from os.path import expanduser, expandvars from asap._asap import Plotter2 class plotter2: def __init__(self): self._plotter = Plotter2() def set_output(self, filename=None, dev=None): """\ set output filename and/or output device. when only filename given, filename is splitted with '.' then the last part (filename extension) will be used as output device. Parameters: filename: output file name (default is '') device: output device. default is 'xwindow'. 'png', 'ps' and 'vps'(PostScript in portrait shape) are available also. Example: set_output() -- display in X Window (default) set_output('foo.png') -- generate foo.png in PNG format. set_output('', 'vps') -- generate in portrait shape. """ if filename is None: filename = '' dev = 'xwindow' else: filename = filename.strip() if filename == '': dev = 'xwindow' else: if (dev is None) or (dev.strip() == ''): fnamelem = filename.lower().split('.') dev = fnamelem[len(fnamelem)-1].strip() if dev == 'ps': dev = 'cps' self._plotter.set_filename(expanduser(expandvars(filename))) self._plotter.set_device(dev.strip()) def set_vp(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, id=None): """\ change the position/shape of viewport in which data are to be plotted. positions should be given in window coordinate (0<={x,y}<=1), but, unlike the usual definition of window coordinates, with the origin at the bottom left corner. when you create plotter2 instance, it already has a single viewport with xmin=ymin=0.1 and xmax=ymax=0.9 (id=0). in case you don't want to change the size/position of the viewport, you never need to run this function. if you want to have two or more viewports, run set_vp() first to move/resize the first viewport, then you will be able to add a new viewport by executing set_vp without id (the id of the new viewport is returned in this case). the location and shape of any viewport can be modified later by specifying its viewport id. Parameters: xmin: the x position of the left side. xmax: the x position of the rightt side. ymin: the y position of the top of viewport. ymax: the y position of the bottom of viewport. id: viewport id """ if id is None: if self._plotter.get_hasdefaultvp(): self._plotter.set_viewport(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0) else: return self._plotter.add_viewport(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) else: self._plotter.set_viewport(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, id) def show_vp(self, vpid=None): """\ show viewport specified with its id. Parameter: vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.show_viewport(vpid) def hide_vp(self, vpid=None): """\ hide viewport specified with its id. Parameter: vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.hide_viewport(vpid) def set_range(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, vpid=None): """\ set 2D range to be displayed in the specified viewport. by default, the display range is set automatically. Parameter: xmin: the minimum of x range. xmax: the maximum of x range. ymin: the minimum of y range. ymax: the maximum of y range. vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.set_range(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, vpid) def set_xrange(self, xmin, xmax, vpid=None): """\ set x range to be displayed in the specified viewport. by default, the display range is set automatically. Parameter: xmin: the minimum of x range. xmax: the maximum of x range. vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.set_range_x(xmin, xmax, vpid) def set_yrange(self, ymin, ymax, vpid=None): """\ set y range to be displayed in the specified viewport. by default, the display range is set automatically. Parameter: ymin: the minimum of y range. ymax: the maximum of y range. vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.set_range_y(ymin, ymax, vpid) def get_xrange(self, vpid=None): """\ returns x range of displayed region of the specified viewport as a list of [xmin, xmax]. Parameter: vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 return self._plotter.get_range_x(vpid) def get_yrange(self, vpid=None): """\ returns y range of displayed region in the specified viewport as a list of [ymin, ymax]. Parameter: vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 return self._plotter.get_range_y(vpid) def set_autorange(self, vpid=None): """\ set the 2-Dimensional range of displayed area of the specified viewport to automatically enclose the given data. the x range will be from the minimum up to the maximum value of the given x values, whereas y range has margins of 10% of the y value range both at the top and the bottom sides. Parameter: vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.set_autorange(vpid) def set_xautorange(self, vpid=None): """\ set