1 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | //# SDReader.cc: A class to read single dish spectra from SDFITS, RPFITS
3 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | //# Copyright (C) 2004
5 | //# Malte Marquarding, ATNF
6 | //#
7 | //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 | //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
9 | //# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
10 | //# any later version.
11 | //#
12 | //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 | //# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 | //# Public License for more details.
16 | //#
17 | //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
18 | //# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
19 | //# 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20 | //#
21 | //# Correspondence concerning this software should be addressed as follows:
22 | //# Internet email: Malte.Marquarding@csiro.au
23 | //# Postal address: Malte Marquarding,
24 | //# Australia Telescope National Facility,
25 | //# P.O. Box 76,
26 | //# Epping, NSW, 2121,
27 | //# AUSTRALIA
28 | //#
29 | //# $Id:
30 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 | #include <atnf/PKSIO/PKSreader.h>
32 |
33 | #include "SDReader.h"
34 |
35 | using namespace atnf_sd;
36 |
37 | SDReader::SDReader() :
38 | reader_(0),
39 | table_(new SDMemTable()) {
40 | cursor_ = 0;
41 | }
42 | SDReader::SDReader(const std::string& filename) :
43 | reader_(0),
44 | table_(new SDMemTable()) {
45 | cursor_ = 0;
46 | open(filename);
47 | }
48 |
49 | SDReader::SDReader(CountedPtr<SDMemTable> tbl) :
50 | reader_(0),
51 | table_(tbl) {
52 | cursor_ = 0;
53 | }
54 |
55 | SDReader::~SDReader() {
56 | if (reader_) delete reader_; reader_ = 0;
57 | }
58 |
59 | void SDReader::reset() {
60 | cursor_ = 0;
61 | open(filename_);
62 | }
63 |
64 | void SDReader::close() {
65 | cerr << "disabled" << endl;
66 | }
67 |
68 | void SDReader::open(const std::string& filename) {
69 | if (reader_) delete reader_; reader_ = 0;
70 | Bool haveBase, haveSpectra, haveXPol;
71 | String inName(filename);
72 | String format;
73 | Vector<Bool> beams;
74 | if ((reader_ = getPKSreader(inName, 0, False, format, beams, nIF_,
75 | nChan_, nPol_, haveBase, haveSpectra,
76 | haveXPol)) == 0) {
77 | cerr << "PKSreader failed" << endl;
78 | }
79 | if (!haveSpectra) {
80 | delete reader_;
81 | reader_ = 0;
82 | cerr << "Spectral data absent." << endl;
83 | return;
84 | }
85 | nBeam_ = beams.nelements();
86 | // Get basic parameters.
87 | header_ = SDHeader();
88 | header_.nchan = nChan_;
89 | header_.npol = nPol_;
90 | header_.nbeam = nBeam_;
91 |
92 | Int status = reader_->getHeader(header_.observer, header_.project,
93 | header_.antennaname, header_.antennaposition,
94 | header_.obstype,header_.equinox,
95 | header_.freqref,
96 | header_.utc, header_.reffreq,
97 | header_.bandwidth);
98 | if (status) {
99 | delete reader_;
100 | reader_ = 0;
101 | cerr << "Failed to get data description." << endl;
102 | return;
103 | }
104 | //header_.print();
105 | if ((header_.obstype).matches("*SW*")) {
106 | // need robust way here - probably read ahead of next timestamp
107 | cout << "Header indicates frequency switched observation.\n"
108 | "setting # of IFs = 1 " << endl;
109 | nIF_ = 1;
110 | }
111 | header_.nif = nIF_;
112 | // Apply selection criteria.
