import math from asap.logging import asaplog class StatCalculator: def __init__(self): self.s=0. self.s2=0. self.cnt=0 def mean(self): if self.cnt<=0: raise RuntimeError, "At least one data point has to be defined" return self.s/float(self.cnt) def variance(self): if self.cnt<=1: raise RuntimeError, "At least two data points has to be defined" return math.sqrt((self.s2/self.cnt)-(self.s/self.cnt)**2+1e-12) def rms(self): """ return rms of the accumulated sample """ if self.cnt<=0: raise RuntimeError, "At least one data point has to be defined" return math.sqrt(self.s2/self.cnt) def add(self, pt): self.s = self.s + pt self.s2 = self.s2 + pt*pt self.cnt = self.cnt + 1 class simplelinefinder: ''' A simplified class to search for spectral features. The algorithm assumes that the bandpass is taken out perfectly and no spectral channels are flagged (except some edge channels). It works with a list or tuple rather than a scantable and returns the channel pairs. There is an optional feature to attempt to split the detected lines into components, although it should be used with caution. This class is largely intended to be used with scripts. The fully featured version of the algorithm working with scantables is called linefinder. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialize the class. ''' self._median = None self._rms = None def writeLog(self, str): """ Write user defined string into log file """ asaplog.push(str) def invertChannelSelection(self, nchan, chans, edge = (0,0)): """ This method converts a tuple with channel ranges to a tuple which covers all channels not selected by the original tuple (optionally edge channels can be discarded) nchan - number of channels in the spectrum. chans - tuple (with even number of elements) containing start and stop channel for all selected ranges edge - one number or two element tuple (separate values for two ends) defining how many channels to reject return: a tuple with inverted channel selection Note, at this stage channel ranges are assumed to be sorted and without overlap """ if nchan<=1: raise RuntimeError, "Number of channels is supposed to be at least 2, you have %i"% nchan if len(chans)%2!=0: raise RuntimeError, "chans is supposed to be a tuple with even number of elements" tempedge = edge if not isinstance(tempedge,tuple): tempedge = (edge,edge) if len(tempedge)!=2: raise RuntimeError, "edge parameter is supposed to be a two-element tuple or a single number" if tempedge[0]<0 or tempedge[1]<0: raise RuntimeError, "number of edge rejected cannels is supposed to be positive" startchan = tempedge[0] stopchan = nchan - tempedge[1] if stopchan-startchan<0: raise RuntimeError, "Edge rejection rejected all channels" ranges = [] curstart = startchan for i in range(0,len(chans),2): if chans[i+1]=vel_range[1]: raise RuntimeError, "start velocity is supposed to be less than end velocity, vel_range: %s" % vel_range if len(spc[0])<=2: raise RuntimeError, "Spectrum should contain more than 2 points, you have %i" % len(spc[0]) chans = list(vel_range) for j in range(len(chans)): chans[j] = -1 for i in range(len(spc[0])): if i!=0: prev_vel = spc[0][i-1] else: prev_vel = spc[0][i+1] delta = max(prev_vel, spc[0][i]) - min(prev_vel, spc[0][i]) for j in range(len(vel_range)): if abs(vel_range[j]-spc[0][i])abs(y): return 1 else: return 0 def rms(self): """ Return rms scatter of the spectral points (with respect to the median) calculated during last find_lines call. Note, this method throws an exception if find_lines has never been called. """ if self._rms==None: raise RuntimeError, "call find_lines before using the rms method" return self._rms def median(self): """ Return the median of the last spectrum passed to find_lines. Note, this method throws an exception if find_lines has never been called. """ if self._median==None: raise RuntimeError, "call find_lines before using the median method" return self._median def _mergeIntervals(self, lines, spc): """ A helper method to merge intervals. lines - list of tuples with first and last channels of all intervals spc - spectrum (to be able to test whether adjacent intervals have the same sign. """ toberemoved = [] for i in range(1,len(lines)): if lines[i-1][1]+1>=lines[i][0]: if (spc[lines[i-1][1]]>self._median) == (spc[lines[i][0]]>self._median): lines[i] = (lines[i-1][0],lines[i][1]) toberemoved.append(i-1) toberemoved.sort() for i in range(len(toberemoved)-1,-1,-1): if toberemoved[i]>=len(lines): raise RuntimeError, "this shouldn't have happened!" lines.pop(toberemoved[i]) def _splitIntervals(self,lines,spc,threshold=3,minchan=3): """ A helper method used in the spectral line detection routine. It splits given intervals into a number of "spectral lines". Each line is characterised by a single extremum. Noise is dealt with by taking into account only those extrema, where a difference with respect to surrounding spectral points exceeds threshold times rms (stored inside this class, so the main body of the line detection should be executed first) and