// // C++ Implimentation: RasterEdgeDetector // // Description: // // // Author: Takeshi Nakazato , (C) 2012 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include #include #include #include //#include #include "RasterEdgeDetector.h" using namespace std ; using namespace casa ; namespace asap { RasterEdgeDetector::RasterEdgeDetector() : EdgeDetector() {} RasterEdgeDetector::~RasterEdgeDetector() {} Vector RasterEdgeDetector::detect() { os_.origin(LogOrigin( "RasterEdgeDetector", "detect", WHERE )) ; initDetect() ; detectGap() ; selection() ; os_ << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "Detected " << off_.nelements() << " integrations as OFF" << LogIO::POST ; return off_ ; } void RasterEdgeDetector::parseOption( const Record &option ) { os_.origin(LogOrigin( "RasterEdgeDetector", "parseOption", WHERE )) ; String name = "fraction" ; if ( option.isDefined( name ) ) { if ( option.dataType( name ) == TpString ) { String fstr = option.asString( name ) ; if ( fstr == "auto" ) { fraction_ = -1.0 ; // indicates "auto" } else { // should be "xx%" format fstr.rtrim( '%' ) ; fraction_ = String::toFloat( fstr ) * 0.01 ; } } else { fraction_ = option.asFloat( name ) ; } } else { fraction_ = 0.1 ; // default is 10% } name = "npts" ; if ( option.isDefined( name ) ) { npts_ = option.asInt( name ) ; } else { npts_ = -1 ; // default is -1 (use fraction_) } os_ << "OPTION SUMMARY: " << endl << " fraction=" << fraction_ << endl << " npts=" << npts_ << LogIO::POST ; } void RasterEdgeDetector::detectGap() { os_.origin(LogOrigin( "RasterEdgeDetector", "detectGap", WHERE )) ; uInt n = time_.nelements() ; Vector tdiff( n-1 ) ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < n-1 ; i++ ) { tdiff[i] = time_[i+1] - time_[i] ; } Double tmed = median( tdiff, False, True, False ) ; Double threshold = tmed * 5.0 ; uInt idx = 0 ; tempuInt_[idx++] = 0 ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < n-1 ; i++ ) { if ( tdiff[i] > threshold ) { tempuInt_[idx++] = i+1 ; } } if ( tempuInt_[idx-1] != n ) { tempuInt_[idx++] = n ; } gaplist_ = vectorFromTempStorage( idx ) ; os_ << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "Detected " << gaplist_.nelements() << " time gaps." << LogIO::POST ; } void RasterEdgeDetector::selection() { // os_.origin(LogOrigin( "RasterEdgeDetector", "selection", WHERE )) ; uInt n = gaplist_.nelements() - 1 ; uInt idx = 0 ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { uInt start = gaplist_[i] ; uInt end = gaplist_[i+1] ; selectionPerRow( idx, start, end ) ; } off_ = vectorFromTempStorage( idx ) ; //sort( off_, Sort::Ascending, Sort::QuickSort | Sort::NoDuplicates ) ; } void RasterEdgeDetector::selectionPerRow( uInt &idx, const uInt &start, const uint &end ) { // os_.origin(LogOrigin( "RasterEdgeDetector", "selectionPerRow", WHERE )) ; uInt len = end - start ; uInt noff = numOff( len ) ; if ( len > noff * 2 ) { uInt n = start + noff ; for ( uInt i = start ; i < n ; i++ ) { tempuInt_[idx++] = i ; } n = end - noff ; for ( uInt i = n ; i < end ; i++ ) { tempuInt_[idx++] = i ; } } else { // add all elements to off position list for ( uInt i = start ; i < end ; i++ ) { tempuInt_[idx++] = i ; } } } uInt RasterEdgeDetector::numOff( const uInt &n ) { uInt ret = 0 ; if ( npts_ > 0 ) { ret = min( (uInt)npts_, n ) ; } else if ( fraction_ < 0 ) { ret = optimumNumber( n ) ; } else { ret = int( n * fraction_ ) ; } return ((ret > 0) ? ret : 1) ; } uInt RasterEdgeDetector::optimumNumber( const uInt &n ) { return uInt( sqrt( n + 1 ) ) - 1 ; } } // namespace asap