// // C++ Interface: MSFiller // // Description: // // This class is specific filler for MS format // // Takeshi Nakazato , (C) 2010 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MSFiller.h" #include "STHeader.h" #include #include using namespace casa ; using namespace std ; namespace asap { double MSFiller::gettimeofday_sec() { struct timeval tv ; gettimeofday( &tv, NULL ) ; return tv.tv_sec + (double)tv.tv_usec*1.0e-6 ; } MSFiller::MSFiller( casa::CountedPtr stable ) : table_( stable ), tablename_( "" ), antenna_( -1 ), antennaStr_(""), getPt_( True ), isFloatData_( False ), isData_( False ), isDoppler_( False ), isFlagCmd_( False ), isFreqOffset_( False ), isHistory_( False ), isProcessor_( False ), isSysCal_( False ), isWeather_( False ), colTsys_( "TSYS_SPECTRUM" ), colTcal_( "TCAL_SPECTRUM" ) { os_ = LogIO() ; os_.origin( LogOrigin( "MSFiller", "MSFiller()", WHERE ) ) ; } MSFiller::~MSFiller() { os_.origin( LogOrigin( "MSFiller", "~MSFiller()", WHERE ) ) ; } bool MSFiller::open( const std::string &filename, const casa::Record &rec ) { os_.origin( LogOrigin( "MSFiller", "open()", WHERE ) ) ; //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::open() startsec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; //os_ << " filename = " << filename << endl ; // parsing MS options if ( rec.isDefined( "ms" ) ) { Record msrec = rec.asRecord( "ms" ) ; if ( msrec.isDefined( "getpt" ) ) { getPt_ = msrec.asBool( "getpt" ) ; } if ( msrec.isDefined( "antenna" ) ) { if ( msrec.type( msrec.fieldNumber( "antenna" ) ) == TpInt ) { antenna_ = msrec.asInt( "antenna" ) ; } else { //antenna_ = atoi( msrec.asString( "antenna" ).c_str() ) ; antennaStr_ = msrec.asString( "antenna" ) ; } } else { antenna_ = 0 ; } } MeasurementSet *tmpMS = new MeasurementSet( filename, Table::Old ) ; //mstable_ = (*tmpMS)( tmpMS->col("ANTENNA1") == antenna_ // && tmpMS->col("ANTENNA1") == tmpMS->col("ANTENNA2") ) ; tablename_ = tmpMS->tableName() ; if ( antenna_ == -1 && antennaStr_.size() > 0 ) { MSAntennaIndex msAntIdx( tmpMS->antenna() ) ; Vector id = msAntIdx.matchAntennaName( antennaStr_ ) ; if ( id.size() > 0 ) antenna_ = id[0] ; } os_ << "Parsing MS options" << endl ; os_ << " getPt = " << getPt_ << endl ; os_ << " antenna = " << antenna_ << endl ; os_ << " antennaStr = " << antennaStr_ << LogIO::POST ; mstable_ = MeasurementSet( (*tmpMS)( tmpMS->col("ANTENNA1") == antenna_ && tmpMS->col("ANTENNA1") == tmpMS->col("ANTENNA2") ) ) ; // stringstream ss ; // ss << "SELECT FROM $1 WHERE ANTENNA1 == ANTENNA2 && ANTENNA1 == " << antenna_ ; // String taql( ss.str() ) ; // mstable_ = MeasurementSet( tableCommand( taql, *tmpMS ) ) ; delete tmpMS ; // check which data column exists isFloatData_ = mstable_.tableDesc().isColumn( "FLOAT_DATA" ) ; isData_ = mstable_.tableDesc().isColumn( "DATA" ) ; //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::open() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; return true ; } void MSFiller::fill() { os_.origin( LogOrigin( "MSFiller", "fill()", WHERE ) ) ; //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::fill() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; //double time0 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start init fill: " << time0 << LogIO::POST ; // Initialize header STHeader sdh ; initHeader( sdh ) ; // check if optional table exists //const TableRecord msrec = tablesel_.keywordSet() ; const TableRecord msrec = mstable_.keywordSet() ; isDoppler_ = msrec.isDefined( "DOPPLER" ) ; if ( isDoppler_ ) if ( mstable_.doppler().nrow() == 0 ) isDoppler_ = False ; isFlagCmd_ = msrec.isDefined( "FLAG_CMD" ) ; if ( isFlagCmd_ ) if ( mstable_.flagCmd().nrow() == 0 ) isFlagCmd_ = False ; isFreqOffset_ = msrec.isDefined( "FREQ_OFFSET" ) ; if ( isFreqOffset_ ) if ( mstable_.freqOffset().nrow() == 0 ) isFreqOffset_ = False ; isHistory_ = msrec.isDefined( "HISTORY" ) ; if ( isHistory_ ) if ( mstable_.history().nrow() == 0 ) isHistory_ = False ; isProcessor_ = msrec.isDefined( "PROCESSOR" ) ; if ( isProcessor_ ) if ( mstable_.processor().nrow() == 0 ) isProcessor_ = False ; isSysCal_ = msrec.isDefined( "SYSCAL" ) ; if ( isSysCal_ ) if ( mstable_.sysCal().nrow() == 0 ) isSysCal_ = False ; isWeather_ = msrec.isDefined( "WEATHER" ) ; if ( isWeather_ ) if ( mstable_.weather().nrow() == 0 ) isWeather_ = False ; // Access to MS subtables MSField fieldtab = mstable_.field() ; MSPolarization poltab = mstable_.polarization() ; MSDataDescription ddtab = mstable_.dataDescription() ; MSObservation obstab = mstable_.observation() ; MSSource srctab = mstable_.source() ; MSSpectralWindow spwtab = mstable_.spectralWindow() ; MSSysCal caltab = mstable_.sysCal() ; if ( caltab.nrow() == 0 ) isSysCal_ = False ; else { if ( !caltab.tableDesc().isColumn( colTcal_ ) ) { colTcal_ = "TCAL" ; if ( !caltab.tableDesc().isColumn( colTcal_ ) ) colTcal_ = "NONE" ; } if ( !caltab.tableDesc().isColumn( colTsys_ ) ) { colTsys_ = "TSYS" ; if ( !caltab.tableDesc().isColumn( colTcal_ ) ) colTsys_ = "NONE" ; } } // colTcal_ = "TCAL" ; // colTsys_ = "TSYS" ; MSPointing pointtab = mstable_.pointing() ; if ( mstable_.weather().nrow() == 0 ) isWeather_ = False ; MSState stattab = mstable_.state() ; MSAntenna anttab = mstable_.antenna() ; // TEST // memory allocation by boost::object_pool boost::object_pool *tpoolr = new boost::object_pool ; // // SUBTABLES: FREQUENCIES //string freqFrame = getFrame() ; string freqFrame = "LSRK" ; table_->frequencies().setFrame( freqFrame ) ; table_->frequencies().setFrame( freqFrame, True ) ; // SUBTABLES: WEATHER fillWeather() ; // SUBTABLES: FOCUS fillFocus() ; // SUBTABLES: TCAL fillTcal( tpoolr ) ; // SUBTABLES: FIT //fillFit() ; // SUBTABLES: HISTORY //fillHistory() ; // MAIN // Iterate over several ids map ifmap ; // (IFNO, FREQ_ID) pair ROArrayQuantColumn *sharedQDArrCol = new ROArrayQuantColumn( anttab, "POSITION" ) ; Vector< Quantum > antpos = (*sharedQDArrCol)( antenna_ ) ; delete sharedQDArrCol ; MPosition mp( MVPosition( antpos ), MPosition::ITRF ) ; if ( getPt_ ) { pointtab = MSPointing( pointtab( pointtab.col("ANTENNA_ID")==antenna_ ).sort("TIME") ) ; } ROScalarColumn ptcol( pointtab, "TIME" ) ; ROArrayColumn pdcol( pointtab, "DIRECTION" ) ; String stationName = asString( "STATION", antenna_, anttab, tpoolr ) ; String antennaName = asString( "NAME", antenna_, anttab, tpoolr ) ; sdh.antennaposition.resize( 3 ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) sdh.antennaposition[i] = antpos[i].getValue( "m" ) ; String telescopeName = "" ; //double time1 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end init fill: " << time1 << " (" << time1-time0 << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; // row based Table &stab = table_->table() ; TableRow row( stab ) ; TableRecord &trec = row.record() ; RecordFieldPtr< Array > spRF( trec, "SPECTRA" ) ; RecordFieldPtr< Array > ucarrRF( trec, "FLAGTRA" ) ; RecordFieldPtr timeRF( trec, "TIME" ) ; RecordFieldPtr< Array > tsysRF( trec, "TSYS" ) ; RecordFieldPtr intervalRF( trec, "INTERVAL" ) ; RecordFieldPtr< Array > dirRF( trec, "DIRECTION" ) ; RecordFieldPtr azRF( trec, "AZIMUTH" ) ; RecordFieldPtr elRF( trec, "ELEVATION" ) ; RecordFieldPtr< Array > scrRF( trec, "SCANRATE" ) ; RecordFieldPtr cycleRF( trec, "CYCLENO" ) ; RecordFieldPtr flrRF( trec, "FLAGROW" ) ; RecordFieldPtr tcalidRF( trec, "TCAL_ID" ) ; RecordFieldPtr widRF( trec, "WEATHER_ID" ) ; RecordFieldPtr polnoRF( trec, "POLNO" ) ; RecordFieldPtr refbRF( trec, "REFBEAMNO" ) ; RecordFieldPtr fitidRF( trec, "FIT_ID" ) ; RecordFieldPtr tauRF( trec, "OPACITY" ) ; RecordFieldPtr beamRF( trec, "BEAMNO" ) ; RecordFieldPtr focusidRF( trec, "FOCUS_ID" ) ; RecordFieldPtr ifnoRF( trec, "IFNO" ) ; RecordFieldPtr molidRF( trec, "MOLECULE_ID" ) ; RecordFieldPtr freqidRF( trec, "FREQ_ID" ) ; RecordFieldPtr scanRF( trec, "SCANNO" ) ; RecordFieldPtr srctypeRF( trec, "SRCTYPE" ) ; RecordFieldPtr srcnameRF( trec, "SRCNAME" ) ; RecordFieldPtr fieldnameRF( trec, "FIELDNAME" ) ; RecordFieldPtr< Array > srcpmRF( trec, "SRCPROPERMOTION" ) ; RecordFieldPtr< Array > srcdirRF( trec, "SRCDIRECTION" ) ; RecordFieldPtr sysvelRF( trec, "SRCVELOCITY" ) ; // REFBEAMNO *refbRF = -1 ; // FIT_ID *fitidRF = -1 ; // OPACITY *tauRF = 0.0 ; // // ITERATION: OBSERVATION_ID // TableIterator iter0( mstable_, "OBSERVATION_ID" ) ; while( !iter0.pastEnd() ) { //time0 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start 0th iteration: " << time0 << LogIO::POST ; Table t0 = iter0.table() ; Int obsId = asInt( "OBSERVATION_ID", 0, t0, tpoolr ) ; if ( sdh.observer == "" ) { sdh.observer = asString( "OBSERVER", obsId, obstab, tpoolr ) ; } if ( sdh.project == "" ) { sdh.project = asString( "PROJECT", obsId, obstab, tpoolr ) ; } ROArrayMeasColumn *tmpMeasCol = new ROArrayMeasColumn( obstab, "TIME_RANGE" ) ; MEpoch me = (*tmpMeasCol)( obsId )( IPosition(1,0) ) ; delete tmpMeasCol ; if ( sdh.utc == 0.0 ) { sdh.utc = me.get( "d" ).getValue() ; } if ( telescopeName == "" ) { telescopeName = asString( "TELESCOPE_NAME", obsId, obstab, tpoolr ) ; } Int nbeam = 0 ; //time1 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end 0th iteration init: " << time1 << " (" << time1-time0 << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; // // ITERATION: FEED1 // TableIterator iter1( t0, "FEED1" ) ; while( !iter1.pastEnd() ) { //time0 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start 1st iteration: " << time0 << LogIO::POST ; Table t1 = iter1.table() ; // assume FEED1 == FEED2 Int feedId = asInt( "FEED1", 0, t1, tpoolr ) ; nbeam++ ; // BEAMNO *beamRF = feedId ; // FOCUS_ID *focusidRF = 0 ; //time1 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end 1st iteration init: " << time1 << " (" << time1-time0 << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; // // ITERATION: FIELD_ID // TableIterator iter2( t1, "FIELD_ID" ) ; while( !iter2.pastEnd() ) { //time0 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start 2nd iteration: " << time0 << LogIO::POST ; Table t2 = iter2.table() ; Int fieldId = asInt( "FIELD_ID", 0, t2, tpoolr ) ; Int srcId = asInt( "SOURCE_ID", fieldId, fieldtab, tpoolr ) ; String fieldName = asString( "NAME", fieldId, fieldtab, tpoolr ) ; fieldName += "__" + String::toString(fieldId) ; ROArrayMeasColumn *delayDirCol = new ROArrayMeasColumn( fieldtab, "DELAY_DIR" ) ; Vector delayDir = (*delayDirCol)( fieldId ) ; delete delayDirCol ; // FIELDNAME *fieldnameRF = fieldName ; //time1 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end 2nd iteration init: " << time1 << " (" << time1-time0 << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; // // ITERATION: DATA_DESC_ID // TableIterator iter3( t2, "DATA_DESC_ID" ) ; while( !iter3.pastEnd() ) { //time0 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start 3rd iteration: " << time0 << LogIO::POST ; Table t3 = iter3.table() ; Int ddId = asInt( "DATA_DESC_ID", 0, t3, tpoolr ) ; Int polId = asInt( "POLARIZATION_ID", ddId, ddtab, tpoolr ) ; Int spwId = asInt( "SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID", ddId, ddtab, tpoolr ) ; // IFNO *ifnoRF = (uInt)spwId ; // polarization information Int npol = asInt( "NUM_CORR", polId, poltab, tpoolr ) ; ROArrayColumn *roArrICol = new ROArrayColumn( poltab, "CORR_TYPE" ) ; Vector corrtype = (*roArrICol)( polId ) ; delete roArrICol ; String srcName( "" ) ; Vector srcPM( 2, 0.0 ) ; Vector srcDir( 2, 0.0 ) ; MDirection md ; Vector restFreqs ; Vector transitionName ; Vector sysVels ; // os_ << "npol = " << npol << LogIO::POST ; // os_ << "corrtype = " << corrtype << LogIO::POST ; // source and molecular transition sourceInfo( srcId, spwId, srcName, md, srcPM, restFreqs, transitionName, sysVels, tpoolr ) ; // os_ << "srcId = " << srcId << ", spwId = " << spwId << LogIO::POST ; // SRCNAME *srcnameRF = srcName ; // os_ << "srcName = " << srcName << LogIO::POST ; // SRCPROPERMOTION *srcpmRF = srcPM ; //os_ << "srcPM = " << srcPM << LogIO::POST ; // SRCDIRECTION *srcdirRF = md.getAngle().getValue( "rad" ) ; //os_ << "srcDir = " << srcDir << LogIO::POST ; // SRCVELOCITY Double sysVel = 0.0 ; if ( !sysVels.empty() ) sysVel = sysVels[0] ; *sysvelRF = sysVel ; // os_ << "sysVel = " << sysVel << LogIO::POST ; uInt molId = table_->molecules().addEntry( restFreqs, transitionName, transitionName ) ; // MOLECULE_ID *molidRF = molId ; // spectral setup uInt freqId ; Int nchan = asInt( "NUM_CHAN", spwId, spwtab, tpoolr ) ; Bool iswvr = False ; if ( nchan == 4 ) iswvr = True ; sdh.nchan = max( sdh.nchan, nchan ) ; map::iterator iter = ifmap.find( spwId ) ; if ( iter == ifmap.end() ) { ROScalarMeasColumn *tmpMeasCol = new ROScalarMeasColumn( t3, "TIME" ) ; me = (*tmpMeasCol)( 0 ) ; delete tmpMeasCol ; Double refpix ; Double refval ; Double increment ; spectralSetup( spwId, me, mp, md, refpix, refval, increment, nchan, sdh.freqref, sdh.reffreq, sdh.bandwidth, tpoolr ) ; freqId = table_->frequencies().addEntry( refpix, refval, increment ) ; ifmap.insert( pair(spwId,freqId) ) ; //os_ << "added to ifmap: (" << spwId << "," << freqId << ")" << LogIO::POST ; } else { freqId = iter->second ; } // FREQ_ID *freqidRF = freqId ; // for TSYS and TCAL Vector scTime ; Vector scInterval ; ROArrayColumn scTsysCol ; MSSysCal caltabsel ; if ( isSysCal_ ) { caltabsel = caltab( caltab.col("ANTENNA_ID") == antenna_ && caltab.col("FEED_ID") == feedId && caltab.col("SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID") == spwId ).sort("TIME") ; ROScalarMeasColumn scTimeCol( caltabsel, "TIME" ) ; scTime.resize( caltabsel.nrow() ) ; for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < caltabsel.nrow() ; irow++ ) scTime[irow] = scTimeCol( irow ) ; ROScalarColumn *scIntervalCol = new ROScalarColumn( caltabsel, "INTERVAL" ) ; scInterval = scIntervalCol->getColumn() ; delete scIntervalCol ; if ( colTsys_ != "NONE" ) scTsysCol.attach( caltabsel, colTsys_ ) ; } sdh.npol = max( sdh.npol, npol ) ; if ( !iswvr && sdh.poltype == "" ) sdh.poltype = getPolType( corrtype[0] ) ; //time1 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end 3rd iteration init: " << time1 << " (" << time1-time0 << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; // // ITERATION: SCAN_NUMBER // TableIterator iter4( t3, "SCAN_NUMBER" ) ; while( !iter4.pastEnd() ) { //time0 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start 4th iteration: " << time0 << LogIO::POST ; Table t4 = iter4.table() ; Int