#include "Plotter2.h" namespace asap { Plotter2AnnotationInfo::Plotter2AnnotationInfo() { text = ""; posx = 0.0; posy = 0.0; angle = 0.0; fjust = 0.0; size = 1.0; color = 1; // black bgcolor = -1; // transparent } Plotter2AnnotationInfo::~Plotter2AnnotationInfo() { } Plotter2ArrowInfo::Plotter2ArrowInfo() { xhead = 1.0; xtail = 0.0; yhead = 1.0; ytail = 0.0; color = 1; // black width = 1; lineStyle = 1; // solid line headSize = 1.0; headFillStyle = 1; // solid headAngle = 45.0; headVent = 0.3; } Plotter2ArrowInfo::~Plotter2ArrowInfo() { } Plotter2RectInfo::Plotter2RectInfo() { xmin = 0.0; xmax = 1.0; ymin = 0.0; ymax = 1.0; color = 15; // gray fill = 4; // hatch width = 1; } Plotter2RectInfo::~Plotter2RectInfo() { } Plotter2DataInfo::Plotter2DataInfo() { xData.clear(); yData.clear(); drawLine = true; lineStyle = 1; // solid line lineWidth = 1; lineColor = -1; // undefined (default color should be assigned) drawMarker = false; markerType = 20; // small circle markerSize = 1.0; markerColor = 1; // default foreground color (black) hasData = false; // has no data } Plotter2DataInfo::~Plotter2DataInfo() { } Plotter2ViewportInfo::Plotter2ViewportInfo() { showViewport = true; vpPosXMin = 0.1; vpPosXMax = 0.9; vpPosYMin = 0.1; vpPosYMax = 0.9; vpRangeXMin = 0.0; vpRangeXMax = 1.0; vpRangeYMin = 0.0; vpRangeYMax = 1.0; isAutoRangeX = true; isAutoRangeY = true; autoRangeMarginX = 0.0; autoRangeMarginY = 0.1; hasDataRange = false; isAutoTickIntervalX = true; isAutoTickIntervalY = true; majorTickIntervalX = 0.1; majorTickIntervalY = 0.1; nMajorTickWithinTickNumsX = 2; nMajorTickWithinTickNumsY = 2; nMinorTickWithinMajorTicksX = 5; nMinorTickWithinMajorTicksY = 5; numLocationX = "b"; numLocationY = "l"; fontSizeDef = 1.0; vData.clear(); vRect.clear(); vArro.clear(); vAnno.clear(); labelXString = ""; labelXPosX = 0.5; labelXPosY = 0.05; labelXAngle = 0.0; labelXFJust = 0.5; labelXSize = fontSizeDef * 1.1; labelXColor = 1; labelXBColor = 0; labelYString = ""; labelYPosX = 0.05; labelYPosY = 0.5; labelYAngle = 90.0; labelYFJust = 0.5; labelYSize = fontSizeDef * 1.1; labelYColor = 1; labelYBColor = 0; titleString = ""; titlePosX = 0.5; titlePosY = 0.95; titleAngle = 0.0; titleFJust = 0.5; titleSize = fontSizeDef * 1.5; titleColor = 1; titleBColor = 0; vpBColor = -1; // transparent (<0) } Plotter2ViewportInfo::~Plotter2ViewportInfo() { vData.clear(); vRect.clear(); vArro.clear(); vAnno.clear(); } void Plotter2ViewportInfo::adjustRange() { if (hasDataRange) { if (isAutoRangeX) { adjustRangeX(&vpRangeXMin, &vpRangeXMax); } if (isAutoRangeY) { adjustRangeY(&vpRangeYMin, &vpRangeYMax); } } } void Plotter2ViewportInfo::adjustRangeX(float* xmin, float* xmax) { float xmargin = (maxXData - minXData) * autoRangeMarginX; *xmin = minXData - xmargin; *xmax = maxXData + xmargin; } void Plotter2ViewportInfo::adjustRangeY(float* ymin, float* ymax) { float ymargin = (maxYData - minYData) * autoRangeMarginY; *ymin = minYData - ymargin; *ymax = maxYData + ymargin; } std::vector Plotter2ViewportInfo::getRangeX() { float minX, maxX; if (isAutoRangeX) { adjustRangeX(&minX, &maxX); } else { minX = vpRangeXMin; maxX = vpRangeXMax; } std::vector res; res.clear(); res.push_back(minX); res.push_back(maxX); return res; } std::vector Plotter2ViewportInfo::getRangeY() { float minY, maxY; if (isAutoRangeY) { adjustRangeY(&minY, &maxY); } else { minY = vpRangeYMin; maxY = vpRangeYMax; } std::vector res; res.clear(); res.push_back(minY); res.push_back(maxY); return res; } void Plotter2ViewportInfo::adjustTickInterval() { if (hasDataRange) { if (isAutoTickIntervalX) { adjustTickIntervalX(vpRangeXMin, vpRangeXMax); } if (isAutoTickIntervalY) { adjustTickIntervalY(vpRangeYMin, vpRangeYMax); } } } void Plotter2ViewportInfo::adjustTickIntervalX(const float xmin, const float xmax) { majorTickIntervalX = (float)pow(10.0, ceil(log10((xmax - xmin)/10.0))); if ((xmax - xmin) / majorTickIntervalX < 4.0) { majorTickIntervalX /= 2.0; } if ((xmax - xmin) / majorTickIntervalX < 4.0) { majorTickIntervalX /= 2.0; } } void Plotter2ViewportInfo::adjustTickIntervalY(const float ymin, const float ymax) { majorTickIntervalY = (float)pow(10.0, ceil(log10((ymax - ymin)/10.0))); if ((ymax - ymin) / majorTickIntervalY < 4.0) { majorTickIntervalY /= 2.0; } if ((ymax - ymin) / majorTickIntervalY < 4.0) { majorTickIntervalY /= 2.0; } } void Plotter2ViewportInfo::setData(const std::vector& inXData, const std::vector& inYData, const int id) { if (!hasDataRange) { minXData = inXData[0]; maxXData = inXData[0]; minYData = inYData[0]; maxYData = inYData[0]; hasDataRange = true; } Plotter2DataInfo* info = &vData[id]; info->xData.clear(); info->xData.reserve(inXData.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inXData.size(); ++i) { info->xData.push_back(inXData[i]); if (!info->hasData) { updateXDataRange(inXData[i]); } } info->yData.clear(); info->yData.reserve(inYData.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inYData.size(); ++i) { info->yData.push_back(inYData[i]); if (!info->hasData) { updateYDataRange(inYData[i]); } } if (info->hasData) { updateAllDataRanges(); } else { info->hasData = true; } adjustRange(); adjustTickInterval(); } void Plotter2ViewportInfo::updateXDataRange(const float data) { if (data < minXData) { minXData = data; } if (maxXData < data) { maxXData = data; } } void Plotter2ViewportInfo::updateYDataRange(const float data) { if (data < minYData) { minYData = data; } if (maxYData < data) { maxYData = data; } } void Plotter2ViewportInfo::updateAllDataRanges() { minXData = vData[0].xData[0]; maxXData = minXData; minYData = vData[0].yData[0]; maxYData = minYData; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vData.size(); ++i) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vData[i].xData.size(); ++j) { updateXDataRange(vData[i].xData[j]); updateYDataRange(vData[i].yData[j]); } } } void Plotter2ViewportInfo::getWorldCoordByWindowCoord(const float winX, const float winY, float* worldX, float* worldY) { float xratio = (winX - vpPosXMin) / (vpPosXMax - vpPosXMin); if (winX < 0.0) { xratio = 0.5; } *worldX = vpRangeXMin + xratio * (vpRangeXMax - vpRangeXMin); float yratio = (winY - vpPosYMin) / (vpPosYMax - vpPosYMin); if (winY < 0.0) { yratio = 0.5; } *worldY = vpRangeYMin + yratio * (vpRangeYMax - vpRangeYMin); } Plotter2::Plotter2() { filename = ""; device = "xwindow"; hasDevice = false; vInfo.clear(); Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); hasDefaultViewport = true; currentViewportId = 0; width = 8.82796; // default viewsurface width seems to be this value. aspect = 0.75; // default viewsurface aspect } Plotter2::~Plotter2() { close(); vInfo.clear(); } std::string Plotter2::getFileName() { return filename; } void Plotter2::setFileName(const std::string& inFilename) { filename = inFilename; } std::string Plotter2::getDevice() { return device; } void Plotter2::setDevice(const std::string& inDevice) { device = inDevice; } void Plotter2::open() { cpgopen((filename + "/" + device).c_str()); hasDevice = true; } float Plotter2::getViewSurfaceWidth() { return width; } float Plotter2::getViewSurfaceAspect() { return aspect; } void Plotter2::setViewSurface(const float inWidth, const float inAspect) { width = inWidth; aspect = inAspect; } int Plotter2::addViewport(const float xmin, const float xmax, const float ymin, const float ymax) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vi.vpPosXMin = xmin; vi.vpPosXMax = xmax; vi.vpPosYMin = ymin; vi.vpPosYMax = ymax; vInfo.push_back(vi); currentViewportId = vInfo.size() - 1; return currentViewportId; } void Plotter2::setViewport(const float xmin, const float xmax, const float ymin, const float ymax, const int id) { if (id >= (int)vInfo.size()) { return; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[id]; vi->vpPosXMin = xmin; vi->vpPosXMax = xmax; vi->vpPosYMin = ymin; vi->vpPosYMax = ymax; hasDefaultViewport = false; } void Plotter2::showViewport(const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { return; } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { exit(0); } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->showViewport = true; } void Plotter2::hideViewport(const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { return; } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { exit(0); } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->showViewport = false; } bool Plotter2::getHasDefaultViewport() { return hasDefaultViewport; } int Plotter2::getCurrentViewportId() { return currentViewportId; } void Plotter2::getViewInfo() { std::string colorNames[16] = {"white", "black", "red", "green", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "orange", "yellowgreen", "emerald", "skyblue", "purple", "pink", "gray", "lightgray"}; std::string lstyleNames[6] = {"", "solid", "dashed", "dash-dotted", "dotted", "dash-dot-dot-dotted"}; std::string fstyleNames[5] = {"", "solid", "outline", "hatched", "crosshatched"}; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vInfo.size(); ++i) { std::cout << "Viewport [ID = " << i << "] (" << (i+1) << "/" << vInfo.size() << ") "; std::cout << "=============================================================" << std::endl; std::cout << " Visible: " << (vInfo[i].showViewport ? "Yes" : "No") << std::endl; std::cout << " Position in Window Coordinate: "; std::cout << "X(left=" << vInfo[i].vpPosXMin << ",right=" << vInfo[i].vpPosXMax << "), "; std::cout << "Y(bottom=" << vInfo[i].vpPosYMin << ",top=" << vInfo[i].vpPosYMax << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << " Display Range: "; std::cout << "X(" << (vInfo[i].isAutoRangeX ? "automatic" : "manual") << ", "; std::cout << "min=" << vInfo[i].vpRangeXMin << ", max=" << vInfo[i].vpRangeXMax << "), "; std::cout << "Y(" << (vInfo[i].isAutoRangeY ? "automatic" : "manual") << ", "; std::cout << "min=" << vInfo[i].vpRangeYMin << ", max=" << vInfo[i].vpRangeYMax << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << " Numbering/Ticks:" << std::endl; std::cout << " X(" << ((vInfo[i].numLocationX == "b") ? "bottom" : ((vInfo[i].numLocationX == "t") ? "top" : (vInfo[i].numLocationX + " [*INVAILD*]"))) << ", interval[" << (vInfo[i].isAutoTickIntervalX ? "automatic" : "manual") << ", "; std::cout << "numbering=" << (vInfo[i].majorTickIntervalX * vInfo[i].nMajorTickWithinTickNumsX) << ", "; std::cout << "majortick=" << vInfo[i].majorTickIntervalX << ", "; std::cout << "minortick=" << (vInfo[i].majorTickIntervalX / vInfo[i].nMinorTickWithinMajorTicksX) << "])" << std::endl; std::cout << " Y(" << ((vInfo[i].numLocationY == "l") ? "left" : ((vInfo[i].numLocationY == "r") ? "right" : (vInfo[i].numLocationY + " [*INVAILD*]"))) << ", interval[" << (vInfo[i].isAutoTickIntervalY ? "automatic" : "manual") << ", "; std::cout << "numbering=" << (vInfo[i].majorTickIntervalY * vInfo[i].nMajorTickWithinTickNumsY) << ", "; std::cout << "majortick=" << vInfo[i].majorTickIntervalY << ", "; std::cout << "minortick=" << (vInfo[i].majorTickIntervalY / vInfo[i].nMinorTickWithinMajorTicksY) << "])" << std::endl; std::cout << " X Label: "; if (vInfo[i].labelXString != "") { std::cout << "\"" << vInfo[i].labelXString << "\"" << std::endl; std::cout << " position=(" << vInfo[i].labelXPosX << "," << vInfo[i].labelXPosY << "), "; std::cout << "justification=" << vInfo[i].labelXFJust << ", "; std::cout << "angle=" << vInfo[i].labelXAngle << "deg, "; std::cout << "fontsize=" << vInfo[i].labelXSize << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "No" << std::endl; } std::cout << " Y Label: "; if (vInfo[i].labelYString != "") { std::cout << "\"" << vInfo[i].labelYString << "\"" << std::endl; std::cout << " position=(" << vInfo[i].labelYPosX << "," << vInfo[i].labelYPosY << "), "; std::cout << "justification=" << vInfo[i].labelYFJust << ", "; std::cout << "angle=" << vInfo[i].labelYAngle << "deg, "; std::cout << "fontsize=" << vInfo[i].labelYSize << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "No" << std::endl; } std::cout << " Title: "; if (vInfo[i].titleString != "") { std::cout << "\"" << vInfo[i].titleString << "\"" << std::endl; std::cout << " position=(" << vInfo[i].titlePosX << "," << vInfo[i].titlePosY << "), "; std::cout << "justification=" << vInfo[i].titleFJust << ", "; std::cout << "angle=" << vInfo[i].titleAngle << "deg, "; std::cout << "fontsize=" << vInfo[i].titleSize << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "No" << std::endl; } std::cout << " Background Color = "; if (vInfo[i].vpBColor < 0) { std::cout << "transparent" << std::endl; } else if (vInfo[i].vpBColor < 16) { std::cout << colorNames[vInfo[i].vpBColor] << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "index:" << vInfo[i].vpBColor << " [INVAILD VALUE!]" << std::endl; } for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vInfo[i].vData.size(); ++j) { std::cout << " Dataset [ID = " << j << "] (" << (j+1) << "/" << vInfo[i].vData.size() << ") "; std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl; bool showDataset = (vInfo[i].vData[j].drawLine || vInfo[i].vData[j].drawMarker); bool showViewport = vInfo[i].showViewport; std::cout << " Visible: " << (showViewport ? "" : "("); std::cout << (showDataset ? "Yes" : "No") << (showViewport ? "" : ")") << std::endl; std::cout << " Number of Data Points: " << vInfo[i].vData[j].xData.size() << std::endl; if (vInfo[i].vData[j].drawLine) { std::cout << " Line: color="; if (vInfo[i].vData[j].lineColor < 0) { int defaultColorIdx = (j + 1) % 15 + 1; std::cout << "default(" << colorNames[defaultColorIdx] << ")"; } else if (vInfo[i].vData[j].lineColor < 16) { std::cout << colorNames[vInfo[i].vData[j].lineColor]; } else { std::cout << "index:" << vInfo[i].vData[j].lineColor << " [*INVAILD*]"; } std::cout << ", width=" << vInfo[i].vData[j].lineWidth; std::cout << ", style=" << lstyleNames[vInfo[i].vData[j].lineStyle] << std::endl; } if (vInfo[i].vData[j].drawMarker) { std::cout << " Marker: color="; if (vInfo[i].vData[j].markerColor < 0) { std::cout << "default"; } else if (vInfo[i].vData[j].markerColor < 16) { std::cout << colorNames[vInfo[i].vData[j].markerColor]; } else { std::cout << "index:" << vInfo[i].vData[j].markerColor << " [*INVAILD*]"; } std::cout << ", shape=" << vInfo[i].vData[j].markerType; std::cout << ", size=" << vInfo[i].vData[j].markerSize << std::endl; } } for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vInfo[i].vRect.size(); ++j) { std::cout << " XMask [ID = " << j << "] (" << (j+1) << "/" << vInfo[i].vRect.size() << ") "; std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl; std::cout << " Range: (min=" << vInfo[i].vRect[j].xmin << ", max=" << vInfo[i].vRect[j].xmax << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << " Attributes: (color=" << colorNames[vInfo[i].vRect[j].color]; std::string fstyle = fstyleNames[vInfo[i].vRect[j].fill]; std::cout << ", fillstyle=" << fstyle; if (fstyle == "outline") { std::cout << ", outlinewidth=" << vInfo[i].vRect[j].width; } if ((fstyle == "hatched")||(fstyle == "crosshatched")) { std::cout << ", hatchspacing=" << vInfo[i].vRect[j].hsep; } std::cout << ")" << std::endl; } } std::cout << "=====================================================================================" << std::endl << std::flush; } void Plotter2::setRange(const float xmin, const float xmax, const float ymin, const float ymax, const int inVpid) { setRangeX(xmin, xmax, inVpid); setRangeY(ymin, ymax, inVpid); } void Plotter2::setRangeX(const float xmin, const float xmax, const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { return; } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->vpRangeXMin = xmin; vi->vpRangeXMax = xmax; vi->isAutoRangeX = false; } void Plotter2::setRangeY(const float ymin, const float ymax, const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { return; } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->vpRangeYMin = ymin; vi->vpRangeYMax = ymax; vi->isAutoRangeY = false; } std::vector Plotter2::getRangeX(const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { exit(0); } return vInfo[vpid].getRangeX(); } std::vector Plotter2::getRangeY(const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { exit(0); } return vInfo[vpid].getRangeY(); } void Plotter2::setAutoRange(const int inVpid) { setAutoRangeX(inVpid); setAutoRangeY(inVpid); } void Plotter2::setAutoRangeX(const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->isAutoRangeX = true; } void Plotter2::setAutoRangeY(const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->isAutoRangeY = true; } void Plotter2::setFontSizeDef(const float size, const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->fontSizeDef = size; } void Plotter2::setTicksX(const float interval, const int num, const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->majorTickIntervalX = interval; vi->nMinorTickWithinMajorTicksX = num; vi->isAutoTickIntervalX = false; } void Plotter2::setTicksY(const float interval, const int num, const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->majorTickIntervalY = interval; vi->nMinorTickWithinMajorTicksY = num; vi->isAutoTickIntervalY = false; } void Plotter2::setAutoTicks(const int inVpid) { setAutoTicksX(inVpid); setAutoTicksY(inVpid); } void Plotter2::setAutoTicksX(const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->isAutoTickIntervalX = true; } void Plotter2::setAutoTicksY(const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->isAutoTickIntervalY = true; } void Plotter2::setNumIntervalX(const float interval, const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->nMajorTickWithinTickNumsX = (int)(interval / vi->majorTickIntervalX); } void Plotter2::setNumIntervalY(const float interval, const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->nMajorTickWithinTickNumsY = (int)(interval / vi->majorTickIntervalY); } void Plotter2::setNumLocationX(const std::string& side, const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->numLocationX = side; } void Plotter2::setNumLocationY(const std::string& side, const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->numLocationY = side; } void Plotter2::setData(const std::vector& xdata, const std::vector& ydata, const int inVpid, const int inDataid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; int dataid = inDataid; if (dataid < 0) { Plotter2DataInfo di; vi->vData.push_back(di); dataid = vi->vData.size() - 1; } else if (dataid >= (int)vi->vData.size()) { exit(0); } vi->setData(xdata, ydata, dataid); } void Plotter2::setLine(const int color, const int width, const int style, const int inVpid, const int inDataid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; int dataid = inDataid; if (dataid < 0) { dataid = vi->vData.size() - 1; } else if (dataid >= (int)vi->vData.size()) { exit(0); } Plotter2DataInfo* di = &vi->vData[dataid]; di->drawLine = true; di->lineColor = color; di->lineWidth = width; di->lineStyle = style; //vi->vData[dataid].lineStyle = style; } void Plotter2::showLine(const int inVpid, const int inDataid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { exit(0); } int dataid = inDataid; if (dataid >= (int)vInfo[vpid].vData.size()) { exit(0); } if (dataid < 0) { dataid = vInfo[vpid].vData.size() - 1; } if (dataid < 0) { exit(0); } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->vData[dataid].drawLine = true; } void Plotter2::hideLine(const int inVpid, const int