1 | """This module provides functions to set up resource parameters (rc).
2 | These can be set in a file .asaprc or using functions.
3 | """
4 | __all__ = ["rc", "list_rcparameters", "rcParams", "rcParamsDefault"]
5 |
6 | import os
7 |
8 | def _validate_bool(b):
9 | 'Convert b to a boolean or raise'
10 | bl = b.lower()
11 | if bl in ('f', 'no', 'false', '0', 0): return False
12 | elif bl in ('t', 'yes', 'true', '1', 1): return True
13 | else:
14 | raise ValueError('Could not convert "%s" to boolean' % b)
15 |
16 | def _validate_int(s):
17 | 'convert s to int or raise'
18 | try: return int(s)
19 | except ValueError:
20 | raise ValueError('Could not convert "%s" to int' % s)
21 |
22 | def _asap_fname():
23 | """
24 | Return the path to the rc file
25 |
26 | Search order:
27 |
28 | * current working dir
29 | * environ var ASAPRC
30 | * HOME/.asaprc
31 |
32 | """
33 | fname = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), '.asaprc')
34 | if os.path.exists(fname): return fname
35 |
36 | if os.environ.has_key('ASAPRC'):
37 | path = os.environ['ASAPRC']
38 | if os.path.exists(path):
39 | fname = os.path.join(path, '.asaprc')
40 | if os.path.exists(fname):
41 | return fname
42 |
43 | if os.environ.has_key('HOME'):
44 | home = os.environ['HOME']
45 | fname = os.path.join(home, '.asaprc')
46 | if os.path.exists(fname):
47 | return fname
48 | return None
49 |
50 |
51 | defaultParams = {
52 | # general
53 | 'verbose' : [True, _validate_bool],
54 | 'useplotter' : [True, _validate_bool],
55 | 'insitu' : [True, _validate_bool],
56 |
57 | # plotting
58 | 'plotter.gui' : [True, _validate_bool],
59 | 'plotter.stacking' : ['p', str],
60 | 'plotter.panelling' : ['s', str],
61 | 'plotter.colours' : ['', str],
62 | 'plotter.linestyles' : ['', str],
63 | 'plotter.decimate' : [False, _validate_bool],
64 | 'plotter.ganged' : [True, _validate_bool],
65 | 'plotter.histogram' : [False, _validate_bool],
66 | 'plotter.papertype' : ['A4', str],
67 | ## for older Matplotlib version
68 | #'plotter.axesformatting' : ['mpl', str],
69 | 'plotter.axesformatting' : ['asap', str],
70 |
71 | # scantable
72 | 'scantable.save' : ['ASAP', str],
73 | 'scantable.autoaverage' : [True, _validate_bool],
74 | 'scantable.freqframe' : ['LSRK', str], #default frequency frame
75 | 'scantable.verbosesummary' : [False, _validate_bool],
76 | 'scantable.storage' : ['memory', str],
77 | 'scantable.history' : [True, _validate_bool],
78 | 'scantable.reference' : ['.*(e|w|_R)$', str],
79 | 'scantable.parallactify' : [False, _validate_bool]
80 | # fitter
81 | }
82 |
83 | def list_rcparameters():
84 |
85 | print """
86 | # general
87 | # print verbose output
88 | verbose : True
89 |
90 | # preload a default plotter
91 | useplotter : True
92 |
93 | # apply operations on the input scantable or return new one
94 | insitu : True
95 |
96 | # plotting
97 |
98 | # do we want a GUI or plot to a file
99 | plotter.gui : True
100 |
101 | # default mode for colour stacking
102 | plotter.stacking : Pol
103 |
104 | # default mode for panelling
105 | plotter.panelling : scan
106 |
107 | # push panels together, to share axis labels
108 | plotter.ganged : True
109 |
110 | # decimate the number of points plotted by a factor of
111 | # nchan/1024
112 | plotter.decimate : False
113 |
114 | # default colours/linestyles
115 | plotter.colours :
116 | plotter.linestyles :
117 |
118 | # enable/disable histogram plotting
119 | plotter.histogram : False
120 |
121 | # ps paper type
122 | plotter.papertype : A4
123 |
124 | # The formatting style of the xaxis
125 | plotter.axesformatting : 'mpl' (default) or 'asap' (for old versions of matplotlib)
126 |
127 | # scantable
128 |
129 | # default storage of scantable ('memory'/'disk')
130 | scantable.storage : memory
131 |
132 | # write history of each call to scantable
