ; convFunc.resize( convSize ) ; gjincFunc( convFunc, pixelGW, pixelJW, truncate ) ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "convType_ = " << convType_ << endl << "convSupport_ = " << convSupport_ << endl << "truncate_ = " << truncate << "pixel" << endl << "gwidth_ = " << pixelGW << "pixel" << endl << "jwidth_ = " << pixelJW << "pixel" << LogIO::POST; } else if ( convType_ == "PB" ) { if ( convSupport_ < 0 ) convSupport_ = 0 ; pbFunc( convFunc ) ; } else { throw AipsError( "Unsupported convolution function" ) ; } } string STGrid::saveData( string outfile ) { LogIO os( LogOrigin("STGrid", "saveData", WHERE) ) ; double t0, t1 ; t0 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; //Int polno = 0 ; String outfile_ ; if ( outfile.size() == 0 ) { if ( infileList_[0].lastchar() == '/' ) { outfile_ = infileList_[0].substr( 0, infileList_[0].size()-1 ) ; } else { outfile_ = infileList_[0] ; } outfile_ += ".grid" ; } else { outfile_ = outfile ; } Table tab ; prepareTable( tab, outfile_ ) ; fillTable( tab ) ; t1 = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "saveData: elapsed time is " << t1-t0 << " sec." << LogIO::POST ; return outfile_ ; } void STGrid::prepareTable( Table &tab, String &name ) { Table t( infileList_[0], Table::Old ) ; t.deepCopy( name, Table::New, False, t.endianFormat(), True ) ; tab = Table( name, Table::Update ) ; // 2012/02/13 TN // explicitly copy subtables since no rows including subtables are // copied by Table::deepCopy with noRows=True //TableCopy::copySubTables( tab, t ) ; const TableRecord &inrec = t.keywordSet(); TableRecord &outrec = tab.rwKeywordSet(); for (uInt i = 0 ; i < inrec.nfields() ; i++) { if (inrec.type(i) == TpTable) { String name = inrec.name(i); Table intable = inrec.asTable(name); Table outtable = outrec.asTable(name); TableCopy::copyRows(outtable, intable); } } } void STGrid::fillTable( Table &tab ) { IPosition dshape = data_.shape() ; Int nrow = nx_ * ny_ * npol_ ; tab.rwKeywordSet().define( "nPol", npol_ ) ; tab.addRow( nrow ) ; Vector cpix( 2 ) ; cpix(0) = Double( nx_ - 1 ) * 0.5 ; cpix(1) = Double( ny_ - 1 ) * 0.5 ; Vector dir( 2 ) ; Vector pix( 2 ); ArrayColumn directionCol( tab, "DIRECTION" ) ; ArrayColumn spectraCol( tab, "SPECTRA" ) ; ScalarColumn polnoCol( tab, "POLNO" ) ; ScalarColumn scannoCol( tab, "SCANNO" ) ; Int irow = 0 ; Vector sp( nchan_ ) ; Bool bsp, bdata ; const Float *data_p = data_.getStorage( bdata ) ; Float *wsp_p, *sp_p ; const Float *wdata_p = data_p ; long step = nx_ * ny_ * npol_ ; long offset ; uInt scanno = 0 ; for ( Int iy = 0 ; iy < ny_ ; iy++ ) { pix(1) = (Double)(iy); for ( Int ix = 0 ; ix < nx_ ; ix++ ) { pix(0) = (Double)(nx_-1-ix); dircoord_->toWorld(dir,pix); //os << "dir[" << ix << "," << iy << "]=" << dir << LogIO::POST; for ( Int ipol = 0 ; ipol < npol_ ; ipol++ ) { offset = ix + nx_ * (iy + ipol * ny_) ; //os << "offset = " << offset << LogIO::POST ; sp_p = sp.getStorage( bsp ) ; wsp_p = sp_p ; wdata_p = data_p + offset ; for ( Int ichan = 0 ; ichan < nchan_ ; ichan++ ) { *wsp_p = *wdata_p ; wsp_p++ ; wdata_p += step ; } sp.putStorage( sp_p, bsp ) ; spectraCol.put( irow, sp ) ; directionCol.put( irow, dir ) ; polnoCol.put( irow, pollist_[ipol] ) ; scannoCol.put( irow, scanno ) ; irow++ ; } scanno++ ; } } data_.freeStorage( data_p, bdata ) ; fillMainColumns( tab ) ; } void STGrid::fillMainColumns( Table &tab ) { // values for fill //Table t( infileList_[0], Table::Old ) ; Table t ; table( t, 0 ) ; Table tsel = t( t.col( "IFNO" ) == (uInt)ifno_, 1 ) ; ROTableRow row( tsel ) ; row.get( 0 ) ; const TableRecord &rec = row.record() ; uInt freqId = rec.asuInt( "FREQ_ID" ) ; uInt