[2720] | 1 | //
| 2 | // C++ Implementation: STApplyCal
| 3 | //
| 4 | // Description:
| 5 | //
| 6 | //
| 7 | // Author: Takeshi Nakazato <takeshi.nakazato@nao.ac.jp> (C) 2012
| 8 | //
| 9 | // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
| 10 | //
| 11 | //
[2722] | 12 | #include <assert.h>
[2720] | 13 |
| 14 | #include <casa/Arrays/Array.h>
| 15 | #include <casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
| 16 | #include <casa/Arrays/Matrix.h>
| 17 | #include <casa/Arrays/ArrayIO.h>
| 18 | #include <casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
| 19 | #include <casa/BasicSL/String.h>
| 20 | #include <casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
| 21 | #include <casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
| 22 | #include <casa/Utilities/CountedPtr.h>
| 23 | #include <casa/Utilities/Sort.h>
| 24 | #include <tables/Tables/Table.h>
| 25 |
| 26 | #include "Scantable.h"
| 27 | #include "STApplyCal.h"
| 28 | #include "STApplyTable.h"
| 29 | #include "STCalTsysTable.h"
| 30 | #include "STCalSkyTable.h"
| 31 | #include "STCalEnum.h"
| 32 | #include "STIdxIter.h"
| 33 | #include "Calibrator.h"
| 34 | #include "PSAlmaCalibrator.h"
[2733] | 35 | #include "Interpolator1D.h"
[2720] | 36 | #include "NearestInterpolator1D.h"
[2727] | 37 | #include "BufferedLinearInterpolator1D.h"
| 38 | #include "PolynomialInterpolator1D.h"
| 39 | #include "CubicSplineInterpolator1D.h"
[2720] | 40 | #include <atnf/PKSIO/SrcType.h>
| 41 |
| 42 |
| 43 | using namespace casa;
| 44 | using namespace std;
| 45 |
| 46 | namespace asap {
| 47 |
| 48 | STApplyCal::STApplyCal()
| 49 | {
| 50 | init();
| 51 | }
| 52 |
| 53 | STApplyCal::STApplyCal(CountedPtr<Scantable> target)
| 54 | : target_(target)
| 55 | {
| 56 | init();
| 57 | }
| 58 |
| 59 | STApplyCal::~STApplyCal()
| 60 | {
| 61 | }
| 62 |
| 63 | void STApplyCal::init()
| 64 | {
| 65 | caltype_ = STCalEnum::NoType;
| 66 | doTsys_ = False;
[2742] | 67 | iTime_ = STCalEnum::DefaultInterpolation;
| 68 | iFreq_ = STCalEnum::DefaultInterpolation;
[2720] | 69 | }
| 70 |
[2735] | 71 | void STApplyCal::reset()
| 72 | {
[2742] | 73 | // call init
| 74 | init();
| 75 |
| 76 | // clear apply tables
| 77 | // do not delete object here
| 78 | skytable_.resize(0);
| 79 | tsystable_.resize(0);
| 80 |
| 81 | // clear mapping for Tsys transfer
| 82 | spwmap_.clear();
| 83 |
| 84 | // reset selector
| 85 | sel_.reset();
| 86 |
| 87 | // delete interpolators
| 88 | interpolatorT_ = 0;
| 89 | interpolatorS_ = 0;
| 90 | interpolatorF_ = 0;
| 91 |
| 92 | // clear working scantable
| 93 | work_ = 0;
| 94 |
| 95 | // clear calibrator
| 96 | calibrator_ = 0;
[2735] | 97 | }
| 98 |
| 99 | void STApplyCal::completeReset()
| 100 | {
| 101 | reset();
| 102 | target_ = 0;
| 103 | }
| 104 |
[2720] | 105 | void STApplyCal::setTarget(CountedPtr<Scantable> target)
| 106 | {