x range of displayed area of the specified viewport to automatically enclose the given data with no margins. Parameter: vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.set_autorange_x(vpid) def set_yautorange(self, vpid=None): """\ set y range of displayed area of the specified viewport to automatically enclose the given data with margins of 10% of the y value range both at the top and the bottom sides. Parameter: vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.set_autorange_y(vpid) def set_fontsize(self, size, vpid=None): """\ set the font size that is used for number labels etc. Parameter: size: font size (default is 1) vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.set_fontsize(size, vpid) def set_xtics(self, interval_major, num_minor=None, vpid=None): """\ set the interval of ticks along x axis. Parameter: interval_major: interval of major ticks num_minor: major tick interval / minor tick interval. default is 5. vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 if num_minor is None: num_minor = 5 self._plotter.set_tics_x(interval_major, num_minor, vpid) def set_ytics(self, interval_major, num_minor=None, vpid=None): """\ set the interval of ticks along y axis. Parameter: interval_major: interval of major ticks num_minor: major tick interval / minor tick interval. default is 5. vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 if num_minor is None: num_minor = 5 self._plotter.set_tics_y(interval_major, num_minor, vpid) def set_xautotics(self, vpid=None): """\ set the interval of ticks and number labels along x axis given automatically. Parameter: vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.set_autotics_x(vpid) def set_yautotics(self, vpid=None): """\ set the interval of ticks and number labels along y axis given automatically. Parameter: vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.set_autotics_y(vpid) def set_xnuminterval(self, interval, vpid=None): """\ set the interval of number labels along x axis. Parameter: interval: interval of number labels vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.set_ninterval_x(interval, vpid) def set_ynuminterval(self, interval, vpid=None): """\ set the interval of number labels along y axis. Parameter: interval: interval of number labels vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.set_ninterval_y(interval, vpid) def set_xnumlocation(self, location=None, vpid=None): """\ set the location of number labels along x axis. Parameters: location: 'l' (left side) or 'r' (right side). default is 'l'. vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 if location is None: location = "l" self._plotter.set_nlocation_x(location.lower(), vpid) def set_ynumlocation(self, location=None, vpid=None): """\ set the location of number labels along y axis. Parameters: location: 'b' (bottom) or 't' (top). default is 'b'. vpid: viewport id. when unset, operation is applied to the viewport with the largest id. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 if location is None: location = "b" self._plotter.set_nlocation_y(location.lower(), vpid) def set_data(self, xdata, ydata, vpid=None, dataid=None): """\ append or change dataset to be plotted. Parameters: xdata: a list of x positions of the input data. ydata: a list of y positions of the input data. vpid: viewport id. when not given, the last viewport will be the target. dataid: dataset id. a integer starting from 0. when dataid is given, the corresponding dataset of the specified viewport is replaced by the given xdata and ydata. when not given, a new dataset of xdata and ydata is appended. """ if dataid is None: if vpid is None: vpid = -1 dataid = -1 self._plotter.set_data(xdata, ydata, vpid, dataid) def set_line(self, color, width=None, style=None, vpid=None, dataid=None): """\ change line attributes. Parameters: color: line color specified by color name. available colors can be listed via list_colornames(). width: line width. default is 1. style: line style. available styles can be listed via list_linestyles(). vpid: viewport id. when not given, the last viewport will be the target of operation. dataid: dataset id. when not given, the last dataset for the specified viewport is the target. """ if width is None: width = 1 if style is None: style = "solid" if vpid is None: vpid = -1 if dataid is None: dataid = -1 coloridx = self.get_colorindex(color) styleidx = self.get_linestyleindex(style) self._plotter.set_line(coloridx, width, styleidx, vpid, dataid) def show_line(self, vpid=None, dataid=None): """\ show line connecting the specified dataset. Parameters: vpid: viewport id. when not given, the last viewport will be the target. dataid: dataset id. when not given, the last dataset used. """ if dataid is None: if vpid is None: vpid = -1 dataid = -1 self._plotter.show_line(vpid, dataid) def hide_line(self, vpid=None, dataid=None): """\ hide line connecting the specified dataset. Parameters: vpid: viewport id. when not given, the last viewport will be the target. dataid: dataset id. when not given, the last dataset used. """ if dataid is None: if vpid is None: vpid = -1 dataid = -1 self._plotter.hide_line(vpid, dataid) def set_point(self, type, size, color, vpid=None, dataid=None): """\ change marker attributes for the specified dataset. Parameters: type: type of marker symbol. see PGPLOT manual for detail. size: marker size. color: color of marker. see output of list_colornames(). vpid: viewport id. when not given, the last viewport will be the target. dataid: dataset id. when not given, the last dataset used. """ if dataid is None: if vpid is None: vpid = -1 dataid = -1 coloridx = self.get_colorindex(color) self._plotter.set_point(type, size, coloridx, vpid, dataid) def show_point(self, vpid=None, dataid=None): """\ show markers for the specified dataset. Parameters: vpid: viewport id. when not given, the last viewport will be the target. dataid: dataset id. when not given, the last dataset used. """ if dataid is None: if vpid is None: vpid = -1 dataid = -1 self._plotter.show_point(vpid, dataid) def hide_point(self, vpid=None, dataid=None): """\ hide markers for the specified dataset. Parameters: vpid: viewport id. when not given, the last viewport will be the target. dataid: dataset id. when not given, the last dataset used. """ if dataid is None: if vpid is None: vpid = -1 dataid = -1 self._plotter.hide_point(vpid, dataid) def set_xmask(self, xmin, xmax, color=None, fstyle=None, width=None, hsep=None, vpid=None): """\ add a rectangle which spans full y range. Parameters: xmin: the smaller end of mask region xmax: the larger end of mask region color: color of mask region. see output of list_colornames(). default is "lightgray". fstyle: fill style. see output of list_fillstyles(). default is "solid". width: width of outline of mask region. default is 1. hsep: spacing of hatched lines. default is 1.0 vpid: viewport id. when not given, the last viewport will be the target. """ if color is None: color = "lightgray" if fstyle is None: fstyle = "solid" if width is None: width = 1 if hsep is None: hsep = 1.0 if vpid is None: vpid = -1 coloridx = self.get_colorindex(color) fstyleidx = self.get_fillstyleindex(fstyle) self._plotter.set_mask_x(xmin, xmax, coloridx, fstyleidx, width, hsep, vpid) def set_xlabel(self, label, style=None, size=None, posx=None, posy=None, vpid=None): """\ set label string along x axis. when the position of label is specified explicitly by posx and posy, the label appears so that its center placed on the specified position. Parameters: label: label string. style: font style. "normal", "roman", "italic" and "script" are available. default is "normal". size: font size. default is 1.1 (10% larger than that of number labels) posx: x position of label string in window coordinate. default is the center of x axis. posy: y position of label string. vpid: viewport id. when not given, the last viewport will be the target. """ if style is None: style = "" if size is None: size = 1.1 if posx is None: posx = -1.0 if posy is None: posy = -1.0 if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.set_label_x(label, posx, posy, size, style, 1, 0, vpid) def set_ylabel(self, label, style=None, size=None, posx=None, posy=None, vpid=None): """\ set label string along y axis. when the position of label is specified explicitly by posx and posy, the label appears so that its center placed on the specified position. Parameters: label: label string. style: font style. "normal", "roman", "italic" and "script" are available. default is "normal". size: font size. default is 1.1 (10% larger than that of number labels) posx: x position of label string in window coordinate. posy: y position of label string. default is the center of y axis. vpid: viewport id. when not given, the last viewport will be the target. """ if style is None: style = "" if size is None: size = 1.1 if posx is None: posx = -1.0 if posy is None: posy = -1.0 if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.set_label_y(label, posx, posy, size, style, 1, 0, vpid) def set_title(self, title, style=None, size=None, posx=None, posy=None, vpid=None): """\ set title string over the top of the specified viewport. when the position of title is specified explicitly by posx and posy, the title appears so that its center placed on the specified position. Parameters: title: title string. style: font style. "normal", "roman", "italic" and "script" are available. default is "normal". size: font size. default is 1.5 (50% larger than that of number titles) posx: