import os import matplotlib, numpy from asap.logging import asaplog, asaplog_post_dec from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle from asap.parameters import rcParams from asap import scantable from asap._asap import stmath from asap.utils import _n_bools, mask_not, mask_or ###################################### ## Add CASA custom toolbar ## ###################################### class CustomToolbarCommon: def __init__(self,parent): self.plotter = parent #self.figmgr=self.plotter._plotter.figmgr ### select the nearest spectrum in pick radius ### and display spectral value on the toolbar. def _select_spectrum(self,event): # Do not fire event when in zooming/panning mode mode = self.figmgr.toolbar.mode if not mode == '': return # When selected point is out of panels if event.inaxes == None: return # If not left button if event.button != 1: return xclick = event.xdata yclick = event.ydata dist2 = 1000. pickline = None # If the pannel has picable objects pflag = False for lin in event.inaxes.lines: if not lin.pickable(): continue pflag = True flag,pind = lin.contains(event) if not flag: continue # Get nearest point inds = pind['ind'] xlin = lin.get_xdata() ylin = lin.get_ydata() for i in inds: d2=(xlin[i]-xclick)**2+(ylin[i]-yclick)**2 if dist2 >= d2: dist2 = d2 pickline = lin # No pickcable line in the pannel if not pflag: return # Pickable but too far from mouse position elif pickline is None: picked = 'No line selected.' self.figmgr.toolbar.set_message(picked) return del pind, inds, xlin, ylin # Spectra are Picked theplot = self.plotter._plotter thetoolbar = self.figmgr.toolbar thecanvas = self.figmgr.canvas # Disconnect the default motion notify event # Notice! the other buttons are also diabled!!! thecanvas.mpl_disconnect(thetoolbar._idDrag) # Get picked spectrum xdata = pickline.get_xdata() ydata = pickline.get_ydata() titl = pickline.get_label() titp = event.inaxes.title.get_text() panel0 = event.inaxes picked = "Selected: '"+titl+"' in panel '"+titp+"'." thetoolbar.set_message(picked) # Generate a navigation window #naviwin=Navigationwindow(titp,titl) #------------------------------------------------------# # Show spectrum data at mouse position def spec_data(event): # Getting spectrum data of neiboring point xclick = event.xdata if event.inaxes != panel0: return ipoint = len(xdata)-1 for i in range(len(xdata)-1): xl = xclick - xdata[i] xr = xclick - xdata[i+1] if xl*xr <= 0.: ipoint = i break # Output spectral value on the navigation window posi = '[ %s, %s ]: x = %.2f value = %.2f'\ %(titl,titp,xdata[ipoint],ydata[ipoint]) #naviwin.posi.set(posi) thetoolbar.set_message(posi) #------------------------------------------------------# # Disconnect from mouse events def discon(event): #naviwin.window.destroy() theplot.register('motion_notify',None) # Re-activate the default motion_notify_event thetoolbar._idDrag = thecanvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', thetoolbar.mouse_move) theplot.register('button_release',None) return #------------------------------------------------------# # Show data value along with mouse movement theplot.register('motion_notify',spec_data) # Finish events when mouse button is released theplot.register('button_release',discon) ### Notation def _mod_note(self,event): # Do not fire event when in zooming/panning mode if not self.figmgr.toolbar.mode == '': return if event.button == 1: self.notewin.load_textwindow(event) elif event.button == 3 and self._note_picked(event): self.notewin.load_modmenu(event) return def _note_picked(self,event): # just briefly check if any texts are picked for textobj in self.canvas.figure.texts: if textobj.contains(event)[0]: return True for ax in self.canvas.figure.axes: for textobj in ax.texts: if textobj.contains(event)[0]: return True #print "No text picked" return False ### Purely plotter based statistics calculation of a selected area. ### No access to scantable def _single_mask(self,event): # Do not fire event when in zooming/panning mode if not self.figmgr.toolbar.mode == '': return # When selected point is out of panels if event.inaxes == None: return