| 107 | target_ = target;
| 108 | }
| 109 |
| 110 | void STApplyCal::setTarget(const String &name)
| 111 | {
| 112 | // always create PlainTable
| 113 | target_ = new Scantable(name, Table::Plain);
| 114 | }
| 115 |
| 116 | void STApplyCal::push(STCalSkyTable *table)
| 117 | {
[2735] | 118 | os_.origin(LogOrigin("STApplyCal","push",WHERE));
[2720] | 119 | skytable_.push_back(table);
| 120 | STCalEnum::CalType caltype = STApplyTable::getCalType(table);
| 121 | os_ << "caltype=" << caltype << LogIO::POST;
| 122 | if (caltype_ == STCalEnum::NoType ||
| 123 | caltype_ == STCalEnum::DefaultType ||
| 124 | caltype_ == STCalEnum::CalTsys) {
| 125 | caltype_ = caltype;
| 126 | }
| 127 | os_ << "caltype_=" << caltype_ << LogIO::POST;
| 128 | }
| 129 |
| 130 | void STApplyCal::push(STCalTsysTable *table)
| 131 | {
| 132 | tsystable_.push_back(table);
| 133 | doTsys_ = True;
| 134 | }
| 135 |
[2735] | 136 | void STApplyCal::setTimeInterpolation(STCalEnum::InterpolationType itype, Int order)
[2720] | 137 | {
[2735] | 138 | iTime_ = itype;
[2720] | 139 | order_ = order;
| 140 | }
| 141 |
[2735] | 142 | void STApplyCal::setFrequencyInterpolation(STCalEnum::InterpolationType itype, Int order)
| 143 | {
| 144 | iFreq_ = itype;
| 145 | order_ = order;
| 146 | }
| 147 |
[2720] | 148 | void STApplyCal::setTsysTransfer(uInt from, Vector<uInt> to)
| 149 | {
[2735] | 150 | os_.origin(LogOrigin("STApplyCal","setTsysTransfer",WHERE));
[2720] | 151 | os_ << "from=" << from << ", to=" << to << LogIO::POST;
| 152 | map<uInt, Vector<uInt> >::iterator i = spwmap_.find(from);
| 153 | if (i == spwmap_.end()) {
| 154 | spwmap_.insert(pair<uInt, Vector<uInt> >(from, to));
| 155 | }
| 156 | else {
| 157 | Vector<uInt> toNew = i->second;
| 158 | spwmap_.erase(i);
| 159 | uInt k = toNew.nelements();
| 160 | toNew.resize(k+to.nelements(), True);
| 161 | for (uInt i = 0; i < to.nelements(); i++)
| 162 | toNew[i+k] = to[i];
| 163 | spwmap_.insert(pair<uInt, Vector<uInt> >(from, toNew));
| 164 | }
| 165 | }
| 166 |
[2742] | 167 | void STApplyCal::apply(Bool insitu, Bool filltsys)
[2720] | 168 | {
[2735] | 169 | os_.origin(LogOrigin("STApplyCal","apply",WHERE));
[2750] | 170 |
| 171 | assert(!target_.null());
| 172 |
[2720] | 173 | // calibrator
| 174 | if (caltype_ == STCalEnum::CalPSAlma)
| 175 | calibrator_ = new PSAlmaCalibrator();
| 176 |
| 177 | // interpolator
[2727] | 178 | initInterpolator();
[2720] | 179 |
| 180 | // select data
| 181 | sel_.reset();
| 182 | if (caltype_ == STCalEnum::CalPSAlma ||
| 183 | caltype_ == STCalEnum::CalPS) {
| 184 | sel_.setTypes(vector<int>(1,(int)SrcType::PSON));
| 185 | }
| 186 | target_->setSelection(sel_);
| 187 |
[2735] | 188 | //os_ << "sel_.print()=" << sel_.print() << LogIO::POST;
[2720] | 189 |
| 190 | // working data
[2750] | 191 | if (insitu) {
| 192 | os_.origin(LogOrigin("STApplyCal","apply",WHERE));
