1 | //
2 | // C++ Implementation: STFrequencies
3 | //
4 | // Description:
5 | //
6 | //
7 | // Author: Malte Marquarding <asap@atnf.csiro.au>, (C) 2006
8 | //
9 | // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
10 | //
11 | //
12 | #include <casa/iostream.h>
13 | #include <casa/iomanip.h>
14 | #include <casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
15 | #include <casa/Containers/RecordField.h>
16 | #include <casa/Arrays/IPosition.h>
17 | #include <casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
18 | #include <casa/BasicMath/Math.h>
19 |
20 | #include <tables/Tables/TableDesc.h>
21 | #include <tables/Tables/SetupNewTab.h>
22 | #include <tables/Tables/ScaColDesc.h>
23 | #include <tables/Tables/TableRecord.h>
24 | #include <tables/TaQL/TableParse.h>
25 | #include <tables/Tables/TableRow.h>
26 |
27 | #include <coordinates/Coordinates/CoordinateSystem.h>
28 | #include <coordinates/Coordinates/CoordinateUtil.h>
29 |
30 | #include "STFrequencies.h"
31 |
32 |
33 | using namespace casa;
34 |
35 | namespace asap {
36 |
37 | const String STFrequencies::name_ = "FREQUENCIES";
38 |
39 | STFrequencies::STFrequencies(const Scantable& parent) :
40 | STSubTable(parent, name_)
41 | {
42 | setup();
43 | }
44 |
45 | STFrequencies::STFrequencies( casa::Table tab ) :
46 | STSubTable(tab, name_)
47 | {
48 | refpixCol_.attach(table_,"REFPIX");
49 | refvalCol_.attach(table_,"REFVAL");
50 | incrCol_.attach(table_,"INCREMENT");
51 |
52 | }
53 |
54 | STFrequencies::~STFrequencies()
55 | {
56 | }
57 |
58 | STFrequencies & STFrequencies::operator=( const STFrequencies & other )
59 | {
60 | if ( this != &other ) {
61 | static_cast<STSubTable&>(*this) = other;
62 | refpixCol_.attach(table_,"REFPIX");
63 | refvalCol_.attach(table_,"REFVAL");
64 | incrCol_.attach(table_,"INCREMENT");
65 | }
66 | return *this;
67 | }
68 |
69 | void STFrequencies::setup( )
70 | {
71 | // add to base class table
72 | table_.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc<Double>("REFPIX"));
73 | table_.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc<Double>("REFVAL"));
74 | table_.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc<Double>("INCREMENT"));
75 |
76 | table_.rwKeywordSet().define("FRAME", String("TOPO"));
77 | table_.rwKeywordSet().define("BASEFRAME", String("TOPO"));
78 | table_.rwKeywordSet().define("EQUINOX",String( "J2000"));
79 | table_.rwKeywordSet().define("UNIT", String(""));
80 | table_.rwKeywordSet().define("DOPPLER", String("RADIO"));
81 |
82 | // new cached columns
83 | refpixCol_.attach(table_,"REFPIX");
84 | refvalCol_.attach(table_,"REFVAL");
85 | incrCol_.attach(table_,"INCREMENT");
86 | }
87 |
88 | uInt STFrequencies::addEntry( Double refpix, Double refval, Double inc )
89 | {
90 | // test if this already exists
91 | Table result = table_( near(table_.col("REFVAL"), refval)
92 | && near(table_.col("REFPIX"), refpix)
93 | && near(table_.col("INCREMENT"), inc), 1 );
94 | uInt resultid = 0;
95 | if ( result.nrow() > 0) {
96 | ROScalarColumn<uInt> c(result, "ID");
97 | c.get(0, resultid);
98 |
99 | } else {
100 | uInt rno = table_.nrow();
101 | table_.addRow();
102 | // get last assigned freq_id and increment
103 | if ( rno > 0 ) {
104 | idCol_.get(rno-1, resultid);
105 | resultid++;
106 | }
107 | refpixCol_.put(rno, refpix);
108 | refvalCol_.put(rno, refval);
109 | incrCol_.put(rno, inc);
110 | idCol_.put(rno, resultid);
111 | }
112 | return resultid;
113 | }
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 | void STFrequencies::getEntry( Double& refpix, Double& refval, Double& inc,
118 | uInt id )
119 | {
120 | Table t = table_(table_.col("ID") == Int(id), 1 );
121 | if (t.nrow() == 0 ) {
