//#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# SDReader.cc: A class to read single dish spectra from SDFITS, RPFITS //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# Copyright (C) 2004 //# ATNF //# //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free //# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) //# any later version. //# //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but //# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General //# Public License for more details. //# //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along //# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., //# 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. //# //# Correspondence concerning this software should be addressed as follows: //# Internet email: Malte.Marquarding@csiro.au //# Postal address: Malte Marquarding, //# Australia Telescope National Facility, //# P.O. Box 76, //# Epping, NSW, 2121, //# AUSTRALIA //# //# $Id: //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SDReader.h" #include "SDDefs.h" #include "SDAttr.h" using namespace casa; using namespace asap; SDReader::SDReader() : reader_(0), header_(0), frequencies_(0), table_(new SDMemTable()), haveXPol_(False) { cursor_ = 0; } SDReader::SDReader(const std::string& filename, int whichIF, int whichBeam) : reader_(0), header_(0), frequencies_(0), table_(new SDMemTable()), haveXPol_(False) { cursor_ = 0; open(filename, whichIF, whichBeam); } SDReader::SDReader(CountedPtr tbl) : reader_(0), header_(0), table_(tbl), haveXPol_(False) { cursor_ = 0; } SDReader::~SDReader() { if (reader_) delete reader_; if (header_) delete header_; if (frequencies_) delete frequencies_; } void SDReader::reset() { cursor_ = 0; table_ = new SDMemTable(); open(filename_,ifOffset_, beamOffset_); } void SDReader::close() { //cerr << "disabled" << endl; } void SDReader::open(const std::string& filename, int whichIF, int whichBeam) { if (reader_) delete reader_; reader_ = 0; Bool haveBase, haveSpectra; String inName(filename); Path path(inName); inName = path.expandedName(); File file(inName); if (!file.exists()) { throw(AipsError("File does not exist")); } filename_ = inName; // Create reader and fill in values for arguments String format; Vector beams; if ((reader_ = getPKSreader(inName, 0, False, format, beams, nIF_, nChan_, nPol_, haveBase, haveSpectra, haveXPol_)) == 0) { throw(AipsError("Creation of PKSreader failed")); } if (!haveSpectra) { delete reader_; reader_ = 0; throw(AipsError("No spectral data in file.")); return; } nBeam_ = beams.nelements(); // Get basic parameters. if (haveXPol_) { pushLog("Cross polarization present"); nPol_ += 2; // Convert Complex -> 2 Floats } if (header_) delete header_; header_ = new SDHeader(); header_->nchan = nChan_; header_->npol = nPol_; header_->nbeam = nBeam_; Int status = reader_->getHeader(header_->observer, header_->project, header_->antennaname, header_->antennaposition, header_->obstype,header_->equinox, header_->freqref, header_->utc, header_->reffreq, header_->bandwidth); if (status) { delete reader_; reader_ = 0; throw(AipsError("Failed to get header.")); return; } if ((header_->obstype).matches("*SW*")) { // need robust way here - probably read ahead of next timestamp pushLog("Header indicates frequency switched observation.