| 193 | os_ << "Overwrite input scantable" << LogIO::POST;
[2720] | 194 | work_ = target_;
[2750] | 195 | }
| 196 | else {
| 197 | os_.origin(LogOrigin("STApplyCal","apply",WHERE));
| 198 | os_ << "Create output scantable from input" << LogIO::POST;
[2720] | 199 | work_ = new Scantable(*target_, false);
[2750] | 200 | }
[2720] | 201 |
[2735] | 202 | //os_ << "work_->nrow()=" << work_->nrow() << LogIO::POST;
[2720] | 203 |
| 204 | // list of apply tables for sky calibration
| 205 | Vector<uInt> skycalList;
| 206 | uInt numSkyCal = 0;
| 207 | uInt nrowSky = 0;
[2735] | 208 |
[2720] | 209 | // list of apply tables for Tsys calibration
| 210 | for (uInt i = 0 ; i < skytable_.size(); i++) {
| 211 | STCalEnum::CalType caltype = STApplyTable::getCalType(skytable_[i]);
| 212 | if (caltype == caltype_) {
| 213 | skycalList.resize(numSkyCal+1, True);
| 214 | skycalList[numSkyCal] = i;
| 215 | numSkyCal++;
| 216 | nrowSky += skytable_[i]->nrow();
| 217 | }
| 218 | }
| 219 |
| 220 |
| 221 | vector<string> cols( 3 ) ;
| 222 | cols[0] = "BEAMNO" ;
| 223 | cols[1] = "POLNO" ;
| 224 | cols[2] = "IFNO" ;
| 225 | CountedPtr<STIdxIter> iter = new STIdxIterAcc(work_, cols) ;
| 226 | while (!iter->pastEnd()) {
| 227 | Vector<uInt> ids = iter->current();
| 228 | Vector<uInt> rows = iter->getRows(SHARE);
| 229 | if (rows.nelements() > 0)
[2750] | 230 | doapply(ids[0], ids[2], ids[1], rows, skycalList, filltsys);
[2720] | 231 | iter->next();
| 232 | }
| 233 |
| 234 | target_->unsetSelection();
| 235 | }
| 236 |
| 237 | void STApplyCal::doapply(uInt beamno, uInt ifno, uInt polno,
| 238 | Vector<uInt> &rows,
[2742] | 239 | Vector<uInt> &skylist,
| 240 | Bool filltsys)
[2720] | 241 | {
[2735] | 242 | os_.origin(LogOrigin("STApplyCal","doapply",WHERE));
[2720] | 243 | Bool doTsys = doTsys_;
| 244 |
| 245 | STSelector sel;
| 246 | vector<int> id(1);
| 247 | id[0] = beamno;
| 248 | sel.setBeams(id);
| 249 | id[0] = ifno;
| 250 | sel.setIFs(id);
| 251 | id[0] = polno;
| 252 | sel.setPolarizations(id);
| 253 |
| 254 | // apply selection to apply tables
| 255 | uInt nrowSky = 0;
| 256 | uInt nrowTsys = 0;
| 257 | for (uInt i = 0; i < skylist.nelements(); i++) {
| 258 | skytable_[skylist[i]]->setSelection(sel);
| 259 | nrowSky += skytable_[skylist[i]]->nrow();
| 260 | os_ << "nrowSky=" << nrowSky << LogIO::POST;
| 261 | }
| 262 | uInt nchanTsys = 0;
| 263 | Vector<Double> ftsys;
| 264 | uInt tsysifno = getIFForTsys(ifno);
| 265 | os_ << "tsysifno=" << tsysifno << LogIO::POST;
| 266 | if (tsystable_.size() == 0) {
| 267 | os_.origin(LogOrigin("STApplyTable", "doapply", WHERE));
| 268 | os_ << "No Tsys tables are given. Skip Tsys calibratoin." << LogIO::POST;
| 269 | doTsys = False;
| 270 | }
| 271 | else if (tsysifno == (uInt)-1) {
| 272 | os_.origin(LogOrigin("STApplyTable", "doapply", WHERE));
| 273 | os_ << "No corresponding Tsys for IFNO " << ifno << ". Skip Tsys calibration" << LogIO::POST;