122 | throw(AipsError("STFrequencies::getEntry - freqID out of range"));
123 | }
124 | ROTableRow row(t);
125 | // get first row - there should only be one matching id
126 | const TableRecord& rec = row.get(0);
127 | refpix = rec.asDouble("REFPIX");
128 | refval = rec.asDouble("REFVAL");
129 | inc = rec.asDouble("INCREMENT");
130 | }
131 |
132 | void STFrequencies::setEntry( Double refpix, Double refval, Double inc, uInt id )
133 | {
134 | Table t = table_(table_.col("ID") == Int(id), 1 );
135 | if (t.nrow() == 0 ) {
136 | throw(AipsError("STFrequencies::getEntry - freqID out of range"));
137 | }
138 | for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < table_.nrow() ; i++ ) {
139 | uInt fid ;
140 | idCol_.get( i, fid ) ;
141 | if ( fid == id ) {
142 | refpixCol_.put( i, refpix ) ;
143 | refvalCol_.put( i, refval ) ;
144 | incrCol_.put( i, inc ) ;
145 | }
146 | }
147 | }
148 |
149 | SpectralCoordinate STFrequencies::getSpectralCoordinate( uInt id ) const
150 | {
151 | Table t = table_(table_.col("ID") == Int(id), 1 );
152 |
153 | if (t.nrow() == 0 ) {
154 | throw(AipsError("STFrequencies::getSpectralCoordinate - ID out of range"));
155 | }
156 |
157 | // get the data
158 | ROTableRow row(t);
159 | // get first row - there should only be one matching id
160 | const TableRecord& rec = row.get(0);
161 | return SpectralCoordinate( getFrame(true), rec.asDouble("REFVAL"),
162 | rec.asDouble("INCREMENT"),
163 | rec.asDouble("REFPIX"));
164 | }
165 |
166 | /**
167 | SpectralCoordinate
168 | STFrequencies::getSpectralCoordinate( const MDirection& md,
169 | const MPosition& mp,
170 | const MEpoch& me,
171 | Double restfreq, uInt id ) const
172 | **/
173 | SpectralCoordinate
174 | STFrequencies::getSpectralCoordinate( const MDirection& md,
175 | const MPosition& mp,
176 | const MEpoch& me,
177 | Vector<Double> restfreq, uInt id ) const
178 | {
179 | SpectralCoordinate spc = getSpectralCoordinate(id);
180 | //spc.setRestFrequency(restfreq, True);
181 | // for now just use the first rest frequency
182 | if (restfreq.nelements()==0 ) {
183 | restfreq.resize(1);
184 | restfreq[0] = 0;
185 | }
186 | spc.setRestFrequency(restfreq[0], True);
187 | if ( !spc.setReferenceConversion(getFrame(), me, mp, md) ) {
188 | throw(AipsError("Couldn't convert frequency frame."));
189 | }
190 | String unitstr = getUnitString();
191 | if ( !unitstr.empty() ) {
192 | Unit unitu(unitstr);
193 | if ( unitu == Unit("Hz") ) {
194 | Vector<String> wau(1); wau = unitu.getName();
195 | spc.setWorldAxisUnits(wau);
196 | } else {
197 | spc.setVelocity(unitstr, getDoppler());
198 | }
199 | }
200 | return spc;
201 | }
202 |
203 |
204 | void STFrequencies::rescale( Float factor, const std::string& mode )
205 | {
206 | TableRow row(table_);
207 | TableRecord& outrec = row.record();
208 | RecordFieldPtr<Double> rv(outrec, "REFVAL");
209 | RecordFieldPtr<Double> rp(outrec, "REFPIX");
210 | RecordFieldPtr<Double> inc(outrec, "INCREMENT");
211 | for (uInt i=0; i<table_.nrow(); ++i) {
212 |
213 | const TableRecord& rec = row.get(i);
214 |
215 | SpectralCoordinate sc ( getFrame(true), rec.asDouble("REFVAL"),
216 | rec.asDouble("INCREMENT"), rec.asDouble("REFPIX") );
217 |
218 | SpectralCoordinate scout;
219 | if (mode == "BIN") {
220 | scout = binCsys(sc, Int(factor));
221 | } else if (mode == "RESAMPLE") {
222 | scout = resampleCsys(sc, factor);
223 | }
224 | *rv = scout.referenceValue()[0];
225 | *rp = scout.referencePixel()[0];
226 | *inc = scout.increment()[0];
227 | row.put(i);
228 | }
229 | }
230 |
231 | SpectralCoordinate STFrequencies::binCsys(const SpectralCoordinate& sc,
232 | Int factor)
233 | {
234 | CoordinateSystem csys;
235 | csys.addCoordinate(sc);
236 | IPosition factors(1, factor);
