// // C++ Implementation: STFiller // // Description: // // // Author: Malte Marquarding , (C) 2006 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "STDefs.h" #include "STAttr.h" #include "STFiller.h" #include "STHeader.h" using namespace casa; namespace asap { STFiller::STFiller() : reader_(0), header_(0), table_(0) { } STFiller::STFiller( CountedPtr< Scantable > stbl ) : reader_(0), header_(0), table_(stbl) { } STFiller::STFiller(const std::string& filename, int whichIF, int whichBeam ) : reader_(0), header_(0), table_(0) { open(filename, whichIF, whichBeam); } STFiller::~STFiller() { close(); } void STFiller::open( const std::string& filename, int whichIF, int whichBeam ) { if (table_.null()) { table_ = new Scantable(); } if (reader_) { delete reader_; reader_ = 0; } Bool haveBase, haveSpectra; String inName(filename); Path path(inName); inName = path.expandedName(); File file(inName); if ( !file.exists() ) { throw(AipsError("File does not exist")); } filename_ = inName; // Create reader and fill in values for arguments String format; Vector beams, ifs; Vector nchans,npols; if ( (reader_ = getPKSreader(inName, 0, 0, format, beams, ifs, nchans, npols, haveXPol_,haveBase, haveSpectra )) == 0 ) { throw(AipsError("Creation of PKSreader failed")); } if (!haveSpectra) { delete reader_; reader_ = 0; throw(AipsError("No spectral data in file.")); return; } nBeam_ = beams.nelements(); nIF_ = ifs.nelements(); // Get basic parameters. if ( anyEQ(haveXPol_, True) ) { pushLog("Cross polarization present"); for (uInt i=0; i< npols.nelements();++i) { if (npols[i] < 3) npols[i] += 2;// Convert Complex -> 2 Floats } } if (header_) delete header_; header_ = new STHeader(); header_->nchan = max(nchans); header_->npol = max(npols); header_->nbeam = nBeam_; // not the right thing to do?! //if ( nPol_ == 1 ) header_->poltype = "stokes"; //else header_->poltype = "linear"; header_->poltype = "linear"; Int status = reader_->getHeader(header_->observer, header_->project, header_->antennaname, header_->antennaposition, header_->obstype,header_->equinox, header_->freqref, header_->utc, header_->reffreq, header_->bandwidth); if (status) { delete reader_; reader_ = 0; delete header_; header_ = 0; throw(AipsError("Failed to get header.")); } if ((header_->obstype).matches("*SW*")) { // need robust way here - probably read ahead of next timestamp pushLog("Header indicates frequency switched observation.\n" "setting # of IFs = 1 "); nIF_ = 1; header_->obstype = String("fswitch"); } // Determine Telescope and set brightness unit Bool throwIt = False; Instrument inst = STAttr::convertInstrument(header_->antennaname, throwIt); header_->fluxunit = "Jy"; if (inst==ATMOPRA || inst==TIDBINBILLA) { header_->fluxunit = "K"; } header_->nif = nIF_; header_->epoch = "UTC"; // *** header_->frequnit = "Hz" // Apply selection criteria. Vector ref; ifOffset_ = 0; if (whichIF>=0) { if (whichIF>=0 && whichIFnif = 1; nIF_ = 1; ifOffset_ = whichIF; } else { delete reader_; reader_ = 0; delete header_; header_ = 0; throw(AipsError("Illegal IF selection")); } } beamOffset_ = 0; if (whichBeam>=0) { if (whichBeam>=0 && whichBeamnbeam = 1; nBeam_ = 1; beamOffset_ = whichBeam; } else { delete reader_; reader_ = 0; delete header_; header_ = 0; throw(AipsError("Illegal Beam selection")); } } Vector start(nIF_, 1); Vector end(nIF_, 0); reader_->select(beams, ifs, start, end, ref, True, haveXPol_[0], False); table_->setHeader(*header_); } void STFiller::close( ) { delete reader_;reader_=0; delete header_;header_=0; table_ = 0; } int asap::STFiller::read( ) { int status = 0; Int beamNo, IFno, refBeam, scanNo, cycleNo; Float azimuth, elevation, focusAxi, focusRot, focusTan, humidity, parAngle, pressure, temperature, windAz, windSpeed; Double bandwidth, freqInc, interval, mjd, refFreq, restFreq, srcVel; String fieldName, srcName, tcalTime, obsType; Vector calFctr, sigma, tcal, tsys; Matrix baseLin, baseSub; Vector direction(2), scanRate(2), srcDir(2), srcPM(2); Matrix spectra; Matrix flagtra; Complex xCalFctr; Vector xPol; while ( status == 0 ) { status = reader_->read(scanNo, cycleNo, mjd, interval, fieldName, srcName, srcDir, srcPM, srcVel, obsType, IFno, refFreq, bandwidth, freqInc, restFreq, tcal, tcalTime, azimuth, elevation, parAngle, focusAxi, focusTan, focusRot, temperature, pressure, humidity, windSpeed, windAz, refBeam, beamNo, direction, scanRate, tsys, sigma, calFctr, baseLin, baseSub, spectra, flagtra, xCalFctr, xPol); if ( status != 0 ) break; Regex filterrx(".