if event.button == 1: exclude=False elif event.button == 3: exclude=True else: return self._thisregion = {'axes': event.inaxes,'xs': event.x, 'worldx': [event.xdata,event.xdata], 'invert': exclude} self.xold = event.x self.xdataold = event.xdata self.plotter._plotter.register('button_press',None) self.plotter._plotter.register('motion_notify', self._xspan_draw) self.plotter._plotter.register('button_press', self._xspan_end) def _xspan_draw(self,event): if event.inaxes == self._thisregion['axes']: xnow = event.x self.xold = xnow self.xdataold = event.xdata else: xnow = self.xold try: self.lastspan except AttributeError: pass else: if self.lastspan: self._remove_span(self.lastspan) self.lastspan = self._draw_span(self._thisregion['axes'], self._thisregion['xs'], xnow, fill="") del xnow def _draw_span(self,axes,x0,x1,**kwargs): pass def _remove_span(self,span): pass @asaplog_post_dec def _xspan_end(self,event): if not self.figmgr.toolbar.mode == '': return #if event.button != 1: # return try: self.lastspan except AttributeError: pass else: self._remove_span(self.lastspan) del self.lastspan if event.inaxes == self._thisregion['axes']: xdataend = event.xdata else: xdataend = self.xdataold self._thisregion['worldx'][1] = xdataend # print statistics of spectra in subplot self._subplot_stats(self._thisregion) # release event self.plotter._plotter.register('button_press',None) self.plotter._plotter.register('motion_notify',None) # Clear up region selection self._thisregion = None self.xdataold = None self.xold = None # finally recover region selection event self.plotter._plotter.register('button_press',self._single_mask) def _subplot_stats(self,selection): statstr = ['max', 'min', 'median', 'mean', 'sum', 'std'] #'rms'] panelstr = selection['axes'].title.get_text() ssep = "-"*70 asaplog.push(ssep) for line in selection['axes'].lines: # Don't include annotations if line.get_label().startswith("_"): continue label = panelstr + ", "+line.get_label() x = line.get_xdata() newmsk = None selmsk = self._create_flag_from_array(x, selection['worldx'], selection['invert']) ydat = None y = line.get_ydata() if ydat = basemsk = y.mask else: ydat = y basemsk = False if not isinstance(basemsk, bool): # should be ndarray newmsk = mask_or(selmsk, basemsk) elif basemsk: # the whole original spectrum is flagged newmsk = basemsk else: # no channel was flagged originally newmsk = selmsk mdata =, mask=newmsk) statval = {} for stat in statstr: # need to get the stat functions from the ma module!!! statval[stat] = getattr(,stat)(mdata) self._print_stats(statval, statstr=statstr, label=label,\ mask=selection['worldx'],\ unmask=selection['invert']) asaplog.push(ssep) def _create_flag_from_array(self,x,masklist,invert): # Return True for channels which should be EXCLUDED (flag) if len(masklist) <= 1: asaplog.push()"masklist should be a list of 2 elements") asaplog.push("ERROR") n = len(x) # Base mask: flag out all channels mask = _n_bools(n, True) minval = min(masklist[0:2]) maxval = max(masklist[0:2]) for i in range(n): if minval <= x[i] <= maxval: mask[i] = False if invert: mask = mask_not(mask) return mask @asaplog_post_dec def _print_stats(self,stats,statstr=None,label="",mask=None,unmask=False): if not isinstance(stats,dict) or len(stats) == 0: asaplog.push("Invalid statistic value")"ERROR") maskstr = "Not available" if mask: masktype = "mask" maskstr = str(mask) if unmask: masktype = "unmask" sout = label + ", " + masktype + " = " + maskstr + "\n" statvals = [] if not len(statstr): statstr = stats.keys() for key in statstr: sout += key.ljust(10) statvals.append(stats.pop(key)) sout += "\n" sout += ("%f "*len(statstr) % tuple(statvals)) asaplog.push(sout) #del sout, maskstr, masktype, statvals, key, stats, statstr, mask, label ### Page chages ### go to the previous page def prev_page(self): self.figmgr.toolbar.set_message('plotting the previous page') #self._pause_buttons(operation="start",msg='plotting the previous page') self._new_page(goback=True) #self._pause_buttons(operation="end") ### go to the next page def next_page(self): self.figmgr.toolbar.set_message('plotting the