//#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# SDContainer.cc: A container class for single dish integrations //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# Copyright (C) 2004 //# ATNF //# //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free //# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) //# any later version. //# //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but //# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General //# Public License for more details. //# //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along //# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., //# 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. //# //# Correspondence concerning this software should be addressed as follows: //# Internet email: Malte.Marquarding@csiro.au //# Postal address: Malte Marquarding, //# Australia Telescope National Facility, //# P.O. Box 76, //# Epping, NSW, 2121, //# AUSTRALIA //# //# $Id: //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SDDefs.h" #include "SDContainer.h" using namespace casa; using namespace asap; void SDHeader::print() const { MVTime mvt(this->utc); mvt.setFormat(MVTime::YMD); cout << "Observer: " << this->observer << endl << "Project: " << this->project << endl << "Obstype: " << this->obstype << endl << "Antenna: " << this->antennaname << endl << "Ant. Position: " << this->antennaposition << endl << "Equinox: " << this->equinox << endl << "Freq. ref.: " << this->freqref << endl << "Ref. frequency: " << this->reffreq << endl << "Bandwidth: " << this->bandwidth << endl << "Time (utc): " << mvt << endl; //setprecision(10) << this->utc << endl; } SDContainer::SDContainer(uInt nBeam, uInt nIF, uInt nPol, uInt nChan) : nBeam_(nBeam), nIF_(nIF), nPol_(nPol), nChan_(nChan), spectrum_(IPosition(4,nBeam,nIF,nPol,nChan)), flags_(IPosition(4,nBeam,nIF,nPol,nChan)), tsys_(IPosition(4,nBeam,nIF,nPol,nChan)), freqidx_(nIF), restfreqidx_(nIF), direction_(IPosition(2,nBeam,2)) { uChar x = 0; flags_ = ~x; tcal.resize(2); } SDContainer::SDContainer(IPosition shp) : nBeam_(shp(0)), nIF_(shp(1)), nPol_(shp(2)), nChan_(shp(3)), spectrum_(shp), flags_(shp), tsys_(shp), freqidx_(shp(1)), restfreqidx_(shp(1)) { IPosition ip(2,shp(0),2); direction_.resize(ip); uChar x = 0; flags_ = ~x; tcal.resize(2); } SDContainer::~SDContainer() { } Bool SDContainer::resize(IPosition shp) { nBeam_ = shp(0); nIF_ = shp(1); nPol_ = shp(2); nChan_ = shp(3); spectrum_.resize(shp); flags_.resize(shp); tsys_.resize(shp); freqidx_.resize(shp(1)); restfreqidx_.resize(shp(1)); IPosition ip(2,shp(0),2); direction_.resize(ip); } Bool SDContainer::putSpectrum(const Array& spec) { spectrum_ = spec; } Bool SDContainer::putFlags(const Array& flag) { flags_ = flag; } Bool SDContainer::putTsys(const Array& tsys) { tsys_ = tsys; } Bool SDContainer::setSpectrum(const Matrix& spec, const Vector& cSpec, uInt whichBeam, uInt whichIF) // // spec is [nChan,nPol] // cspec is [nChan] // spectrum_ is [,,,nChan] // // nPOl_ = 4 - xx, yy, real(xy), imag(xy) // { AlwaysAssert(nPol_==4,AipsError); // Get slice and check dim Bool tSys = False; Bool xPol = True; IPosition start, end; setSlice (start, end, spec.shape(), spectrum_.shape(), whichBeam, whichIF, tSys, xPol); // Get a reference to the Pol/Chan slice we are interested in Array subArr = spectrum_(start,end); // Iterate through pol-chan plane and fill ReadOnlyVectorIterator inIt(spec,0); VectorIterator outIt(subArr,asap::ChanAxis); while (!outIt.pastEnd()) { const IPosition& pos = outIt.pos(); if (pos(asap::PolAxis)<2) { outIt.vector() = inIt.vector(); inIt.next(); } else if (pos(asap::PolAxis)==2) { outIt.vector() = real(cSpec); } else if (pos(asap::PolAxis)==3) { outIt.vector() = imag(cSpec); } // outIt.next(); } // unset flags for this spectrum, they might be set again by the // setFlags method Array