from asap.parameters import rcParams from asap.utils import _n_bools, mask_and, mask_or from asap.scantable import scantable from asap.logging import asaplog, asaplog_post_dec class interactivemask: """ The class for interactive mask selection. Example: my_mask=interactivemask(plotter,scan) my_mask.set_basemask(masklist=[[0,10],[90,100]],invert=False) # Do interactive mask selection my_mask.select_mask() finish=raw_input('Press return to finish selection.\n') my_mask.finish_selection(callback=func) mask=my_mask.get_mask() Modify mask region by selecting a region on a plot with mouse. """ def __init__(self,plotter=None, scan=None): """ Create a interactive masking object. Either or both 'plotter' or/and 'scan' should be defined. Parameters: plotter: an ASAP plotter object for interactive selection scan: a scantable to create a mask interactively """ # Return if GUI is not active if not rcParams['plotter.gui']: msg = 'GUI plotter is disabled.\n' msg += 'Exit interactive mode.' asaplog.push(msg)"ERROR") return # Verify input parameters if scan is None and plotter is None: msg = "Either scantable or plotter should be defined." raise TypeError(msg) self.scan = None self.p = None self.newplot = False if scan and isinstance(scan, scantable): self.scan = scan from asap.asapplotter import asapplotter if plotter and isinstance(plotter,asapplotter): self.p = plotter if self.scan is None and isinstance(self.p._data,scantable): self.scan = self.p._data if self.scan is None: msg = "Invalid scantable." raise TypeError(msg) self.mask = _n_bools(self.scan.nchan(self.scan.getif(0)),True) self.callback = None self.event = None self.once = False self.showmask = True self.rect = {} self.xold = None self.yold = None self.xdataold = None self.ydataold = None self._polygons = [] def set_basemask(self,masklist=[],invert=False): """ Set initial channel mask. Parameters: masklist: [[min, max], [min2, max2], ...] A list of pairs of start/end points (inclusive) specifying the regions to be masked invert: optional argument. If specified as True, return an inverted mask, i.e. the regions specified are excluded You can reset the mask selection by running this method with the default parameters. """ # Verify input parameters if not (isinstance(masklist, list) or isinstance(masklist, tuple)) \ or not isinstance(invert, bool): msg = 'Invalid mask definition' raise TypeError(msg) # Create base mask if ( len(masklist) > 0 ): self.mask = self.scan.create_mask(masklist,invert=invert) elif invert == True: self.mask = _n_bools(self.scan.nchan(self.scan.getif(0)),False) else: self.mask = _n_bools(self.scan.nchan(self.scan.getif(0)),True) def set_startevent(self,event): """ Inherit an event from the parent function. Parameters: event: 'button_press_event' object to be inherited to start interactive region selection . """ from matplotlib.backend_bases import MouseEvent if isinstance(event,MouseEvent) and == 'button_press_event': self.event = event else: msg = "Invalid event." raise TypeError(msg) def set_callback(self,callback): """ Set callback function to run when finish_selection() is executed. callback: The post processing function to run after the mask selections are completed. This will be overwritten if callback is defined in finish_selection(callback=func) """ self.callback = callback def select_mask(self,once=False,showmask=True): """ Do interactive mask selection. Modify masks interactively by adding/deleting regions with mouse drawing.(left-button: mask; right-button: UNmask) Note that the interactive region selection is available only when GUI plotter is active. Parameters: once: If specified as True, you can modify masks only once. Else if False, you can modify them repeatedly. showmask: If specified as True, the masked regions are plotted on the plotter. Note this parameter is valid only when once=True. Otherwise, maskes are forced to be plotted for reference. """ # Return if GUI is not active if not rcParams['plotter.gui']: msg = 'GUI plotter is disabled.\n' msg += 'Exit interactive mode.' asaplog.push(msg)"ERROR") return self.once = once if self.once: self.showmask = showmask else: if not showmask: asaplog.push('showmask spcification is ignored. Mask regions are plotted anyway.')"WARN") self.showmask = True #if not self.p._plotter or self.p._plotter.is_dead: if not self.p or self.p._plotter.is_dead: asaplog.push('A new ASAP plotter will be loaded') from asap.asapplotter import asapplotter self.p = asapplotter() self.newplot = True # Plot selected spectra if needed if self.scan != self.p._data: if len(self.scan.getifnos()) > 16: asaplog.push("Number of panels > 16. Plotting the first 16...")"WARN") # Need replot self.p._plotter.legend(1) self.p.plot(self.scan) # disable casa toolbar if self.p._plotter.figmgr.casabar: self.p._plotter.figmgr.casabar.disable_button() self.p._plotter.figmgr.casabar.disable_prev() self.p._plotter.figmgr.casabar.disable_next() for panel