scanNum = asInt( "SCAN_NUMBER", 0, t4, tpoolr ) ; // SCANNO *scanRF = scanNum - 1 ; //time1 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end 4th iteration init: " << time1 << " (" << time1-time0 << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; // // ITERATION: STATE_ID // TableIterator iter5( t4, "STATE_ID" ) ; while( !iter5.pastEnd() ) { //time0 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start 5th iteration: " << time0 << LogIO::POST ; Table t5 = iter5.table() ; Int stateId = asInt( "STATE_ID", 0, t5, tpoolr ) ; String obstype = asString( "OBS_MODE", 0, stattab, tpoolr ) ; if ( sdh.obstype == "" ) sdh.obstype = obstype ; Int nrow = t5.nrow() ; //time1 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end 5th iteration init: " << time1 << " (" << time1-time0 << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; uInt cycle = 0 ; Cube spArr ; Cube flArr ; reshapeSpectraAndFlagtra( spArr, flArr, t5, npol, nchan, nrow, corrtype ) ; if ( sdh.fluxunit == "" ) { String colName = "FLOAT_DATA" ; if ( isData_ ) colName = "DATA" ; ROTableColumn dataCol( t5, colName ) ; const TableRecord &dataColKeys = dataCol.keywordSet() ; if ( dataColKeys.isDefined( "UNIT" ) ) sdh.fluxunit = dataColKeys.asString( "UNIT" ) ; else if ( dataColKeys.isDefined( "QuantumUnits" ) ) sdh.fluxunit = dataColKeys.asString( "QuantumUnits" ) ; } ROScalarMeasColumn *mTimeCol = new ROScalarMeasColumn( t5, "TIME" ) ; Block mTimeB( nrow ) ; for ( Int irow = 0 ; irow < nrow ; irow++ ) mTimeB[irow] = (*mTimeCol)( irow ) ; // ROTableColumn *mIntervalCol = tpoolr->construct( t5, "INTERVAL" ) ; // ROTableColumn *mFlagRowCol = tpoolr->construct( t5, "FLAG_ROW" ) ; Block sysCalIdx( nrow, -1 ) ; if ( isSysCal_ ) { getSysCalTime( scTime, scInterval, mTimeB, sysCalIdx ) ; } delete mTimeCol ; Matrix defaulttsys( npol, 1, 1.0 ) ; Int srcType = getSrcType( stateId, tpoolr ) ; uInt diridx = 0 ; uInt wid = 0 ; Int pidx = 0 ; Bool crossOK = False ; Block polnos( npol, 99 ) ; for ( Int ipol = 0 ; ipol < npol ; ipol++ ) { Block p = getPolNo( corrtype[ipol] ) ; if ( p.size() > 1 ) { if ( crossOK ) continue ; else { polnos[pidx] = p[0] ; pidx++ ; polnos[pidx] = p[1] ; pidx++ ; crossOK = True ; } } else { polnos[pidx] = p[0] ; pidx++ ; } } // SRCTYPE *srctypeRF = srcType ; for ( Int irow = 0 ; irow < nrow ; irow++ ) { // CYCLENO *cycleRF = cycle ; // FLAGROW // *flrRF = (uInt)mFlagRowCol->asBool( irow ) ; *flrRF = (uInt)asBool( "FLAG_ROW", irow, t5, tpoolr ) ; // SPECTRA, FLAG Matrix sp = spArr.xyPlane( irow ) ; Matrix flb = flArr.xyPlane( irow ) ; Matrix fl( flb.shape() ) ; convertArray( fl, flb ) ; // TIME *timeRF = mTimeB[irow].get("d").getValue() ; // INTERVAL // *intervalRF = (Double)(mIntervalCol->asdouble( irow )) ; *intervalRF = asDouble( "INTERVAL", irow, t5, tpoolr ) ; // TSYS Matrix tsys ; if ( sysCalIdx[irow] != -1 && colTsys_ != "NONE" ) tsys = scTsysCol( sysCalIdx[irow] ) ; else tsys = defaulttsys ; // TCAL_ID Block tcalids( npol, 0 ) ; if ( sysCalIdx[irow] != -1 && colTcal_ != "NONE" ) { tcalids = getTcalId( feedId, spwId, scTime[sysCalIdx[irow]] ) ; } // WEATHER_ID if ( isWeather_ ) { wid = getWeatherId( wid, mTimeB[irow].get("s").getValue() ) ; *widRF = mwIndex_[wid] ; } else { *widRF = wid ; } // DIRECTION, AZEL, SCANRATE Vector dir ; Vector azel ; Vector scanrate ; String refString ; if ( getPt_ ) //diridx = getDirection( diridx, dir, azel, scanrate, pointtab, mTimeB[irow], mp ) ; diridx = getDirection( diridx, dir, azel, scanrate, ptcol, pdcol, mTimeB[irow], mp ) ; else getSourceDirection( dir, azel, scanrate, mTimeB[irow], mp, delayDir ) ; *dirRF = dir ; *azRF = azel[0] ; *elRF = azel[1] ; *scrRF = scanrate ; // Polarization dependent things for ( Int ipol = 0 ; ipol < npol ; ipol++ ) { // POLNO *polnoRF = polnos[ipol] ; spRF.define( sp.row( ipol ) ) ; ucarrRF.define( fl.row( ipol ) ) ; tsysRF.define( tsys.row( ipol ) ) ; *tcalidRF = tcalids[ipol] ; // Commit row stab.addRow() ; row.put( stab.nrow()-1 ) ; } cycle++ ; } //time1 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end 5th iteration: " << time1 << " (" << time1-time0 << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; iter5.next() ; } iter4.next() ; } iter3.next() ; } iter2.next() ; } iter1.next() ; } if ( sdh.nbeam < nbeam ) sdh.nbeam = nbeam ; iter0.next() ; } delete tpoolr ; // Table Keywords sdh.nif = ifmap.size() ; if ( ( telescopeName == "" ) || ( antennaName == telescopeName ) ) { sdh.antennaname = antennaName ; } else { sdh.antennaname = telescopeName + "//" + antennaName ; } if ( stationName != "" && stationName != antennaName ) { sdh.antennaname += "@" + stationName ; } ROArrayColumn pdirCol( pointtab, "DIRECTION" ) ; String dirref = pdirCol.keywordSet().asRecord("MEASINFO").asString("Ref") ; if ( dirref == "AZELGEO" || dirref == "AZEL" ) { dirref = "J2000" ; } sscanf( dirref.chars()+1, "%f", &sdh.equinox ) ; sdh.epoch = "UTC" ; if (sdh.freqref == "TOPO") { sdh.freqref = "TOPOCENT"; } else if (sdh.freqref == "GEO") { sdh.freqref = "GEOCENTR"; } else if (sdh.freqref == "BARY") { sdh.freqref = "BARYCENT"; } else if (sdh.freqref == "GALACTO") { sdh.freqref = "GALACTOC"; } else if (sdh.freqref == "LGROUP") { sdh.freqref = "LOCALGRP"; } else if (sdh.freqref == "CMB") { sdh.freqref = "CMBDIPOL"; } else if (sdh.freqref == "REST") { sdh.freqref = "SOURCE"; } if ( sdh.fluxunit == "" || sdh.fluxunit == "CNTS" ) sdh.fluxunit = "K" ; table_->setHeader( sdh ) ; // save path to POINTING table // 2011/07/06 TN // Path to POINTING table in original MS will not be written // if getPt_ is True Path datapath( tablename_ ) ; if ( !getPt_ ) { String pTabName = datapath.absoluteName() + "/POINTING" ; stab.rwKeywordSet().define( "POINTING", pTabName ) ; } // for GBT if ( antennaName.contains( "GBT" ) ) { String goTabName = datapath.absoluteName() + "/GBT_GO" ; stab.rwKeywordSet().define( "GBT_GO", goTabName ) ; } // for MS created from ASDM //mstable_.keywordSet().print(cout) ; const TableRecord &msKeys = mstable_.keywordSet() ; uInt nfields = msKeys.nfields() ; for ( uInt ifield = 0 ; ifield < nfields ; ifield++ ) { String name = msKeys.name( ifield ) ; //os_ << "name = " << name << LogIO::POST ; if ( name.find( "ASDM" ) != String::npos ) { String asdmpath = msKeys.asTable( ifield ).tableName() ; os_ << "ASDM table: " << asdmpath << LogIO::POST ; stab.rwKeywordSet().define( name, asdmpath ) ; } } //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::fill() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; } void MSFiller::close() { //tablesel_.closeSubTables() ; mstable_.closeSubTables() ; //tablesel_.unlock() ; mstable_.unlock() ; } Int MSFiller::getSrcType( Int stateId, boost::object_pool *tpool ) { //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::getSrcType() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; MSState statetab = mstable_.state() ; String obsMode = asString( "OBS_MODE", stateId, statetab, tpool ) ; Bool sig = asBool( "SIG", stateId, statetab, tpool ) ; Bool ref = asBool( "REF", stateId, statetab, tpool ) ; Double cal = asDouble( "CAL", stateId, statetab, tpool ) ; //os_ << "OBS_MODE = " << obsMode << LogIO::POST ; // determine separator String sep = "" ; String tmpStr = obsMode.substr( 0, obsMode.find_first_of( "," ) ) ; //os_ << "tmpStr = " << tmpStr << LogIO::POST ; //if ( obsMode.find( ":" ) != String::npos ) { if ( tmpStr.find( ":" ) != String::npos ) { sep = ":" ; } //else if ( obsMode.find( "." ) != String::npos ) { else if ( tmpStr.find( "." ) != String::npos ) { sep = "." ; } else if ( tmpStr.find( "#" ) != String::npos ) { sep = "#" ; } //else if ( obsMode.find( "_" ) != String::npos ) { else if ( tmpStr.find( "_" ) != String::npos ) { sep = "_" ; } //os_ << "separator = " << sep << LogIO::POST ; // determine SRCTYPE Int srcType = SrcType::NOTYPE ; if ( sep == ":" ) { // sep == ":" // // GBT case // // obsMode1=Nod // NOD // obsMode1=OffOn // obsMode2=PSWITCHON: PSON // obsMode2=PSWITCHOFF: PSOFF // obsMode1=?? // obsMode2=FSWITCH: // SIG=1: FSON // REF=1: FSOFF // Calibration scan if CAL != 0 Int epos = obsMode.find_first_of( sep ) ; Int nextpos = obsMode.find_first_of( sep, epos+1 ) ; String obsMode1 = obsMode.substr( 0, epos ) ; String obsMode2 = obsMode.substr( epos+1, nextpos-epos-1 ) ; if ( obsMode1 == "Nod" ) { srcType = SrcType::NOD ; } else if ( obsMode1 == "OffOn" ) { if ( obsMode2 == "PSWITCHON" ) srcType = SrcType::PSON ; if ( obsMode2 == "PSWITCHOFF" ) srcType = SrcType::PSOFF ; } else { if ( obsMode2 == "FSWITCH" ) { if ( sig ) srcType = SrcType::FSON ; if ( ref ) srcType = SrcType::FSOFF ; } } if ( cal > 0.0 ) { if ( srcType == SrcType::NOD ) srcType = SrcType::NODCAL ; else if ( srcType == SrcType::PSON ) srcType = SrcType::PONCAL ; else if ( srcType == SrcType::PSOFF ) srcType = SrcType::POFFCAL ; else if ( srcType == SrcType::FSON ) srcType = SrcType::FONCAL ; else if ( srcType == SrcType::FSOFF ) srcType = SrcType::FOFFCAL ; else srcType = SrcType::CAL ; } } else if ( sep == "." || sep == "#" ) { // sep == "." or "#" // // ALMA & EVLA case (MS via ASDM) before3.1 // // obsMode1=CALIBRATE_* // obsMode2=ON_SOURCE: PONCAL // obsMode2=OFF_SOURCE: POFFCAL // obsMode1=OBSERVE_TARGET // obsMode2=ON_SOURCE: PON // obsMode2=OFF_SOURCE: POFF string substr[2] ; int numSubstr = split( obsMode, substr, 2, "," ) ; //os_ << "numSubstr = " << numSubstr << LogIO::POST ; //for ( int i = 0 ; i < numSubstr ; i++ ) //os_ << "substr[" << i << "] = " << substr[i] << LogIO::POST ; String obsType( substr[0] ) ; //os_ << "obsType = " << obsType << LogIO::POST ; Int epos = obsType.find_first_of( sep ) ; Int nextpos = obsType.find_first_of( sep, epos+1 ) ; String obsMode1 = obsType.substr( 0, epos ) ; String obsMode2 = obsType.substr( epos+1, nextpos-epos-1 ) ; //os_ << "obsMode1 = " << obsMode1 << LogIO::POST ; //os_ << "obsMode2 = " << obsMode2 << LogIO::POST ; if ( obsMode1.find( "CALIBRATE_" ) == 0 ) { if ( obsMode2 == "ON_SOURCE" ) srcType = SrcType::PONCAL ; if ( obsMode2 == "OFF_SOURCE" ) srcType = SrcType::POFFCAL ; } else if ( obsMode1 == "OBSERVE_TARGET" ) { if ( obsMode2 == "ON_SOURCE" ) srcType = SrcType::PSON ; if ( obsMode2 == "OFF_SOURCE" ) srcType = SrcType::PSOFF ; } } else if ( sep == "_" ) { // sep == "_" // // ALMA & EVLA case (MS via ASDM) after 3.2 // // obsMode1=CALIBRATE_* // obsMode2=ON_SOURCE: PONCAL // obsMode2=OFF_SOURCE: POFFCAL // obsMode1=OBSERVE_TARGET // obsMode2=ON_SOURCE: PON // obsMode2=OFF_SOURCE: POFF string substr[2] ; int numSubstr = split( obsMode, substr, 2, "," ) ; //os_ << "numSubstr = " << numSubstr << LogIO::POST ; //for ( int i = 0 ; i < numSubstr ; i++ ) //os_ << "substr[" << i << "] = " << substr[i] << LogIO::POST ; String obsType( substr[0] ) ; //os_ << "obsType = " << obsType << LogIO::POST ; string substr2[4] ; int numSubstr2 = split( obsType, substr2, 4, sep ) ; //Int epos = obsType.find_first_of( sep ) ; //Int nextpos = obsType.find_first_of( sep, epos+1 ) ; //String obsMode1 = obsType.substr( 0, epos ) ; //String obsMode2 = obsType.substr( epos+1, nextpos-epos-1 ) ; String obsMode1( substr2[0] ) ; String obsMode2( substr2[2] ) ; //os_ << "obsMode1 = " << obsMode1 << LogIO::POST ; //os_ << "obsMode2 = " << obsMode2 << LogIO::POST ; if ( obsMode1.find( "CALIBRATE" ) == 0 ) { if ( obsMode2 == "ON" ) srcType = SrcType::PONCAL ; if ( obsMode2 == "OFF" ) srcType = SrcType::POFFCAL ; } else if ( obsMode1 == "OBSERVE" ) { if ( obsMode2 == "ON" ) srcType = SrcType::PSON ; if ( obsMode2 == "OFF" ) srcType = SrcType::PSOFF ; } } else { if ( sig ) srcType = SrcType::SIG ; if ( ref ) srcType = SrcType::REF ; } //os_ << "srcType = " << srcType << LogIO::POST ; //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::getSrcType() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; return srcType ; } //Vector MSFiller::getPolNo( Int corrType ) Block MSFiller::getPolNo( Int corrType ) { //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::getPolNo() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; Block polno( 1 ) ; if ( corrType == Stokes::I || corrType == Stokes::RR || corrType == Stokes::XX ) { polno = 0 ; } else if ( corrType == Stokes::Q || corrType == Stokes::LL || corrType == Stokes::YY ) { polno = 1 ; } else if ( corrType == Stokes::U ) { polno = 2 ; } else if ( corrType == Stokes::V ) { polno = 3 ; } else if ( corrType == Stokes::RL || corrType == Stokes::XY || corrType == Stokes::LR || corrType == Stokes::RL ) { polno.resize( 2 ) ; polno[0] = 2 ; polno[1] = 3 ; } else if ( corrType == Stokes::Plinear ) { polno[0] = 1 ; } else if ( corrType == Stokes::Pangle ) { polno[0] = 2 ; } else { polno = 99 ; } //os_ << "polno = " << polno << LogIO::POST ; //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::getPolNo() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; return polno ; } String MSFiller::getPolType( Int corrType ) { //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::getPolType() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; String poltype = "" ; if ( corrType == Stokes::I || corrType == Stokes::Q || corrType == Stokes::U || corrType == Stokes::V ) poltype = "stokes" ; else if ( corrType == Stokes::XX || corrType == Stokes::YY || corrType == Stokes::XY || corrType == Stokes::YX ) poltype = "linear" ; else if ( corrType == Stokes::RR || corrType == Stokes::LL || corrType == Stokes::RL || corrType == Stokes::LR ) poltype = "circular" ; else if ( corrType == Stokes::Plinear || corrType == Stokes::Pangle ) poltype = "linpol" ; //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::getPolType() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; return poltype ; } void MSFiller::fillWeather() { //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::fillWeather() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; if ( !isWeather_ ) { // add dummy row table_->weather().table().addRow(1,True) ; return ; } Table mWeather = mstable_.weather() ; //Table mWeatherSel = mWeather( mWeather.col("ANTENNA_ID") == antenna_ ).sort("TIME") ; Table mWeatherSel( mWeather( mWeather.col("ANTENNA_ID") == antenna_ ).sort("TIME") ) ; //os_ << "mWeatherSel.nrow() = " << mWeatherSel.nrow() << LogIO::POST ; if ( mWeatherSel.nrow() == 0 ) { os_ << "No rows with ANTENNA_ID = " << antenna_ << " in WEATHER table, Try -1..." << LogIO::POST ; mWeatherSel = Table( MSWeather( mWeather( mWeather.col("ANTENNA_ID") == -1 ) ) ) ; if ( mWeatherSel.nrow() == 0 ) { os_ << "No rows in WEATHER table" << LogIO::POST ; } } uInt wnrow = mWeatherSel.nrow() ; //os_ << "wnrow = " << wnrow << LogIO::POST ; if ( wnrow == 0 ) return ; Table wtab = table_->weather().table() ; wtab.addRow( wnrow ) ; Bool stationInfoExists = mWeatherSel.tableDesc().isColumn( "NS_WX_STATION_ID" ) ; Int stationId = -1 ; if ( stationInfoExists ) { // determine which station is closer ROScalarColumn stationCol( mWeatherSel, "NS_WX_STATION_ID" ) ; ROArrayColumn stationPosCol( mWeatherSel, "NS_WX_STATION_POSITION" ) ; Vector stationIds = stationCol.getColumn() ; Vector stationIdList( 0 ) ; Matrix stationPosList( 0, 3, 0.0 ) ; uInt numStation = 0 ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < stationIds.size() ; i++ ) { if ( !anyEQ( stationIdList, stationIds[i] ) ) { numStation++ ; stationIdList.resize( numStation, True ) ; stationIdList[numStation-1] = stationIds[i] ; stationPosList.resize( numStation, 3, True ) ; stationPosList.row( numStation-1 ) = stationPosCol( i ) ; } } //os_ << "staionIdList = " << stationIdList << endl ; Table mAntenna = mstable_.antenna() ; ROArrayColumn antposCol( mAntenna, "POSITION" ) ; Vector antpos = antposCol( antenna_ ) ; Double minDiff = -1.0 ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < stationIdList.size() ; i++ ) { Double diff = sum( square( antpos - stationPosList.row( i ) ) ) ; if ( minDiff < 0.0 || minDiff > diff ) { minDiff = diff ; stationId = stationIdList[i] ; } } } //os_ << "stationId = " << stationId << endl ; ScalarColumn *fCol ; ROScalarColumn *sharedFloatCol ; if ( mWeatherSel.tableDesc().isColumn( "TEMPERATURE" ) ) { fCol = new ScalarColumn( wtab, "TEMPERATURE" ) ; sharedFloatCol = new ROScalarColumn( mWeatherSel, "TEMPERATURE" ) ; fCol->putColumn( *sharedFloatCol ) ; delete sharedFloatCol ; delete fCol ; } if ( mWeatherSel.tableDesc().isColumn( "PRESSURE" ) ) { fCol = new ScalarColumn( wtab, "PRESSURE" ) ; sharedFloatCol = new ROScalarColumn( mWeatherSel, "PRESSURE" ) ; fCol->putColumn( *sharedFloatCol ) ; delete sharedFloatCol ; delete fCol ; } if ( mWeatherSel.tableDesc().isColumn( "REL_HUMIDITY" ) ) { fCol = new ScalarColumn( wtab, "HUMIDITY" ) ; sharedFloatCol = new ROScalarColumn( mWeatherSel, "REL_HUMIDITY" ) ; fCol->putColumn( *sharedFloatCol ) ; delete sharedFloatCol ; delete fCol ; } if ( mWeatherSel.tableDesc().isColumn( "WIND_SPEED" ) ) { fCol = new ScalarColumn( wtab, "WINDSPEED" ) ; sharedFloatCol = new ROScalarColumn( mWeatherSel, "WIND_SPEED" ) ; fCol->putColumn( *sharedFloatCol ) ; delete sharedFloatCol ; delete fCol ; } if ( mWeatherSel.tableDesc().isColumn( "WIND_DIRECTION" ) ) { fCol = new ScalarColumn( wtab, "WINDAZ" ) ; sharedFloatCol = new ROScalarColumn( mWeatherSel, "WIND_DIRECTION" ) ; fCol->putColumn( *sharedFloatCol ) ; delete sharedFloatCol ; delete fCol ; } ScalarColumn idCol( wtab, "ID" ) ; for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < wnrow ; irow++ ) idCol.put( irow, irow ) ; ROScalarQuantColumn tqCol( mWeatherSel, "TIME" ) ; ROScalarColumn tCol( mWeatherSel, "TIME" ) ; String tUnit = tqCol.getUnits() ; Vector mwTime = tCol.getColumn() ; if ( tUnit == "d" ) mwTime *= 86400.0 ; tqCol.attach( mWeatherSel, "INTERVAL" ) ; tCol.attach( mWeatherSel, "INTERVAL" ) ; String iUnit = tqCol.getUnits() ; Vector mwInterval = tCol.getColumn() ; if ( iUnit == "d" ) mwInterval *= 86400.0 ; if ( stationId > 0 ) { ROScalarColumn stationCol( mWeatherSel, "NS_WX_STATION_ID" ) ; Vector stationVec = stationCol.getColumn() ; uInt wsnrow = ntrue( stationVec == stationId ) ; mwTime_.resize( wsnrow ) ; mwInterval_.resize( wsnrow ) ; mwIndex_.resize( wsnrow ) ; uInt wsidx = 0 ; for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < wnrow ; irow++ ) { if ( stationId == stationVec[irow] ) { mwTime_[wsidx] = mwTime[irow] ; mwInterval_[wsidx] = mwInterval[irow] ; mwIndex_[wsidx] = irow ; wsidx++ ; } } } else { mwTime_ = mwTime ; mwInterval_ = mwInterval ; mwIndex_.resize( mwTime_.size() ) ; indgen( mwIndex_ ) ; } //os_ << "mwTime[0] = " << mwTime_[0] << " mwInterval[0] = " << mwInterval_[0] << LogIO::POST ; //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::fillWeather() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; } void MSFiller::fillFocus() { //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::fillFocus() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; // tentative table_->focus().addEntry( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) ; //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::fillFocus() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; } void MSFiller::fillTcal( boost::object_pool *tpoolr ) { //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::fillTcal() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; if ( !isSysCal_ ) { // add dummy row os_ << "No SYSCAL rows" << LogIO::POST ; table_->tcal().table().addRow(1,True) ; Vector defaultTcal( 1, 1.0 ) ; ArrayColumn tcalCol( table_->tcal().table(), "TCAL" ) ; tcalCol.put( 0, defaultTcal ) ; return ; } if ( colTcal_ == "NONE" ) { // add dummy row os_ << "No TCAL column" << LogIO::POST ; table_->tcal().table().addRow(1,True) ; Vector defaultTcal( 1, 1.0 ) ; ArrayColumn tcalCol( table_->tcal().table(), "TCAL" ) ; tcalCol.put( 0, defaultTcal ) ; return ; } Table sctab = mstable_.sysCal() ; if ( sctab.nrow() == 0 ) { os_ << "No SYSCAL rows" << LogIO::POST ; return ; } Table sctabsel( sctab( sctab.col("ANTENNA_ID") == antenna_ ) ) ; if ( sctabsel.nrow() == 0 ) { os_ << "No SYSCAL rows" << LogIO::POST ; return ; } ROArrayColumn *tmpTcalCol = new ROArrayColumn( sctabsel, colTcal_ ) ; // return if any rows without Tcal value exists Bool notDefined = False ; for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < sctabsel.nrow() ; irow++ ) { if ( !tmpTcalCol->isDefined( irow ) ) { notDefined = True ; break ; } } if ( notDefined ) { os_ << "No TCAL value" << LogIO::POST ; delete tmpTcalCol ; table_->tcal().table().addRow(1,True) ; Vector defaultTcal( 1, 1.0 ) ; ArrayColumn tcalCol( table_->tcal().table(), "TCAL" ) ; tcalCol.put( 0, defaultTcal ) ; return ; } uInt npol = tmpTcalCol->shape( 0 )(0) ; delete tmpTcalCol ; //os_ << "fillTcal(): npol = " << npol << LogIO::POST ; Table tab = table_->tcal().table() ; ArrayColumn tcalCol( tab, "TCAL" ) ; uInt oldnr = 0 ; uInt newnr = 0 ; TableRow row( tab ) ; TableRecord &trec = row.record() ; RecordFieldPtr idRF( trec, "ID" ) ; RecordFieldPtr timeRF( trec, "TIME" ) ; RecordFieldPtr< Array > tcalRF( trec, "TCAL" ) ; TableIterator iter0( sctabsel, "FEED_ID" ) ; while( !iter0.pastEnd() ) { Table t0 = iter0.table() ; Int feedId = asInt( "FEED_ID", 0, t0, tpoolr ) ; TableIterator iter1( t0, "SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID" ) ; while( !iter1.pastEnd() ) { Table t1 = iter1.table() ; Int spwId = asInt( "SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID", 0, t1, tpoolr ) ; tmpTcalCol = new ROArrayColumn( t1, colTcal_ ) ; ROScalarQuantColumn scTimeCol( t1, "TIME" ) ; Vector idminmax( 2, oldnr ) ; for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < t1.nrow() ; irow++ ) { String sTime = MVTime( scTimeCol(irow) ).string( MVTime::YMD ) ; *timeRF = sTime ; uInt idx = oldnr ; Matrix subtcal = (*tmpTcalCol)( irow ) ; for ( uInt ipol = 0 ; ipol < npol ; ipol++ ) { *idRF = idx++ ; //*tcalRF = subtcal.row( ipol ) ; tcalRF.define( subtcal.row( ipol ) ) ; // commit row tab.addRow() ; row.put( tab.nrow()-1 ) ; newnr++ ; } idminmax[0] = oldnr ; idminmax[1] = newnr - 1 ; oldnr = newnr ; String key = keyTcal( feedId, spwId, sTime ) ; tcalrec_.define( key, idminmax ) ; } delete tmpTcalCol ; iter1++ ; } iter0++ ; } //tcalrec_.print( std::cout ) ; //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::fillTcal() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; } uInt MSFiller::getWeatherId( uInt idx, Double wtime ) { //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::getWeatherId() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; uInt nrow = mwTime_.size() ; if ( nrow < 2 ) return 0 ; uInt wid = nrow ; if ( idx == 0 ) { wid = 0 ; Double tStart = mwTime_[wid]-0.5*mwInterval_[wid] ; if ( wtime < tStart ) return wid ; } for ( uInt i = idx ; i < nrow-1 ; i++ ) { Double tStart = mwTime_[i]-0.5*mwInterval_[i] ; // use of INTERVAL column is problematic // since there are "blank" time of weather monitoring //Double tEnd = tStart + mwInterval_[i] ; Double tEnd = mwTime_[i+1]-0.5*mwInterval_[i+1] ; //os_ << "tStart = " << tStart << " dtEnd = " << tEnd-tStart << " dwtime = " << wtime-tStart << LogIO::POST ; if ( wtime >= tStart && wtime <= tEnd ) { wid = i ; break ; } } if ( wid == nrow ) { uInt i = nrow - 1 ; Double tStart = mwTime_[i-1]+0.5*mwInterval_[i-1] ; Double tEnd = mwTime_[i]+0.5*mwInterval_[i] ; //os_ << "tStart = " << tStart << " dtEnd = " << tEnd-tStart << " dwtime = " << wtime-tStart << LogIO::POST ; if ( wtime >= tStart && wtime <= tEnd ) wid = i-1 ; else wid = i ; } //if ( wid == nrow ) //os_ << LogIO::WARN << "Couldn't find correct WEATHER_ID for time " << wtime << LogIO::POST ; //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::getWeatherId() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; return wid ; } void MSFiller::getSysCalTime( Vector &scTime, Vector &scInterval, Block &tcol, Block &tidx ) { //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::getSysCalTime() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; if ( !isSysCal_ ) return ; uInt nrow = tidx.nelements() ; if ( scTime.nelements() == 0 ) return ; else if ( scTime.nelements() == 1 ) { tidx[0] = 0 ; return ; } uInt scnrow = scTime.nelements() ; uInt idx = 0 ; const Double half = 0.5e0 ; // execute binary search idx = binarySearch( scTime, tcol[0].get( "s" ).getValue() ) ; if ( idx != 0 ) idx -= 1 ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < nrow ; i++ ) { Double t = tcol[i].get( "s" ).getValue() ; Double tsc = scTime[0].get( "s" ).getValue() ; if ( t < tsc ) { tidx[i] = 0 ; continue ; } for ( uInt j = idx ; j < scnrow-1 ; j++ ) { Double tsc1 = scTime[j].get( "s" ).getValue() ; Double dt1 = scInterval[j] ; Double tsc2 = scTime[j+1].get( "s" ).getValue() ; Double dt2 = scInterval[j+1] ; if ( t > tsc1-half*dt1 && t <= tsc2-half*dt2 ) { tidx[i] = j ; idx = j ; break ; } } if ( tidx[i] == -1 ) { // Double tsc = scTime[scnrow-1].get( "s" ).getValue() ; // Double dt = scInterval[scnrow-1] ; // if ( t <= tsc+0.5*dt ) { // tidx[i] = scnrow-1 ; // } tidx[i] = scnrow-1 ; } } //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::getSysCalTime() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec) scnrow = " << scnrow << " tcol.nelements = " << tcol.nelements() << LogIO::POST ; return ; } Block MSFiller::getTcalId( Int fid, Int spwid, MEpoch &t ) { //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::getTcalId() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; //if ( table_->tcal().table().nrow() == 0 ) { if ( !isSysCal_ ) { os_ << "No TCAL rows" << LogIO::POST ; Block tcalids( 4, 0 ) ; return tcalids ; } //String sctime = MVTime( Quantum(t,"s") ).string(MVTime::YMD) ; String sctime = MVTime( t.getValue() ).string(MVTime::YMD) ; String key = keyTcal( fid, spwid, sctime ) ; if ( !tcalrec_.isDefined( key ) ) { os_ << "No TCAL rows" << LogIO::POST ; Block tcalids( 4, 0 ) ; return tcalids ; } Vector ids = tcalrec_.asArrayuInt( key ) ; uInt npol = ids[1] - ids[0] + 1 ; Block tcalids( npol ) ; tcalids[0] = ids[0] ; tcalids[1] = ids[1] ; for ( uInt ipol = 2 ; ipol < npol ; ipol++ ) tcalids[ipol] = ids[0] + ipol - 1 ; //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::getTcalId() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; return tcalids ; } uInt MSFiller::getDirection( uInt idx, Vector &dir, Vector &srate, String &ref, ROScalarColumn &tcol, ROArrayColumn &dcol, Double t ) { //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::getDirection1() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; //double time0 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start getDirection 1st stage startSec=" << time0 << LogIO::POST ; // assume that cols is sorted by TIME Bool doInterp = False ; uInt nrow = tcol.nrow() ; if ( nrow == 0 ) return 0 ; TableRecord trec = tcol.keywordSet() ; String tUnit = trec.asArrayString( "QuantumUnits" ).data()[0] ; Double factor = 1.0 ; if ( tUnit == "d" ) factor = 86400.0 ; // binary search if idx == 0 if ( idx == 0 ) { uInt nrowb = 1000 ; if ( nrow > nrowb ) { uInt nblock = nrow / nrowb + 1 ; for ( uInt iblock = 0 ; iblock < nblock ; iblock++ ) { uInt high = min( nrowb, nrow-iblock*nrowb ) ; if ( tcol( high-1 ) * factor < t ) { idx = iblock * nrowb ; continue ; } RefRows refrows( iblock*nrowb, iblock*nrowb+high, 1 ) ; Vector tarr = tcol.getColumnCells( refrows ) ; if ( tUnit == "d" ) tarr *= factor ; uInt bidx = binarySearch( tarr, t ) ; idx = iblock * nrowb + bidx ; break ; } } else { Vector tarr = tcol.getColumn() ; if ( tUnit == "d" ) tarr *= factor ; idx = binarySearch( tarr, t ) ; } } //double time1 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end getDirection 1st stage endSec=" << time1 << " (" << time1-time0 << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; // ensure that tcol(idx) < t //os_ << "tcol(idx) = " << tcol(idx).get("s").getValue() << " t = " << t << " diff = " << tcol(idx).get("s").getValue()-t << endl ; //time0 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start getDirection 2nd stage startSec=" << time0 << LogIO::POST ; while( tcol( idx ) * factor > t && idx > 0 ) idx-- ; //os_ << "idx = " << idx << LogIO::POST ; // index search for ( uInt i = idx ; i < nrow ; i++ ) { //Double tref = tcol( i ).get( "s" ).getValue() ; Double tref = tcol( i ) * factor ; if ( tref == t ) { idx = i ; break ; } else if ( tref > t ) { if ( i == 0 ) { idx = i ; } else { idx = i-1 ; doInterp = True ; } break ; } else { idx = nrow - 1 ; } } //time1 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end getDirection 2nd stage endSec=" << time1 << " (" << time1-time0 << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; //os_ << "searched idx = " << idx << LogIO::POST ; //time0 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start getDirection 3rd stage startSec=" << time0 << LogIO::POST ; //os_ << "dmcol(idx).shape() = " << dmcol(idx).shape() << LogIO::POST ; //IPosition ip( dmcol(idx).shape().nelements(), 0 ) ; IPosition ip( dcol(idx).shape().nelements(), 0 ) ; //os_ << "ip = " << ip << LogIO::POST ; //ref = dmcol(idx)(ip).getRefString() ; trec = dcol.keywordSet() ; Record rec = trec.asRecord( "MEASINFO" ) ; ref = rec.asString( "Ref" ) ; //os_ << "ref = " << ref << LogIO::POST ; if ( doInterp ) { //os_ << "do interpolation" << LogIO::POST ; //os_ << "dcol(idx).shape() = " << dcol(idx).shape() << LogIO::POST ; // Double tref0 = tcol(idx).get("s").getValue() ; // Double tref1 = tcol(idx+1).get("s").getValue() ; Double tref0 = tcol(idx) * factor ; Double tref1 = tcol(idx+1) * factor ; Matrix mdir0 = dcol( idx ) ; Matrix mdir1 = dcol( idx+1 ) ; Vector dir0 = mdir0.column( 0 ) ; //os_ << "dir0 = " << dir0 << LogIO::POST ; Vector dir1 = mdir1.column( 0 ) ; //os_ << "dir1 = " << dir1 << LogIO::POST ; Double dt0 = t - tref0 ; Double dt1 = tref1 - t ; dir.reference( (dt0*dir1+dt1*dir0)/(dt0+dt1) ) ; if ( mdir0.ncolumn() > 1 ) { if ( dt0 >= dt1 ) srate.reference( mdir0.column( 1 ) ) ; else srate.reference( mdir1.column( 1 ) ) ; } //os_ << "dir = " << dir << LogIO::POST ; } else { //os_ << "no interpolation" << LogIO::POST ; Matrix mdir0 = dcol( idx ) ; dir.reference( mdir0.column( 0 ) ) ; if ( mdir0.ncolumn() > 1 ) srate.reference( mdir0.column( 1 ) ) ; } //time1 = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end getDirection 3rd stage endSec=" << time1 << " (" << time1-time0 << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::getDirection1() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; return idx ; } String MSFiller::keyTcal( Int feedid, Int spwid, String stime ) { String sfeed = "FEED" + String::toString( feedid ) ; String sspw = "SPW" + String::toString( spwid ) ; return sfeed+":"+sspw+":"+stime ; } uInt MSFiller::binarySearch( Vector &timeList, Double target ) { Int low = 0 ; Int high = timeList.nelements() ; uInt idx = 0 ; while ( low <= high ) { idx = (Int)( 0.5 * ( low + high ) ) ; Double t = timeList[idx].get( "s" ).getValue() ; if ( t < target ) low = idx + 1 ; else if ( t > target ) high = idx - 1 ; else { return idx ; } } idx = max( 0, min( low, high ) ) ; return idx ; } uInt MSFiller::binarySearch( Vector &timeList, Double target ) { Int low = 0 ; Int high = timeList.nelements() ; uInt idx = 0 ; while ( low <= high ) { idx = (Int)( 0.5 * ( low + high ) ) ; Double t = timeList[idx] ; if ( t < target ) low = idx + 1 ; else if ( t > target ) high = idx - 1 ; else { return idx ; } } idx = max( 0, min( low, high ) ) ; return idx ; } string MSFiller::getFrame() { MFrequency::Types frame = MFrequency::DEFAULT ; ROTableColumn numChanCol( mstable_.spectralWindow(), "NUM_CHAN" ) ; ROTableColumn measFreqRefCol( mstable_.spectralWindow(), "MEAS_FREQ_REF" ) ; uInt nrow = numChanCol.nrow() ; Vector measFreqRef( nrow, MFrequency::DEFAULT ) ; uInt nref = 0 ; for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < nrow ; irow++ ) { if ( numChanCol.asInt( irow ) != 4 ) { // exclude WVR measFreqRef[nref] = measFreqRefCol.asInt( irow ) ; nref++ ; } } if ( nref > 0 ) frame = (MFrequency::Types)measFreqRef[0] ; return MFrequency::showType( frame ) ; } void MSFiller::reshapeSpectraAndFlagtra( Cube &sp, Cube &fl, Table &tab, Int &npol, Int &nchan, Int &nrow, Vector &corrtype ) { //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::reshapeSpectraAndFlagtra() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; if ( isFloatData_ ) { ROArrayColumn mFlagCol( tab, "FLAG" ) ; ROArrayColumn mFloatDataCol( tab, "FLOAT_DATA" ) ; mFloatDataCol.getColumn( sp ) ; mFlagCol.getColumn( fl ) ; } else if ( isData_ ) { sp.resize( npol, nchan, nrow ) ; fl.resize( npol, nchan, nrow ) ; ROArrayColumn mFlagCol( tab, "FLAG" ) ; ROArrayColumn mDataCol( tab, "DATA" ) ; if ( npol < 3 ) { Cube tmp = ComplexToReal( mDataCol.getColumn() ) ; IPosition start( 3, 0, 0, 0 ) ; IPosition end( 3, 2*npol-1, nchan-1, nrow-1 ) ; IPosition inc( 3, 2, 1, 1 ) ; sp = tmp( start, end, inc ) ; fl = mFlagCol.getColumn() ; } else { for ( Int irow = 0 ; irow < nrow ; irow++ ) { Bool crossOK = False ; Matrix mSp = mDataCol( irow ) ; Matrix mFl = mFlagCol( irow ) ; Matrix spxy = sp.xyPlane( irow ) ; Matrix flxy = fl.xyPlane( irow ) ; for ( Int ipol = 0 ; ipol < npol ; ipol++ ) { if ( corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::XY || corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::YX || corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::RL || corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::LR ) { if ( !crossOK ) { Vector tmp = ComplexToReal( mSp.row( ipol ) ) ; IPosition start( 1, 0 ) ; IPosition end( 1, 2*nchan-1 ) ; IPosition inc( 1, 2 ) ; spxy.row( ipol ) = tmp( start, end, inc ) ; flxy.row( ipol ) = mFl.row( ipol ) ; start = IPosition( 1, 1 ) ; spxy.row( ipol+1 ) = tmp( start, end, inc ) ; flxy.row( ipol+1 ) = mFl.row( ipol ) ; if ( corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::YX || corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::LR ) { spxy.row( ipol+1 ) = spxy.row( ipol+1 ) * (Float)-1.0 ; } crossOK = True ; } } else { Vector tmp = ComplexToReal( mSp.row( ipol ) ) ; IPosition start( 1, 0 ) ; IPosition end( 1, 2*nchan-1 ) ; IPosition inc( 1, 2 ) ; spxy.row( ipol ) = tmp( start, end, inc ) ; flxy.row( ipol ) = mFl.row( ipol ) ; } } } } } //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::reshapeSpectraAndFlagtra() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; } uInt MSFiller::getDirection( uInt idx, Vector &dir, Vector &azel, Vector &srate, ROScalarColumn &ptcol, ROArrayColumn &pdcol, MEpoch &t, MPosition &antpos ) { //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::getDirection2() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; String refString ; MDirection::Types dirType ; uInt diridx = getDirection( idx, dir, srate, refString, ptcol, pdcol, t.get("s").getValue() ) ; MDirection::getType( dirType, refString ) ; MeasFrame mf( t, antpos ) ; if ( refString == "J2000" ) { MDirection::Convert toazel( dirType, MDirection::Ref( MDirection::AZEL, mf ) ) ; azel = toazel( dir ).getAngle("rad").getValue() ; } else if ( refString(0,4) == "AZEL" ) { azel = dir.copy() ; MDirection::Convert toj2000( dirType, MDirection::Ref( MDirection::J2000, mf ) ) ; dir = toj2000( dir ).getAngle("rad").getValue() ; } else { MDirection::Convert toazel( dirType, MDirection::Ref( MDirection::AZEL, mf ) ) ; azel = toazel( dir ).getAngle("rad").getValue() ; MDirection::Convert toj2000( dirType, MDirection::Ref( MDirection::J2000, mf ) ) ; dir = toj2000( dir ).getAngle("rad").getValue() ; } if ( srate.size() == 0 ) { srate.resize( 2 ) ; srate = 0.0 ; } //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::getDirection2() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; return diridx ; } void MSFiller::getSourceDirection( Vector &dir, Vector &azel, Vector &srate, MEpoch &t, MPosition &antpos, Vector &srcdir ) { //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::getSourceDirection() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; Vector defaultScanrate( 2, 0.0 ) ; Vector defaultDir = srcdir[0].getAngle( "rad" ).getValue() ; if ( srcdir.nelements() > 1 ) defaultScanrate = srcdir[1].getAngle( "rad" ).getValue() ; String ref = srcdir[0].getRefString() ; MDirection::Types