*[SL|PA]$"); Regex obsrx("^AT.+"); if ( header_->antennaname.matches(obsrx) && obsType.matches(filterrx)) { //cerr << "ignoring paddle scan" << endl; continue; } TableRow row(table_->table()); TableRecord& rec = row.record(); // fields that don't get used and are just passed through asap RecordFieldPtr > srateCol(rec, "SCANRATE"); *srateCol = scanRate; RecordFieldPtr > spmCol(rec, "SRCPROPERMOTION"); *spmCol = srcPM; RecordFieldPtr > sdirCol(rec, "SRCDIRECTION"); *sdirCol = srcDir; RecordFieldPtr svelCol(rec, "SRCVELOCITY"); *svelCol = srcVel; // the real stuff RecordFieldPtr fitCol(rec, "FIT_ID"); *fitCol = -1; RecordFieldPtr scanoCol(rec, "SCANNO"); *scanoCol = scanNo-1; RecordFieldPtr cyclenoCol(rec, "CYCLENO"); *cyclenoCol = cycleNo-1; RecordFieldPtr mjdCol(rec, "TIME"); *mjdCol = mjd; RecordFieldPtr intCol(rec, "INTERVAL"); *intCol = interval; RecordFieldPtr srcnCol(rec, "SRCNAME"); RecordFieldPtr srctCol(rec, "SRCTYPE"); // try to auto-identify if it is on or off. Regex rx(".*[e|w|_R]$"); Regex rx2("_S$"); Int match = srcName.matches(rx); if (match) { *srcnCol = srcName; } else { *srcnCol = srcName.before(rx2); } //*srcnCol = srcName;//.before(rx2); *srctCol = match; RecordFieldPtr beamCol(rec, "BEAMNO"); *beamCol = beamNo-beamOffset_-1; RecordFieldPtr rbCol(rec, "REFBEAMNO"); Int rb = -1; if (nBeam_ > 1 ) rb = refBeam-1; *rbCol = rb; RecordFieldPtr ifCol(rec, "IFNO"); *ifCol = IFno-ifOffset_- 1; uInt id; /// @todo this has to change when nchan isn't global anymore id = table_->frequencies().addEntry(Double(header_->nchan/2), refFreq, freqInc); RecordFieldPtr mfreqidCol(rec, "FREQ_ID"); *mfreqidCol = id; id = table_->molecules().addEntry(restFreq); RecordFieldPtr molidCol(rec, "MOLECULE_ID"); *molidCol = id; id = table_->tcal().addEntry(tcalTime, tcal); RecordFieldPtr mcalidCol(rec, "TCAL_ID"); *mcalidCol = id; id = table_->weather().addEntry(temperature, pressure, humidity, windSpeed, windAz); RecordFieldPtr mweatheridCol(rec, "WEATHER_ID"); *mweatheridCol = id; RecordFieldPtr mfocusidCol(rec, "FOCUS_ID"); id = table_->focus().addEntry(focusAxi, focusTan, focusRot); *mfocusidCol = id; RecordFieldPtr > dirCol(rec, "DIRECTION"); *dirCol = direction; RecordFieldPtr azCol(rec, "AZIMUTH"); *azCol = azimuth; RecordFieldPtr elCol(rec, "ELEVATION"); *elCol = elevation; RecordFieldPtr parCol(rec, "PARANGLE"); *parCol = parAngle; RecordFieldPtr< Array > specCol(rec, "SPECTRA"); RecordFieldPtr< Array > flagCol(rec, "FLAGTRA"); RecordFieldPtr< uInt > polnoCol(rec, "POLNO"); RecordFieldPtr< Array > tsysCol(rec, "TSYS"); // Turn the (nchan,npol) matrix and possible complex xPol vector // into 2-4 rows in the scantable Vector tsysvec(1); // Why is spectra.ncolumn() == 3 for haveXPol_ == True uInt npol = (spectra.ncolumn()==1 ? 1: 2); for ( uInt i=0; i< npol; ++i ) { tsysvec = tsys(i); *tsysCol = tsysvec; *polnoCol = i; *specCol = spectra.column(i); *flagCol = flagtra.column(i); table_->table().addRow(); row.put(table_->table().nrow()-1, rec); } if ( haveXPol_[0] ) { // no tsys given for xpol, so emulate it tsysvec = sqrt(tsys[0]*tsys[1]); *tsysCol = tsysvec; // add real part of cross pol *polnoCol = 2; Vector r(real(xPol)); *specCol = r; // make up flags from linears /// @fixme this has to be a bitwise or of both pols *flagCol = flagtra.column(0);// | flagtra.column(1); table_->table().addRow(); row.put(table_->table().nrow()-1, rec); // ad imaginary part of cross pol *polnoCol = 3; Vector im(imag(xPol)); *specCol = im; table_->table().addRow(); row.put(table_->table().nrow()-1, rec); } } if (status > 0) { close(); throw(AipsError("Reading error occured, data possibly corrupted.")); } return status; } }//namespace asap