x position of title string in window coordinate. posy: y position of title string. default is the center of y axis. vpid: viewport id. when not given, the last viewport will be the target. """ if style is None: style = "" if size is None: size = 1.5 if posx is None: posx = -1.0 if posy is None: posy = -1.0 if vpid is None: vpid = -1 self._plotter.set_title(title, posx, posy, size, style, 1, 0, vpid) def set_vpbgcolor(self, bgcolor, vpid=None): """\ change the background color of the specified viewport. default is transparent. Parameters: bgcolor: background color. see output of list_colornames(). default is "" (transparent). vpid: viewport id. when not given, the last viewport will be the target. """ if vpid is None: vpid = -1 if bgcolor.strip() == "": coloridx = -1 else: coloridx = self.get_colorindex(bgcolor) self._plotter.set_vpbgcolor(coloridx, vpid) def plot(self): """\ execute actual plotting. """ self._plotter.plot() def save(self, filename): """\ save the figure in a file with specified name. the filename and device previously set by set_output() is not affected by this command. Parameters: filename: output file name. """ prev_filename = self._plotter.get_filename() prev_dev = self._plotter.get_device() self.set_output(filename) self.plot() self.set_output(prev_filename, prev_dev) def get_vinfo(self): self._plotter.get_vinfo() @classmethod def get_colorindex(cls, colorname): """\ convert the given color name into color index used in PGPLOT. """ name = colorname.strip().lower() available_color = True if name == "white": idx = 0 # our definition of bgcolor elif name == "black": idx = 1 # our definition of fgcolor elif name == "red": idx = 2 elif name == "green": idx = 3 elif name == "blue": idx = 4 elif name == "cyan": idx = 5 elif name == "magenta": idx = 6 elif name == "yellow": idx = 7 elif name == "orange": idx = 8 elif name == "yellowgreen": idx = 9 elif name == "emerald": idx = 10 elif name == "skyblue": idx = 11 elif name == "purple": idx = 12 elif name == "pink": idx = 13 elif name == "gray": idx = 14 elif name == "lightgray": idx = 15 else: available_color = False if (available_color): return idx else: raise ValueError("Unavailable colour name.") @classmethod def list_colornames(cls): """\ list the available color names. """ print "plotter2: default color list ----" print " (0) white (background)" print " (1) black (foreground)" print " (2) red" print " (3) green" print " (4) blue" print " (5) cyan" print " (6) magenta" print " (7) yellow" print " (8) orange" print " (9) yellowgreen" print " (10) emerald" print " (11) skyblue" print " (12) purple" print " (13) pink" print " (14) gray" print " (15) lightgray" print "---------------------------------" @classmethod def get_linestyleindex(cls, fstyle): """\ convert the given line style into style index used in PGPLOT. """ style = fstyle.strip().lower() available_style = True if style == "solid": idx = 1 elif style == "dashed": idx = 2 elif style == "dash-dotted": idx = 3 elif style == "dotted": idx = 4 elif style == "dash-dot-dot-dotted": idx = 5 else: available_style = False if (available_style): return idx else: raise ValueError("Unavailable line style.") @classmethod def list_linestyles(cls): """\ list the available line styles. """ print "plotter2: fill style list ----" print " (1) solid" print " (2) dashed" print " (3) dash-dotted" print " (4) dotted" print " (5) dash-dot-dot-dotted" print "------------------------------" @classmethod def get_fillstyleindex(cls, fstyle): """\ convert the given fill style into style index used in PGPLOT. """ style = fstyle.strip().lower() available_style = True if style == "solid": idx = 1 elif style == "outline": idx = 2 elif style == "hatched": idx = 3 elif style == "crosshatched": idx = 4 else: available_style = False if (available_style): return idx else: raise ValueError("Unavailable fill style.") @classmethod def list_fillstyles(cls): """\ list the available fill styles. """ print "plotter2: fill style list ----" print " (1) solid" print " (2) outline" print " (3) hatched" print " (4) crosshatched" print "------------------------------" """ def set_annotation(self, label, posx=None, posy=None, angle=None, fjust=None, size=None, style=None, color=None, bgcolor=None, vpid=None): if posx is None: posx = -1.0 if posy is None: posy = -1.0 if angle is None: angle = 0.0 if fjust is None: fjust = 0.5 if size is None: size = 2.0 if style is None: style = "" if color is None: color = 1 #default foreground colour (b) if bgcolor is None: bgcolor = 0 #default backgound colour (w) if vpid is None: vpid = -1 coloridx = self.get_colorindex(color) bgcoloridx = self.get_colorindex(bgcolor) self._plotter.set_annotation(label, posx, posy, angle, fjust, size, style, coloridx, bgcoloridx, vpid) """