1 | //
2 | // C++ Implementation: STCalibration
3 | //
4 | // Description:
5 | //
6 | //
7 | // Author: Takeshi Nakazato <takeshi.nakazato@nao.ac.jp> (C) 2012
8 | //
9 | // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
10 | //
11 | //
12 |
13 | #include "STCalibration.h"
14 | #include "STCalSkyTable.h"
15 | #include "RowAccumulator.h"
16 | #include "STIdxIter.h"
17 |
18 | using namespace casa;
19 |
20 | namespace asap {
21 | STCalibration::STCalibration(CountedPtr<Scantable> &s, const String target_column)
22 | : scantable_(s),
23 | target_column_(target_column)
24 | {
25 | }
26 |
27 | void STCalibration::calibrate()
28 | {
29 | STSelector selOrg = scantable_->getSelection();
30 | setupSelector(selOrg);
31 | scantable_->setSelection(sel_);
32 |
33 | fillCalTable();
34 |
35 | scantable_->setSelection(selOrg);
36 | }
37 |
38 | void STCalibration::fillCalTable()
39 | {
40 | RowAccumulator acc(W_TINT);
41 |
42 | vector<string> cols(3);
43 | cols[0] = "IFNO";
44 | cols[1] = "POLNO";
45 | cols[2] = "BEAMNO";
46 | STIdxIterAcc iter(scantable_, cols);
47 |
48 | ROScalarColumn<Double> *tcol = new ROScalarColumn<Double>(scantable_->table(), "TIME");
49 | Vector<Double> timeSec = tcol->getColumn() * 86400.0;
50 | tcol->attach(scantable_->table(), "INTERVAL");
51 | Vector<Double> intervalSec = tcol->getColumn();
52 | delete tcol;
53 | ROScalarColumn<Float> *ecol = new ROScalarColumn<Float>(scantable_->table(), "ELEVATION");
54 | Vector<Float> elevation = ecol->getColumn();
55 | delete ecol;
56 |
57 | ROArrayColumn<Float> specCol(scantable_->table(), target_column_);
58 | ROArrayColumn<uChar> flagCol(scantable_->table(), "FLAGTRA");
59 | ROScalarColumn<uInt> freqidCol(scantable_->table(), "FREQ_ID");
60 |
61 | // dummy Tsys: the following process doesn't need Tsys but RowAccumulator
62 | // requires to set it with spectral data
63 | Vector<Float> tsys(1, 1.0);
64 |
65 | Double timeCen = 0.0;
66 | Float elCen = 0.0;
67 | uInt count = 0;
68 |
69 | while(!iter.pastEnd()) {
70 | Vector<uInt> rows = iter.getRows(SHARE);
71 | Vector<uInt> current = iter.current();
72 | //os_ << "current=" << current << LogIO::POST;
73 | uInt len = rows.nelements();
74 | if (len == 0) {
75 | iter.next();
76 | continue;
77 | }
78 | else if (len == 1) {
79 | uInt irow = rows[0];
80 | appenddata(0, 0, current[2], current[0], current[1],
81 | freqidCol(irow), timeSec[irow], elevation[irow], specCol(irow));
82 | iter.next();
83 | continue;
84 | }
85 |
86 | uInt nchan = scantable_->nchan(scantable_->getIF(rows[0]));
87 | Vector<uChar> flag(nchan);
88 | Vector<Bool> bflag(nchan);
89 | Vector<Float> spec(nchan);
90 |
91 | Vector<Double> timeSep(len);
92 | for (uInt i = 0; i < len-1; i++) {
93 | timeSep[i] = timeSec[rows[i+1]] - timeSec[rows[i]] ;
94 | }
95 | Double tMedian = median(timeSep(IPosition(1,0), IPosition(1,len-2)));
96 | timeSep[len-1] = tMedian * 10000.0 ; // any large value
97 |
98 | uInt irow ;
99 | uInt jrow ;
100 | for (uInt i = 0; i < len; i++) {
101 | //os_ << "start row " << rows[i] << LogIO::POST;
102 | irow = rows[i];
103 | jrow = (i < len-1) ? rows[i+1] : rows[i];
104 | // accumulate data
105 | flagCol.get(irow, flag);
106 | convertArray(bflag, flag);
107 | specCol.get(irow, spec);
108 | if ( !allEQ(bflag,True) )
109 | acc.add( spec, !bflag, tsys, intervalSec[irow], timeSec[irow] ) ;
110 | timeCen += timeSec[irow];
111 | elCen += elevation[irow];
112 | count++;
113 |
114 | // check time gap
115 | double gap = 2.0 * timeSep[i] / (intervalSec[jrow] + intervalSec[irow]);
116 | if ( gap > 1.1 ) {
117 | if ( acc.state() ) {
118 | acc.replaceNaN() ;
119 | // const Vector<Bool> &msk = acc.getMask();
120 | // convertArray(flag, !msk);
121 | // for (uInt k = 0; k < nchan; ++k) {
122 | // uChar userFlag = 1 << 7;
123 | // if (msk[k]==True) userFlag = 0 << 7;
124 | // flag(k) = userFlag;
125 | // }
126 | timeCen /= (Double)count * 86400.0; // sec->day
127 | elCen /= (Float)count;
128 | appenddata(0, 0, current[2], current[0], current[1],
129 | freqidCol(irow), timeCen, elCen, acc.getSpectrum());
130 | }
131 | acc.reset() ;
132 | timeCen = 0.0;
133 | elCen = 0.0;
134 | count = 0;
135 | }
136 | }
137 |
138 | iter.next() ;
139 | //os_ << "end " << current << LogIO::POST;
140 | }
141 | }
142 |
143 | }