| 274 | doTsys = False;
| 275 | }
| 276 | else {
| 277 | nchanTsys = tsystable_[0]->nchan(tsysifno);
| 278 | ftsys = tsystable_[0]->getBaseFrequency(0);
| 279 | interpolatorF_->setX(ftsys.data(), nchanTsys);
| 280 | id[0] = (int)tsysifno;
| 281 | sel.setIFs(id);
| 282 | for (uInt i = 0; i < tsystable_.size() ; i++) {
| 283 | tsystable_[i]->setSelection(sel);
| 284 | nrowTsys += tsystable_[i]->nrow();
| 285 | }
| 286 | }
| 287 |
| 288 | uInt nchanSp = skytable_[skylist[0]]->nchan(ifno);
| 289 | Vector<Double> timeSky(nrowSky);
| 290 | Matrix<Float> spoff(nchanSp, nrowSky);
| 291 | Vector<Float> iOff(nchanSp);
| 292 | nrowSky = 0;
| 293 | for (uInt i = 0 ; i < skylist.nelements(); i++) {
| 294 | STCalSkyTable *p = skytable_[skylist[i]];
| 295 | Vector<Double> t = p->getTime();
| 296 | Matrix<Float> sp = p->getSpectra();
| 297 | for (uInt j = 0; j < t.nelements(); j++) {
| 298 | timeSky[nrowSky] = t[j];
| 299 | spoff.column(nrowSky) = sp.column(j);
| 300 | nrowSky++;
| 301 | }
| 302 | }
| 303 |
| 304 | Vector<uInt> skyIdx = timeSort(timeSky);
| 305 |
[2733] | 306 | Double *xa = new Double[skyIdx.nelements()];
| 307 | Float *ya = new Float[skyIdx.nelements()];
[2720] | 308 | IPosition ipos(1, skyIdx.nelements());
[2733] | 309 | Vector<Double> timeSkySorted(ipos, xa, TAKE_OVER);
[2720] | 310 | Vector<Float> tmpOff(ipos, ya, TAKE_OVER);
| 311 | for (uInt i = 0 ; i < skyIdx.nelements(); i++) {
[2733] | 312 | timeSkySorted[i] = timeSky[skyIdx[i]];
[2720] | 313 | }
| 314 |
| 315 | interpolatorS_->setX(xa, skyIdx.nelements());
| 316 |
| 317 | Vector<uInt> tsysIdx;
| 318 | Vector<Double> timeTsys(nrowTsys);
| 319 | Matrix<Float> tsys;
[2733] | 320 | Vector<Double> timeTsysSorted;
[2720] | 321 | Vector<Float> tmpTsys;
| 322 | if (doTsys) {
| 323 | os_ << "doTsys" << LogIO::POST;
| 324 | timeTsys.resize(nrowTsys);
| 325 | tsys.resize(nchanTsys, nrowTsys);
| 326 | nrowTsys = 0;
| 327 | for (uInt i = 0 ; i < tsystable_.size(); i++) {
| 328 | STCalTsysTable *p = tsystable_[i];
| 329 | Vector<Double> t = p->getTime();
| 330 | Matrix<Float> ts = p->getTsys();
| 331 | for (uInt j = 0; j < t.nelements(); j++) {
| 332 | timeTsys[nrowTsys] = t[j];
| 333 | tsys.column(nrowTsys) = ts.column(j);
| 334 | nrowTsys++;
| 335 | }
| 336 | }
| 337 | tsysIdx = timeSort(timeTsys);
| 338 |
[2733] | 339 | Double *xb = new Double[tsysIdx.nelements()];
| 340 | Float *yb = new Float[tsysIdx.nelements()];
[2720] | 341 | IPosition ipos(1, tsysIdx.nelements());
| 342 | timeTsysSorted.takeStorage(ipos, xb, TAKE_OVER);
| 343 | tmpTsys.takeStorage(ipos, yb, TAKE_OVER);
| 344 | for (uInt i = 0 ; i < tsysIdx.nelements(); i++) {
[2733] | 345 | timeTsysSorted[i] = timeTsys[tsysIdx[i]];
[2720] | 346 | }
| 347 | interpolatorT_->setX(xb, tsysIdx.nelements());
| 348 | }
| 349 |
| 350 | Table tab = work_->table();
