1 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | //# SDContainer.h: A container class for single dish integrations
3 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | //# Copyright (C) 2004
5 | //# ATNF
6 | //#
7 | //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 | //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
9 | //# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
10 | //# any later version.
11 | //#
12 | //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 | //# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 | //# Public License for more details.
16 | //#
17 | //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
18 | //# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
19 | //# 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20 | //#
21 | //# Correspondence concerning this software should be addressed as follows:
22 | //# Internet email: Malte.Marquarding@csiro.au
23 | //# Postal address: Malte Marquarding,
24 | //# Australia Telescope National Facility,
25 | //# P.O. Box 76,
26 | //# Epping, NSW, 2121,
27 | //# AUSTRALIA
28 | //#
29 | //# $Id:
30 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 | #ifndef SDCONTAINER_H
32 | #define SDCONTAINER_H
33 |
34 | #include <vector>
35 |
36 | #include <casa/aips.h>
37 | #include <casa/BasicSL/String.h>
38 | #include <casa/Arrays/Array.h>
39 | #include <casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
40 | #include <casa/Containers/Block.h>
41 | #include <measures/Measures/MDirection.h>
42 |
43 | template<class T> class casa::Matrix;
44 |
45 | namespace asap {
46 |
47 |
48 | struct SDHeader {
49 | casa::Int nchan;
50 | casa::Int npol;
51 | casa::Int nif;
52 | casa::Int nbeam;
53 | casa::String observer;
54 | casa::String project;
55 | casa::String obstype;
56 | casa::String antennaname;
57 | casa::Vector<casa::Double> antennaposition;
58 | casa::Float equinox;
59 | casa::String freqref;
60 | casa::Double reffreq;
61 | casa::Double bandwidth;
62 | casa::Double utc;
63 | casa::String fluxunit;
64 | casa::String epoch;
65 | void print() const ;
66 | };
67 |
68 | class SDFrequencyTable {
69 |
70 | public:
71 |
72 | SDFrequencyTable() : nFreq_(0) {;}
73 | virtual ~SDFrequencyTable() {;}
74 |
75 | // Add a new entry or match an existing one. Returns the index into the table
76 | casa::uInt addFrequency(casa::Double refPix, casa::Double refVal,
77 | casa::Double inc);
78 | //
79 | casa::Int length() const { return nFreq_;} // # of stored Frequencies
80 | void setLength(casa::uInt length) {nFreq_ = length;}
81 |
82 | // Get attributes
83 | casa::Double referencePixel(casa::uInt which) const { return refPix_[which];}
84 | casa::Double referenceValue(casa::uInt which) const { return refVal_[which];}
85 | casa::Double increment(casa::uInt which) const { return increment_[which];}
86 | casa::Float equinox() const { return equinox_; }
87 | casa::String refFrame() const { return refFrame_; }
88 | //
89 | void restFrequencies(casa::Vector<casa::Double>& rfs,
90 | casa::String& rfunit ) const ;
91 |
92 | // Set attributes
93 | void setEquinox(casa::Float eq) { equinox_ = eq; }
94 | void setRefFrame(const casa::String& reff) { refFrame_ = reff; }
95 | //
96 | void deleteRestFrequencies () {restFreqs_.resize(0);}
97 | casa::uInt addRestFrequency(casa::Double);
98 | void setRestFrequencyUnit(const casa::String& theunit) {restFreqUnit_ = theunit;}
99 |
100 | private:
101 | casa::uInt nFreq_;
102 | casa::Vector<casa::Double> refPix_;
103 | casa::Vector<casa::Double> refVal_; // Hz
104 | casa::Vector<casa::Double> increment_; // Hz
105 | casa::Float equinox_;
106 | casa::String refFrame_;
107 | casa::Vector<casa::Double> restFreqs_; // Hz
108 | casa::String restFreqUnit_;
109 | };
110 |
111 |
112 | class SDContainer {
113 |
114 | public:
115 | SDContainer(casa::uInt nBeam, casa::uInt nIF, casa::uInt nPol,
116 | casa::uInt nChan);
117 | SDContainer(casa::IPosition shp);
118 |
119 | virtual ~SDContainer();
120 |
121 | casa::Bool resize(casa::IPosition shp);
122 |
123 | casa::Bool setSpectrum(const casa::Matrix<casa::Float>& spec,
124 | casa::uInt whichBeam, casa::uInt whichIF);
125 | casa::Bool setSpectrum(const casa::Matrix<casa::Float>& spec,
126 | const casa::Vector<casa::Complex>& cSpec,
127 | casa::uInt whichBeam, casa::uInt whichIF);
128 | casa::Bool putSpectrum(const casa::Array<casa::Float>& spec);
129 |
130 | casa::Bool setFlags(const casa::Matrix<casa::uChar>& flgs,
131 | casa::uInt whichBeam, casa::uInt whichIF,
132 | casa::Bool hasXPol=casa::False);
133 | casa::Bool putFlags(const casa::Array<casa::uChar>& spec);
