//#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# SDMemTable.cc: A MemoryTable container for single dish integrations //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# Copyright (C) 2004 //# ATNF //# //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free //# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) //# any later version. //# //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but //# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General //# Public License for more details. //# //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along //# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., //# 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. //# //# Correspondence concerning this software should be addressed as follows: //# Internet email: Malte.Marquarding@csiro.au //# Postal address: Malte Marquarding, //# Australia Telescope National Facility, //# P.O. Box 76, //# Epping, NSW, 2121, //# AUSTRALIA //# //# $Id: //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SDDefs.h" #include "SDMemTable.h" #include "SDContainer.h" using namespace casa; using namespace asap; SDMemTable::SDMemTable() : IFSel_(0), beamSel_(0), polSel_(0) { setup(); attach(); } SDMemTable::SDMemTable(const std::string& name) : IFSel_(0), beamSel_(0), polSel_(0) { Table tab(name); table_ = tab.copyToMemoryTable("dummy"); //cerr << "hello from C SDMemTable @ " << this << endl; attach(); } SDMemTable::SDMemTable(const SDMemTable& other, Bool clear) { IFSel_= other.IFSel_; beamSel_= other.beamSel_; polSel_= other.polSel_; chanMask_ = other.chanMask_; table_ = other.table_.copyToMemoryTable(String("dummy")); // clear all rows() if (clear) { table_.removeRow(this->table_.rowNumbers()); } else { IFSel_ = other.IFSel_; beamSel_ = other.beamSel_; polSel_ = other.polSel_; } // attach(); //cerr << "hello from CC SDMemTable @ " << this << endl; } SDMemTable::SDMemTable(const Table& tab, const std::string& exprs) : IFSel_(0), beamSel_(0), polSel_(0) { Table t = tableCommand(exprs,tab); if (t.nrow() == 0) throw(AipsError("Query unsuccessful.")); table_ = t.copyToMemoryTable("dummy"); attach(); } SDMemTable::~SDMemTable() { //cerr << "goodbye from SDMemTable @ " << this << endl; } SDMemTable SDMemTable::getScan(Int scanID) const { String cond("SELECT * from $1 WHERE SCANID == "); cond += String::toString(scanID); return SDMemTable(table_, cond); } SDMemTable &SDMemTable::operator=(const SDMemTable& other) { if (this != &other) { IFSel_= other.IFSel_; beamSel_= other.beamSel_; polSel_= other.polSel_; chanMask_.resize(0); chanMask_ = other.chanMask_; table_ = other.table_.copyToMemoryTable(String("dummy")); attach(); } //cerr << "hello from ASS SDMemTable @ " << this << endl; return *this; } SDMemTable SDMemTable::getSource(const std::string& source) const { String cond("SELECT * from $1 WHERE SRCNAME == "); cond += source; return SDMemTable(table_, cond); } void SDMemTable::setup() { TableDesc td("", "1", TableDesc::Scratch); td.comment() = "A SDMemTable"; // td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("TIME")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("SRCNAME")); td.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("SPECTRA")); td.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("FLAGTRA")); td.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("TSYS")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("SCANID")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("INTERVAL")); td.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("FREQID")); td.