1 | //
2 | // C++ Interface: NROFiller
3 | //
4 | // Description:
5 | // This class is a concrete class that derives from FillerBase class.
6 | // The class implements the following methods to be able to read NRO
7 | // data (45m and ASTE).
8 | //
9 | // open()
10 | // close()
11 | // fill()
12 | //
13 | //
14 | // Author: Takeshi Nakazato <takeshi.nakazato@nao.ac.jp>, (C) 2010
15 | //
16 | // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
17 | //
18 | //
19 |
20 | #include "NROFiller.h"
21 | #include "STHeader.h"
22 | #include <casa/Containers/Record.h>
23 | #include <casa/Quanta/MVTime.h>
24 | #include <atnf/PKSIO/SrcType.h>
25 |
26 | using namespace casa;
27 |
28 | namespace asap
29 | {
30 | NROFiller::NROFiller(CountedPtr<Scantable> stable)
31 | : FillerBase(stable)
32 | {
33 | }
34 |
35 | NROFiller::~NROFiller()
36 | {
37 | close() ;
38 | }
39 |
40 | bool NROFiller::open(const std::string& filename, const Record& rec)
41 | {
42 | bool status = true ;
43 |
44 | // get appropriate reader object
45 | String format ;
46 | reader_ = getNROReader( filename, format ) ;
47 | if ( reader_.null() == True ) {
48 | status = false ;
49 | return status ;
50 | }
51 |
52 | // get header information
53 | STHeader hdr ;
54 | if ( reader_->getHeaderInfo( hdr.nchan,
55 | hdr.npol,
56 | hdr.nif,
57 | hdr.nbeam,
58 | hdr.observer,
59 | hdr.project,
60 | hdr.obstype,
61 | hdr.antennaname,
62 | hdr.antennaposition,
63 | hdr.equinox,
64 | hdr.freqref,
65 | hdr.reffreq,
66 | hdr.bandwidth,
67 | hdr.utc,
68 | hdr.fluxunit,
69 | hdr.epoch,
70 | hdr.poltype ) ) {
71 | status = false ;
72 | return status ;
73 | }
74 |
75 | // 2010/07/30 TBD: Do we need to set frame here?
76 | table_->frequencies().setFrame( hdr.freqref, true ) ;
77 | table_->frequencies().setFrame( hdr.freqref, false ) ;
78 |
79 | // set Header
80 | setHeader( hdr ) ;
81 |
82 | return status ;
83 | }
84 |
85 | void NROFiller::fill()
86 | {
87 | // for each row
88 | uInt nRow = reader_->getRowNum() ;
89 | vector< vector<double > > freqs ;
90 | uInt scanno ;
91 | uInt cycleno ;
92 | uInt beamno ;
93 | uInt polno ;
94 | vector<double> fqs ;
95 | Vector<Double> restfreq ;
96 | uInt refbeamno ;
97 | Double scantime ;
98 | Double interval ;
99 | String srcname ;
100 | String fieldname ;
101 | Array<Float> spectra ;
102 | Array<uChar> flagtra ;
103 | Array<Float> tsys ;
104 | Array<Double> direction ;
105 | Float azimuth ;
106 | Float elevation ;
107 | Float parangle ;
108 | Float opacity ;
109 | uInt tcalid ;
110 | Int fitid ;
111 | uInt focusid ;
112 | Float temperature ;
113 | Float pressure ;
114 | Float humidity ;
115 | Float windvel ;
116 | Float winddir ;
117 | Double srcvel ;
118 | Array<Double> propermotion ;
119 | Vector<Double> srcdir ;
120 | Array<Double> scanrate ;
121 | Int rowCount = 0 ;
122 |
123 | STHeader header = table_->getHeader() ;
124 | String obsType = header.obstype.substr( 0, 3 ) ;
125 | Vector<Float> defaultTcal( 1, 1.0 ) ;
126 | String tcalTime = MVTime( header.utc ).string( MVTime::YMD ) ;
127 | for ( Int irow = 0 ; irow < (Int)nRow ; irow++ ) {