134 |
135 | casa::Bool setTsys(const casa::Vector<casa::Float>& ts,
136 | casa::uInt whichBeam, casa::uInt whichIF,
137 | casa::Bool hasXpol);
138 | casa::Bool putTsys(const casa::Array<casa::Float>& spec);
139 |
140 | casa::Bool setDirection(const casa::Vector<casa::Double>& point,
141 | casa::uInt whichBeam);
142 | casa::Bool putDirection(const casa::Array<casa::Double>& dir);
143 |
144 | casa::Bool setFrequencyMap(casa::uInt freqslot, casa::uInt whichIF);
145 | casa::Bool putFreqMap(const casa::Vector<casa::uInt>& freqs);
146 |
147 | casa::Bool setRestFrequencyMap(casa::uInt freqslot, casa::uInt whichIF);
148 | casa::Bool putRestFreqMap(const casa::Vector<casa::uInt>& freqs);
149 |
150 | casa::Array<casa::Float> getSpectrum(casa::uInt whichBeam,
151 | casa::uInt whichIF);
152 | casa::Array<casa::uChar> getFlags(casa::uInt whichBeam,
153 | casa::uInt whichIF);
154 | casa::Array<casa::Float> getTsys(casa::uInt whichBeam,
155 | casa::uInt whichIF);
156 | casa::Array<casa::Double> getDirection(casa::uInt whichBeam) const;
157 |
158 | const casa::Array<casa::Float>& getSpectrum() const { return spectrum_; }
159 | const casa::Array<casa::uChar>& getFlags() const { return flags_; }
160 | const casa::Array<casa::Float>& getTsys() const { return tsys_; }
161 | const casa::Array<casa::Double>& getDirection() const { return direction_; }
162 |
163 | const casa::Vector<casa::uInt>& getFreqMap() const { return freqidx_; }
164 | const casa::Vector<casa::uInt>& getRestFreqMap() const { return restfreqidx_; }
165 |
166 | const casa::Vector<casa::String>& getHistory() const { return history_; }
167 | casa::Bool putHistory(const casa::Vector<casa::String>& hist);
168 | casa::Bool appendHistory(const casa::String& hist);
169 |
170 | casa::Double timestamp;
171 | //Double bandwidth;
172 | casa::String sourcename;
173 | casa::String fieldname;
174 | casa::Double interval;
175 | casa::Int scanid;
176 | casa::Vector<casa::Float> tcal;
177 | casa::String tcaltime;
178 | casa::Float azimuth;
179 | casa::Float elevation;
180 | casa::Float parangle;
181 | casa::Int refbeam;
182 |
183 | private:
184 | casa::uInt nBeam_,nIF_,nPol_,nChan_;
185 |
186 | // (nBeam,nIF,nPol,nChannel)
187 | casa::Array<casa::Float> spectrum_;
188 | casa::Array<casa::uChar> flags_;
189 | // (nBeam,nIF,nPol,[nChannel]) Tsys is not really a function of
190 | // channel, but this makes it easier to work with at the expense of
191 | // a little memory
192 | casa::Array<casa::Float> tsys_;
193 | casa::Array<casa::Float> tcal_;
194 |
195 | //(nIF) indx into "global" frequency table
196 | casa::Vector<casa::uInt> freqidx_;
197 | // (nIF) indx into "global" rest frequency table
198 | casa::Vector<casa::uInt> restfreqidx_;
199 | //(nBeam,2) maybe use Measures here...
200 | casa::Array<casa::Double> direction_;
201 | casa::Vector<casa::String> history_;
202 | void setSlice (casa::IPosition& start, casa::IPosition& end,
203 | const casa::IPosition& shpIn, const casa::IPosition& shpOut,
204 | casa::uInt whichBeam, casa::uInt whichIF, casa::Bool checkPol,
205 | casa::Bool xPol) const;
206 | void setSlice (casa::IPosition& start, casa::IPosition& end,
207 | const casa::IPosition& shape,
208 | casa::uInt whichBeam, casa::uInt whichIF) const;
209 | };
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 | class SDDataDesc {
214 |
215 | public:
216 |
217 | // COnstructor
218 | SDDataDesc() : n_(0) {;}
219 | ~SDDataDesc() {;}
220 |
221 | // Add an entry if source name and Integer ID (can be anything you like, such
222 | // as FreqID) are unique. You can add secondary entries direction
223 | // and another integer index which are just stored along with the
224 | // the primary entries
225 | casa::uInt addEntry (const casa::String& source, casa::uInt ID,
226 | const casa::MDirection& secDir, casa::uInt secID);
227 |
228 | // Number of entries
229 | casa::Int length() const { return n_;}
230 |
231 | // Get attributes
232 | casa::String source (casa::uInt which) const {return source_[which];}
233 | casa::uInt ID(casa::uInt which) const {return ID_[which];}
234 | casa::uInt secID(casa::uInt which) const {return secID_[which];}
235 | casa::MDirection secDir (casa::uInt which) const {return secDir_[which];}
236 |
237 | // Summary
238 | void summary() const;
239 |
240 | private:
241 | casa::uInt n_;
242 | casa::Vector<casa::String> source_;
243 | casa::Vector<casa::uInt> ID_, secID_;
244 | casa::Block<casa::MDirection> secDir_;
245 | //
246 | SDDataDesc(const SDDataDesc& other);
247 |
248 | };
249 |
250 | } // namespace
251 | #endif