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("DIRECTION")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("FIELDNAME")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("TCALTIME")); td.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("TCAL")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("AZIMUTH")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("ELEVATION")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("PARANGLE")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("REFBEAM")); td.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("HISTORY")); // Now create a new table from the description. SetupNewTable aNewTab("dummy", td, Table::New); table_ = Table(aNewTab, Table::Memory, 0); } void SDMemTable::attach () { timeCol_.attach(table_, "TIME"); srcnCol_.attach(table_, "SRCNAME"); specCol_.attach(table_, "SPECTRA"); flagsCol_.attach(table_, "FLAGTRA"); tsCol_.attach(table_, "TSYS"); scanCol_.attach(table_, "SCANID"); integrCol_.attach(table_, "INTERVAL"); freqidCol_.attach(table_, "FREQID"); dirCol_.attach(table_, "DIRECTION"); fldnCol_.attach(table_, "FIELDNAME"); tcaltCol_.attach(table_, "TCALTIME"); tcalCol_.attach(table_, "TCAL"); azCol_.attach(table_, "AZIMUTH"); elCol_.attach(table_, "ELEVATION"); paraCol_.attach(table_, "PARANGLE"); rbeamCol_.attach(table_, "REFBEAM"); histCol_.attach(table_, "HISTORY"); } std::string SDMemTable::getSourceName(Int whichRow) const { String name; srcnCol_.get(whichRow, name); return name; } std::string SDMemTable::getTime(Int whichRow, Bool showDate) const { Double tm; if (whichRow > -1) { timeCol_.get(whichRow, tm); } else { table_.keywordSet().get("UTC",tm); } MVTime mvt(tm); if (showDate) mvt.setFormat(MVTime::YMD); else mvt.setFormat(MVTime::TIME); ostringstream oss; oss << mvt; return String(oss); } double SDMemTable::getInterval(Int whichRow) const { Double intval; integrCol_.get(whichRow, intval); return intval; } bool SDMemTable::setIF(Int whichIF) { if ( whichIF >= 0 && whichIF < nIF()) { IFSel_ = whichIF; return true; } return false; } bool SDMemTable::setBeam(Int whichBeam) { if ( whichBeam >= 0 && whichBeam < nBeam()) { beamSel_ = whichBeam; return true; } return false; } bool SDMemTable::setPol(Int whichPol) { if ( whichPol >= 0 && whichPol < nPol()) { polSel_ = whichPol; return true; } return false; } void SDMemTable::resetCursor () { polSel_ = 0; IFSel_ = 0; beamSel_ = 0; } bool SDMemTable::setMask(std::vector whichChans) { std::vector::iterator it; uInt n = flagsCol_.shape(0)(3); if (whichChans.empty()) { chanMask_ = std::vector(n,true); return true; } chanMask_.resize(n,true); for (it = whichChans.begin(); it != whichChans.end(); ++it) { if (*it < n) { chanMask_[*it] = false; } } return true; } std::vector SDMemTable::getMask(Int whichRow) const { std::vector mask; Array arr; flagsCol_.get(whichRow, arr); ArrayAccessor > aa0(arr); aa0.reset(aa0.begin(uInt(beamSel_)));//go to beam ArrayAccessor > aa1(aa0); aa1.reset(aa1.begin(uInt(IFSel_)));// go to IF ArrayAccessor > aa2(aa1); aa2.reset(aa2.begin(uInt(polSel_)));// go to pol Bool useUserMask = ( chanMask_.size() == arr.shape()(3) ); std::vector tmp; tmp = chanMask_; // WHY the fxxx do I have to make a copy here std::vector::iterator miter; miter = tmp.begin(); for (ArrayAccessor > i(aa2); i != i.end(); ++i) { bool out =!static_cast(*i); if (useUserMask) { out = out && (*miter); miter++; } mask.push_back(out); } return mask; } std::vector SDMemTable::getSpectrum(Int whichRow) const { std::vector spectrum; Array arr; specCol_.get(whichRow, arr); ArrayAccessor > aa0(arr); aa0.reset(aa0.begin(uInt(beamSel_)));//go to beam ArrayAccessor > aa1(aa0); aa1.reset(aa1.begin(uInt(IFSel_)));// go to IF ArrayAccessor > aa2(aa1); aa2.reset(aa2.begin(uInt(polSel_)));// go to pol for (ArrayAccessor > i(aa2); i != i.end(); ++i) { spectrum.push_back(*i); } return spectrum; } std::vector SDMemTable::getCoordInfo() const { String un; Table t = table_.keywordSet().asTable("FREQUENCIES"); String sunit; t.keywordSet().get("UNIT",sunit); String dpl; t.keywordSet().get("DOPPLER",dpl); if (dpl == "") dpl = "RADIO"; String rfrm; t.keywordSet().get("REFFRAME",rfrm); std::vector inf; inf.push_back(sunit); inf.push_back(rfrm); inf.push_back(dpl); t.keywordSet().get("BASEREFFRAME",rfrm); inf.push_back(rfrm); return inf; } void SDMemTable::setCoordInfo(std::vector theinfo) { std::vector::iterator it; String un,rfrm, brfrm,dpl; un = theinfo[0]; // Abcissa unit rfrm = theinfo[1]; // Active (or conversion) frame dpl = theinfo[2]; // Doppler brfrm = theinfo[3]; // Base frame // Table t = table_.rwKeywordSet().asTable("FREQUENCIES"); // Vector rstf; t.keywordSet().get("RESTFREQS",rstf); // Bool canDo = True; Unit u1("km/s");Unit u2("Hz"); if (Unit(un) == u1) { Vector rstf; t.keywordSet().get("RESTFREQS",rstf); if (rstf.nelements() == 0) { throw(AipsError("Can't set unit to km/s if no restfrequencies are specified")); } } else if (Unit(un) != u2 && un != "") { throw(AipsError("Unit not conformant with Spectral Coordinates")); } t.rwKeywordSet().define("UNIT", un); // MFrequency::Types mdr; if (!MFrequency::getType(mdr, rfrm)) { Int a,b;const uInt* c; const String* valid = MFrequency::allMyTypes(a, b, c); String pfix = "Please specify a legal frame type. Types are\n"; throw(AipsError(pfix+(*valid))); } else { t.rwKeywordSet().define("REFFRAME",rfrm); } // MDoppler::Types dtype; dpl.upcase(); if (!MDoppler::getType(dtype, dpl)) { throw(AipsError("Doppler type unknown")); } else { t.rwKeywordSet().define("DOPPLER",dpl); } // if (!MFrequency::getType(mdr, brfrm)) { Int a,b;const uInt* c; const String* valid = MFrequency::allMyTypes(a, b, c); String pfix = "Please specify a legal frame type. Types are\n"; throw(AipsError(pfix+(*valid))); } else { t.rwKeywordSet().define("BASEREFFRAME",brfrm); } } std::vector SDMemTable::getAbcissa(Int whichRow) const { std::vector abc(nChan()); // Get header units keyword Table t = table_.keywordSet().asTable("FREQUENCIES"); String sunit; t.keywordSet().get("UNIT",sunit); if (sunit == "") sunit = "pixel"; Unit u(sunit); // Easy if just wanting pixels if (sunit==String("pixel")) { // assume channels/pixels std::vector::iterator it; uInt i=0; for (it = abc.begin(); it != abc.end(); ++it) { (*it) = Double(i++); } // return abc; } // Continue with km/s or Hz. Get FreqID Vector freqIDs; freqidCol_.get(whichRow, freqIDs); uInt freqID = freqIDs(IFSel_); // Get SpectralCoordinate, set reference frame conversion, // velocity conversion, and rest freq state SpectralCoordinate spc = getSpectralCoordinate(freqID, whichRow); // Vector pixel(nChan()); indgen(pixel); // if (u == Unit("km/s")) { Vector world; spc.pixelToVelocity(world,pixel); std::vector::iterator it; uInt i = 0; for (it = abc.begin(); it != abc.end(); ++it) { (*it) = world[i]; i++; } } else if (u == Unit("Hz")) { // Set world axis units Vector wau(1); wau = u.getName(); spc.setWorldAxisUnits(wau); // std::vector::iterator it; Double tmp; uInt i = 0; for (it = abc.begin(); it != abc.end(); ++it) { spc.toWorld(tmp,pixel[i]); (*it) = tmp; i++; } } return abc; } std::string SDMemTable::getAbcissaString(Int whichRow) const { Table t = table_.keywordSet().asTable("FREQUENCIES"); // String sunit; t.keywordSet().get("UNIT",sunit); if (sunit == "") sunit = "pixel"; Unit u(sunit); // Vector freqIDs; freqidCol_.get(whichRow, freqIDs); uInt freqID = freqIDs(IFSel_); // Get SpectralCoordinate, with frame, velocity, rest freq state set SpectralCoordinate spc = getSpectralCoordinate(freqID, whichRow); // String s = "Channel"; if (u == Unit("km/s")) { s = CoordinateUtil::axisLabel(spc,0,True,True,True); } else if (u == Unit("Hz")) { Vector wau(1);wau = u.getName(); spc.setWorldAxisUnits(wau); // s = CoordinateUtil::axisLabel(spc,0,True,True,False); } return s; } void SDMemTable::setSpectrum(std::vector spectrum, int whichRow) { Array arr; specCol_.get(whichRow, arr); if (spectrum.size() != arr.shape()(3)) { throw(AipsError("Attempting to set spectrum with incorrect length.")); } ArrayAccessor > aa0(arr); aa0.reset(aa0.begin(uInt(beamSel_)));//go to beam ArrayAccessor > aa1(aa0); aa1.reset(aa1.begin(uInt(IFSel_)));// go to IF ArrayAccessor > aa2(aa1); aa2.reset(aa2.begin(uInt(polSel_)));// go to pol std::vector::iterator it = spectrum.begin(); for (ArrayAccessor > i(aa2); i != i.end(); ++i) { (*i) = Float(*it); it++; } specCol_.put(whichRow, arr); } void SDMemTable::getSpectrum(Vector& spectrum, Int whichRow) const { Array arr; specCol_.get(whichRow, arr); spectrum.resize(arr.shape()(3)); ArrayAccessor > aa0(arr); aa0.reset(aa0.begin(uInt(beamSel_)));//go to beam ArrayAccessor > aa1(aa0); aa1.reset(aa1.begin(uInt(IFSel_)));// go to IF ArrayAccessor > aa2(aa1); aa2.reset(aa2.begin(uInt(polSel_)));// go to pol ArrayAccessor > va(spectrum); for (ArrayAccessor > i(aa2); i != i.end(); ++i) { (*va) = (*i); va++; } } /* void SDMemTable::getMask(Vector& mask, Int whichRow) const { Array arr; flagsCol_.get(whichRow, arr); mask.resize(arr.shape()(3)); ArrayAccessor > aa0(arr); aa0.reset(aa0.begin(uInt(beamSel_)));//go to beam ArrayAccessor > aa1(aa0); aa1.reset(aa1.begin(uInt(IFSel_)));// go to IF ArrayAccessor > aa2(aa1); aa2.reset(aa2.begin(uInt(polSel_)));// go to pol Bool useUserMask = ( chanMask_.size() == arr.shape()(3) ); ArrayAccessor > va(mask); std::vector tmp; tmp = chanMask_; // WHY the fxxx do I have to make a copy here. The // iterator should work on chanMask_?? std::vector::iterator miter; miter = tmp.begin(); for (ArrayAccessor > i(aa2); i != i.end(); ++i) { bool out =!static_cast(*i); if (useUserMask) { out = out && (*miter); miter++; } (*va) = out; va++; } } */ MaskedArray SDMemTable::rowAsMaskedArray(uInt whichRow, Bool useSelection) const { Array arr; Array farr; specCol_.get(whichRow, arr); flagsCol_.get(whichRow, farr); Array barr(farr.shape());convertArray(barr, farr); MaskedArray marr; if (useSelection) { ArrayAccessor > aa0(arr); aa0.reset(aa0.begin(uInt(beamSel_)));//go to beam ArrayAccessor > aa1(aa0); aa1.reset(aa1.begin(uInt(IFSel_)));// go to IF ArrayAccessor > aa2(aa1); aa2.reset(aa2.begin(uInt(polSel_)));// go to pol ArrayAccessor > baa0(barr); baa0.reset(baa0.begin(uInt(beamSel_)));//go to beam ArrayAccessor > baa1(baa0); baa1.reset(baa1.begin(uInt(IFSel_)));// go to IF ArrayAccessor > baa2(baa1); baa2.reset(baa2.begin(uInt(polSel_)));// go to pol Vector a(arr.shape()(3)); Vector b(barr.shape()(3)); ArrayAccessor > a0(a); ArrayAccessor > b0(b); ArrayAccessor > j(baa2); for (ArrayAccessor > i(aa2); i != i.end(); ++i) { (*a0) = (*i); (*b0) = !