| 351 | ArrayColumn<Float> spCol(tab, "SPECTRA");
[2735] | 352 | ArrayColumn<Float> tsysCol(tab, "TSYS");
[2720] | 353 | ScalarColumn<Double> timeCol(tab, "TIME");
| 354 | Vector<Float> on;
| 355 | for (uInt i = 0; i < rows.nelements(); i++) {
[2735] | 356 | os_ << "start i = " << i << " (row = " << rows[i] << ")" << LogIO::POST;
[2720] | 357 | uInt irow = rows[i];
| 358 |
| 359 | // target spectral data
| 360 | on = spCol(irow);
| 361 | calibrator_->setSource(on);
| 362 |
| 363 | // interpolation
[2733] | 364 | Double t0 = timeCol(irow);
[2720] | 365 | for (uInt ichan = 0; ichan < nchanSp; ichan++) {
| 366 | Vector<Float> spOffSlice = spoff.row(ichan);
| 367 | //os_ << "spOffSlice = " << spOffSlice << LogIO::POST;
| 368 | for (uInt j = 0; j < skyIdx.nelements(); j++) {
[2733] | 369 | tmpOff[j] = spOffSlice[skyIdx[j]];
[2720] | 370 | }
| 371 | interpolatorS_->setY(ya, skyIdx.nelements());
| 372 | iOff[ichan] = interpolatorS_->interpolate(t0);
| 373 | }
| 374 | //os_ << "iOff=" << iOff << LogIO::POST;
| 375 | calibrator_->setReference(iOff);
| 376 |
| 377 | Float *Y = new Float[nchanSp];
| 378 | Vector<Float> iTsys(IPosition(1,nchanSp), Y, TAKE_OVER);
| 379 | if (doTsys) {
| 380 | // Tsys correction
[2733] | 381 | Float *yt = new Float[nchanTsys];
[2720] | 382 | Vector<Float> iTsysT(IPosition(1,nchanTsys), yt, TAKE_OVER);
[2733] | 383 | Float *yb = tmpTsys.data();
[2720] | 384 | for (uInt ichan = 0; ichan < nchanTsys; ichan++) {
| 385 | Vector<Float> tsysSlice = tsys.row(ichan);
| 386 | for (uInt j = 0; j < tsysIdx.nelements(); j++) {
[2733] | 387 | tmpTsys[j] = tsysSlice[tsysIdx[j]];
[2720] | 388 | }
| 389 | interpolatorT_->setY(yb, tsysIdx.nelements());
| 390 | iTsysT[ichan] = interpolatorT_->interpolate(t0);
| 391 | }
| 392 | if (nchanSp == 1) {
| 393 | // take average
| 394 | iTsys[0] = mean(iTsysT);
| 395 | }
| 396 | else {
| 397 | // interpolation on frequency axis
| 398 | Vector<Double> fsp = getBaseFrequency(rows[i]);
| 399 | interpolatorF_->setY(yt, nchanTsys);
| 400 | for (uInt ichan = 0; ichan < nchanSp; ichan++) {
[2733] | 401 | iTsys[ichan] = interpolatorF_->interpolate(fsp[ichan]);
[2720] | 402 | }
| 403 | }
| 404 | }
| 405 | else {
| 406 | iTsys = 1.0;
| 407 | }
[2735] | 408 | //os_ << "iTsys=" << iTsys << LogIO::POST;
[2720] | 409 | calibrator_->setScaler(iTsys);
| 410 |
| 411 | // do calibration
| 412 | calibrator_->calibrate();
| 413 |
| 414 | // update table
[2735] | 415 | //os_ << "calibrated=" << calibrator_->getCalibrated() << LogIO::POST;
[2720] | 416 | spCol.put(irow, calibrator_->getCalibrated());
[2742] | 417 | if (filltsys)
| 418 | tsysCol.put(irow, iTsys);
[2720] | 419 | }
| 420 |
| 421 |
| 422 | // reset selection on apply tables
| 423 | for (uInt i = 0; i < skylist.nelements(); i++)
| 424 | skytable_[i]->unsetSelection();
| 425 | for (uInt i = 0; i < tsystable_.size(); i++)
