[191] | 1 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 2 | //# SDFITSImageWriter.cc: ASAP class to write out single dish spectra as FITS images
| 3 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 4 | //# Copyright (C) 2004
| 5 | //# ATNF
| 6 | //#
| 7 | //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
| 8 | //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
| 9 | //# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
| 10 | //# any later version.
| 11 | //#
| 12 | //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
| 13 | //# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| 15 | //# Public License for more details.
| 16 | //#
| 17 | //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
| 18 | //# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
| 19 | //# 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
| 20 | //#
| 21 | //# Correspondence concerning this software should be addressed as follows:
| 22 | //# Internet email: Malte.Marquarding@csiro.au
| 23 | //# Postal address: Malte Marquarding,
| 24 | //# Australia Telescope National Facility,
| 25 | //# P.O. Box 76,
| 26 | //# Epping, NSW, 2121,
| 27 | //# AUSTRALIA
| 28 | //#
| 29 | //# $Id: SDFITSImageWriter.cc 191 2005-01-14 00:05:40Z kil064 $
| 30 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 31 |
| 32 | #include "SDFITSImageWriter.h"
| 33 |
| 34 | #include <casa/aips.h>
| 35 | #include <casa/Arrays/Array.h>
| 36 | #include <casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
| 37 | #include <casa/Arrays/VectorIter.h>
| 38 | #include <casa/Utilities/CountedPtr.h>
| 39 |
| 40 | #include <coordinates/Coordinates/CoordinateUtil.h>
| 41 | #include <coordinates/Coordinates/CoordinateSystem.h>
| 42 | #include <coordinates/Coordinates/SpectralCoordinate.h>
| 43 | #include <coordinates/Coordinates/DirectionCoordinate.h>
| 44 | #include <coordinates/Coordinates/StokesCoordinate.h>
| 45 | #include <coordinates/Coordinates/ObsInfo.h>
| 46 |
| 47 | #include <images/Images/ImageFITSConverter.h>
| 48 | #include <images/Images/TempImage.h>
| 49 |
| 50 | #include <lattices/Lattices/ArrayLattice.h>
| 51 |
| 52 | #include <measures/Measures/MEpoch.h>
| 53 |
| 54 | #include <tables/Tables/Table.h>
| 55 | #include <tables/Tables/ScalarColumn.h>
| 56 | #include <tables/Tables/ArrayColumn.h>
| 57 |
| 58 | #include "SDContainer.h"
| 59 | #include "SDMemTable.h"
| 60 |
| 61 | using namespace casa;
| 62 | using namespace asap;
| 63 |
| 64 |
| 65 | SDFITSImageWriter::SDFITSImageWriter()
| 66 | {;}
| 67 |
| 68 | SDFITSImageWriter::~SDFITSImageWriter()
| 69 | {;}
| 70 |
| 71 |
| 72 | Bool SDFITSImageWriter::write(const SDMemTable& sdTable,
| 73 | const String& rootName, Bool verbose)
| 74 | {
| 75 |
| 76 | // Get global Header from Table
| 77 |
| 78 | SDHeader header = sdTable.getSDHeader();
| 79 | MEpoch::Ref timeRef(MEpoch::UTC); // Should be in header
| 80 | MDirection::Types dirRef(MDirection::J2000); // Should be in header
| 81 |
| 82 | // Prepare initial ObsInfo
| 83 |
| 84 | ObsInfo oi;
| 85 | oi.setTelescope(String(header.antennaname));
| 86 | oi.setObserver(String(header.observer));
| 87 |
| 88 | // Column keywords
| 89 |
| 90 | Table tab = sdTable.table();
| 91 | ROArrayColumn<Double> dir(tab, String("DIRECTION"));
| 92 | ROScalarColumn<Double> time(tab, "TIME");
| 93 | ROArrayColumn<uInt> freqid(tab, "FREQID");
| 94 |
| 95 | // Output Image Shape; spectral axis to be updated
| 96 |
| 97 | IPosition shapeOut(4,1); // spectral, direction (2), stokes
| 98 |
| 99 | // Axes (should be in header)
| 100 |
| 101 | const uInt beamAxis = 0;
| 102 | const uInt ifAxis = 1;
| 103 | const uInt stokesAxis = 2;
| 104 | const uInt chanAxis = 3;
| 105 | const Unit RAD(String("rad"));
| 106 |
| 107 | // Temps
| 108 |
| 109 | Vector<Int> whichStokes(1,1);
| 110 | Array<Double> whichDir;
| 111 | Vector<Double> latLon(2);
| 112 | IPosition posDir(2,0);
| 113 | Projection proj(Projection::SIN); // What should we use ?
