from asap.asapplotter import asapplotter from asap.logging import asaplog, asaplog_post_dec from asap.parameters import rcParams from asap.selector import selector from asap.scantable import scantable import matplotlib.axes from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties from matplotlib.text import Text class flagplotter(asapplotter): """ The flag plotter Only row based panneling is allowed. Example: scan = asa p.scantable(filename='your_filename',average=False) guiflagger = asap.flagplotter(visible=True) guiflagger.plot(scan) ### flag/Unflag data graphically. guiflagger.save_data(name='flagged_file.asap',format='ASAP') NOTICE: The flagged data is not saved until you explicitly run """ def __init__(self, visible=None, **kwargs): self._scan = None asapplotter.__init__(self,visible=visible, **kwargs) self._plotter._set_window_title('Flag Plotter') self._panelling = 'r' self.set_stacking('scan') self._ismodified = False def _new_custombar(self): backend = matplotlib.get_backend() # Flag plotter relys on supported GUI backends if not self._visible: asaplog.push("GUI backend is not available")"ERROR") elif backend == "TkAgg": from asap.customgui_tkagg import CustomFlagToolbarTkAgg return CustomFlagToolbarTkAgg(self) elif backend == "Qt4Agg": from asap.customgui_qt4agg import CustomFlagToolbarQT4Agg return CustomFlagToolbarQT4Agg(self) else: asaplog.push("Unsupported backend for interactive flagging. Use either TkAgg or PyQt4Agg")"ERROR") @asaplog_post_dec def _invalid_func(self, name): msg = "Invalid function 'flagplotter."+name+"'" #raise AttributeError(msg) asaplog.push(msg)'ERROR') def set_panelling(self,which='r'): """ This function is not available for the class flagplotter """ if which.lower().startswith('r'): return msg = "Pannel setting is fixed to row mode in 'flagplotter'" asaplog.push(msg)'ERROR') self._panelling = 'r' def plotazel(self,*args,**kwargs): """ This function is not available for the class flagplotter """ self._invalid_func(name='plotazel') def plotpointing(self,*args,**kwargs): """ This function is not available for the class flagplotter """ self._invalid_func(name='plotpointing') def plottp(self,*args,**kwargs): """ This function is not available for the class flagplotter """ self._invalid_func(name='plottp') def save_data(self, name=None, format=None, overwrite=False): """ Store the plotted scantable on disk. This function simply redirects call to Parameters: name: the name of the outputfile. For format "ASCII" this is the root file name (data in 'name'.txt and header in 'name'_header.txt) format: an optional file format. Default is ASAP. Allowed are: * 'ASAP' (save as ASAP [aips++] Table), * 'SDFITS' (save as SDFITS file) * 'ASCII' (saves as ascii text file) * 'MS2' (saves as an casacore MeasurementSet V2) * 'FITS' (save as image FITS - not readable by class) * 'CLASS' (save as FITS readable by CLASS) overwrite: If the file should be overwritten if it exists. The default False is to return with warning without writing the output. USE WITH CARE. """ # simply calls,format,overwrite) def set_data(self, scan, refresh=True): if self._is_new_scan(scan): self._ismodified = False asapplotter.set_data(self, scan, refresh) set_data.__doc__ = asapplotter.set_data.__doc__ @asaplog_post_dec def plot(self, scan=None): if self._is_new_scan(scan): self._ismodified = False asapplotter.plot(self,scan) plot.__doc__ = asapplotter.plot.__doc__ def _is_new_scan(self,scan): if isinstance(scan, scantable): if self._data is not None: if scan != self._data: return True else: return True return False