next page') #self._pause_buttons(operation="start",msg='plotting the next page') self._new_page(goback=False) #self._pause_buttons(operation="end") ### actual plotting of the new page def _new_page(self,goback=False): top = None header = self.plotter._headtext reset = False doheader = (isinstance(header['textobj'],list) and \ len(header['textobj']) > 0) if doheader: top = fontsize = header['textobj'][0].get_fontproperties().get_size() if self.plotter._startrow <= 0: msg = "The page counter is reset due to chages of plot settings. " msg += "Plotting from the first page." asaplog.push(msg)'WARN') reset = True goback = False if doheader: extrastr = selstr = '' if header.has_key('extrastr'): extrastr = header['extrastr'] if header.has_key('selstr'): selstr = header['selstr'] self.plotter._reset_header() self.plotter._plotter.hold() if goback: self._set_prevpage_counter() #self.plotter._plotter.clear() self.plotter._plot(self.plotter._data) pagenum = self._get_pagenum() self.set_pagecounter(pagenum) # Plot header information #if header['textobj']: if doheader and pagenum == 1: if top and top != self.plotter._margins[3]: # work around for sdplot in CASA. complete checking in future? self.plotter._plotter.figure.subplots_adjust(top=top) if reset: self.plotter.print_header(plot=True,fontsize=fontsize,selstr=selstr, extrastr=extrastr) else: self.plotter._header_plot(header['string'],fontsize=fontsize) self.plotter._plotter.release() self.plotter._plotter.tidy() del top ### calculate the panel ID and start row to plot the previous page def _set_prevpage_counter(self): # set row and panel counters to those of the 1st panel of previous page maxpanel = 16 # the ID of the last panel in current plot lastpanel = self.plotter._ipanel # the number of current subplots currpnum = len(self.plotter._plotter.subplots) # the nuber of previous subplots prevpnum = None if self.plotter._rows and self.plotter._cols: # when user set layout prevpnum = self.plotter._rows*self.plotter._cols else: # no user specification prevpnum = maxpanel start_ipanel = max(lastpanel-currpnum-prevpnum+1, 0) # set the pannel ID of the last panel of prev-prev page self.plotter._ipanel = start_ipanel-1 if self.plotter._panelling == 'r': self.plotter._startrow = start_ipanel else: # the start row number of the next panel self.plotter._startrow = self.plotter._panelrows[start_ipanel] del lastpanel,currpnum,prevpnum,start_ipanel ### refresh the page counter def set_pagecounter(self,page): nwidth = int(numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(max(page,1))))+1 nwidth = max(nwidth,4) formatstr = '%'+str(nwidth)+'d' self.show_pagenum(page,formatstr) def show_pagenum(self,pagenum,formatstr): # passed to backend dependent class pass def _get_pagenum(self): # get the ID of last panel in the current page idlastpanel = self.plotter._ipanel # max panels in a page ppp = self.plotter._plotter.rows*self.plotter._plotter.cols return int(idlastpanel/ppp)+1 # pause buttons for slow operations. implemented at a backend dependent class def _pause_buttons(self,operation="end",msg=""): pass ###################################### ## Notation box window ## ###################################### class NotationWindowCommon: """ A base class to define the functions that the backend-based GUI notation class must implement to print/modify/delete notes on a canvas. The following methods *must* be implemented in the backend-based parent class: _get_note : get text in text box _get_anchval : get anchor value selected """ def __init__(self,master=None): #self.parent = master self.canvas = master self.event = None self.note = None self.anchors = ["figure","axes","data"] self.seltext = {} self.numnote = 0 @asaplog_post_dec def print_text(self): """ Print a note on a canvas specified with the Notation window. Called when 'print' button selected on the window. """ anchor = self.anchors[self._get_anchval()] notestr = self._get_note().rstrip("\n") if len(notestr.strip()) == 0: #self._clear_textbox() #print "Empty string!" return myaxes = None calcpos = True xpos = None ypos = None if self.seltext: # You are modifying a