1 | import os
2 | import re
3 |
4 | def generate(env):
5 | def CheckCasaLib(context, lib):
6 | context.Message("Checking casa library '%s'..."%lib)
7 |
8 | context.Result(r)
9 | return r
10 |
11 | def CheckCasa(context, path=None):
12 | ''' look for casa libraries'''
13 | def addCasa(env):
14 | casalibs = "casav atnf images ms components coordinates \
15 | lattices fits measures measures_f \
16 | tables scimath scimath_f casa wcs".split()
17 | #env.Prepend( LIBS = casalibs )
18 | casaincd = [os.path.join(env['CASAROOT'], 'code/include'), \
19 | os.path.join(env['CASAROOT'], 'code/casa')]
20 | env.Append( CPPPATH = casaincd )
21 | casalibd = os.path.join(env['CASAROOT'], env['CASAARCH'], 'lib')
22 | env.Append( LIBPATH = [ casalibd ] )
23 | # Explicit templates in casa
24 | env.Append( CPPFLAGS = ['-DAIPS_NO_TEMPLATE_SRC'] )
25 | context.Message('Checking for casa libraries...')
26 | casaarch = None
27 | if os.environ.has_key('AIPSPATH'):
28 | casa = os.environ.get('AIPSPATH').split()
29 | context.env.Append(CASAARCH = casa[1])
30 | context.env.Append(CASAROOT = casa[0])
31 | addCasa(context.env)
32 | context.Result('yes')
33 | return True
34 | casaarch = 'linux_gnu'
35 | if sys.platform == 'darwin':
36 | casaarch = 'darwin'
37 | elif sys.platform == 'linux2' and platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
38 | casaarch = 'linux_64b'
39 | paths = "/nfs/aips++/weekly /aips++ /opt/aips++ ../casa_asap".split()
40 | if path is not None and len(path):
41 | paths = [path]
42 | # @todo poor mans detection, do autocontext later
43 | for p in paths:
44 | if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(p, casaarch, "lib/libcasa.a")):
45 | context.env.Append(CASAARCH = casaarch)
46 | context.env.Append(CASAROOT = os.path.abspath(p))
47 | addCasa(context.env)
48 | context.Result('yes')
49 | return True
50 | context.Result('no')
51 | return False
52 |
53 |
54 | def AddCustomTests(conf):
55 | conf.AddTests({
56 | 'CheckCasa' : CheckCasa,
57 | })
58 |
59 | env.AddCustomTests = AddCustomTests
60 |
61 | def AddCustomPath(path=""):
62 | if not len(path) or not os.path.exists(path):
63 | return
64 | env.PrependUnique(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(path, "include")])
65 | env.PrependUnique(LIBPATH = [os.path.join(path, "lib")])
66 | env.AddCustomPath = AddCustomPath
67 |
68 | def exists(env):
69 | return true