dirType ; MDirection::getType( dirType, ref ) ; MeasFrame mf( t, antpos ) ; if ( ref != "J2000" ) { MDirection::Convert toj2000( dirType, MDirection::Ref( MDirection::J2000, mf ) ) ; dir = toj2000( defaultDir ).getAngle("rad").getValue() ; } else dir = defaultDir ; if ( ref != "AZELGEO" ) { MDirection::Convert toazel( dirType, MDirection::Ref( MDirection::AZELGEO, mf ) ) ; azel = toazel( defaultDir ).getAngle("rad").getValue() ; } else azel = defaultDir ; srate = defaultScanrate ; //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::getSourceDirection() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; } void MSFiller::initHeader( STHeader &header ) { header.nchan = 0 ; header.npol = 0 ; header.nif = 0 ; header.nbeam = 0 ; header.observer = "" ; header.project = "" ; header.obstype = "" ; header.antennaname = "" ; header.antennaposition.resize( 0 ) ; header.equinox = 0.0 ; header.freqref = "" ; header.reffreq = -1.0 ; header.bandwidth = 0.0 ; header.utc = 0.0 ; header.fluxunit = "" ; header.epoch = "" ; header.poltype = "" ; } String MSFiller::asString( String name, uInt idx, Table tab, boost::object_pool *pool ) { ROTableColumn *col = pool->construct( tab, name ) ; String v = col->asString( idx ) ; pool->destroy( col ) ; return v ; } Bool MSFiller::asBool( String name, uInt idx, Table &tab, boost::object_pool *pool ) { ROTableColumn *col = pool->construct( tab, name ) ; Bool v = col->asBool( idx ) ; pool->destroy( col ) ; return v ; } uInt MSFiller::asuInt( String name, uInt idx, Table &tab, boost::object_pool *pool ) { ROTableColumn *col = pool->construct( tab, name ) ; uInt v = col->asuInt( idx ) ; pool->destroy( col ) ; return v ; } Int MSFiller::asInt( String name, uInt idx, Table &tab, boost::object_pool *pool ) { ROTableColumn *col = pool->construct( tab, name ) ; Int v = col->asInt( idx ) ; pool->destroy( col ) ; return v ; } Float MSFiller::asFloat( String name, uInt idx, Table &tab, boost::object_pool *pool ) { ROTableColumn *col = pool->construct( tab, name ) ; Float v = col->asfloat( idx ) ; pool->destroy( col ) ; return v ; } Double MSFiller::asDouble( String name, uInt idx, Table &tab, boost::object_pool *pool ) { ROTableColumn *col = pool->construct( tab, name ) ; Double v = col->asdouble( idx ) ; pool->destroy( col ) ; return v ; } void MSFiller::sourceInfo( Int sourceId, Int spwId, String &name, MDirection &direction, Vector &properMotion, Vector &restFreqs, Vector &transitions, Vector &sysVels, boost::object_pool *tpoolr ) { //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::sourceInfo() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; MSSource srctab = mstable_.source() ; MSSource srctabSel = srctab( srctab.col("SOURCE_ID") == sourceId && srctab.col("SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID") == spwId ) ; if ( srctabSel.nrow() == 0 ) { srctabSel = srctab( srctab.col("SOURCE_ID") == sourceId && srctab.col("SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID") == -1 ) ; } Int numLines = 0 ; if ( srctabSel.nrow() > 0 ) { // source name name = asString( "NAME", 0, srctabSel, tpoolr ) ; // source proper motion ROArrayColumn roArrDCol( srctabSel, "PROPER_MOTION" ) ; properMotion = roArrDCol( 0 ) ; // source direction as MDirection object ROScalarMeasColumn tmpMeasCol( srctabSel, "DIRECTION" ) ; direction = tmpMeasCol( 0 ) ; // number of lines numLines = asInt( "NUM_LINES", 0, srctabSel, tpoolr ) ; } else { name = "" ; properMotion = Vector( 2, 0.0 ) ; direction = MDirection( Quantum(0.0,Unit("rad")), Quantum(0.0,Unit("rad")) ) ; } restFreqs.resize( numLines ) ; transitions.resize( numLines ) ; sysVels.resize( numLines ) ; if ( numLines > 0 ) { if ( srctabSel.tableDesc().isColumn( "REST_FREQUENCY" ) ) { ROArrayQuantColumn quantArrCol( srctabSel, "REST_FREQUENCY" ) ; Array< Quantum > qRestFreqs = quantArrCol( 0 ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < numLines ; i++ ) { restFreqs[i] = qRestFreqs( IPosition( 1, i ) ).getValue( "Hz" ) ; } } //os_ << "restFreqs = " << restFreqs << LogIO::POST ; if ( srctabSel.tableDesc().isColumn( "TRANSITION" ) ) { ROArrayColumn transitionCol( srctabSel, "TRANSITION" ) ; if ( transitionCol.isDefined( 0 ) ) transitions = transitionCol( 0 ) ; //os_ << "transitionNameCol.nrow() = " << transitionCol.nrow() << LogIO::POST ; } if ( srctabSel.tableDesc().isColumn( "SYSVEL" ) ) { ROArrayColumn roArrDCol( srctabSel, "SYSVEL" ) ; sysVels = roArrDCol( 0 ) ; } } //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::sourceInfo() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; } void MSFiller::spectralSetup( Int spwId, MEpoch &me, MPosition &mp, MDirection &md, Double &refpix, Double &refval, Double &increment, Int &nchan, String &freqref, Double &reffreq, Double &bandwidth, boost::object_pool *tpoolr ) { //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "start MSFiller::spectralSetup() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; MSSpectralWindow spwtab = mstable_.spectralWindow() ; MeasFrame mf( me, mp, md ) ; MFrequency::Types freqRef = MFrequency::castType( (uInt)asInt( "MEAS_FREQ_REF", spwId, spwtab, tpoolr ) ) ; Bool even = False ; if ( (nchan/2)*2 == nchan ) even = True ; ROScalarQuantColumn tmpQuantCol( spwtab, "TOTAL_BANDWIDTH" ) ; Double totbw = tmpQuantCol( spwId ).getValue( "Hz" ) ; if ( nchan != 4 ) bandwidth = max( bandwidth, totbw ) ; if ( freqref == "" && nchan != 4) //sdh.freqref = MFrequency::showType( freqRef ) ; freqref = "LSRK" ; if ( reffreq == -1.0 && nchan != 4 ) { tmpQuantCol.attach( spwtab, "REF_FREQUENCY" ) ; Quantum qreffreq = tmpQuantCol( spwId ) ; if ( freqRef == MFrequency::LSRK ) { reffreq = qreffreq.getValue("Hz") ; } else { MFrequency::Convert tolsr( freqRef, MFrequency::Ref( MFrequency::LSRK, mf ) ) ; reffreq = tolsr( qreffreq ).get("Hz").getValue() ; } } Int refchan = nchan / 2 ; IPosition refip( 1, refchan ) ; refpix = 0.5*(nchan-1) ; refval = 0.0 ; ROArrayQuantColumn sharedQDArrCol( spwtab, "CHAN_WIDTH" ) ; increment = sharedQDArrCol( spwId )( refip ).getValue( "Hz" ) ; // os_ << "nchan = " << nchan << " refchan = " << refchan << "(even=" << even << ") refpix = " << refpix << LogIO::POST ; sharedQDArrCol.attach( spwtab, "CHAN_FREQ" ) ; Vector< Quantum > chanFreqs = sharedQDArrCol( spwId ) ; if ( nchan > 1 && chanFreqs[0].getValue("Hz") > chanFreqs[1].getValue("Hz") ) increment *= -1.0 ; if ( freqRef == MFrequency::LSRK ) { if ( even ) { IPosition refip0( 1, refchan-1 ) ; Double refval0 = chanFreqs(refip0).getValue("Hz") ; Double refval1 = chanFreqs(refip).getValue("Hz") ; refval = 0.5 * ( refval0 + refval1 ) ; } else { refval = chanFreqs(refip).getValue("Hz") ; } } else { MFrequency::Convert tolsr( freqRef, MFrequency::Ref( MFrequency::LSRK, mf ) ) ; if ( even ) { IPosition refip0( 1, refchan-1 ) ; Double refval0 = chanFreqs(refip0).getValue("Hz") ; Double refval1 = chanFreqs(refip).getValue("Hz") ; refval = 0.5 * ( refval0 + refval1 ) ; refval = tolsr( refval ).get("Hz").getValue() ; } else { refval = tolsr( chanFreqs(refip) ).get("Hz").getValue() ; } } //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; //os_ << "end MSFiller::spectralSetup() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; } } ;