// // C++ Implementation: EdgeMarker // // Description: // // // Author: Takeshi Nakazato , (C) 2012 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "EdgeMarker.h" #include "RasterEdgeDetector.h" #include "GenericEdgeDetector.h" #include "STIdxIter.h" using namespace std ; using namespace casa ; namespace asap { EdgeMarker::EdgeMarker() { EdgeMarker( false ) ; } EdgeMarker::EdgeMarker( bool israster ) { os_.origin(LogOrigin( "EdgeMarker", "EdgeMarker", WHERE )) ; if ( israster ) { os_ << "edge detection by RasterEdgeDetector" << LogIO::POST ; detector_ = new RasterEdgeDetector() ; } else { os_ << "edge detection by GenericEdgeDetector" << LogIO::POST ; detector_ = new GenericEdgeDetector() ; } } EdgeMarker::~EdgeMarker() {} void EdgeMarker::setdata( const CountedPtr &s, const Bool &insitu ) { if ( insitu ) { st_ = s ; } else { st_ = new Scantable( *s, false ) ; } } void EdgeMarker::initDetect() { off_.resize( st_->nrow() ) ; noff_ = 0 ; } void EdgeMarker::examine() { os_.origin(LogOrigin( "EdgeMarker", "examine", WHERE )) ; // exclude WVR vector wvr ; { ROArrayColumn flagCol( st_->table(), "FLAGTRA" ) ; vector cols( 1, "IFNO" ) ; STIdxIterAcc iter( st_, cols ) ; while( !iter.pastEnd() ) { uInt current = iter.current()[0] ; uInt firstRow = iter.getRows()[0] ; uInt nchan = flagCol( firstRow ).nelements() ; if ( nchan == 4 ) wvr.push_back( current ) ; iter.next() ; } } wvr_ = Vector( wvr ) ; if ( wvr_.nelements() > 0 ) { os_ << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "IFNO for WVR scan: " << wvr_ << LogIO::POST ; } } void EdgeMarker::setoption( const Record &option ) { detector_->setOption( option ) ; } void EdgeMarker::detect() { os_.origin(LogOrigin( "EdgeMarker", "detect", WHERE )) ; initDetect() ; vector cols( 4 ) ; cols[0] = "BEAMNO" ; cols[1] = "POLNO" ; cols[2] = "IFNO" ; cols[3] = "SRCTYPE" ; STIdxIterExAcc iter( st_, cols ) ; ROScalarColumn timeCol( st_->table(), "TIME" ) ; ROArrayColumn directionCol( st_->table(), "DIRECTION" ) ; while( !iter.pastEnd() ) { Vector current = iter.current() ; Int srcType = iter.getSrcType() ; os_ << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "BEAMNO=" << current[0] << " POLNO=" << current[1] << " IFNO=" << current[2] << " SRCTYPE=" << srcType << LogIO::POST ; // only process ON position and no WVR Vector rows = iter.getRows( SHARE ) ; uInt nrow = rows.nelements() ; if ( srcType == Int(SrcType::PSON) && allNE( wvr_, current[2] ) && nrow > 0 ) { Vector t( nrow ) ; Matrix d( 2, nrow ) ; for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < nrow ; irow++ ) { t[irow] = timeCol( rows[irow] ) ; Vector v( d.column( irow ) ) ; directionCol.get( rows[irow], v ) ; } detector_->setTime( t ) ; detector_->setDirection( d ) ; Vector offids = detector_->detect() ; uInt len = offids.nelements() ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) { off_[noff_++] = rows[offids[i]] ; } } iter.next() ; } os_ << "detected " << noff_ << " integrations near edge" << LogIO::POST ; } void EdgeMarker::mark() { os_.origin(LogOrigin( "EdgeMarker", "mark", WHERE )) ; os_ << "marked " << noff_ << " points as OFF" << LogIO::POST ; ScalarColumn srcTypeCol( st_->table(), "SRCTYPE" ) ; Int psoff = Int(SrcType::PSOFF) ; Vector srcType = srcTypeCol.getColumn() ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < noff_ ; i++ ) { srcType[off_[i]] = psoff ; } srcTypeCol.putColumn( srcType ) ; } CountedPtr EdgeMarker::get() { return st_ ; } } // namespace asap