| 426 | tsystable_[i]->unsetSelection();
| 427 |
| 428 |
| 429 | // reset interpolator
| 430 | interpolatorS_->reset();
| 431 | interpolatorF_->reset();
| 432 | interpolatorT_->reset();
| 433 | }
| 434 |
| 435 | Vector<uInt> STApplyCal::timeSort(Vector<Double> &t)
| 436 | {
| 437 | Sort sort;
| 438 | sort.sortKey(&t[0], TpDouble, 0, Sort::Ascending);
| 439 | Vector<uInt> idx;
| 440 | sort.sort(idx, t.nelements(), Sort::QuickSort|Sort::NoDuplicates);
| 441 | return idx;
| 442 | }
| 443 |
| 444 | uInt STApplyCal::getIFForTsys(uInt to)
| 445 | {
| 446 | for (map<casa::uInt, Vector<uInt> >::iterator i = spwmap_.begin();
| 447 | i != spwmap_.end(); i++) {
| 448 | Vector<uInt> tolist = i->second;
[2735] | 449 | os_ << "from=" << i->first << ": tolist=" << tolist << LogIO::POST;
[2720] | 450 | for (uInt j = 0; j < tolist.nelements(); j++) {
| 451 | if (tolist[j] == to)
| 452 | return i->first;
| 453 | }
| 454 | }
| 455 | return (uInt)-1;
| 456 | }
| 457 |
| 458 | void STApplyCal::save(const String &name)
| 459 | {
[2742] | 460 | assert(!work_.null());
[2720] | 461 |
| 462 | work_->setSelection(sel_);
| 463 | work_->makePersistent(name);
| 464 | work_->unsetSelection();
| 465 | }
| 466 |
| 467 | Vector<Double> STApplyCal::getBaseFrequency(uInt whichrow)
| 468 | {
| 469 | assert(whichrow <= (uInt)work_->nrow());
| 470 | ROTableColumn col(work_->table(), "IFNO");
| 471 | uInt ifno = col.asuInt(whichrow);
| 472 | col.attach(work_->table(), "FREQ_ID");
| 473 | uInt freqid = col.asuInt(whichrow);
| 474 | uInt nc = work_->nchan(ifno);
| 475 | STFrequencies ftab = work_->frequencies();
| 476 | Double rp, rf, inc;
| 477 | ftab.getEntry(rp, rf, inc, freqid);
| 478 | Vector<Double> r(nc);
| 479 | indgen(r, rf-rp*inc, inc);
| 480 | return r;
| 481 | }
| 482 |
[2727] | 483 | void STApplyCal::initInterpolator()
| 484 | {
[2735] | 485 | os_.origin(LogOrigin("STApplyCal","initInterpolator",WHERE));
[2727] | 486 | int order = (order_ > 0) ? order_ : 1;
[2735] | 487 | switch (iTime_) {
[2727] | 488 | case STCalEnum::NearestInterpolation:
| 489 | {
| 490 | os_ << "use NearestInterpolator in time axis" << LogIO::POST;
[2733] | 491 | interpolatorS_ = new NearestInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
| 492 | interpolatorT_ = new NearestInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
[2727] | 493 | break;
| 494 | }
| 495 | case STCalEnum::LinearInterpolation:
| 496 | {
| 497 | os_ << "use BufferedLinearInterpolator in time axis" << LogIO::POST;
[2733] | 498 | interpolatorS_ = new BufferedLinearInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
| 499 | interpolatorT_ = new BufferedLinearInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
[2727] | 500 | break;
| 501 | }
| 502 | case STCalEnum::CubicSplineInterpolation:
| 503 | {
| 504 | os_ << "use CubicSplineInterpolator in time axis" << LogIO::POST;
