// // C++ Interface: AsapLogSink // // Description: // // // Author: Malte Marquarding , (C) 2010 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #ifndef ASAPLOGSINK_H #define ASAPLOGSINK_H #include #include namespace asap { /** * This class provides the a casacore::LogSink implementation for asap * It should be used to catch all casa logMessage and replace the globalSink. * It provides an overloaded postLocally which accepts strings so it can also * be used from python. * @brief The ASAP logging class * @author Malte Marquarding * @date $Date: $ * @version */ class AsapLogSink : public casacore::MemoryLogSink { public: /** * Default Constructor **/ AsapLogSink() {;} ; virtual ~AsapLogSink() {;}; virtual void postMessage(const std::string& msg, const std::string& priority="INFO", const std::string& origin=""); std::string popMessages(); private: }; void setAsapSink(AsapLogSink& sink); } // namespace #endif