(*j); j++; a0++; b0++; } marr.setData(a,b); } else { marr.setData(arr,!barr); } return marr; } Float SDMemTable::getTsys(Int whichRow) const { Array arr; tsCol_.get(whichRow, arr); Float out; IPosition ip(arr.shape()); ip(0) = beamSel_;ip(1) = IFSel_;ip(2) = polSel_;ip(3)=0; out = arr(ip); return out; } MDirection SDMemTable::getDirection(Int whichRow, Bool refBeam) const { MDirection::Types mdr = getDirectionReference(); Array posit; dirCol_.get(whichRow,posit); Vector wpos(2); wpos[0] = posit(IPosition(2,beamSel_,0)); wpos[1] = posit(IPosition(2,beamSel_,1)); Quantum lon(wpos[0],Unit(String("rad"))); Quantum lat(wpos[1],Unit(String("rad"))); return MDirection(lon, lat, mdr); } MEpoch SDMemTable::getEpoch (Int whichRow) const { MEpoch::Types met = getTimeReference(); // Double obstime; timeCol_.get(whichRow,obstime); MVEpoch tm2(Quantum(obstime, Unit(String("d")))); return MEpoch(tm2, met); } MPosition SDMemTable::getAntennaPosition () const { Vector antpos; table_.keywordSet().get("AntennaPosition", antpos); MVPosition mvpos(antpos(0),antpos(1),antpos(2)); return MPosition(mvpos); } SpectralCoordinate SDMemTable::getSpectralCoordinate(uInt freqID) const { Table t = table_.keywordSet().asTable("FREQUENCIES"); if (freqID> t.nrow() ) { throw(AipsError("SDMemTable::getSpectralCoordinate - freqID out of range")); } Double rp,rv,inc; String rf; ROScalarColumn rpc(t, "REFPIX"); ROScalarColumn rvc(t, "REFVAL"); ROScalarColumn incc(t, "INCREMENT"); t.keywordSet().get("BASEREFFRAME",rf); // Create SpectralCoordinate (units Hz) MFrequency::Types mft; if (!MFrequency::getType(mft, rf)) { cerr << "Frequency type unknown assuming TOPO" << endl; mft = MFrequency::TOPO; } rpc.get(freqID, rp); rvc.get(freqID, rv); incc.get(freqID, inc); // SpectralCoordinate spec(mft,rv,inc,rp); // return spec; } SpectralCoordinate SDMemTable::getSpectralCoordinate(uInt freqID, uInt whichRow) const { // Create basic SC SpectralCoordinate spec = getSpectralCoordinate (freqID); // Table t = table_.keywordSet().asTable("FREQUENCIES"); // Get rest frequencies from table, one per IF ??? Vector vec; t.keywordSet().get("RESTFREQS",vec); if (vec.nelements() > 0) { spec.setRestFrequencies(vec); // Select rest freq if (IFSel_+1 < vec.nelements()) { spec.selectRestFrequency(uInt(IFSel_)); } else { cerr << "There is no rest frequency for this IF; selecting rest freq for IF=0" << endl; spec.selectRestFrequency(0u); } } // Set up frame conversion layer String frm; t.keywordSet().get("REFFRAME",frm); if (frm == "") frm = "TOPO"; MFrequency::Types mtype; if (!MFrequency::getType(mtype, frm)) { cerr << "Frequency type unknown assuming TOPO" << endl; // SHould never happen mtype = MFrequency::TOPO; } // Set reference frame conversion (requires row) MDirection direct = getDirection(whichRow); MEpoch epoch = getEpoch(whichRow); MPosition pos = getAntennaPosition(); if (!spec.setReferenceConversion(mtype,epoch,pos,direct)) { throw(AipsError("Couldn't convert frequency frame.")); } // Now velocity conversion if appropriate String unitStr; t.keywordSet().get("UNIT",unitStr); // String dpl; t.keywordSet().get("DOPPLER",dpl); MDoppler::Types dtype; MDoppler::getType(dtype, dpl); // Only set velocity unit if non-blank and non-Hz if (!unitStr.empty()) { Unit unitU(unitStr); if (unitU==Unit("Hz")) { } else { spec.setVelocity(unitStr, dtype); } } // return spec; } Bool SDMemTable::setCoordinate(const SpectralCoordinate& speccord, uInt freqID) { Table t = table_.rwKeywordSet().asTable("FREQUENCIES"); if (freqID > t.nrow() ) { throw(AipsError("SDMemTable::setCoordinate - coord no out of range")); } ScalarColumn rpc(t, "REFPIX"); ScalarColumn rvc(t, "REFVAL"); ScalarColumn incc(t, "INCREMENT"); rpc.put(freqID, speccord.referencePixel()[0]); rvc.put(freqID, speccord.referenceValue()[0]); incc.put(freqID, speccord.increment()[0]); return True; } Int SDMemTable::nCoordinates() const { return table_.keywordSet().asTable("FREQUENCIES").nrow(); } void