import os import math from asap import scantable from asap import merge from asap import fitter from asap import selector from asap import rcParams from asap import xyplotter def _import_data(data): if not isinstance(data, (list,tuple)): if isinstance(data, scantable): return data elif isinstance(data, str): return scantable(data) tables = [] for d in data: if isinstance(d, scantable): tables.append(d) elif isinstance(d, str): if os.path.exists(d): tables.append(scantable(d)) else: raise IOError("Data file doesn't exists") else: raise TypeError("data is not a scantable or valid file") return merge(tables) def skydip(data, averagepol=True, tsky=300., plot=False): """Determine the opacity from a set of 'skydip' obervations. This can be any set of observations over a range of elevations, but will ususally be a dedicated (set of) scan(s). Return a list of 'n' opacities for 'n' IFs. In case of averagepol being 'False' a list of 'n*m' elements where 'm' is the number of polarisations, e.g. nIF = 3, nPol = 2 => [if0pol0, if0pol1, if1pol0, if1pol1, if2pol0, if2pol1] The opacity is determined by fitting a first order polynomial to: Tsys(airmass) = p0 + airmass*p1 where airmass = 1/sin(elevation) tau = p1/Tsky Parameters: data: a list of file names or scantables or a single file name or scantable. averagepol: Return the average of the opacities for the polarisations This might be useful to set to 'False' if one polarisation is corrupted (Mopra). If set to 'False', an opacity value per polarisation is returned. tksy: The sky temperature (default 300.0K). This might be read from the data in the future. plot: Plot each fit (airmass vs. Tsys). Default is 'False' """ rcsave = rcParams['verbose'] rcParams['verbose'] = False scan = _import_data(data) f = fitter() f.set_function(poly=1) sel = selector() basesel = scan.get_selection() inos = scan.getifnos() pnos = scan.getpolnos() opacities = [] for ino in inos: sel.set_ifs(ino) opacity = [] fits = [] airms = [] tsyss = [] if plot: xyplotter.cla() xyplotter.ioff() xyplotter.clf() xyplotter.xlabel("Airmass") xyplotter.ylabel(r"$T_{sys}$") for pno in pnos: sel.set_polarisations(pno) scan.set_selection(basesel+sel) freq = scan.get_coordinate(0).get_reference_value()/1e9 freqstr = "%0.4f GHz" % freq tsys = scan.get_tsys() elev = scan.get_elevation() airmass = [ 1./math.sin(i) for i in elev ] airms.append(airmass) tsyss.append(tsys) f.set_data(airmass, tsys) fits.append(f.get_fit()) params = f.get_parameters()["params"] opacity.append(params[1]/tsky) if averagepol: opacities.append(sum(opacity)/len(opacity)) else: opacities += opacity if plot: colors = ['b','g','k'] for i in range(len(airms)): xyplotter.plot(airms[i], tsyss[i], 'o', color=colors[i]) xyplotter.plot(airms[i], fits[i], '-', color=colors[i]) xyplotter.figtext(0.7,0.3-(i/30.0), r"$\tau_{fit}=%0.2f$" % opacity[i], color=colors[i]) if averagepol: xyplotter.figtext(0.7,0.3-(len(airms)/30.0), r"$\tau=%0.2f$" % opacities[-1], color='r') xyplotter.title("IF%d : %s" % (ino, freqstr)) xyplotter.ion() xyplotter.draw() raw_input("Hit for next fit...") sel.reset() scan.set_selection(basesel) rcParams['verbose'] = rcsave if plot: xyplotter.close() return opacities