text mycanvas = self.canvas oldanch = self.seltext['anchor'] if oldanch != 'figure': myaxes = self.seltext['parent'] calcpos = (anchor != oldanch) if not calcpos: # printing text in the same coord. # you don't have to recalc position parent = self.seltext['parent'] transform = self.seltext['textobj'].get_transform() (xpos, ypos) = self.seltext['textobj'].get_position() elif anchor == "figure": # converting from "axes"/"data" -> "figure" (x, y) = self.seltext['textobj']._get_xy_display() elif oldanch == "data": # converting from "data" -> "axes". # need xdata & ydata in the axes (x, y) = self.seltext['textobj'].get_position() else: # converting "figure"/"axes" -> "data" # need to calculate xdata & ydata in the axes pixpos = self.seltext['textobj']._get_xy_display() (w,h) = mycanvas.get_width_height() relpos = (pixpos[0]/float(w), pixpos[1]/float(h)) if not myaxes: myaxes = self._get_axes_from_pos(relpos,mycanvas) if not myaxes: raise RuntimeError, "Axes resolution failed!" (x, y) = self._convert_pix2dat(relpos,myaxes) self._remove_seltext() elif self.event: mycanvas = self.event.canvas myaxes = self.event.inaxes if myaxes and (anchor != "figure"): x = self.event.xdata y = self.event.ydata else: x = self.event.x y = self.event.y else: raise RuntimeError, "No valid position to print data" return # now you know picker = True # alignment of the text: ha (horizontal), va (vertical) ha = 'left' #va = 'center' va = 'top' if not calcpos: # you aready know parent, tansform, xpos and ypos pass elif anchor == "figure": # text instance will be appended to mycanvas.figure.texts parent = mycanvas.figure transform = parent.transFigure (w,h) = mycanvas.get_width_height() xpos = x/float(w) ypos = y/float(h) elif myaxes: ## text instance will be appended to myaxes.texts parent = myaxes if anchor == "axes": transform = myaxes.transAxes lims = myaxes.get_xlim() xpos = (x-lims[0])/(lims[1]-lims[0]) lims = myaxes.get_ylim() ypos = (y-lims[0])/(lims[1]-lims[0]) else: # anchored on "data" transform = myaxes.transData xpos = x ypos = y parent.text(xpos,ypos,notestr,transform=transform, ha=ha,va=va,picker=picker) mycanvas.draw() self.numnote += 1 #self._clear_textbox() msg = "Added note: '"+notestr+"'" msg += " @["+str(xpos)+", "+str(ypos)+"] ("+anchor+"-coord)" msg += "\ntotal number of notes are "+str(self.numnote) asaplog.push( msg ) def _get_axes_from_pos(self,pos,canvas): """helper function to get axes of a position in a plot (fig-coord)""" if len(pos) != 2: raise ValueError, "pixel position should have 2 elements" for axes in canvas.figure.axes: ##check if pos is in the axes #if axes.contains_point(pos): ### seems not working # return axes try: axbox = axes.get_position().get_points() except AttributeError: ### WORKAROUND for old matplotlib axbox = self._oldpos2new(axes.get_position()) if (axbox[0][0] <= pos[0] <= axbox[1][0]) and \ (axbox[0][1] <= pos[1] <= axbox[1][1]): return axes return None ### WORKAROUND for old matplotlib def _oldpos2new(self,oldpos=None): return [[oldpos[0],oldpos[1]],[oldpos[0]+oldpos[2],oldpos[1]+oldpos[3]]] def _convert_pix2dat(self,pos,axes): """ helper function to convert a position in figure-coord (0-1) to data-coordinate of the axes """ # convert a relative position from lower-left of the canvas # to a data in axes if len(pos) != 2: raise ValueError, "pixel position should have 2 elements" # left-/bottom-pixel, and pixel width & height of the axes bbox = axes.get_position() try: axpos = bbox.get_points() except AttributeError: ### WORKAROUND for old matplotlib axpos = self._oldpos2new(bbox) # check pos value if (pos[0] < axpos[0][0]) or (pos[1] < axpos[0][1]) \ or (pos[0] > axpos[1][0]) or (pos[1] > axpos[1][1]): raise ValueError, "The position is out of the axes" xlims = axes.get_xlim() ylims = axes.get_ylim() wdat = xlims[1] - xlims[0] hdat = ylims[1] - ylims[0] xdat = xlims[0] + wdat*(pos[0] - axpos[0][0])/(axpos[1][0] - axpos[0][0]) ydat = ylims[0] + hdat*(pos[1] - axpos[0][1])/(axpos[1][1] - axpos[0][1]) return (xdat, ydat) @asaplog_post_dec def _get_selected_text(self,event): """helper function to return a dictionary of the nearest