//#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# SDPol.cc: Polarimetric functionality //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# Copyright (C) 2004 //# ATNF //# //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free //# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) //# any later version. //# //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but //# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General //# Public License for more details. //# //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along //# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., //# 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. //# //# Correspondence concerning this software should be addressed as follows: //# Internet email: Malte.Marquarding@csiro.au //# Postal address: Malte Marquarding, //# Australia Telescope National Facility, //# P.O. Box 76, //# Epping, NSW, 2121, //# AUSTRALIA //# //# $Id: //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "SDPol.h" #include "SDDefs.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace casa; using namespace asap; SDStokesEngine::SDStokesEngine (const String& outputColumnName, const String& inputColumnName) : BaseMappedArrayEngine (outputColumnName, inputColumnName) {} SDStokesEngine::SDStokesEngine (const Record& spec) : BaseMappedArrayEngine () { if (spec.isDefined("OUTPUTNAME") && spec.isDefined("INPUTNAME")) { setNames (spec.asString("OUTPUTNAME"), spec.asString("INPUTNAME")); } } SDStokesEngine::SDStokesEngine (const SDStokesEngine& that) : BaseMappedArrayEngine (that) {} SDStokesEngine::~SDStokesEngine() {} DataManager* SDStokesEngine::clone() const { DataManager* dmPtr = new SDStokesEngine (*this); return dmPtr; } String SDStokesEngine::dataManagerType() const { return className(); } String SDStokesEngine::className() { return "SDStokesEngine"; } String SDStokesEngine::dataManagerName() const { return sourceName(); } Record SDStokesEngine::dataManagerSpec() const { Record spec; spec.define ("OUTPUTNAME", sourceName()); // Ger uses opposite meaning for source/target spec.define ("INPUTNAME", targetName()); return spec; } DataManager* SDStokesEngine::makeObject (const String&, const Record& spec) { DataManager* dmPtr = new SDStokesEngine(spec); return dmPtr; } void SDStokesEngine::registerClass() { DataManager::registerCtor (className(), makeObject); } void SDStokesEngine::create (uInt initialNrrow) { BaseMappedArrayEngine::create (initialNrrow); } void SDStokesEngine::prepare() { BaseMappedArrayEngine::prepare(); } Bool SDStokesEngine::canAccessArrayColumnCells (Bool& reask) const { reask = False; return True; } void SDStokesEngine::getArray (uInt rownr, Array& output) { Array input; roColumn().get(rownr, input); // computeOnGet (output, input); } void SDStokesEngine::putArray (uInt rownr, const Array& input) { throw(AipsError("This Virtual Column is not writable")); } IPosition SDStokesEngine::shape (uInt rownr) { IPosition inputShape = roColumn().shape (rownr); return findOutputShape(inputShape); } void SDStokesEngine::computeOnGet(Array& output, const Array& input) // // array of shape (nBeam,nIF,nPol,nChan) // // We use the scaling convention I=(XX+YY) // { // Checks const uInt nDim = input.ndim(); AlwaysAssert(nDim==4,AipsError); AlwaysAssert(output.ndim()==4,AipsError); // const IPosition inputShape = input.shape(); const uInt polAxis = asap::PolAxis; const uInt nPol = inputShape(polAxis); AlwaysAssert(nPol==1 || nPol==2 || nPol==4, AipsError); // The silly Array slice operator does not give me back // a const reference so have to caste it away Array& input2 = const_cast&>(input); // Slice coordnates IPosition start(nDim,0); IPosition end(input.shape()-1); // Generate Slices start(polAxis) = 0; end(polAxis) = 0; Array C1 = input2(start,end); // Input : C1 // start(polAxis) = 0; end(polAxis) = 0; Array