128 | // check scan intent
129 | string scanType = reader_->getScanType( irow ) ;
130 | SrcType::type srcType = SrcType::NOTYPE ;
131 |
132 | // skip "ZERO" scan
133 | if ( scanType.compare( 0, 4, "ZERO" ) == 0 ) {
134 | continue ;
135 | }
136 |
137 | // set srcType
138 | if ( obsType == "POS" || obsType == "BEA" ) {
139 | if ( scanType.compare( 0, 2, "ON" ) == 0 )
140 | srcType = SrcType::PSON ;
141 | else if ( scanType.compare( 0, 3, "OFF" ) == 0 )
142 | srcType = SrcType::PSOFF ;
143 | }
144 | else if ( obsType == "FRE" ) {
145 | if ( scanType.compare( 0, 2, "ON" ) == 0 )
146 | srcType = SrcType::FSON ;
147 | else if ( scanType.compare( 0, 3, "OFF" ) == 0 )
148 | srcType = SrcType::FSOFF ;
149 | }
150 |
151 | // get scan ifnromation
152 | if ( reader_->getScanInfo( irow,
153 | scanno,
154 | cycleno,
155 | beamno,
156 | polno,
157 | fqs,
158 | restfreq,
159 | refbeamno,
160 | scantime,
161 | interval,
162 | srcname,
163 | fieldname,
164 | spectra,
165 | flagtra,
166 | tsys,
167 | direction,
168 | azimuth,
169 | elevation,
170 | parangle,
171 | opacity,
172 | tcalid,
173 | fitid,
174 | focusid,
175 | temperature,
176 | pressure,
177 | humidity,
178 | windvel,
179 | winddir,
180 | srcvel,
181 | propermotion,
182 | srcdir,
183 | scanrate ) ) {
184 | throw AipsError( "Failed to read scan record" ) ;
185 | return ;
186 | }
187 |
188 | // set IDs and subtable rows
189 | // FREQUENCIES subtable row
190 | setFrequency( (Double)fqs[0], (Double)fqs[1], (Double)fqs[2] ) ;
191 |
192 | // MOLECULES subtable row
193 | setMolecule( restfreq ) ;
194 |
195 | // FOCUS subtable row
196 | setFocus( parangle ) ;
197 |
198 | // WEATHER subtable row
199 | setWeather( temperature, pressure, humidity, windvel, winddir ) ;
200 |
201 | // TCAL subtable row
202 | // use default since NRO input is calibrated data
203 | setTcal( tcalTime, defaultTcal ) ;
204 |
205 |
206 | // set row attributes
208 | Vector<Float> spectrum( spectra );
209 | Vector<uChar> flags( flagtra ) ;
210 | Vector<Float> Tsys( tsys ) ;
211 | setSpectrum( spectrum, flags, Tsys ) ;
212 |
214 | uInt ifno = table_->frequencies().addEntry( (Double)fqs[0], (Double)fqs[1], (Double)fqs[2] ) ;
215 | setIndex( scanno, cycleno, ifno, polno, beamno ) ;
216 |
217 | // REFBEAMNO
218 | setReferenceBeam( (Int)refbeamno ) ;
219 |
220 | // DIRECTION
221 | Vector<Double> dir( direction ) ;
222 | setDirection(dir, azimuth, elevation ) ;
223 |
224 | // TIME and INTERVAL
225 | setTime( scantime, interval ) ;
226 |
228 | Vector<Double> propermot( propermotion ) ;
229 | setSource( srcname, srcType, fieldname, srcdir, propermot, srcvel ) ;
230 |
231 | // SCANRATE
232 | Vector<Double> srate( scanrate ) ;
233 | setScanRate( srate ) ;
234 |
235 | // OPACITY
236 | setOpacity( opacity ) ;
237 |
238 | // finally, commit row
239 | commitRow() ;
240 |
241 | // count up number of row committed
242 | rowCount++ ;
243 | }
244 | }
245 |
246 | void NROFiller::close()
247 | {
248 | if (reader_.null() != False) {
249 | reader_ = 0;
250 | }
251 | table_ = 0;
252 | }
253 |
254 | };
255 |