133 | scantable.history : True
134 |
135 | # default ouput format when saving
136 | scantable.save : ASAP
137 |
138 | # auto averaging on read
139 | scantable.autoaverage : True
140 |
141 | # default frequency frame to set when function
142 | # scantable.set_freqframe is called
143 | scantable.freqframe : LSRK
144 |
145 | # Control the level of information printed by summary
146 | scantable.verbosesummary : False
147 |
148 | # Control the identification of reference (off) scans
149 | # This is has to be a regular expression
150 | scantable.reference : .*(e|w|_R)$
151 |
152 | # Indicate whether the data was parallactified (total phase offest == 0.0)
153 | scantable.parallactify : False
154 |
155 | # Fitter
156 | """
157 |
158 | def rc_params():
159 | 'Return the default params updated from the values in the rc file'
160 | fname = _asap_fname()
161 |
162 | if fname is None or not os.path.exists(fname):
163 | ret = dict([ (key, tup[0]) for key, tup in defaultParams.items()])
164 | #print message
165 | #message = 'could not find rc file; returning defaults'
166 | return ret
167 |
168 | cnt = 0
169 | for line in file(fname):
170 | cnt +=1
171 | line = line.strip()
172 | if not len(line): continue
173 | if line.startswith('#'): continue
174 | tup = line.split(':',1)
175 | if len(tup) !=2:
176 | print ('Illegal line #%d\n\t%s\n\tin file "%s"' % (cnt, line, fname))
177 | #asaplog.push('Illegal line #%d\n\t%s\n\tin file "%s"' % (cnt, line, fname))
178 | #print_log('WARN')
179 | continue
180 |
181 | key, val = tup
182 | key = key.strip()
183 | if not defaultParams.has_key(key):
184 | print ('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
185 | #asaplog.push('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
186 | #print_log('WARN')
187 | continue
188 |
189 | default, converter = defaultParams[key]
190 |
191 | ind = val.find('#')
192 | if ind>=0: val = val[:ind] # ignore trailing comments
193 | val = val.strip()
194 | try: cval = converter(val) # try to convert to proper type or raise
195 | except ValueError, msg:
196 | print ('Bad val "%s" on line #%d\n\t"%s"\n\tin file "%s"\n\t%s' % (val, cnt, line, fname, msg))
197 | #asaplog.push('Bad val "%s" on line #%d\n\t"%s"\n\tin file "%s"\n\t%s' % (val, cnt, line, fname, str(msg)))
198 | #print_log('WARN')
199 | continue
200 | else:
201 | # Alles Klar, update dict
202 | defaultParams[key][0] = cval
203 |
204 | # strip the conveter funcs and return
205 | ret = dict([ (key, tup[0]) for key, tup in defaultParams.items()])
206 | print ('loaded rc file %s'%fname)
207 |
208 | return ret
209 |
210 |
211 | # this is the instance used by the asap classes
212 | rcParams = rc_params()
213 |
214 | rcParamsDefault = dict(rcParams.items()) # a copy
215 |
216 | def rc(group, **kwargs):
217 | """
218 | Set the current rc params. Group is the grouping for the rc, eg
219 | for scantable.save the group is 'scantable', for plotter.stacking, the
220 | group is 'plotter', and so on. kwargs is a list of attribute
221 | name/value pairs, eg
222 |
223 | rc('scantable', save='SDFITS')
224 |
225 | sets the current rc params and is equivalent to
226 |
227 | rcParams['scantable.save'] = 'SDFITS'
228 |
229 | Use rcdefaults to restore the default rc params after changes.
230 | """
231 |
232 | aliases = {}
233 |
234 | for k,v in kwargs.items():
235 | name = aliases.get(k) or k
236 | if len(group):
237 | key = '%s.%s' % (group, name)
238 | else:
239 | key = name
240 | if not rcParams.has_key(key):
241 | raise KeyError('Unrecognized key "%s" for group "%s" and name "%s"' % (key, group, name))
242 |
243 | rcParams[key] = v
244 |
245 |
246 | def rcdefaults():
247 | """
248 | Restore the default rc params - the ones that were created at
249 | asap load time
250 | """
251 | rcParams.update(rcParamsDefault)