I = output(start,end); // Output : I // if (nPol==1) { I = Float(2.0)*C1; return; } // start(polAxis) = 1; end(polAxis) = 1; Array C2 = input2(start,end); // Input : C1 // I = C1 + C2; if (nPol <= 2) return; // start(polAxis) = 2; end(polAxis) = 2; Array C3 = input2(start,end); // Input : C3 // start(polAxis) = 3; end(polAxis) = 3; Array C4 = input2(start,end); // Input : C4 // start(polAxis) = 1; end(polAxis) = 1; Array Q = output(start,end); // Output : Q Q = C1 - C2; // start(polAxis) = 2; end(polAxis) = 2; Array U = output(start,end); // Output : U U = Float(2.0)*C3; // start(polAxis) = 3; end(polAxis) = 3; Array V = output(start,end); // Output : V V = Float(2.0)*C4; } IPosition SDStokesEngine::findOutputShape (const IPosition& inputShape) const { uInt axis = 2; uInt nPol = inputShape(axis); IPosition outputShape = inputShape; if (nPol==1) { outputShape(axis) = 1; // XX -> I } else if (nPol==2) { outputShape(axis) = 1; // XX YY -> I } else if (nPol==4) { outputShape(axis) = 4; // XX YY R(XY) I(XY) -> I Q U V } return outputShape; } // SDPolUtil Array SDPolUtil::polarizedIntensity (const Array& Q, const Array& U) { Array t1 = pow(Q,Double(2.0)); Array t2 = pow(U,Double(2.0)); return sqrt(t1+t2); } Array SDPolUtil::positionAngle (const Array& Q, const Array& U) { return Float(180.0/C::pi/2.0)*atan2(Q,U); // Degrees } void SDPolUtil::rotateXYPhase (Array& C3, Array& C4, Float phase) { Float cosVal = cos(C::pi/180.0*phase); Float sinVal = sin(C::pi/180.0*phase); // C3 = C3*cosVal - C4*sinVal; C4 = C3*sinVal + C4*cosVal; } Array SDPolUtil::getStokesSlice (Array& in, const IPosition& start, const IPosition& end, const String& stokes) { IPosition s(start); IPosition e(end); // if (stokes=="I") { s(asap::PolAxis) = 0; e(asap::PolAxis) = 0; } else if (stokes=="Q") { s(asap::PolAxis) = 1; e(asap::PolAxis) = 1; } else if (stokes=="U") { s(asap::PolAxis) = 2; e(asap::PolAxis) = 2; } else if (stokes=="V") { s(asap::PolAxis) = 3; e(asap::PolAxis) = 3; } // return in(s,e); } Array SDPolUtil::circularPolarizationFromStokes (Array& I, Array& V, Bool doRR) { if (doRR) { return Float(0.5)*(I+V); } else { return Float(0.5)*(I-V); } } Array SDPolUtil::stokesMask (Array rawFlags, Bool doLinear) // // Generate mask for each Stokes parameter from the // raw flags. This is a lot of computational work and may // not be worth the effort. // { IPosition shapeIn = rawFlags.shape(); uInt nPol = shapeIn(asap::PolAxis); const uInt nDim = shapeIn.nelements(); Array stokesFlags; // IPosition start(nDim,0); IPosition end(shapeIn-1); IPosition shapeOut = shapeIn; // if (doLinear) { if (nPol==1) { stokesFlags.resize(shapeOut); stokesFlags = rawFlags; } else if (nPol==2 || nPol==4) { // Set shape of output array if (nPol==2) { shapeOut(asap::PolAxis) = 1; } else { shapeOut(asap::PolAxis) = 4; } stokesFlags.resize(shapeOut); // Get reference slices and assign/compute start(asap::PolAxis) = 0; end(asap::PolAxis) = 0; Array M1In = rawFlags(start,end); // start(asap::PolAxis) = 1; end(asap::PolAxis) = 1; Array M2In = rawFlags(start,end); // start(asap::PolAxis) = 0; end(asap::PolAxis) = 0; Array M1Out = stokesFlags(start,end); M1Out = M1In && M2In; // I // if (nPol==4) { start(asap::PolAxis) = 2; end(asap::PolAxis) = 2; Array M3In = rawFlags(start,end); // start(asap::PolAxis) = 3; end(asap::PolAxis) = 3; Array M4In = rawFlags(start,end); // start(asap::PolAxis) = 1; end(asap::PolAxis) = 1; Array M2Out = stokesFlags(start,end); M2Out = M1Out; // Q // start(asap::PolAxis) = 2; end(asap::PolAxis) = 2; Array M3Out = stokesFlags(start,end); M3Out = M3In; // U // start(asap::PolAxis) = 3; end(asap::PolAxis) = 3; Array M4Out = stokesFlags(start,end); M4Out = M4In; // V } } else { throw(AipsError("Can only handle 1,2 or 4 polarizations")); } } else { throw (AipsError("Only implemented for Linear polarizations")); } // return stokesFlags; }