[2733] | 505 | interpolatorS_ = new CubicSplineInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
| 506 | interpolatorT_ = new CubicSplineInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
[2727] | 507 | break;
| 508 | }
| 509 | case STCalEnum::PolynomialInterpolation:
| 510 | {
| 511 | os_ << "use PolynomialInterpolator in time axis" << LogIO::POST;
| 512 | if (order == 0) {
[2733] | 513 | interpolatorS_ = new NearestInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
| 514 | interpolatorT_ = new NearestInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
[2727] | 515 | }
| 516 | else {
[2733] | 517 | interpolatorS_ = new PolynomialInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
| 518 | interpolatorT_ = new PolynomialInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
[2727] | 519 | interpolatorS_->setOrder(order);
| 520 | interpolatorT_->setOrder(order);
| 521 | }
| 522 | break;
| 523 | }
| 524 | default:
| 525 | {
| 526 | os_ << "use BufferedLinearInterpolator in time axis" << LogIO::POST;
[2733] | 527 | interpolatorS_ = new BufferedLinearInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
| 528 | interpolatorT_ = new BufferedLinearInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
[2727] | 529 | break;
| 530 | }
| 531 | }
| 532 |
[2735] | 533 | switch (iFreq_) {
[2727] | 534 | case STCalEnum::NearestInterpolation:
| 535 | {
| 536 | os_ << "use NearestInterpolator in frequency axis" << LogIO::POST;
[2733] | 537 | interpolatorF_ = new NearestInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
[2727] | 538 | break;
| 539 | }
| 540 | case STCalEnum::LinearInterpolation:
| 541 | {
| 542 | os_ << "use BufferedLinearInterpolator in frequency axis" << LogIO::POST;
[2733] | 543 | interpolatorF_ = new BufferedLinearInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
[2727] | 544 | break;
| 545 | }
| 546 | case STCalEnum::CubicSplineInterpolation:
| 547 | {
| 548 | os_ << "use CubicSplineInterpolator in frequency axis" << LogIO::POST;
[2733] | 549 | interpolatorF_ = new CubicSplineInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
[2727] | 550 | break;
| 551 | }
| 552 | case STCalEnum::PolynomialInterpolation:
| 553 | {
| 554 | os_ << "use PolynomialInterpolator in frequency axis" << LogIO::POST;
| 555 | if (order == 0) {
[2733] | 556 | interpolatorF_ = new NearestInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
[2727] | 557 | }
| 558 | else {
[2733] | 559 | interpolatorF_ = new PolynomialInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
[2727] | 560 | interpolatorF_->setOrder(order);
| 561 | }
| 562 | break;
| 563 | }
| 564 | default:
| 565 | {
| 566 | os_ << "use LinearInterpolator in frequency axis" << LogIO::POST;
[2733] | 567 | interpolatorF_ = new BufferedLinearInterpolator1D<Double, Float>();
[2727] | 568 | break;
| 569 | }
| 570 | }
[2720] | 571 | }
[2727] | 572 | }