inDataid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { exit(0); } int dataid = inDataid; if (dataid >= (int)vInfo[vpid].vData.size()) { exit(0); } if (dataid < 0) { dataid = vInfo[vpid].vData.size() - 1; } if (dataid < 0) { exit(0); } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->vData[dataid].drawLine = false; } void Plotter2::setPoint(const int type, const float size, const int color, const int inVpid, const int inDataid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } int dataid = inDataid; if (dataid >= (int)vInfo[vpid].vData.size()) { exit(0); } if (dataid < 0) { dataid = vInfo[vpid].vData.size() - 1; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->vData[dataid].drawMarker = true; vi->vData[dataid].markerType = type; vi->vData[dataid].markerSize = size; vi->vData[dataid].markerColor = color; } void Plotter2::showPoint(const int inVpid, const int inDataid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { exit(0); } int dataid = inDataid; if (dataid >= (int)vInfo[vpid].vData.size()) { exit(0); } if (dataid < 0) { dataid = vInfo[vpid].vData.size() - 1; } if (dataid < 0) { exit(0); } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->vData[dataid].drawMarker = true; } void Plotter2::hidePoint(const int inVpid, const int inDataid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { exit(0); } int dataid = inDataid; if (dataid >= (int)vInfo[vpid].vData.size()) { exit(0); } if (dataid < 0) { dataid = vInfo[vpid].vData.size() - 1; } if (dataid < 0) { exit(0); } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->vData[dataid].drawMarker = false; } void Plotter2::setMaskX(const float xmin, const float xmax, const int color, const int fill, const int width, const float hsep, const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; Plotter2RectInfo ri; ri.xmin = xmin; ri.xmax = xmax; //y-range of xmask should be calculated in plot(). //std::vector yrange = vi->getRangeY(); //float yexcess = 0.1*(yrange[1] - yrange[0]); //ri.ymin = yrange[0] - yexcess; //ri.ymax = yrange[1] + yexcess; ri.color = color; ri.fill = fill; ri.width = width; ri.hsep = hsep; vi->vRect.push_back(ri); } void Plotter2::setArrow(const float xtail, const float xhead, const float ytail, const float yhead, const int color, const int width, const int lineStyle, const float headSize, const int headFillStyle, const float headAngle, const float headVent, const int inVpid, const int inArrowid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; int arrowid = inArrowid; if (arrowid < 0) { Plotter2ArrowInfo ai; vi->vArro.push_back(ai); arrowid = vi->vArro.size() - 1; } else if (arrowid >= (int)vi->vArro.size()) { exit(0); } Plotter2ArrowInfo* ai = &vi->vArro[arrowid]; ai->xhead = xhead; ai->xtail = xtail; ai->yhead = yhead; ai->ytail = ytail; ai->color = color; ai->width = width; ai->lineStyle = lineStyle; ai->headSize = headSize; ai->headFillStyle = headFillStyle; ai->headAngle = headAngle; ai->headVent = headVent; } void Plotter2::setAnnotation(const std::string& label, const float posx, const float posy, const float angle, const float fjust, const float size, const std::string& style, const int color, const int bgcolor, const int inVpid, const int inAnnid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; int annotationid = inAnnid; if (annotationid < 0) { Plotter2AnnotationInfo ai; vi->vAnno.push_back(ai); annotationid = vi->vAnno.size() - 1; } else if (annotationid >= (int)vi->vAnno.size()) { exit(0); } Plotter2AnnotationInfo* ai = &vi->vAnno[annotationid]; std::string styleString; if (style == "") { styleString = ""; } else if (style == "roman") { styleString = "\\fr"; } else if (style == "italic") { styleString = "\\fi"; } else if (style == "script") { styleString = "\\fs"; } ai->text = styleString + label; ai->posx = posx; ai->posy = posy; ai->angle = angle; ai->fjust = fjust; ai->size = size; ai->color = color; ai->bgcolor = bgcolor; } void Plotter2::setLabelX(const std::string& label, const float inPosx, const float inPosy, const float size, const std::string& style, const int color, const int bgcolor, const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; std::string styleString; if (style == "") { styleString = ""; } else if (style == "roman") { styleString = "\\fr"; } else if (style == "italic") { styleString = "\\fi"; } else if (style == "script") { styleString = "\\fs"; } vi->labelXString = styleString + label; float posx = inPosx; if (posx < 0.0) { posx = 0.5*(vi->vpPosXMin + vi->vpPosXMax); } vi->labelXPosX = posx; float posy = inPosy; if (posy < 0.0) { posy = 0.35*vi->vpPosYMin; } vi->labelXPosY = posy; vi->labelXAngle = 0.0; vi->labelXFJust = 0.5; vi->labelXSize = size; vi->labelXColor = color; vi->labelXBColor = bgcolor; } void Plotter2::setLabelY(const std::string& label, const float inPosx, const float inPosy, const float size, const std::string& style, const int color, const int bgcolor, const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; std::string styleString; if (style == "") { styleString = ""; } else if (style == "roman") { styleString = "\\fr"; } else if (style == "italic") { styleString = "\\fi"; } else if (style == "script") { styleString = "\\fs"; } vi->labelYString = styleString + label; float posx = inPosx; if (posx < 0.0) { posx = 0.35*vi->vpPosXMin; } vi->labelYPosX = posx; float posy = inPosy; if (posy < 0.0) { posy = 0.5*(vi->vpPosYMin + vi->vpPosYMax); } vi->labelYPosY = posy; vi->labelYAngle = 90.0; vi->labelYFJust = 0.5; vi->labelYSize = size; vi->labelYColor = color; vi->labelYBColor = bgcolor; } void Plotter2::setTitle(const std::string& label, const float inPosx, const float inPosy, const float size, const std::string& style, const int color, const int bgcolor, const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi; vInfo.push_back(vi); vpid = 0; } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; std::string styleString; if (style == "") { styleString = ""; } else if (style == "roman") { styleString = "\\fr"; } else if (style == "italic") { styleString = "\\fi"; } else if (style == "script") { styleString = "\\fs"; } vi->titleString = styleString + label; float posx = inPosx; if (posx < 0.0) { posx = 0.5*(vi->vpPosXMin + vi->vpPosXMax); } vi->titlePosX = posx; float posy = inPosy; if (posy < 0.0) { posy = vi->vpPosYMax + 0.25*(1.0 - vi->vpPosYMax); } vi->titlePosY = posy; vi->titleAngle = 0.0; vi->titleFJust = 0.5; vi->titleSize = size; vi->titleColor = color; vi->titleBColor = bgcolor; } void Plotter2::setViewportBackgroundColor(const int bgcolor, const int inVpid) { int vpid = inVpid; if (vpid >= (int)vInfo.size()) { exit(0); } if (vpid < 0) { vpid = vInfo.size() - 1; } if (vpid < 0) { exit(0); } Plotter2ViewportInfo* vi = &vInfo[vpid]; vi->vpBColor = bgcolor; } void Plotter2::close() { if (hasDevice) { cpgclos(); hasDevice = false; } } void Plotter2::resetAttributes(const Plotter2ViewportInfo& vi) { cpgstbg(0); // reset background colour to the initial one (white) cpgsci(1); // reset foreground colour to the initial one (black) cpgsls(1); // reset line style to solid cpgslw(1); // reset line width to 1 cpgscf(1); // reset font style to normal cpgsch(vi.fontSizeDef);// reset font size cpgsfs(1); // reset fill style (solid) } void Plotter2::plot() { open(); if ((width > 0.0) && (aspect > 0.0)) { cpgpap(width, aspect); } cpgscr(0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // set background color white cpgscr(1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // set foreground color black for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vInfo.size(); ++i) { Plotter2ViewportInfo vi = vInfo[i]; if (vi.showViewport) { resetAttributes(vi); // setup viewport cpgsvp(vi.vpPosXMin, vi.vpPosXMax, vi.vpPosYMin, vi.vpPosYMax); cpgswin(vi.vpRangeXMin, vi.vpRangeXMax, vi.vpRangeYMin, vi.vpRangeYMax); // background