237 | CoordinateSystem binnedcs =
238 | CoordinateUtil::makeBinnedCoordinateSystem(factors, csys, False);
239 | return binnedcs.spectralCoordinate(0);
240 | }
241 |
242 | SpectralCoordinate STFrequencies::resampleCsys(const SpectralCoordinate& sc,
243 | Float width)
244 | {
245 | Vector<Float> offset(1,0.0);
246 | Vector<Float> factors(1,width);
247 | Vector<Int> newshape;
248 | CoordinateSystem csys;
249 | csys.addCoordinate(sc);
250 | CoordinateSystem csys2 = csys.subImage(offset, factors, newshape);
251 | return csys2.spectralCoordinate(0);
252 | }
253 |
254 |
255 | MFrequency::Types STFrequencies::getFrame(bool base) const
256 | {
257 | // get the ref frame
258 | String rf;
259 | if ( base )
260 | rf = table_.keywordSet().asString("BASEFRAME");
261 | else
262 | rf = table_.keywordSet().asString("FRAME");
263 |
264 | // Create SpectralCoordinate (units Hz)
265 | MFrequency::Types mft;
266 | if (!MFrequency::getType(mft, rf)) {
267 | ostringstream oss;
268 | LogIO os( casa::LogOrigin( "STFrequencies", "getFrame") );
269 | os << LogIO::WARN << "WARNING: Frequency type unknown assuming TOPO"
270 | << LogIO::POST;
271 | mft = MFrequency::TOPO;
272 | }
273 |
274 | return mft;
275 | }
276 |
277 | std::string STFrequencies::getFrameString( bool base ) const
278 | {
279 | if ( base ) return table_.keywordSet().asString("BASEFRAME");
280 | else return table_.keywordSet().asString("FRAME");
281 | }
282 |
283 | std::string STFrequencies::getUnitString( ) const
284 | {
285 | return table_.keywordSet().asString("UNIT");
286 | }
287 |
288 | Unit STFrequencies::getUnit( ) const
289 | {
290 | return Unit(table_.keywordSet().asString("UNIT"));
291 | }
292 |
293 | std::string STFrequencies::getDopplerString( ) const
294 | {
295 | return table_.keywordSet().asString("DOPPLER");
296 | }
297 |
298 | MDoppler::Types STFrequencies::getDoppler( ) const
299 | {
300 | String dpl = table_.keywordSet().asString("DOPPLER");
301 |
302 | // Create SpectralCoordinate (units Hz)
303 | MDoppler::Types mdt;
304 | if (!MDoppler::getType(mdt, dpl)) {
305 | throw(AipsError("Doppler type unknown"));
306 | }
307 | return mdt;
308 | }
309 |
310 | std::string STFrequencies::print( int id, Bool strip ) const
311 | {
312 | Table t;
313 | ostringstream oss;
314 | if ( id < 0 ) t = table_;
315 | else t = table_(table_.col("ID") == Int(id), 1 );
316 | ROTableRow row(t);
317 | for (uInt i=0; i<t.nrow(); ++i) {
318 | const TableRecord& rec = row.get(i);
319 | oss << setw(8)
320 | << t.keywordSet().asString("BASEFRAME") << setw(16) << setprecision(8)
321 | << rec.asDouble("REFVAL") << setw(7)
322 | << rec.asDouble("REFPIX")
323 | << setw(15)
324 | << rec.asDouble("INCREMENT");
325 | }
326 | String outstr(oss);
327 | if (strip) {
328 | int f = outstr.find_first_not_of(' ');
329 | int l = outstr.find_last_not_of(' ', outstr.size());
330 | if (f < 0) {
331 | f = 0;
332 | }
333 | if ( l < f || l < f ) {
334 | l = outstr.size();
335 | }
336 | return outstr.substr(f,l);
337 | }
338 | return outstr;
339 | }
340 |
341 | float STFrequencies::getRefFreq( uInt id, uInt channel )
342 | {
343 | Table t = table_(table_.col("ID") == Int(id), 1 );
344 | if ( t.nrow() == 0 ) throw(AipsError("Selected Illegal frequency id"));
345 | ROTableRow row(t);
346 | const TableRecord& rec = row.get(0);
347 | return (Double(channel/2) - rec.asDouble("REFPIX"))
348 | * rec.asDouble("INCREMENT") + rec.asDouble("REFVAL");
349 | }
350 |
351 | bool STFrequencies::conformant( const STFrequencies& other ) const
352 | {
353 | const Record& r = table_.keywordSet();
354 | const Record& ro = other.table_.keywordSet();
355 | return ( r.asString("FRAME") == ro.asString("FRAME") &&
356 | r.asString("EQUINOX") == ro.asString("EQUINOX") &&
