""" A representation of a spectra line catalog. Author: Malte Marquarding """ __revision__ = "$Revision: 1153 $" from asap._asap import linecatalog as lcbase from asap import rcParams import os class linecatalog(lcbase): """ This class is a warpper for line catalogs. These can be either ASCII tables or the tables saved from this class. ASCII tables have the following restrictions: Comments can be present through lines starting with '#'. The first column contains the name of the Molecule. This can't contain spaces, if it does it has to be wrapped in "" The second column contains the frequency of the transition. The third column contains the error in frequency. The fourth column contains a value describing the intensity """ def __init__(self, name): lcbase.__init__(self, name) def summary(self): """ Print the contents of the table. """ try: from IPython.genutils import page as pager except ImportError: from pydoc import pager pager(lcbase.summary(self, -1)) def set_name(self, name, mode="pattern"): """ Set a name restriction on the table. This can be a standard unix-style pattern or a regular expression. Parameters: name: the name patterrn/regex mode: the matching mode, i.e. "pattern" (default) or "regex" """ validmodes = "pattern regex".split() if not mode.lower() in validmodes: return lcbase.set_name(self, name, mode) def set_frequency_limits(self, fmin=1.0, fmax=120.0, unit="GHz"): """ Set frequency limits on the table. Parameters: fmin: the lower bound fmax: the upper bound unit: the frequency unit (default "GHz") Note: The underlying table conatins frequency values in MHz """ base = { "GHz": 1000.0, "MHz": 1.0 } if not base.has_key(unit): raise ValueError("%s is not a valid unit." % unit) # the table conatins values in MHz lcbase.set_freq_limits(self, fmin/base[unit], fmax/base[unit]) def set_strength_limits(self, smin, smax): """ Set line strength limits on the table (arbitrary units) Parameters: smin: the lower bound smax: the upper bound """ lcbase.set_strength_limits(self, smin, smax) def save(self, name, overwrite=False): """ Save the subset of the table to disk. This uses an internal data format and can be read in again. """ name = os.path.expandvars(name) if os.path.isfile(name) or os.path.isdir(name): if not overwrite: msg = "File %s exists." % name if rcParams['verbose']: print msg return else: raise IOError(msg) lcbase.save(self, name) def reset(self): """ Reset the table to its initial state, i.e. undo all calls to set_ """ lcbase.reset() def get_row(self, row=0): """ Get the values in a specified row of the table. Parameters: row: the row to retrieve """ freq = lcbase.get_frequency(self, row) name = lcbase.get_name(self, row) return (freq, name) def __len__(self): return self.nrow() def __getitem__(self, k): if k < 0: k = self.nrow()-k return self.get_row(k)