SDMemTable::setRestFreqs(std::vector freqs, const std::string& theunit) { Vector tvec(freqs); Quantum > q(tvec, String(theunit)); tvec.resize(); tvec = q.getValue("Hz"); Table t = table_.keywordSet().asTable("FREQUENCIES"); t.rwKeywordSet().define("RESTFREQS",tvec); } std::vector SDMemTable::getRestFreqs() const { Table t = table_.keywordSet().asTable("FREQUENCIES"); Vector tvec; t.keywordSet().get("RESTFREQS",tvec); std::vector stlout; tvec.tovector(stlout); return stlout; } bool SDMemTable::putSDFreqTable(const SDFrequencyTable& sdft) { TableDesc td("", "1", TableDesc::Scratch); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("REFPIX")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("REFVAL")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("INCREMENT")); SetupNewTable aNewTab("freqs", td, Table::New); Table aTable (aNewTab, Table::Memory, sdft.length()); ScalarColumn sc0(aTable, "REFPIX"); ScalarColumn sc1(aTable, "REFVAL"); ScalarColumn sc2(aTable, "INCREMENT"); for (uInt i=0; i < sdft.length(); ++i) { sc0.put(i,sdft.referencePixel(i)); sc1.put(i,sdft.referenceValue(i)); sc2.put(i,sdft.increment(i)); } String rf = sdft.refFrame(); if (rf.contains("TOPO")) rf = "TOPO"; aTable.rwKeywordSet().define("BASEREFFRAME", rf); aTable.rwKeywordSet().define("REFFRAME", rf); aTable.rwKeywordSet().define("EQUINOX", sdft.equinox()); aTable.rwKeywordSet().define("UNIT", String("")); aTable.rwKeywordSet().define("DOPPLER", String("RADIO")); Vector rfvec; String rfunit; sdft.restFrequencies(rfvec,rfunit); Quantum > q(rfvec, rfunit); rfvec.resize(); rfvec = q.getValue("Hz"); aTable.rwKeywordSet().define("RESTFREQS", rfvec); table_.rwKeywordSet().defineTable ("FREQUENCIES", aTable); return True; } SDFrequencyTable SDMemTable::getSDFreqTable() const { const Table& t = table_.keywordSet().asTable("FREQUENCIES"); SDFrequencyTable sdft; // Add refpix/refval/incr. What are the units ? Hz I suppose // but it's nowhere described... Vector refPix, refVal, incr; ScalarColumn refPixCol(t, "REFPIX"); ScalarColumn refValCol(t, "REFVAL"); ScalarColumn incrCol(t, "INCREMENT"); refPix = refPixCol.getColumn(); refVal = refValCol.getColumn(); incr = incrCol.getColumn(); // uInt n = refPix.nelements(); for (uInt i=0; i restFreqs; t.keywordSet().get("RESTFREQS", restFreqs); for (uInt i=0; i tc; tcalCol_.get(whichRow, tc); sdc.tcal[0] = tc[0];sdc.tcal[1] = tc[1]; tcaltCol_.get(whichRow, sdc.tcaltime); Array spectrum; Array tsys; Array flagtrum; Vector fmap; Array direction; Vector histo; specCol_.get(whichRow, spectrum); sdc.putSpectrum(spectrum); flagsCol_.get(whichRow, flagtrum); sdc.putFlags(flagtrum); tsCol_.get(whichRow, tsys); sdc.putTsys(tsys); freqidCol_.get(whichRow, fmap); sdc.putFreqMap(fmap); dirCol_.get(whichRow, direction); sdc.putDirection(direction); histCol_.get(whichRow, histo); sdc.putHistory(histo); return sdc; } bool SDMemTable::putSDHeader(const SDHeader& sdh) { table_.rwKeywordSet().define("nIF", sdh.nif); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("nBeam", sdh.nbeam); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("nPol", sdh.npol); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("nChan", sdh.nchan); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("Observer", sdh.observer); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("Project", sdh.project); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("Obstype", sdh.obstype); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("AntennaName", sdh.antennaname); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("AntennaPosition", sdh.antennaposition); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("Equinox", sdh.equinox); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("FreqRefFrame", sdh.freqref); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("FreqRefVal", sdh.reffreq); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("Bandwidth", sdh.bandwidth); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("UTC", sdh.utc); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("FluxUnit", sdh.fluxunit); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("Epoch", sdh.epoch); return