357 | r.asString("UNIT") == ro.asString("UNIT") &&
358 | r.asString("DOPPLER") == ro.asString("DOPPLER")
359 | );
360 | }
361 |
362 | std::vector< std::string > STFrequencies::getInfo( ) const
363 | {
364 | const Record& r = table_.keywordSet();
365 | std::vector<std::string> out;
366 | out.push_back(r.asString("UNIT"));
367 | out.push_back(r.asString("FRAME"));
368 | out.push_back(r.asString("DOPPLER"));
369 | return out;
370 | }
371 |
372 | void STFrequencies::setInfo( const std::vector< std::string >& theinfo )
373 | {
374 | if ( theinfo.size() != 3 ) throw(AipsError("setInfo needs three parameters"));
375 | try {
376 | setUnit(theinfo[0]);
377 | setFrame(theinfo[1]);
378 | setDoppler(theinfo[2]);
379 | } catch (AipsError& e) {
380 | throw(e);
381 | }
382 | }
383 |
384 | void STFrequencies::setUnit( const std::string & unit )
385 | {
386 | if (unit == "" || unit == "pixel" || unit == "channel" ) {
387 | table_.rwKeywordSet().define("UNIT", "");
388 | } else {
389 | Unit u(unit);
390 | if ( u == Unit("km/s") || u == Unit("Hz") )
391 | table_.rwKeywordSet().define("UNIT", unit);
392 | else {
393 | throw(AipsError("Illegal spectral unit."));
394 | }
395 | }
396 | }
397 |
398 | void STFrequencies::setFrame(MFrequency::Types frame, bool base )
399 | {
400 | String f = MFrequency::showType(frame);
401 | if (base)
402 | table_.rwKeywordSet().define("BASEFRAME", f);
403 | else
404 | table_.rwKeywordSet().define("FRAME", f);
405 |
406 | }
407 |
408 | void STFrequencies::setFrame( const std::string & frame, bool base )
409 | {
410 | MFrequency::Types mdr;
411 | if (!MFrequency::getType(mdr, frame)) {
412 | Int a,b;const uInt* c;
413 | const String* valid = MFrequency::allMyTypes(a, b, c);
414 | Vector<String> ftypes(IPosition(1,a), valid);
415 | ostringstream oss;
416 | oss << String("Please specify a legal frequency type. Types are\n");
417 | oss << ftypes;
418 | String msg(oss);
419 | throw(AipsError(msg));
420 | } else {
421 | if (base)
422 | table_.rwKeywordSet().define("BASEFRAME", frame);
423 | else
424 | table_.rwKeywordSet().define("FRAME", frame);
425 | }
426 | }
427 |
428 | void STFrequencies::setDoppler( const std::string & doppler )
429 | {
430 | MDoppler::Types mdt;
431 | if (!MDoppler::getType(mdt, doppler)) {
432 | Int a,b;const uInt* c;
433 | const String* valid = MDoppler::allMyTypes(a, b, c);
434 | Vector<String> ftypes(IPosition(1,a), valid);
435 | ostringstream oss;
436 | oss << String("Please specify a legal doppler type. Types are\n");
437 | oss << ftypes;
438 | String msg(oss);
439 | throw(AipsError(msg));
440 | } else {
441 | table_.rwKeywordSet().define("DOPPLER", doppler);
442 | }
443 | }
444 |
445 | void STFrequencies::shiftRefPix(int npix, uInt id)
446 | {
447 | Table t = table_(table_.col("ID") == Int(id), 1 );
448 | if ( t.nrow() == 0 ) throw(AipsError("Selected Illegal frequency id"));
449 | ScalarColumn<Double> tcol(t, "REFPIX");
450 | tcol.put(0, tcol(0)+Double(npix));
451 | }
452 |
453 | bool STFrequencies::match( Double refpix, Double refval,
454 | Double inc, Double freqTolInHz,
455 | uInt &id)
456 | {
457 | ROScalarColumn<uInt> idCol(table_, "ID");
458 | ROScalarColumn<Double> refPixCol(table_, "REFPIX");
459 | ROScalarColumn<Double> refValCol(table_, "REFVAL");
460 | ROScalarColumn<Double> incCol(table_, "INCREMENT");
461 | for (uInt irow = 0; irow < table_.nrow(); ++irow) {
462 | Double refInc = incCol(irow);
463 | Double refFreq = refValCol(irow) - refPixCol(irow) * refInc;
464 | Double freq0 = refval - refpix * inc;
465 | if (nearAbs(inc, refInc, freqTolInHz) &&
466 | nearAbs(refFreq, freq0, freqTolInHz)) {
467 | id = irow;
468 | return true;
469 | }
470 | }
471 | return false;
472 | }
473 |
474 | } // namespace