[297] | 1 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[881] | 2 | //# STLineFinder.h: A class for automated spectral line search
[297] | 3 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 4 | //# Copyright (C) 2004
| 5 | //# ATNF
| 6 | //#
| 7 | //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
| 8 | //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
| 9 | //# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
| 10 | //# any later version.
| 11 | //#
| 12 | //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
| 13 | //# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| 15 | //# Public License for more details.
| 16 | //#
| 17 | //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
| 18 | //# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
| 19 | //# 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
| 20 | //#
| 21 | //# Correspondence concerning this software should be addressed as follows:
| 22 | //# Internet email: Malte.Marquarding@csiro.au
| 23 | //# Postal address: Malte Marquarding,
| 24 | //# Australia Telescope National Facility,
| 25 | //# P.O. Box 76,
| 26 | //# Epping, NSW, 2121,
| 27 | //# AUSTRALIA
| 28 | //#
[881] | 29 | //# $Id:$
[297] | 30 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[881] | 31 | #ifndef STLINEFINDER_H
| 32 | #define STLINEFINDER_H
[297] | 33 |
| 34 | // STL
| 35 | #include <vector>
| 36 | #include <list>
| 37 | #include <utility>
| 38 | #include <exception>
| 39 |
| 40 | // boost
| 41 | #include <boost/python.hpp>
| 42 |
| 43 | // AIPS++
| 44 | #include <casa/aips.h>
| 45 | #include <casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
| 46 | #include <casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
| 47 | #include <casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
| 48 | #include <casa/Utilities/CountedPtr.h>
| 49 |
| 50 | // ASAP
[881] | 51 | #include "ScantableWrapper.h"
| 52 | #include "Scantable.h"
[297] | 53 |
| 54 | namespace asap {
| 55 |
[352] | 56 | ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| 57 | //
| 58 | // LFLineListOperations - a class incapsulating operations with line lists
| 59 | // The LF prefix stands for Line Finder
| 60 | //
[297] | 61 |
[881] | 62 | struct LFLineListOperations {
[331] | 63 | // concatenate two lists preserving the order. If two lines appear to
[881] | 64 | // be adjacent or have a non-void intersection, they are joined into
[343] | 65 | // the new line
[344] | 66 | static void addNewSearchResult(const std::list<std::pair<int, int> >
| 67 | &newlines, std::list<std::pair<int, int> > &lines_list)
[331] | 68 | throw(casa::AipsError);
[344] | 69 |
| 70 | // extend all line ranges to the point where a value stored in the
| 71 | // specified vector changes (e.g. value-mean change its sign)
| 72 | // This operation is necessary to include line wings, which are below
| 73 | // the detection threshold. If lines becomes adjacent, they are
| 74 | // merged together. Any masked channel stops the extension
[352] | 75 | static void searchForWings(std::list<std::pair<int, int> > &newlines,
| 76 | const casa::Vector<casa::Int> &signs,
| 77 | const casa::Vector<casa::Bool> &mask,
| 78 | const std::pair<int,int> &edge)
[344] | 79 | throw(casa::AipsError);
[352] | 80 | protected:
[881] | 81 |
[343] | 82 | // An auxiliary object function to test whether two lines have a non-void
| 83 | // intersection
| 84 | class IntersectsWith : public std::unary_function<pair<int,int>, bool> {
| 85 | std::pair<int,int> line1; // range of the first line
| 86 | // start channel and stop+1
| 87 | public:
| 88 | IntersectsWith(const std::pair<int,int> &in_line1);
| 89 | // return true if line2 intersects with line1 with at least one
| 90 | // common channel, and false otherwise
| 91 | bool operator()(const std::pair<int,int> &line2) const throw();
| 92 | };
| 93 |
| 94 | // An auxiliary object function to build a union of several lines
| 95 | // to account for a possibility of merging the nearby lines
| 96 | class BuildUnion {
| 97 | std::pair<int,int> temp_line; // range of the first line
| 98 | // start channel and stop+1
| 99 | public:
| 100 | BuildUnion(const std::pair<int,int> &line1);
| 101 | // update temp_line with a union of temp_line and new_line