there are at least minchan such points. """ if minchan<1: raise RuntimeError, "minchan in _splitIntervals is not supposed to be less than 1, you have %s" % minchan newlines = [] for line in lines: if line[1]-line[0]+1 <= minchan: newlines.append(line) wasIncreasing = None derivSignReversals = [] for ch in range(line[0]+1,line[1]+1): diff=spc[ch]-spc[ch-1] isIncreasing = (diff>0) if wasIncreasing != None: if isIncreasing != wasIncreasing: derivSignReversals.append((ch,isIncreasing)) wasIncreasing = isIncreasing if len(derivSignReversals)==0: newlines.append(line) elif len(derivSignReversals)%2 != 1: self.writeLog("SplitIntervals warning. Derivative is expected to have odd number of reversals within the interval: \"%s\" " % derivSignReversals); newlines.append(line) elif derivSignReversals[0][1]!=derivSignReversals[-1][1]: self.writeLog("SplitIntervals warning. Derivative is expected to have the same sign at the start and at the end of each interval: \"%s\"" % derivSignReversals) newlines.append(line) else: startchan = line[0] for i in range(len(derivSignReversals)): if i%2 == 1: newlines.append((startchan,derivSignReversals[i][0]-1)) startchan = derivSignReversals[i][0] newlines.append((startchan,line[1])) return newlines def find_lines(self,spc,threshold=3,edge=0,minchan=3, tailsearch = True, splitFeatures = False): """ A simple spectral line detection routine, which assumes that bandpass has been taken out perfectly and no channels are flagged within the spectrum. A detection is reported if consequtive minchan number of channels is consistently above or below the median value. The threshold is given in terms of the rms calculated using 80% of the lowest data points by the absolute value (with respect to median) spc - a list or tuple with the spectrum, no default threshold - detection threshold, default is 3 sigma, see above for the definition edge - if non-zero, this number of spectral channels will be rejected at the edge. Default is not to do any rejection. minchan - minimum number of consequitive channels exceeding threshold to claim the detection, default is 3. tailsearch - if True (default), the algorithm attempts to widen each line until its flux crosses the median. It merges lines if necessary. Set this option off if you need to split the lines according to some criterion splitFeatures - if True, the algorithm attempts to split each detected spectral feature into a number of spectral lines (just one local extremum). The default action is not to do it (may give an adverse results if the noise is high) This method returns a list of tuples each containing start and stop 0-based channel number of every detected line. Empty list if nothing has been detected. Note. The median and rms about this median is stored inside this class and can be obtained with rms and median methods. """ if edge<0: raise RuntimeError, "edge parameter of find_lines should be non-negative, you have %s" % edge if 2*edge>=len(spc): raise RuntimeError, "edge is too high (%i), you rejected all channels (%i)" % (edge, len(spc)) if threshold<=0: raise RuntimeError, "threshold parameter of find_lines should be positive, you have %s" % threshold if minchan<=0: raise RuntimeError, "minchan parameter of find_lines should be positive, you have %s" % minchan # temporary storage to get statistics, apply edge rejection here tmpspc = spc[edge:len(spc)-edge+1] if len(tmpspc)<2: raise RuntimeError, "Too many channels are rejected. Decrease edge parameter or provide a longer spectrum." tmpspc.sort() self._median=tmpspc[len(tmpspc)/2] # work with offsets from the median and sort by absolute values for i in range(len(tmpspc)): tmpspc[i]-=self._median tmpspc.sort(cmp=self._absvalComp) sc = StatCalculator() for i in tmpspc[:-int(0.2*len(tmpspc))]: sc.add(i) self._rms=sc.rms() self.writeLog("Spectral line detection with edge=%i, threshold=%f, minchan=%i and tailsearch=%s" % (edge,threshold, minchan, tailsearch)) self.writeLog("statistics: median=%f, rms=%f" % (self._median, self._rms)) #actual line detection lines=[] wasAbove = None nchan = 0 startchan=None for i in range(edge,len(spc)-edge): if abs(spc[i]-self._median)>threshold*self._rms: isAbove=(spc[i] > self._median) if nchan!=0: if wasAbove == isAbove: nchan+=1 else: if nchan>=minchan: lines.append((startchan,i-1)) nchan=1 wasAbove = isAbove startchan = i else: nchan=1 wasAbove = isAbove startchan = i else: if nchan>=minchan: lines.append((startchan,i-1)) nchan = 0 if nchan>=minchan: lines.append((startchan,len(spc)-edge-1)) if tailsearch: for i in range(len(lines)): wasAbove = None curRange = list(lines[i]) for x in range(curRange[0],edge,-1): isAbove=(spc[x] > self._median) if wasAbove == None: wasAbove = isAbove if isAbove!=wasAbove: curRange[0]=x+1 break for x in range(curRange[1],len(spc)-edge): isAbove=(spc[x] > self._median) if isAbove!=wasAbove: curRange[1]=x-1 break lines[i]=tuple(curRange) self._mergeIntervals(lines,spc) if splitFeatures: return self._splitIntervals(lines,spc,threshold,minchan) return lines