color (default is transparent) if (vi.vpBColor >= 0) { cpgsci(vi.vpBColor); cpgrect(vi.vpRangeXMin, vi.vpRangeXMax, vi.vpRangeYMin, vi.vpRangeYMax); cpgsci(1); // reset foreground colour to the initial one (black) } // data for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vi.vData.size(); ++j) { resetAttributes(vi); Plotter2DataInfo di = vi.vData[j]; std::vector vxdata = di.xData; int ndata = vxdata.size(); float* pxdata = new float[ndata]; float* pydata = new float[ndata]; for (int k = 0; k < ndata; ++k) { pxdata[k] = di.xData[k]; pydata[k] = di.yData[k]; } if (di.drawLine) { cpgsls(di.lineStyle); cpgslw(di.lineWidth); int colorIdx = di.lineColor; if (colorIdx < 0) { colorIdx = (j + 1) % 15 + 1; } cpgsci(colorIdx); cpgline(ndata, pxdata, pydata); } if (di.drawMarker) { cpgsch(di.markerSize); cpgsci(di.markerColor); cpgpt(ndata, pxdata, pydata, di.markerType); } delete [] pxdata; delete [] pydata; } //calculate y-range of xmasks std::vector yrange = vi.getRangeY(); float yexcess = 0.1*(yrange[1] - yrange[0]); float xmaskymin = yrange[0] - yexcess; float xmaskymax = yrange[1] + yexcess; // masks for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vi.vRect.size(); ++j) { resetAttributes(vi); Plotter2RectInfo ri = vi.vRect[j]; cpgsci(ri.color); cpgsfs(ri.fill); cpgslw(ri.width); cpgshs(45.0, ri.hsep, 0.0); float* mxdata = new float[4]; float* mydata = new float[4]; mxdata[0] = ri.xmin; mxdata[1] = ri.xmax; mxdata[2] = ri.xmax; mxdata[3] = ri.xmin; mydata[0] = xmaskymin; mydata[1] = xmaskymin; mydata[2] = xmaskymax; mydata[3] = xmaskymax; cpgpoly(4, mxdata, mydata); } // arrows for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vi.vArro.size(); ++j) { resetAttributes(vi); Plotter2ArrowInfo ai = vi.vArro[j]; cpgsci(ai.color); cpgslw(ai.width); cpgsls(ai.lineStyle); cpgsch(ai.headSize); cpgsah(ai.headFillStyle, ai.headAngle, ai.headVent); cpgarro(ai.xtail, ai.ytail, ai.xhead, ai.yhead); } // annotations for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vi.vAnno.size(); ++j) { resetAttributes(vi); Plotter2AnnotationInfo ai = vi.vAnno[j]; cpgsch(ai.size); cpgsci(ai.color); cpgstbg(ai.bgcolor); cpgptxt(ai.posx, ai.posy, ai.angle, ai.fjust, ai.text.c_str()); } // viewport outline and ticks resetAttributes(vi); cpgbox("BCTS", vi.majorTickIntervalX, vi.nMinorTickWithinMajorTicksX, "BCTSV", vi.majorTickIntervalY, vi.nMinorTickWithinMajorTicksY); // viewport numberings std::string numformatx, numformaty; if (vi.numLocationX == "b") { numformatx = "N"; } else if (vi.numLocationX == "t") { numformatx = "M"; } else if (vi.numLocationX == "") { numformatx = ""; } if (vi.numLocationY == "l") { numformaty = "NV"; } else if (vi.numLocationY == "r") { numformaty = "MV"; } else if (vi.numLocationY == "") { numformaty = ""; } cpgbox(numformatx.c_str(), vi.majorTickIntervalX * vi.nMajorTickWithinTickNumsX, 0, numformaty.c_str(), vi.majorTickIntervalY * vi.nMajorTickWithinTickNumsY, 0); float xpos, ypos; // x-label vi.getWorldCoordByWindowCoord(vi.labelXPosX, vi.labelXPosY, &xpos, &ypos); cpgsch(vi.labelXSize); cpgsci(vi.labelXColor); cpgstbg(vi.labelXBColor); //outside viewports, works ONLY with /xwindow cpgptxt(xpos, ypos, vi.labelXAngle, vi.labelXFJust, vi.labelXString.c_str()); // y-label vi.getWorldCoordByWindowCoord(vi.labelYPosX, vi.labelYPosY, &xpos, &ypos); cpgsch(vi.labelYSize); cpgsci(vi.labelYColor); cpgstbg(vi.labelYBColor); //outside viewports, works ONLY with /xwindow cpgptxt(xpos, ypos, vi.labelYAngle, vi.labelYFJust, vi.labelYString.c_str()); // title vi.getWorldCoordByWindowCoord(vi.titlePosX, vi.titlePosY, &xpos, &ypos); cpgsch(vi.titleSize); cpgsci(vi.titleColor); cpgstbg(vi.titleBColor); //outside viewports, works ONLY with /xwindow cpgptxt(xpos, ypos, vi.titleAngle, vi.titleFJust, vi.titleString.c_str()); } } close(); } } // namespace asap