| 102 | // provided there is no gap between the lines
| 103 | void operator()(const std::pair<int,int> &new_line) throw();
| 104 | // return the result (temp_line)
| 105 | const std::pair<int,int>& result() const throw();
| 106 | };
[881] | 107 |
[343] | 108 | // An auxiliary object function to test whether a specified line
| 109 | // is at lower spectral channels (to preserve the order in the line list)
| 110 | class LaterThan : public std::unary_function<pair<int,int>, bool> {
| 111 | std::pair<int,int> line1; // range of the first line
| 112 | // start channel and stop+1
| 113 | public:
| 114 | LaterThan(const std::pair<int,int> &in_line1);
| 115 |
| 116 | // return true if line2 should be placed later than line1
| 117 | // in the ordered list (so, it is at greater channel numbers)
| 118 | bool operator()(const std::pair<int,int> &line2) const throw();
[881] | 119 | };
| 120 |
| 121 |
[352] | 122 | };
| 123 |
| 124 | //
| 125 | ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| 126 |
| 127 | ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| 128 | //
[881] | 129 | // STLineFinder - a class for automated spectral line search
[352] | 130 | //
| 131 | //
| 132 |
[881] | 133 | struct STLineFinder : protected LFLineListOperations {
| 134 | STLineFinder() throw();
| 135 | virtual ~STLineFinder() throw(casa::AipsError);
[352] | 136 |
[369] | 137 | // set the parameters controlling algorithm
| 138 | // in_threshold a single channel threshold default is sqrt(3), which
| 139 | // means together with 3 minimum channels at least 3 sigma
| 140 | // detection criterion
| 141 | // For bad baseline shape, in_threshold may need to be
| 142 | // increased
| 143 | // in_min_nchan minimum number of channels above the threshold to report
| 144 | // a detection, default is 3
| 145 | // in_avg_limit perform the averaging of no more than in_avg_limit
| 146 | // adjacent channels to search for broad lines
[881] | 147 | // Default is 8, but for a bad baseline shape this
[369] | 148 | // parameter should be decreased (may be even down to a
| 149 | // minimum of 1 to disable this option) to avoid
| 150 | // confusing of baseline undulations with a real line.
[881] | 151 | // Setting a very large value doesn't usually provide
| 152 | // valid detections.
[369] | 153 | // in_box_size the box size for running mean calculation. Default is
| 154 | // 1./5. of the whole spectrum size
| 155 | void setOptions(const casa::Float &in_threshold=sqrt(3.),
| 156 | const casa::Int &in_min_nchan=3,
| 157 | const casa::Int &in_avg_limit=8,
| 158 | const casa::Float &in_box_size=0.2) throw();
| 159 |
[352] | 160 | // set the scan to work with (in_scan parameter), associated mask (in_mask
| 161 | // parameter) and the edge channel rejection (in_edge parameter)
| 162 | // if in_edge has zero length, all channels chosen by mask will be used
| 163 | // if in_edge has one element only, it represents the number of
| 164 | // channels to drop from both sides of the spectrum
| 165 | // in_edge is introduced for convinience, although all functionality
[881] | 166 | // can be achieved using a spectrum mask only
| 167 | void setScan(const ScantableWrapper &in_scan,
[352] | 168 | const std::vector<bool> &in_mask,
| 169 | const boost::python::tuple &in_edge) throw(casa::AipsError);
| 170 |
[370] | 171 | // search for spectral lines for a row specified by whichRow and
| 172 | // Beam/IF/Pol specified by current cursor set for the scantable
[881] | 173 | // Number of lines found is returned
[370] | 174 | int findLines(const casa::uInt &whichRow = 0) throw(casa::AipsError);
[352] | 175 |
| 176 | // get the mask to mask out all lines that have been found (default)
| 177 | // if invert=true, only channels belong to lines will be unmasked
| 178 | // Note: all channels originally masked by the input mask (in_mask
| 179 | // in setScan) or dropped out by the edge parameter (in_edge
| 180 | // in setScan) are still excluded regardless on the invert option
| 181 | std::vector<bool> getMask(bool invert=false) const throw(casa::AipsError);
| 182 |
[370] | 183 | // get range for all lines found. The same units as used in the scan
[881] | 184 | // will be returned (e.g. velocity instead of channels).