113 | Vector<Int> start(nIF_, 1);
114 | Vector<Int> end(nIF_, 0);
115 | Vector<Int> ref;
116 | Vector<Bool> beamSel(nBeam_,True);
117 | Vector<Bool> IFsel(nIF_,True);
118 | reader_->select(beamSel, IFsel, start, end, ref, True, haveXPol);
119 | table_->putSDHeader(header_);
120 | frequencies_.setRefFrame(header_.freqref);
121 | frequencies_.setEquinox(header_.equinox);
122 | }
123 |
124 | int SDReader::read(const std::vector<int>& seq) {
125 | int status = 0;
126 |
127 | Int beamNo, IFno, refBeam, scanNo, cycleNo;
128 | Float azimuth, elevation, focusAxi, focusRot, focusTan,
129 | humidity, parAngle, pressure, temperature, windAz, windSpeed;
130 | Double bandwidth, freqInc, interval, mjd, refFreq, restFreq, srcVel;
131 | String fieldName, srcName, tcalTime;
132 | Vector<Float> calFctr, sigma, tcal, tsys;
133 | Matrix<Float> baseLin, baseSub;
134 | Vector<Double> direction(2), scanRate(2), srcDir(2), srcPM(2);
135 | Matrix<Float> spectra;
136 | Matrix<uChar> flagtra;
137 | Complex xCalFctr;
138 | Vector<Complex> xPol;
139 | uInt n = seq.size();
140 |
141 | uInt stepsize = header_.nif*header_.nbeam;
142 | //cerr << "SDReader stepsize = " << stepsize << endl;
143 | uInt seqi = 0;
144 | Bool getAll = False;
145 | if (seq[n-1] == -1) getAll = True;
146 | while ( (cursor_ <= seq[n-1]) || getAll) {
147 | // only needs to be create if in seq
148 | SDContainer sc(header_.nbeam,header_.nif,header_.npol,header_.nchan);
149 |
150 | // iterate over one correlator integration cycle = nBeam*nIF
151 | for (uInt row=0; row < stepsize; row++) {
152 | // stepsize as well
153 | // spectra(nChan,nPol)!!!
154 | status = reader_->read(scanNo, cycleNo, mjd, interval, fieldName,
155 | srcName, srcDir, srcPM, srcVel, IFno, refFreq,
156 | bandwidth, freqInc, restFreq, tcal, tcalTime,
157 | azimuth, elevation, parAngle, focusAxi,
158 | focusTan, focusRot, temperature, pressure,
159 | humidity, windSpeed, windAz, refBeam,
160 | beamNo, direction, scanRate,
161 | tsys, sigma, calFctr, baseLin, baseSub,
162 | spectra, flagtra, xCalFctr, xPol);
163 | if (status) {
164 | if (status == -1) {
165 | // EOF.
166 | if (row < stepsize-1) cerr << "incomplete integration data." << endl;
167 | cerr << "EOF" << endl;
168 | table_->putSDFreqTable(frequencies_);
169 | return status;
170 | }
171 | }
172 | // if in the given list
173 | if (cursor_ == seq[seqi] || getAll) {
174 | // add integration cycle
175 | if (row==0) {
176 | //add invariant info: scanNo, mjd, interval, fieldName,
177 | //srcName, azimuth, elevation, parAngle, focusAxi, focusTan,
178 | //focusRot, temperature, pressure, humidity, windSpeed,
179 | //windAz srcDir, srcPM, srcVel
180 | sc.timestamp = mjd;
181 | sc.interval = interval;
182 | sc.sourcename = srcName;
183 | }
184 | // add specific info
185 | // IFno beamNo are 1-relative
186 | // refPix = nChan/2+1 in Integer arith.!
187 | Int refPix = header_.nchan/2+1;
188 | Int frqslot = frequencies_.addFrequency(refPix, refFreq, freqInc);
189 | sc.setFrequencyMap(frqslot,IFno-1);
190 |
191 | sc.scanid = scanNo-1;//make it 0-based
192 | sc.setSpectrum(spectra, beamNo-1, IFno-1);
193 | sc.setFlags(flagtra, beamNo-1, IFno-1);
194 | sc.setTsys(tsys, beamNo-1, IFno-1);
195 | //sc.addPointing(direction, beamNo-1);
196 | }
197 | }
198 | if (cursor_ == seq[seqi] || getAll) {
199 | // insert container into table/list
200 | table_->putSDContainer(sc);
201 | seqi++;// next in list
202 | }
203 | cursor_++;// increment position in file
204 | }
205 | table_->putSDFreqTable(frequencies_);
206 | return status;
207 | }