molId = rec.asuInt( "MOLECULE_ID" ) ; uInt tcalId = rec.asuInt( "TCAL_ID" ) ; uInt focusId = rec.asuInt( "FOCUS_ID" ) ; uInt weatherId = rec.asuInt( "WEATHER_ID" ) ; String srcname = rec.asString( "SRCNAME" ) ; String fieldname = rec.asString( "FIELDNAME" ) ; Vector defaultTsys( 1, 1.0 ) ; // @todo how to set flagtra for gridded spectra? Vector flagtra = rec.asArrayuChar( "FLAGTRA" ) ; flagtra = (uChar)0 ; Float opacity = rec.asFloat( "OPACITY" ) ; Double srcvel = rec.asDouble( "SRCVELOCITY" ) ; Vector srcpm = rec.asArrayDouble( "SRCPROPERMOTION" ) ; Vector srcdir = rec.asArrayDouble( "SRCDIRECTION" ) ; Vector scanrate = rec.asArrayDouble( "SCANRATE" ) ; Double time = rec.asDouble( "TIME" ) ; Double interval = rec.asDouble( "INTERVAL" ) ; // fill columns Int nrow = tab.nrow() ; ScalarColumn ifnoCol( tab, "IFNO" ) ; ScalarColumn freqIdCol( tab, "FREQ_ID" ) ; ScalarColumn molIdCol( tab, "MOLECULE_ID" ) ; ScalarColumn tcalidCol( tab, "TCAL_ID" ) ; ScalarColumn fitidCol( tab, "FIT_ID" ) ; ScalarColumn focusidCol( tab, "FOCUS_ID" ) ; ScalarColumn weatheridCol( tab, "WEATHER_ID" ) ; ArrayColumn flagtraCol( tab, "FLAGTRA" ) ; ScalarColumn rflagCol( tab, "FLAGROW" ) ; ArrayColumn tsysCol( tab, "TSYS" ) ; ScalarColumn srcnameCol( tab, "SRCNAME" ) ; ScalarColumn fieldnameCol( tab, "FIELDNAME" ) ; ScalarColumn srctypeCol( tab, "SRCTYPE" ) ; ScalarColumn opacityCol( tab, "OPACITY" ) ; ScalarColumn srcvelCol( tab, "SRCVELOCITY" ) ; ArrayColumn srcpmCol( tab, "SRCPROPERMOTION" ) ; ArrayColumn srcdirCol( tab, "SRCDIRECTION" ) ; ArrayColumn scanrateCol( tab, "SCANRATE" ) ; ScalarColumn timeCol( tab, "TIME" ) ; ScalarColumn intervalCol( tab, "INTERVAL" ) ; for ( Int i = 0 ; i < nrow ; i++ ) { ifnoCol.put( i, (uInt)ifno_ ) ; freqIdCol.put( i, freqId ) ; molIdCol.put( i, molId ) ; tcalidCol.put( i, tcalId ) ; fitidCol.put( i, -1 ) ; focusidCol.put( i, focusId ) ; weatheridCol.put( i, weatherId ) ; flagtraCol.put( i, flagtra ) ; rflagCol.put( i, 0 ) ; tsysCol.put( i, defaultTsys ) ; srcnameCol.put( i, srcname ) ; fieldnameCol.put( i, fieldname ) ; srctypeCol.put( i, (Int)SrcType::PSON ) ; opacityCol.put( i, opacity ) ; srcvelCol.put( i, srcvel ) ; srcpmCol.put( i, srcpm ) ; srcdirCol.put( i, srcdir ) ; scanrateCol.put( i, scanrate ) ; timeCol.put( i, time ) ; intervalCol.put( i, interval ) ; } } // STGrid2 STGrid2::STGrid2() : STGrid() { } STGrid2::STGrid2( const ScantableWrapper &s ) : STGrid() { setScantable( s ) ; } STGrid2::STGrid2( const vector &v ) : STGrid() { setScantableList( v ) ; } void STGrid2::setScantable( const ScantableWrapper &s ) { nfile_ = 1 ; dataList_.resize( nfile_ ) ; dataList_[0] = s ; infileList_.resize( nfile_ ) ; infileList_[0] = s.getCP()->table().tableName() ; } void STGrid2::setScantableList( const vector &v ) { nfile_ = v.size() ; dataList_.resize( nfile_ ) ; infileList_.resize( nfile_ ) ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < nfile_ ; i++ ) { dataList_[i] = v[i] ; infileList_[i] = v[i].getCP()->table().tableName() ; } } ScantableWrapper STGrid2::getResultAsScantable( int tp ) { ScantableWrapper sw( tp ) ; CountedPtr s = sw.getCP() ; s->setHeader( dataList_[0].getCP()->getHeader() ) ; Table tout, tin ; String subt[] = { "FREQUENCIES", "FOCUS", "WEATHER", "TCAL", "MOLECULES", "HISTORY", "FIT" } ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++ ) { tout = s->table().rwKeywordSet().asTable(subt[i]) ; tin = dataList_[0].getCP()->table().rwKeywordSet().asTable(subt[i]) ; TableCopy::copyRows( tout, tin ) ; } fillTable( s->table() ) ; return sw ; } void STGrid2::table( Table &tab, uInt i ) { if ( i < nfile_ ) tab = dataList_[i].getCP()->table() ; } }