true; } SDHeader SDMemTable::getSDHeader() const { SDHeader sdh; table_.keywordSet().get("nBeam",sdh.nbeam); table_.keywordSet().get("nIF",sdh.nif); table_.keywordSet().get("nPol",sdh.npol); table_.keywordSet().get("nChan",sdh.nchan); table_.keywordSet().get("Observer", sdh.observer); table_.keywordSet().get("Project", sdh.project); table_.keywordSet().get("Obstype", sdh.obstype); table_.keywordSet().get("AntennaName", sdh.antennaname); table_.keywordSet().get("AntennaPosition", sdh.antennaposition); table_.keywordSet().get("Equinox", sdh.equinox); table_.keywordSet().get("FreqRefFrame", sdh.freqref); table_.keywordSet().get("FreqRefVal", sdh.reffreq); table_.keywordSet().get("Bandwidth", sdh.bandwidth); table_.keywordSet().get("UTC", sdh.utc); table_.keywordSet().get("FluxUnit", sdh.fluxunit); table_.keywordSet().get("Epoch", sdh.epoch); return sdh; } void SDMemTable::makePersistent(const std::string& filename) { table_.deepCopy(filename,Table::New); } Int SDMemTable::nScan() const { Int n = 0; Int previous = -1;Int current=0; for (uInt i=0; i< scanCol_.nrow();i++) { scanCol_.getScalar(i,current); if (previous != current) { previous = current; n++; } } return n; } String SDMemTable::formatSec(Double x) const { Double xcop = x; MVTime mvt(xcop/24./3600.); // make days if (x < 59.95) return String(" ") + mvt.string(MVTime::TIME_CLEAN_NO_HM, 7)+"s"; else if (x < 3599.95) return String(" ") + mvt.string(MVTime::TIME_CLEAN_NO_H,7)+" "; else { ostringstream oss; oss << setw(2) << std::right << setprecision(1) << mvt.hour(); oss << ":" << mvt.string(MVTime::TIME_CLEAN_NO_H,7) << " "; return String(oss); } }; String SDMemTable::formatDirection(const MDirection& md) const { Vector t = md.getAngle(Unit(String("rad"))).getValue(); Int prec = 7; MVAngle mvLon(t[0]); String sLon = mvLon.string(MVAngle::TIME,prec); MVAngle mvLat(t[1]); String sLat = mvLat.string(MVAngle::ANGLE+MVAngle::DIG2,prec); return sLon + String(" ") + sLat; } std::string SDMemTable::getFluxUnit() const { String tmp; table_.keywordSet().get("FluxUnit", tmp); return tmp; } void SDMemTable::setFluxUnit(const std::string& unit) { String tmp(unit); Unit tU(tmp); if (tU==Unit("K") || tU==Unit("Jy")) { table_.rwKeywordSet().define(String("FluxUnit"), tmp); } else { throw AipsError("Illegal unit - must be compatible with Jy or K"); } } void SDMemTable::setInstrument(const std::string& name) { Bool throwIt = True; Instrument ins = convertInstrument (name, throwIt); String nameU(name); nameU.upcase(); table_.rwKeywordSet().define(String("AntennaName"), nameU); } std::string SDMemTable::summary() const { // get number of integrations per scan int cIdx = 0; int idx = 0; int scount = 0; std::vector cycles; for (uInt i=0; i vec; t.keywordSet().get("RESTFREQS",vec); oss << setw(15) << "Rest Freqs:"; if (vec.nelements() > 0) { oss << setprecision(0) << vec << " [Hz]" << endl; } else { oss << "None set" << endl; } oss << setw(15) << "Abcissa:" << getAbcissaString() << endl; oss << setw(15) << "Cursor:" << "Beam[" << getBeam() << "] " << "IF[" << getIF() << "] " << "Pol[" << getPol() << "]" << endl; oss << endl; uInt count = 0; String name; Int previous = -1;Int current=0; Int integ = 0; String dirtype ="Position ("+ MDirection::showType(getDirectionReference())+ ")"; oss << setw(6) << "Scan" << setw(15) << "Source" << setw(26) << dirtype << setw(10) << "Time" << setw(13) << "Integration" << endl; oss << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; std::vector::iterator it = cycles.begin(); for (uInt i=0; i< scanCol_.nrow();i++) { scanCol_.getScalar(i,current); if (previous != current) { srcnCol_.getScalar(i,name); previous = current; String t = formatSec(Double(getInterval(i))); String posit = formatDirection(getDirection(i,True)); oss << setw(6) << count << setw(15) << name << setw(26) << posit << setw(10) << getTime(i,False) << setw(3) << std::right << *it << " x " << setw(10) << t << std::left << endl; count++; it++; } else { integ++; } } oss << endl; oss << "Table contains " << table_.nrow() << " integration(s) in " << count << " scan(s)." << endl; // Frequency Table std::vector info = getCoordInfo(); SDFrequencyTable sdft = getSDFreqTable(); oss << endl << endl; oss << "FreqID Frame RefFreq(Hz) RefPix Increment(Hz)" << endl; oss << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; for (uInt i=0; i history; histCol_.get(whichRow, history); history.resize(history.nelements()+1,True); history[history.nelements()-1] = hist; histCol_.put(whichRow, history); } std::vector SDMemTable::history(int whichRow) const { Vector history; histCol_.get(whichRow, history); std::vector stlout; // there is no Array.tovector(std::vector), so // do it by hand for (uInt i=0; i& whichChans ) { std::vector::iterator it; ArrayAccessor > j(flags_); for (it = whichChans.begin(); it != whichChans.end(); it++) { j.reset(j.begin(uInt(*it))); for (ArrayAccessor > i(j); i != i.end(); ++i) { for (ArrayAccessor > ii(i); ii != ii.end(); ++ii) { for (ArrayAccessor > iii(ii); iii != iii.end(); ++iii) { (*iii) = } } } } } */ void SDMemTable::flag(int whichRow) { Array arr; flagsCol_.get(whichRow, arr); ArrayAccessor > aa0(arr); aa0.reset(aa0.begin(uInt(beamSel_)));//go to beam ArrayAccessor > aa1(aa0); aa1.reset(aa1.begin(uInt(IFSel_)));// go to IF ArrayAccessor > aa2(aa1); aa2.reset(aa2.begin(uInt(polSel_)));// go to pol for (ArrayAccessor > i(aa2); i != i.end(); ++i) { (*i) = uChar(True); } flagsCol_.put(whichRow, arr); } MDirection::Types SDMemTable::getDirectionReference() const { Float eq; table_.keywordSet().get("Equinox",eq); std::map mp; mp[2000.0] = "J2000"; mp[1950.0] = "B1950"; MDirection::Types mdr; if (!MDirection::getType(mdr, mp[eq])) { mdr = MDirection::J2000; cerr << "Unknown equinox using J2000" << endl; } // return mdr; } MEpoch::Types SDMemTable::getTimeReference () const { MEpoch::Types met; String ep; table_.keywordSet().get("Epoch",ep); if (!MEpoch::getType(met, ep)) { cerr << "Epoch type uknown - using UTC" << endl; met = MEpoch::UTC; } // return met; } Instrument SDMemTable::convertInstrument (const String& instrument, Bool throwIt) { String t(instrument); t.upcase(); // The strings are what SDReader returns, after cunning interrogation // of station names... :-( Instrument inst = asap::UNKNOWN; if (t==String("DSS-43")) { inst = TIDBINBILLA; } else if (t==String("ATPKSMB")) { inst = ATPKSMB; } else if (t==String("ATPKSHOH")) { inst = ATPKSHOH; } else if (t==String("ATMOPRA")) { inst = ATMOPRA; } else if (t==String("CEDUNA")) { inst = CEDUNA; } else if (t==String("HOBART")) { inst = HOBART; } else { if (throwIt) { throw AipsError("Unrecognized instrument - use function scan.set_instrument to set"); } } return inst; }