import os, shutil import numpy import numpy.fft as FFT import math from asap.scantable import scantable from asap.parameters import rcParams from asap.logging import asaplog, asaplog_post_dec from asap.selector import selector from asap.asapgrid import asapgrid2 from asap._asap import SBSeparator class sbseparator: """ The sbseparator class is defined to separate SIGNAL and IMAGE sideband spectra observed by frequency-switching technique. It also helps supressing emmission of IMAGE sideband. *** WARNING *** THIS MODULE IS EXPERIMENTAL Known issues: - Frequencies of IMAGE sideband cannot be reconstructed from information in scantable in sideband sparation. Frequency setting of SIGNAL sideband is stored in output table for now. - Flag information (stored in FLAGTRA) is ignored. Example: # Create sideband separator instance whith 3 input data sbsep = sbseparator(['test1.asap', 'test2.asap', 'test3.asap']) # Set reference IFNO and tolerance to select data sbsep.set_frequency(5, 30, frame='TOPO') # Set direction tolerance to select data in unit of radian sbsep.set_dirtol(1.e-5) # Set rejection limit of solution sbsep.set_limit(0.2) # Solve image sideband as well sbsep.set_both(True) # Invoke sideband separation sbsep.separate('testout.asap', overwrite = True) """ def __init__(self, infiles): self.intables = None self.signalShift = [] self.imageShift = [] self.dsbmode = True self.getboth = False self.rejlimit = 0.2 self.baseif = -1 self.freqtol = 10. self.freqframe = "" self.solveother = False self.dirtol = [1.e-5, 1.e-5] # direction tolerance in rad (2 arcsec) #self.lo1 = 0. self.tables = [] self.nshift = -1 self.nchan = -1 self.set_data(infiles) self._separator = SBSeparator(infiles) @asaplog_post_dec def set_data(self, infiles): """ Set data to be processed. infiles : a list of filenames or scantables """ if not (type(infiles) in (list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)): infiles = [infiles] if isinstance(infiles[0], scantable): # a list of scantable for stab in infiles: if not isinstance(stab, scantable): raise TypeError, "Input data is not a list of scantables." #self._separator._setdata(infiles) self._reset_data() self.intables = infiles else: # a list of filenames for name in infiles: if not os.path.exists(name): raise ValueError, "Could not find input file '%s'" % name #self._separator._setdataname(infiles) self._reset_data() self.intables = infiles asaplog.push("%d files are set to process" % len(self.intables)) def _reset_data(self): del self.intables self.intables = None self.signalShift = [] #self.imageShift = [] self.tables = [] self.nshift = -1 self.nchan = -1 @asaplog_post_dec def set_frequency(self, baseif, freqtol, frame=""): """ Set IFNO and frequency tolerance to select data to process. Parameters: - reference IFNO to process in the first table in the list - frequency tolerance from reference IF to select data frame : frequency frame to select IF """ self._reset_if() self.baseif = baseif if isinstance(freqtol,dict) and freqtol["unit"] == "Hz": if freqtol['value'] > 0.: self.freqtol = freqtol else: asaplog.push("Frequency tolerance should be positive value.")"ERROR") return else: # torelance in channel unit if freqtol > 0: self.freqtol = float(freqtol) else: asaplog.push("Frequency tolerance should be positive value.")"ERROR") return self.freqframe = frame def _reset_if(self): self.baseif = -1 self.freqtol = 0 self.freqframe = "" self.signalShift = [] #self.imageShift = [] self.tables = [] self.nshift = 0 self.nchan = -1 @asaplog_post_dec def set_dirtol(self, dirtol=[1.e-5,1.e-5]): """ Set tolerance of direction to select data """ # direction tolerance in rad if not (type(dirtol) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]): dirtol = [dirtol, dirtol] if len(dirtol) == 1: dirtol = [dirtol[0], dirtol[0]] if len(dirtol) > 1: self.dirtol = dirtol[0:2] else: asaplog.push("Invalid direction tolerance. Should be a list of float in unit radian")"ERROR") return"Set direction tolerance [%f, %f] (rad)" % \ (self.dirtol[0], self.dirtol[1])) @asaplog_post_dec def set_shift(self, mode="DSB", imageshift=None): """ Set shift mode and channel shift of image band. mode : shift mode ['DSB'|'SSB'(='2SB')] When mode='DSB', imageshift is assumed to be equal to the shift of signal sideband but in opposite direction. imageshift : a list of number of channel shift in image band of each scantable. valid only mode='SSB' """ if mode.upper().startswith("D"): # DSB mode self.dsbmode = True self.imageShift = [] else: if not imageshift: raise ValueError, "Need to set shift value of image sideband" self.dsbmode = False self.imageShift = imageshift asaplog.push("Image sideband shift is set manually: %s" % str(self.imageShift)) @asaplog_post_dec def set_both(self, flag=False): """ Resolve both image and signal sideband when True. """ self.getboth = flag if self.getboth: asaplog.push("Both signal and image sidebands are solved and output as separate tables.") else: asaplog.push("Only signal sideband is solved and output as an table.") @asaplog_post_dec def set_limit(self, threshold=0.2): """ Set rejection limit of solution. """ #self._separator._setlimit(abs(threshold)) self.rejlimit = threshold asaplog.push("The threshold of rejection is set to %f" % self.rejlimit) @asaplog_post_dec def set_solve_other(self, flag=False): """ Calculate spectra by subtracting the solution of the other sideband when True. """ self.solveother = flag if flag: asaplog.push("Expert mode: solution are obtained by subtraction of the other sideband.") def set_lo1(self,lo1): """ Set LO1 frequency to calculate frequency of image sideband. lo1 : LO1 frequency in float """ lo1val = -1. if isinstance(lo1, dict) and lo1["unit"] == "Hz": lo1val = lo1["value"] else: lo1val = float(lo1) if lo1val <= 0.: asaplog.push("Got negative LO1 frequency. It will be ignored.")"WARN") else: self._separator.set_lo1(lo1val) def set_lo1root(self, name): """ Set MS name which stores LO1 frequency of signal side band. It is used to calculate frequency of image sideband. name : MS name which contains 'ASDM_SPECTRALWINDOW' and 'ASDM_RECEIVER' tables. """ self._separator.set_lo1root(name) @asaplog_post_dec def separate(self, outname="", overwrite=False): """ Invoke sideband separation. outname : a name of output scantable overwrite : overwrite existing table """ # List up valid scantables and IFNOs to convolve. #self._separator._separate() self._setup_shift() #self._preprocess_tables() ### TEMPORAL ### self._separator._get_asistb_from_scantb(self.tables[0]) ################ nshift = len(self.tables) signaltab = self._grid_outtable(self.tables[0]) if self.getboth: imagetab = signaltab.copy() rejrow = [] for irow in xrange(signaltab.nrow()): currpol = signaltab.getpol(irow) currbeam = signaltab.getbeam(irow) currdir = signaltab.get_directionval(irow) spec_array, tabidx = self._get_specarray(polid=currpol,\ beamid=currbeam,\ dir=currdir) #if not spec_array: if len(tabidx) == 0: asaplog.push("skipping row %d" % irow) rejrow.append(irow) continue signal = self._solve_signal(spec_array, tabidx) signaltab.set_spectrum(signal, irow) # Solve image side side band if self.getboth: image = self._solve_image(spec_array, tabidx) imagetab.set_spectrum(image, irow) # TODO: Need to remove rejrow form scantables here signaltab.flag_row(rejrow) if self.getboth: imagetab.flag_row(rejrow) if outname == "": outname = "sbsepareted.asap" signalname = outname + ".signalband" if os.path.exists(signalname): if not overwrite: raise Exception, "Output file '%s' exists." % signalname else: shutil.rmtree(signalname) if self.getboth: # Warnings asaplog.push("Saving IMAGE sideband.") #asaplog.push("Note, frequency information of IMAGE sideband cannot be properly filled so far. (future development)") #asaplog.push("Storing frequency setting of SIGNAL sideband in FREQUENCIES table for now.")"WARN") imagename = outname + ".imageband" if os.path.exists(imagename): if not overwrite: raise Exception, "Output file '%s' exists." % imagename else: shutil.rmtree(imagename) # Update frequency information self._separator.set_imgtable(imagetab) self._separator.solve_imgfreq() def _solve_signal(self, data, tabidx=None): if not tabidx: tabidx = range(len(data)) tempshift = [] dshift = [] if self.solveother: for idx in tabidx: tempshift.append(-self.imageShift[idx]) dshift.append(self.signalShift[idx] - self.imageShift[idx]) else: for idx in tabidx: tempshift.append(-self.signalShift[idx]) dshift.append(self.imageShift[idx] - self.signalShift[idx]) shiftdata = numpy.zeros(data.shape, numpy.float) for i in range(len(data)): shiftdata[i] = self._shiftSpectrum(data[i], tempshift[i]) ifftdata = self._Deconvolution(shiftdata, dshift, self.rejlimit) result_image = self._combineResult(ifftdata) if not self.solveother: return result_image result_signal = self._subtractOtherSide(shiftdata, dshift, result_image) return result_signal def _solve_image(self, data, tabidx=None): if not tabidx: tabidx = range(len(data)) tempshift = [] dshift = [] if self.solveother: for idx in tabidx: tempshift.append(-self.signalShift[idx]) dshift.append(self.imageShift[idx] - self.signalShift[idx]) else: for idx in tabidx: tempshift.append(-self.imageShift[idx]) dshift.append(self.signalShift[idx] - self.imageShift[idx]) shiftdata = numpy.zeros(data.shape, numpy.float) for i in range(len(data)): shiftdata[i] = self._shiftSpectrum(data[i], tempshift[i]) ifftdata = self._Deconvolution(shiftdata, dshift, self.rejlimit) result_image = self._combineResult(ifftdata) if not self.solveother: return result_image result_signal = self._subtractOtherSide(shiftdata, dshift, result_image) return result_signal @asaplog_post_dec def _grid_outtable(self, table): # Generate gridded table for output (Just to get rows) gridder = asapgrid2(table) gridder.setIF(self.baseif) cellx = str(self.dirtol[0])+"rad" celly = str(self.dirtol[1])+"rad" dirarr = numpy.array(table.get_directionval()).transpose() mapx = dirarr[0].max() - dirarr[0].min() mapy = dirarr[1].max() - dirarr[1].min() centy = 0.5 * (dirarr[1].max() + dirarr[1].min()) nx = max(1, numpy.ceil(mapx*numpy.cos(centy)/self.dirtol[0])) ny = max(1, numpy.ceil(mapy/self.dirtol[0])) asaplog.push("Regrid output scantable with cell = [%s, %s]" % \ (cellx, celly)) gridder.defineImage(nx=nx, ny=ny, cellx=cellx, celly=celly) gridder.setFunc(func='box', convsupport=1) gridder.setWeight(weightType='uniform') gridder.grid() return gridder.getResult() @asaplog_post_dec def _get_specarray(self, polid=None, beamid=None, dir=None): ntable = len(self.tables) spec_array = numpy.zeros((ntable, self.nchan), numpy.float) nspec = 0 asaplog.push("Start data selection by POL=%d, BEAM=%d, direction=[%f, %f]" % (polid, beamid, dir[0], dir[1])) tabidx = [] for itab in range(ntable): tab = self.tables[itab] # Select rows by POLNO and BEAMNO try: tab.set_selection(pols=[polid], beams=[beamid]) if tab.nrow() > 0: tabidx.append(itab) except: # no selection asaplog.push("table %d - No spectrum ....skipping the table" % (itab))"WARN") continue # Select rows by direction spec = numpy.zeros(self.nchan, numpy.float) selrow = [] for irow in range(tab.nrow()): currdir = tab.get_directionval(irow) if (abs(currdir[0] - dir[0]) > self.dirtol[0]) or \ (abs(currdir[1] - dir[1]) > self.dirtol[1]): continue selrow.append(irow) if len(selrow) == 0: asaplog.push("table %d - No spectrum ....skipping the table" % (itab))"WARN") continue else: seltab = tab.copy() seltab.set_selection(selector(rows=selrow)) if tab.nrow() > 1: asaplog.push("table %d - More than a spectrum selected. averaging rows..." % (itab)) tab = seltab.average_time(scanav=False, weight="tintsys") else: tab = seltab spec_array[nspec] = tab._getspectrum() nspec += 1 if nspec != ntable: #asaplog.push("Some tables has no spectrum with POL=%d BEAM=%d. averaging rows..." % (polid, beamid)) asaplog.push("Could not find corresponding rows in some tables.") asaplog.push("Number of spectra selected = %d (table: %d)" % (nspec, ntable)) if nspec < 2: asaplog.push("At least 2 spectra are necessary for convolution")"ERROR") return False, tabidx return spec_array[0:nspec], tabidx @asaplog_post_dec def _setup_shift(self): ### define self.tables, self.signalShift, and self.imageShift if not self.intables: raise RuntimeError, "Input data is not defined." #if self.baseif < 0: # # raise RuntimeError, "Reference IFNO is not defined." byname = False #if not self.intables: if isinstance(self.intables[0], str): # A list of file name is given if not os.path.exists(self.intables[0]): raise RuntimeError, "Could not find '%s'" % self.intables[0] stab = scantable(self.intables[0],average=False) ntab = len(self.intables) byname = True else: stab = self.intables[0] ntab = len(self.intables) if len(stab.getbeamnos()) > 1: asaplog.push("Mult-beam data is not supported by this module.")"ERROR") return valid_ifs = stab.getifnos() if self.baseif < 0: self.baseif = valid_ifs[0] asaplog.push("IFNO is not selected. Using the first IF in the first scantable. Reference IFNO = %d" % (self.baseif)) if not (self.baseif in valid_ifs): errmsg = "IF%d does not exist in the first scantable" % \ self.baseif raise RuntimeError, errmsg asaplog.push("Start selecting tables and IFNOs to solve.") asaplog.push("Checking frequency of the reference IF") unit_org = stab.get_unit() coord = stab._getcoordinfo() frame_org = coord[1] stab.set_unit("Hz") if len(self.freqframe) > 0: stab.set_freqframe(self.freqframe) stab.set_selection(ifs=[self.baseif]) spx = stab._getabcissa() stab.set_selection() basech0 = spx[0] baseinc = spx[1]-spx[0] self.nchan = len(spx) # frequency tolerance if isinstance(self.freqtol, dict) and self.freqtol['unit'] == "Hz": vftol = abs(self.freqtol['value']) else: vftol = abs(baseinc * float(self.freqtol)) self.freqtol = dict(value=vftol, unit="Hz") # tolerance of frequency increment inctol = abs(baseinc/float(self.nchan)) asaplog.push("Reference frequency setup (Table = 0, IFNO = %d): nchan = %d, chan0 = %f Hz, incr = %f Hz" % (self.baseif, self.nchan, basech0, baseinc)) asaplog.push("Allowed frequency tolerance = %f Hz ( %f channels)" % (vftol, vftol/baseinc)) poltype0 = stab.poltype() self.tables = [] self.signalShift = [] if self.dsbmode: self.imageShift = [] for itab in range(ntab): asaplog.push("Table %d:" % itab) tab_selected = False if itab > 0: if byname: stab = scantable(self.intables[itab],average=False) else: stab = self.intables[itab] unit_org = stab.get_unit() coord = stab._getcoordinfo() frame_org = coord[1] stab.set_unit("Hz") if len(self.freqframe) > 0: stab.set_freqframe(self.freqframe) # Check POLTYPE should be equal to the first table. if stab.poltype() != poltype0: raise Exception, "POLTYPE should be equal to the first table." # Multiple beam data may not handled properly if len(stab.getbeamnos()) > 1: asaplog.push("table contains multiple beams. It may not be handled properly.") asaplog.push("WARN") for ifno in stab.getifnos(): stab.set_selection(ifs=[ifno]) spx = stab._getabcissa() if (len(spx) != self.nchan) or \ (abs(spx[0]-basech0) > vftol) or \ (abs(spx[1]-spx[0]-baseinc) > inctol): continue tab_selected = True seltab = stab.copy() seltab.set_unit(unit_org) seltab.set_freqframe(frame_org) self.tables.append(seltab) self.signalShift.append((spx[0]-basech0)/baseinc) if self.dsbmode: self.imageShift.append(-self.signalShift[-1]) asaplog.push("- IF%d selected: sideband shift = %16.12e channels" % (ifno, self.signalShift[-1])) stab.set_selection() stab.set_unit(unit_org) stab.set_freqframe(frame_org) if not tab_selected: asaplog.push("No data selected in Table %d" % itab)"WARN") asaplog.push("Total number of IFs selected = %d" % len(self.tables)) if len(self.tables) < 2: raise RuntimeError, "At least 2 IFs are necessary for convolution!" if not self.dsbmode and len(self.imageShift) != len(self.signalShift): errmsg = "User defined channel shift of image sideband has %d elements, while selected IFNOs are %d" % (len(self.imageShift), len(self.signalShift)) errmsg += "\nThe frequency tolerance (freqtol) you set may be too small." raise RuntimeError, errmsg self.signalShift = numpy.array(self.signalShift) self.imageShift = numpy.array(self.imageShift) self.nshift = len(self.tables) @asaplog_post_dec def _preprocess_tables(self): ### temporary method to preprocess data ### Do time averaging for now. for itab in range(len(self.tables)): self.tables[itab] = self.tables[itab].average_time(scanav=False, weight="tintsys") # @asaplog_post_dec # def _setup_image_freq(self, table): # # User defined coordinate # # Get from associated MS # # Get from ASDM # lo1 = -1. # if self.lo1 > 0.: # asaplog.push("Using user defined LO1 frequency %e16.12 [Hz]" % self.lo1) # lo1 = self.lo1 # else: # print "NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!!!" # def save(self, outfile, outform="ASAP", overwrite=False): # if not overwrite and os.path.exists(outfile): # raise RuntimeError, "Output file '%s' already exists" % outfile # # #self._separator._save(outfile, outform) # def done(self): # self.close() # def close(self): # pass # #del self._separator ######################################################################## def _Deconvolution(self, data_array, shift, threshold=0.00000001): FObs = [] Reject = 0 nshift, nchan = data_array.shape nspec = nshift*(nshift-1)/2 ifftObs = numpy.zeros((nspec, nchan), numpy.float) for i in range(nshift): F = FFT.fft(data_array[i]) FObs.append(F) z = 0 for i in range(nshift): for j in range(i+1, nshift): Fobs = (FObs[i]+FObs[j])/2.0 dX = (shift[j]-shift[i])*2.0*math.pi/float(self.nchan) #print 'dX,i,j=',dX,i,j for k in range(1,self.nchan): if math.fabs(math.sin(dX*k)) > threshold: Fobs[k] += ((FObs[i][k]-FObs[j][k])/2.0/(1.0-math.cos(dX*k))*math.sin(dX*k))*1.0j else: Reject += 1 ifftObs[z] = FFT.ifft(Fobs) z += 1 print 'Threshold=%s Reject=%d' % (threshold, Reject) return ifftObs def _combineResult(self, ifftObs): nspec = len(ifftObs) sum = ifftObs[0] for i in range(1,nspec): sum += ifftObs[i] return(sum/float(nspec)) def _subtractOtherSide(self, data_array, shift, Data): sum = numpy.zeros(len(Data), numpy.float) numSP = len(data_array) for i in range(numSP): SPsub = data_array[i] - Data sum += self._shiftSpectrum(SPsub, -shift[i]) return(sum/float(numSP)) def _shiftSpectrum(self, data, Shift): Out = numpy.zeros(self.nchan, numpy.float) w2 = Shift % 1 w1 = 1.0 - w2 for i in range(self.nchan): c1 = int((Shift + i) % self.nchan) c2 = (c1 + 1) % self.nchan Out[c1] += data[i] * w1 Out[c2] += data[i] * w2 return Out.copy()