in self.p._plotter.subplots: xmin, xmax = panel['axes'].get_xlim() marg = 0.05*abs(xmax-xmin) panel['axes'].set_xlim(xmin-marg, xmax+marg) if rcParams['plotter.ganged']: break # Plot initial mask region #if self.showmask or not self.once: if self.showmask: self._plot_mask() print '' print 'Selected regions are shaded with yellow. (gray: projections)' print 'Now you can modify the selection.' print 'Draw rectangles with Left-mouse to add the regions,' print 'or with Right-mouse to exclude the regions.' if self.event != None: self._region_start(self.event) else: self.p._plotter.register('button_press',None) self.p._plotter.register('button_press',self._region_start) def _region_start(self,event): # Do not fire event when in zooming/panning mode mode = self.p._plotter.figmgr.toolbar.mode if not mode == '': return # Return if selected point is out of panel if event.inaxes == None: return # Select mask/unmask region with mask self.rect = {'button': event.button, 'axes': event.inaxes, 'x': event.x, 'y': event.y, 'world': [event.xdata, event.ydata, event.xdata, event.ydata], 'pixel': [event.x, event.y, event.x, event.y]} self.p._plotter.register('motion_notify', self._region_draw) self.p._plotter.register('button_release', self._region_end) def _region_draw(self,event): sameaxes=(event.inaxes == self.rect['axes']) if sameaxes: xnow = event.x ynow = event.y self.xold = xnow self.yold = ynow self.xdataold = event.xdata self.ydataold = event.ydata else: xnow = self.xold ynow = self.yold self.p._plotter.figmgr.toolbar.draw_rubberband(event, xnow, ynow, self.rect['x'], self.rect['y']) def _region_end(self,event): self.p._plotter.register('motion_notify', None) self.p._plotter.register('button_release', None) # Delete the rubber band self.p._plotter.figmgr.toolbar.release(event) if event.inaxes == self.rect['axes']: xend = event.x yend = event.y xdataend = event.xdata ydataend = event.ydata else: xend = self.xold yend = self.yold xdataend = self.xdataold ydataend = self.ydataold self.rect['world'][2:4] = [xdataend, ydataend] self.rect['pixel'][2:4] = [xend, yend] self._update_mask() # Clear up region selection self.rect = {} self.xold = None self.yold = None self.xdataold = None self.ydataold = None if self.once: self.finish_selection(callback=self.callback) def _update_mask(self): # Min and Max for new mask xstart = self.rect['world'][0] xend = self.rect['world'][2] if xstart <= xend: newlist=[xstart,xend] else: newlist = [xend,xstart] # Mask or unmask invmask = None if self.rect['button'] == 1: invmask = False mflg = 'Mask' elif self.rect['button'] == 3: invmask = True mflg = 'UNmask' asaplog.push(mflg+': '+str(newlist)) newmask = self.scan.create_mask(newlist,invert=invmask) # Logic operation to update mask if invmask: self.mask = mask_and(self.mask,newmask) else: self.mask = mask_or(self.mask,newmask) # Plot masked regions #if self.showmask or not self.once: self._plot_mask() if self.showmask: self._plot_mask() # Plot masked regions def _plot_mask(self): msks = [] msks = self.scan.get_masklist(self.mask,row=0) # Get projection masks for multi-IF ifs = self.scan.getifnos() projs = [] if len(ifs) > 1: row0if = self.scan.getif(0) for ifno in ifs: if ifno == row0if: continue for row in xrange(self.scan.nrow()): if self.scan.getif(row) == ifno: projs.append(self.scan.get_masklist(self.mask,row=row)) break if len(self._polygons)>0: # Remove old polygons for polygon in self._polygons: polygon.remove() self._polygons = [] # Plot new polygons if len(msks) > 0: npanel = len(self.p._plotter.subplots) j = -1 for iloop in range(len(msks)*npanel): i = iloop % len(msks) if i == 0 : j += 1 if len(ifs) > 1: for k in xrange(len(ifs)-1): self._polygons.append(self.p._plotter.subplots[j]['axes'].axvspan(projs[k][i][0],projs[k][i][1],facecolor='#aaaaaa')) self._polygons.append(self.p._plotter.subplots[j]['axes'].axvspan(msks[i][0],msks[i][1],facecolor='yellow')) self.p._plotter.canvas.draw() def finish_selection(self, callback=None): """ Execute callback function, reset or close plotter window as necessary. Parameters: callback: The post processing function to run after the mask selections are completed. Specifying the callback function here will overwrite the one set by set_callback(func) Note this function is automatically called at the end of select_mask() if once=True. """ if callback: self.callback=callback if self.callback: self.callback() if not self.event: self.p._plotter.register('button_press',None) # Finish the plot if not self.newplot: self.clear_polygon() else: self.p._plotter.unmap() self.p._plotter = None del self.p self.p = None self._polygons = [] def clear_polygon(self): """ Erase masks plots from the plotter. """ if len(self._polygons) > 0: # Remove old polygons for polygon in self._polygons: polygon.remove() self._polygons = [] def get_mask(self): """ Get the interactively selected channel mask. Returns: A list of channel mask. """ return self.mask