arr(flags_(start,end)); arr = uChar(0); // return True; } Bool SDContainer::setSpectrum(const Matrix& spec, uInt whichBeam, uInt whichIF) // // spec is [nChan,nPol] // spectrum_ is [,,,nChan] // How annoying. // nPol==2 { // Get slice and check dim IPosition start, end; setSlice (start, end, spec.shape(), spectrum_.shape(), whichBeam, whichIF, False, False); // Get a reference to the Pol/Chan slice we are interested in Array subArr = spectrum_(start,end); // Iterate through it and fill ReadOnlyVectorIterator inIt(spec,0); VectorIterator outIt(subArr,asap::ChanAxis); while (!outIt.pastEnd()) { outIt.vector() = inIt.vector(); // inIt.next(); outIt.next(); } // unset flags for this spectrum, they might be set again by the // setFlags method Array arr(flags_(start,end)); arr = uChar(0); // return True; } Bool SDContainer::setFlags(const Matrix& flags, uInt whichBeam, uInt whichIF, Bool hasXPol) // // flags is [nChan,nPol] // flags_ is [,,,nChan] // How annoying. // there are no separate flags for XY so make // them up from X and Y // { if (hasXPol) AlwaysAssert(nPol_==4,AipsError); // Get slice and check dim IPosition start, end; setSlice (start, end, flags.shape(), flags_.shape(), whichBeam, whichIF, False, hasXPol); // Get a reference to the Pol/Chan slice we are interested in Array subArr = flags_(start,end); // Iterate through pol/chan plane and fill ReadOnlyVectorIterator inIt(flags,0); VectorIterator outIt(subArr,asap::ChanAxis); // Vector maskPol0; Vector maskPol1; Vector maskPol01; while (!outIt.pastEnd()) { const IPosition& pos = outIt.pos(); if (pos(asap::PolAxis)<2) { outIt.vector() = inIt.vector(); // if (hasXPol) { if (pos(asap::PolAxis)==0) { maskPol0 = inIt.vector(); } else if (pos(asap::PolAxis)==1) { maskPol1 = inIt.vector(); // maskPol01.resize(maskPol0.nelements()); for (uInt i=0; i& tsys, uInt whichBeam, uInt whichIF, Bool hasXpol) // // Tsys does not depend upon channel but is replicated // for simplicity of use. // There is no Tsys measurement for the cross polarization // so I have set TSys for XY to sqrt(Tx*Ty) // { // Get slice and check dim IPosition start, end; setSlice (start, end, tsys.shape(), tsys_.shape(), whichBeam, whichIF, True, hasXpol); // Get a reference to the Pol/Chan slice we are interested in Array subArr = tsys_(start,end); // Iterate through it and fill VectorIterator outIt(subArr,asap::ChanAxis); uInt i=0; while (!outIt.pastEnd()) { const IPosition& pos = outIt.pos(); // if (pos(asap::PolAxis)<2) { outIt.vector() = tsys(i++); } else { outIt.vector() = sqrt(tsys[0]*tsys[1]); } // outIt.next(); } } Array SDContainer::getSpectrum(uInt whichBeam, uInt whichIF) // // non-const function because of Array(start,end) slicer // // Input [nBeam,nIF,nPol,nChan] // Output [nChan,nPol] // { // Get reference to slice and check dim IPosition start, end; setSlice (start, end, spectrum_.shape(), whichBeam, whichIF); // Array dataIn = spectrum_(start,end); Array dataOut(IPosition(2, nChan_, nPol_)); // ReadOnlyVectorIterator itIn(dataIn, asap::ChanAxis); VectorIterator itOut(dataOut, 0); while (!itOut.pastEnd()) { itOut.vector() = itIn.vector(); // itIn.next(); itOut.next(); } // return dataOut.copy(); } Array SDContainer::getFlags(uInt whichBeam, uInt whichIF) // // non-const function because of Array(start,end) slicer // // Input [nBeam,nIF,nPol,nChan] // Output [nChan,nPol] // { // Get reference to slice and check dim IPosition start, end; setSlice (start, end, flags_.shape(), whichBeam, whichIF); // Array dataIn = flags_(start,end); Array dataOut(IPosition(2, nChan_, nPol_)); // ReadOnlyVectorIterator itIn(dataIn, asap::ChanAxis); VectorIterator itOut(dataOut, 0); while (!itOut.pastEnd()) { itOut.vector() = itIn.vector(); // itIn.next(); itOut.next(); } // return dataOut.copy(); } Array SDContainer::getTsys(uInt whichBeam, uInt whichIF) // // Input [nBeam,nIF,nPol,nChan] // Output [nPol] (drop channel dependency and select first value) // { // Get reference to slice and check dim IPosition start, end; setSlice (start, end, spectrum_.shape(), whichBeam, whichIF); // Array dataIn = tsys_(start,end); Vector dataOut(nPol_); // ReadOnlyVectorIterator itIn(dataIn, asap::ChanAxis); VectorIterator itOut(dataOut, 0); uInt i = 0; while (!itIn.pastEnd()) { dataOut[i++] = itIn.vector()[0]; itIn.next(); } // return dataOut.copy(); } Array SDContainer::getDirection(uInt whichBeam) const // // Input [nBeam,2] // Output [nBeam] // { Vector dataOut(2); dataOut(0) = direction_(IPosition(2,whichBeam,0)); dataOut(1) = direction_(IPosition(2,whichBeam,1)); return dataOut.copy(); } Bool SDContainer::setFrequencyMap(uInt freqID, uInt whichIF) { freqidx_[whichIF] = freqID; return True; } Bool SDContainer::putFreqMap(const Vector& freqs) { freqidx_.resize(); freqidx_ = freqs; return True; } Bool SDContainer::setRestFrequencyMap(uInt freqID, uInt whichIF) { restfreqidx_[whichIF] = freqID; return True; } Bool SDContainer::putRestFreqMap(const Vector& freqs) { restfreqidx_.resize(); restfreqidx_ = freqs; return True; } Bool SDContainer::setDirection(const Vector& point, uInt whichBeam) // // Input [2] // Output [nBeam,2] // { if (point.nelements() != 2) return False; // Vector dataOut(2); direction_(IPosition(2,whichBeam,0)) = point[0]; direction_(IPosition(2,whichBeam,1)) = point[1]; return True; } Bool SDContainer::putDirection(const Array& dir) { direction_.resize(); direction_ = dir; return True; } Bool SDContainer::appendHistory(const String& hist) { history_.resize(history_.nelements()+1,True); history_[history_.nelements()-1] = hist; return True; } Bool SDContainer::putHistory(const Vector& hist) { history_.resize(); history_ = hist; return True; } Bool SDContainer::putFitMap(const Array& arr) { fitIDMap_.resize(); fitIDMap_ = arr; return True; } void SDContainer::setSlice(IPosition& start, IPosition& end, const IPosition& shpIn, const IPosition& shpOut, uInt whichBeam, uInt whichIF, Bool tSys, Bool xPol) const // // tSYs // shpIn [nPol] // else // shpIn [nCHan,nPol] // // if xPol present, the output nPol = 4 but // the input spectra are nPol=2 (tSys) or nPol=2 (spectra) // { AlwaysAssert(asap::nAxes==4,AipsError); uInt pOff = 0; if (xPol) pOff += 2; if (tSys) { AlwaysAssert(shpOut(asap::PolAxis)==shpIn(0)+pOff,AipsError); // pol } else { AlwaysAssert(shpOut(asap::ChanAxis)==shpIn(0),AipsError); // chan AlwaysAssert(shpOut(asap::PolAxis)==shpIn(1)+pOff,AipsError); // pol } // setSlice(start, end, shpOut, whichBeam, whichIF); } void SDContainer::setSlice(IPosition& start, IPosition& end, const IPosition& shape, uInt whichBeam, uInt whichIF) const { AlwaysAssert(asap::nAxes==4,AipsError); // start.resize(asap::nAxes); start = 0; start(asap::BeamAxis) = whichBeam; start(asap::IFAxis) = whichIF; // end.resize(asap::nAxes); end = shape-1; end(asap::BeamAxis) = whichBeam; end(asap::IFAxis) = whichIF; } uInt SDFrequencyTable::addFrequency(Double refPix, Double refVal, Double inc) { if (length() > 0) { for (uInt i=0; i< length();i++) { if (near(refVal,refVal_[i]) && near(refPix,refPix_[i]) && near(inc,increment_[i])) { return i; } } } // Not found - add it nFreq_ += 1; refPix_.resize(nFreq_,True); refVal_.resize(nFreq_,True); increment_.resize(nFreq_,True); refPix_[nFreq_-1] = refPix; refVal_[nFreq_-1] = refVal; increment_[nFreq_-1] = inc; return nFreq_-1; } uInt SDFrequencyTable::addRestFrequency(Double val) { uInt nFreq = restFreqs_.nelements(); if (nFreq>0) { for (uInt i=0; i& rfs, String& rfunit ) const { rfs.resize(restFreqs_.nelements()); rfs = restFreqs_; rfunit = restFreqUnit_; } // SDDataDesc uInt SDDataDesc::addEntry(const String& source, uInt ID, const MDirection& dir, uInt secID) { // See if already exists if (n_ > 0) { for (uInt i=0; i0) { cerr << "Source ID" << endl; for (uInt i=0; i