| 114 | Matrix<Double> xForm(2,2);
| 115 | xForm = 0.0; xForm.diagonal() = 1.0;
| 116 | Vector<Double> incLonLat(2,0.0);
| 117 | Vector<Double> refPixLonLat(2,0.0);
| 118 |
| 119 | // Loop over rows
| 120 |
| 121 | uInt maxMem = 128;
| 122 | Bool preferVelocity = False;
| 123 | Bool opticalVelocity = False;
| 124 | Int bitPix = -32; // FLoating point
| 125 | Float minPix = 1.0;
| 126 | Float maxPix = -1.0;
| 127 | Bool overWrite = True;
| 128 | Bool degLast = False;
| 129 | Bool reallyVerbose = False;
| 130 | //
| 131 | String errMsg;
| 132 | const uInt nRows = sdTable.nRow();
| 133 | for (uInt iRow=0; iRow<nRows; iRow++) {
| 134 |
| 135 | // Get data
| 136 |
| 137 | const MaskedArray<Float>& dataIn(sdTable.rowAsMaskedArray(iRow));
| 138 | const Array<Float>& values = dataIn.getArray();
| 139 | const Array<Bool>& mask = dataIn.getMask();
| 140 | const IPosition& shapeIn = dataIn.shape();
| 141 | shapeOut(0) = shapeIn(chanAxis);
| 142 | TiledShape tShapeOut(shapeOut);
| 143 |
| 144 | // Update ObsInfo (time changes per integration)
| 145 |
| 146 | Double dTmp;
| 147 | time.get(iRow, dTmp);
| 148 | MVEpoch tmp2(Quantum<Double>(dTmp, Unit(String("d"))));
| 149 | MEpoch epoch(tmp2, timeRef);
| 150 | oi.setObsDate(epoch);
| 151 |
| 152 | // Iterate through data in this row by spectra
| 153 |
| 154 | ReadOnlyVectorIterator<Float> itData(values, chanAxis);
| 155 | ReadOnlyVectorIterator<Bool> itMask(mask, chanAxis);
| 156 | while (!itData.pastEnd()) {
| 157 | const IPosition& pos = itData.pos();
| 158 |
| 159 | // Form SpectralCoordinate
| 160 |
| 161 | Vector<uInt> iTmp;
| 162 | freqid.get(iRow, iTmp);
| 163 | SpectralCoordinate sC = sdTable.getCoordinate(iTmp(pos(ifAxis)));
| 164 |
| 165 | // Form DirectionCoordinate
| 166 |
| 167 | dir.get(iRow, whichDir);
| 168 | posDir(0) = pos(beamAxis);
| 169 | posDir(1) = 0;
| 170 | latLon[0] = whichDir(posDir);
| 171 | //
| 172 | posDir(0) = pos(beamAxis);
| 173 | posDir(1) = 1;
| 174 | latLon[1] = whichDir(posDir);
| 175 | DirectionCoordinate dC(dirRef, proj, latLon[0], latLon[1],
| 176 | incLonLat[0], incLonLat[1], xForm,
| 177 | refPixLonLat[0], refPixLonLat[1]);
| 178 |
| 179 | // Form Stokes Coordinate (no true Stokes info yet);
| 180 |
| 181 | whichStokes(0) = convertStokes(pos(stokesAxis));
| 182 | StokesCoordinate stC(whichStokes);
| 183 |
| 184 | // Create CoordinateSystem
| 185 |
| 186 | CoordinateSystem cSys;
| 187 | cSys.addCoordinate(sC);
| 188 | cSys.addCoordinate(dC);
| 189 | cSys.addCoordinate(stC);
| 190 | cSys.setObsInfo(oi);
| 191 |
| 192 | // Reform data into correct shape for output
| 193 |
| 194 | Array<Float> t1(itData.array().reform(shapeOut));
| 195 | Array<Bool> m1(itMask.array().reform(shapeOut));
| 196 |
| 197 | // Create aips++ Image
| 198 |
| 199 |
| 200 | TempImage<Float> tIm(tShapeOut, cSys);
| 201 | tIm.put(t1);
| 202 | //
| 203 | ArrayLattice<Bool> latMask(m1);
| 204 | tIm.attachMask(latMask);
| 205 |
| 206 | // Write out as FITS Image file
| 207 |
| 208 |
| 209 | ostringstream oss;
| 210 | oss << String("_row") << iRow << "_beam" << pos(0) << "_if" << pos(1) << "_pol" << pos(2) << ".fits";
| 211 | String fileName = rootName + String(oss);
| 212 | if (verbose) cerr << "Writing row " << iRow << " into file " << fileName << endl;
| 213 | //
| 214 | Bool ok = ImageFITSConverter::ImageToFITS (errMsg, tIm, fileName, maxMem, preferVelocity,
| 215 | opticalVelocity, bitPix, minPix, maxPix, overWrite,
| 216 | degLast, reallyVerbose);
| 217 | if (!ok) {
| 218 | cerr << "Error writing fits - " << errMsg << endl;
| 219 | }
| 220 |
| 221 | // Next spectrum
| 222 |
| 223 | itData.next();
| 224 | itMask.next();
| 225 | }
| 226 | }
| 227 | //
| 228 | if (!verbose) {
| 229 | cerr << "Wrote " << nRows << " into individual FITS files" << endl;
| 230 | }
| 231 | //
| 232 | return True;
| 233 | }
| 234 |
| 235 |
| 236 | Int SDFITSImageWriter::convertStokes (Int val)
| 237 | {
| 238 | Stokes::StokesTypes stokes = Stokes::RR;
| 239 | if (val==0) {
| 240 | stokes = Stokes::RR;
| 241 | } else if (val==1) {
| 242 | stokes = Stokes::LL;
| 243 | } else if (val==2) {
| 244 | stokes = Stokes::RL;
| 245 | } else if (val==3) {
| 246 | stokes = Stokes::LR;
| 247 | } else {
| 248 | stokes = Stokes::Undefined;
| 249 | }
| 250 | //
| 251 | return Int(stokes);
| 252 | }