\n" "setting # of IFs = 1 "); nIF_ = 1; } // Determine Telescope and set brightness unit Bool throwIt = False; Instrument inst = SDAttr::convertInstrument(header_->antennaname, throwIt); header_->fluxunit = "Jy"; if (inst==ATMOPRA || inst==TIDBINBILLA) { header_->fluxunit = "K"; } header_->nif = nIF_; header_->epoch = "UTC"; // Apply selection criteria. Vector ref; Vector beamSel(nBeam_,True); Vector IFsel(nIF_,True); ifOffset_ = 0; if (whichIF>=0) { if (whichIF>=0 && whichIFnif = 1; nIF_ = 1; ifOffset_ = whichIF; } else { throw(AipsError("Illegal IF selection")); } } beamOffset_ = 0; if (whichBeam>=0) { if (whichBeam>=0 && whichBeamnbeam = 1; nBeam_ = 1; beamOffset_ = whichBeam; } else { throw(AipsError("Illegal Beam selection")); } } Vector start(nIF_, 1); Vector end(nIF_, 0); reader_->select(beamSel, IFsel, start, end, ref, True, haveXPol_); table_->putSDHeader(*header_); if (frequencies_) delete frequencies_; frequencies_ = new SDFrequencyTable(); frequencies_->setRefFrame(header_->freqref); frequencies_->setRestFrequencyUnit("Hz"); frequencies_->setEquinox(header_->equinox); } int SDReader::read(const std::vector& seq) { int status = 0; Int beamNo, IFno, refBeam, scanNo, cycleNo; Float azimuth, elevation, focusAxi, focusRot, focusTan, humidity, parAngle, pressure, temperature, windAz, windSpeed; Double bandwidth, freqInc, interval, mjd, refFreq, restFreq, srcVel; String fieldName, srcName, tcalTime; Vector calFctr, sigma, tcal, tsys; Matrix baseLin, baseSub; Vector direction(2), scanRate(2), srcDir(2), srcPM(2); Matrix spectra; Matrix flagtra; Complex xCalFctr; Vector xPol; uInt n = seq.size(); uInt stepsize = header_->nif*header_->nbeam; uInt seqi = 0; Bool getAll = False; if (seq[n-1] == -1) getAll = True; while ( (cursor_ <= seq[n-1]) || getAll) { // only needs to be create if in seq SDContainer sc(header_->nbeam,header_->nif,header_->npol,header_->nchan); // iterate over one correlator integration cycle = nBeam*nIF for (uInt row=0; row < stepsize; row++) { // stepsize as well // spectra(nChan,nPol)!!! status = reader_->read(scanNo, cycleNo, mjd, interval, fieldName, srcName, srcDir, srcPM, srcVel, IFno, refFreq, bandwidth, freqInc, restFreq, tcal, tcalTime, azimuth, elevation, parAngle, focusAxi, focusTan, focusRot, temperature, pressure, humidity, windSpeed, windAz, refBeam, beamNo, direction, scanRate, tsys, sigma, calFctr, baseLin, baseSub, spectra, flagtra, xCalFctr, xPol); // Make sure beam/IF numbers are 0-relative - dealing with // possible IF or Beam selection beamNo = beamNo - beamOffset_ - 1; IFno = IFno - ifOffset_ - 1; if (status) { if (status == -1) { // EOF. if (row > 0 && row < stepsize-1) pushLog("incomplete scan data.\n Probably means not all Beams/IFs/Pols within a scan are present."); // flush frequency table table_->putSDFreqTable(*frequencies_); return status; } } // if in the given list if (cursor_ == seq[seqi] || getAll) { // add integration cycle if (row==0) { //add invariant info: scanNo, mjd, interval, fieldName, //srcName, azimuth, elevation, parAngle, focusAxi, focusTan, //focusRot, temperature, pressure, humidity, windSpeed, //windAz srcDir, srcPM, srcVel sc.timestamp = mjd; sc.interval = interval; sc.sourcename = srcName; sc.fieldname = fieldName; sc.azimuth = azimuth; sc.elevation = elevation; } // add specific info // refPix = nChan/2+1 in 1-rel Integer arith.! Int refPix = header_->nchan/2; // 0-rel uInt freqID = frequencies_->addFrequency(refPix, refFreq, freqInc); uInt restFreqID = frequencies_->addRestFrequency(restFreq); sc.setFrequencyMap(freqID, IFno); sc.setRestFrequencyMap(restFreqID, IFno); sc.tcal[0] = tcal[0];sc.tcal[1] = tcal[1]; sc.tcaltime = tcalTime; sc.parangle = parAngle; sc.refbeam = -1; //nbeams == 1 if (nBeam_ > 1) // circumvent a bug "asap0000" in read which // returns a random refbema number on multiple // reads sc.refbeam = refBeam-1;//make it 0-based; sc.scanid = scanNo-1;//make it 0-based if (haveXPol_) { sc.setSpectrum(spectra, xPol, beamNo, IFno); sc.setFlags(flagtra, beamNo, IFno, True); } else { sc.setSpectrum(spectra, beamNo, IFno); sc.setFlags(flagtra, beamNo, IFno, False); } sc.setTsys(tsys, beamNo, IFno, haveXPol_); sc.setDirection(direction, beamNo); } } if (cursor_ == seq[seqi] || getAll) { // insert container into table/list table_->putSDContainer(sc); seqi++;// next in list } cursor_++;// increment position in file } table_->putSDFreqTable(*frequencies_); return status; }