1 | //
2 | // C++ Implementation: CubicSplineInterpolator1D
3 | //
4 | // Description:
5 | //
6 | //
7 | // Author: Takeshi Nakazato <takeshi.nakazato@nao.ac.jp>, (C) 2012
8 | //
9 | // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
10 | //
11 | //
12 | #include <assert.h>
13 |
14 | #include <iostream>
15 | using namespace std;
16 |
17 | #include "CubicSplineInterpolator1D.h"
18 |
19 | namespace asap {
20 |
21 | template <class T, class U>
22 | CubicSplineInterpolator1D<T, U>::CubicSplineInterpolator1D()
23 | : Interpolator1D<T, U>(),
24 | y2_(0),
25 | ny2_(0),
26 | reusable_(false)
27 | {}
28 |
29 | template <class T, class U>
30 | CubicSplineInterpolator1D<T, U>::~CubicSplineInterpolator1D()
31 | {
32 | if (y2_)
33 | delete[] y2_;
34 | }
35 |
36 | template <class T, class U>
37 | void CubicSplineInterpolator1D<T, U>::setData(T *x, U *y, unsigned int n)
38 | {
39 | Interpolator1D<T, U>::setData(x, y, n);
40 | reusable_ = false;
41 | }
42 |
43 | template <class T, class U>
44 | void CubicSplineInterpolator1D<T, U>::setY(U *y, unsigned int n)
45 | {
46 | Interpolator1D<T, U>::setY(y, n);
47 | reusable_ = false;
48 | }
49 |
50 | template <class T, class U>
51 | U CubicSplineInterpolator1D<T, U>::interpolate(T x)
52 | {
53 | assert(this->isready());
54 | if (this->n_ == 1)
55 | return this->y_[0];
56 |
57 | unsigned int i = this->locator_->locate(x);
58 |
59 | // do not perform extrapolation
60 | if (i == 0) {
61 | return this->y_[i];
62 | }
63 | else if (i == this->n_) {
64 | return this->y_[i-1];
65 | }
66 |
67 | // determine second derivative of each point
68 | if (!reusable_) {
69 | evaly2();
70 | reusable_ = true;
71 | }
72 |
73 | // cubic spline interpolation
74 | float y = dospline(x, i);
75 | return y;
76 | }
77 |
78 | template <class T, class U>
79 | void CubicSplineInterpolator1D<T, U>::evaly2()
80 | {
81 | if (this->n_ > ny2_) {
82 | if (y2_)
83 | delete[] y2_;
84 | y2_ = new U[this->n_];
85 | ny2_ = this->n_;
86 | }
87 |
88 | U *u = new U[ny2_-1];
89 |
90 | // Natural cubic spline.
91 | y2_[0] = 0.0;
92 | y2_[ny2_-1] = 0.0;
93 | u[0] = 0.0;
94 |
95 | // Solve tridiagonal system.
96 | // Here, tridiagonal matrix is decomposed to triangular matrix
97 | // u stores upper triangular components while y2_ stores
98 | // right-hand side vector.
99 | T a1 = this->x_[1] - this->x_[0];
100 | T a2, bi;
101 | for (unsigned int i = 1; i < ny2_ - 1; i++) {
102 | a2 = this->x_[i+1] - this->x_[i];
103 | bi = 1.0 / (this->x_[i+1] - this->x_[i-1]);
104 | y2_[i] = 3.0 * bi * ((this->y_[i+1] - this->y_[i]) / a2
105 | - (this->y_[i] - this->y_[i-1]) / a1
106 | - y2_[i-1] * 0.5 * a1);
107 | a1 = 1.0 / (1.0 - u[i-1] * 0.5 * a1 * bi);
108 | y2_[i] *= a1;
109 | u[i] = 0.5 * a2 * bi * a1;
110 | a1 = a2;
111 | }
112 |
113 | // Then, solve the system by backsubstitution and store solution
114 | // vector to y2_.
115 | for (int k = ny2_ - 2; k >= 0; k--)
116 | y2_[k] -= u[k] * y2_[k+1];
117 |
118 | delete[] u;
119 | }
120 |
121 | template <class T, class U>
122 | U CubicSplineInterpolator1D<T, U>::dospline(T x, unsigned int i)
123 | {
124 | unsigned int j = i - 1;
125 | T h = this->x_[i] - this->x_[j];
126 | T a = (this->x_[i] - x) / h;
127 | T b = (x - this->x_[j]) / h;
128 | U y = a * this->y_[j] + b * this->y_[i] +
129 | ((a * a * a - a) * y2_[j] + (b * b * b - b) * y2_[i]) * (h * h) / 6.0;
130 | return y;
131 | }
132 |
133 | }