[370] | 185 | std::vector<double> getLineRanges() const throw(casa::AipsError);
| 186 | // The same as getLineRanges, but channels are always used to specify
| 187 | // the range
| 188 | std::vector<int> getLineRangesInChannels() const throw(casa::AipsError);
[368] | 189 | protected:
| 190 | // auxiliary function to average adjacent channels and update the mask
| 191 | // if at least one channel involved in summation is masked, all
| 192 | // output channels will be masked. This function works with the
| 193 | // spectrum and edge fields of this class, but updates the mask
| 194 | // array specified, rather than the field of this class
| 195 | // boxsize - a number of adjacent channels to average
| 196 | void averageAdjacentChannels(casa::Vector<casa::Bool> &mask2update,
| 197 | const casa::Int &boxsize)
| 198 | throw(casa::AipsError);
[369] | 199 |
| 200 | // auxiliary function to fit and subtract a polynomial from the current
| 201 | // spectrum. It uses the SDFitter class. This action is required before
| 202 | // reducing the spectral resolution if the baseline shape is bad
| 203 | void subtractBaseline(const casa::Vector<casa::Bool> &temp_mask,
| 204 | const casa::Int &order) throw(casa::AipsError);
[881] | 205 |
[368] | 206 | // an auxiliary function to remove all lines from the list, except the
| 207 | // strongest one (by absolute value). If the lines removed are real,
[881] | 208 | // they will be find again at the next iteration. This approach
| 209 | // increases the number of iterations required, but is able to remove
[368] | 210 | // the sidelobes likely to occur near strong lines.
| 211 | // Later a better criterion may be implemented, e.g.
| 212 | // taking into consideration the brightness of different lines. Now
[881] | 213 | // use the simplest solution
[368] | 214 | // temp_mask - mask to work with (may be different from original mask as
| 215 | // the lines previously found may be masked)
| 216 | // lines2update - a list of lines to work with
| 217 | // nothing will be done if it is empty
| 218 | // max_box_nchan - channels in the running box for baseline filtering
| 219 | void keepStrongestOnly(const casa::Vector<casa::Bool> &temp_mask,
| 220 | std::list<std::pair<int, int> > &lines2update,
| 221 | int max_box_nchan)
| 222 | throw (casa::AipsError);
[297] | 223 | private:
[881] | 224 | casa::CountedConstPtr<Scantable> scan; // the scan to work with
[297] | 225 | casa::Vector<casa::Bool> mask; // associated mask
| 226 | std::pair<int,int> edge; // start and stop+1 channels
| 227 | // to work with
[881] | 228 | casa::Float threshold; // detection threshold - the
[297] | 229 | // minimal signal to noise ratio
| 230 | casa::Double box_size; // size of the box for running
| 231 | // mean calculations, specified as
| 232 | // a fraction of the whole spectrum
| 233 | int min_nchan; // A minimum number of consequtive
| 234 | // channels, which should satisfy
| 235 | // the detection criterion, to be
| 236 | // a detection
[369] | 237 | casa::Int avg_limit; // perform the averaging of no
| 238 | // more than in_avg_limit
| 239 | // adjacent channels to search
| 240 | // for broad lines. see setOptions
[370] | 241 | casa::uInt last_row_used; // the Row number specified
| 242 | // during the last findLines call
[297] | 243 | std::list<std::pair<int, int> > lines; // container of start and stop+1
| 244 | // channels of the spectral lines
| 245 | // a buffer for the spectrum
| 246 | mutable casa::Vector<casa::Float> spectrum;
[352] | 247 | };
[297] | 248 |
[352] | 249 | //
| 250 | ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| 251 |
[297] | 252 | } // namespace asap
[881] | 253 | #endif // #ifndef STLINEFINDER_H