note to the event.""" (w,h) = event.canvas.get_width_height() dist2 = w*w+h*h selected = {} for textobj in self.canvas.figure.texts: if textobj.contains(event)[0]: d2 = self._get_text_dist2(event,textobj) if dist2 >= d2: dist2 = d2 selected = {'anchor': 'figure', \ 'parent': event.canvas.figure, 'textobj': textobj} msg = "Fig loop: a text, '"+textobj.get_text()+"', at " msg += str(textobj.get_position())+" detected" #print msg for ax in self.canvas.figure.axes: for textobj in ax.texts: if textobj.contains(event)[0]: d2 = self._get_text_dist2(event,textobj) if dist2 >= d2: anchor='axes' if ax.transData == textobj.get_transform(): anchor = 'data' selected = {'anchor': anchor, \ 'parent': ax, 'textobj': textobj} msg = "Ax loop: a text, '"+textobj.get_text()+"', at " msg += str(textobj.get_position())+" detected" #print msg if selected: msg = "Selected (modify/delete): '"+selected['textobj'].get_text() msg += "' @"+str(selected['textobj'].get_position()) msg += " ("+selected['anchor']+"-coord)" asaplog.push(msg) return selected def _get_text_dist2(self,event,textobj): """ helper function to calculate square of distance between a event position and a text object. """ (x,y) = textobj._get_xy_display() return (x-event.x)**2+(y-event.y)**2 def delete_note(self): """ Remove selected note. """ #print "You selected 'OK'" self._remove_seltext() self.canvas.draw() @asaplog_post_dec def _remove_seltext(self): """helper function to remove the selected note""" if len(self.seltext) < 3: raise ValueError, "Don't under stand selected text obj." return try: self.seltext['textobj'].remove() except NotImplementedError: self.seltext['parent'].texts.pop(self.seltext['parent'].texts.index(self.seltext['textobj'])) self.numnote -= 1 textobj = self.seltext['textobj'] msg = "Deleted note: '"+textobj.get_text()+"'" msg += "@"+str(textobj.get_position())\ +" ("+self.seltext['anchor']+"-coord)" msg += "\ntotal number of notes are "+str(self.numnote) asaplog.push( msg ) self.seltext = {} @asaplog_post_dec def cancel_delete(self): """ Cancel deleting the selected note. Called when 'cancel' button selected on confirmation dialog. """ asaplog.push( "Cancel deleting: '"+self.seltext['textobj'].get_text()+"'" ) self.seltext = {} ########################################### ## Add CASA custom Flag toolbar ## ########################################### class CustomFlagToolbarCommon: def __init__(self,parent): self.plotter=parent #self.figmgr=self.plotter._plotter.figmgr self._selregions = {} self._selpanels = [] self._polygons = [] self._thisregion = None self.xdataold=None ### select the nearest spectrum in pick radius ### and display spectral value on the toolbar. def _select_spectrum(self,event): # Do not fire event when in zooming/panning mode mode = self.figmgr.toolbar.mode if not mode == '': return # When selected point is out of panels if event.inaxes == None: return # If not left button if event.button != 1: return xclick = event.xdata yclick = event.ydata dist2 = 1000. pickline = None # If the pannel has picable objects pflag = False for lin in event.inaxes.lines: if not lin.pickable(): continue pflag = True flag,pind = lin.contains(event) if not flag: continue # Get nearest point inds = pind['ind'] xlin = lin.get_xdata() ylin = lin.get_ydata() for i in inds: d2=(xlin[i]-xclick)**2+(ylin[i]-yclick)**2 if dist2 >= d2: dist2 = d2 pickline = lin # No pickcable line in the pannel if not pflag: return # Pickable but too far from mouse position elif pickline is None: picked = 'No line selected.' self.figmgr.toolbar.set_message(picked) return del pind, inds, xlin, ylin # Spectra are Picked theplot = self.plotter._plotter thetoolbar = self.figmgr.toolbar thecanvas = self.figmgr.canvas # Disconnect the default motion notify event # Notice! the other buttons are also diabled!!! thecanvas.mpl_disconnect(thetoolbar._idDrag) # Get picked spectrum xdata = pickline.get_xdata() ydata = pickline.get_ydata() titl = pickline.get_label() titp = event.inaxes.title.get_text() panel0 = event.inaxes picked = "Selected: '"+titl+"' in panel '"+titp+"'." thetoolbar.set_message(picked) # Generate a navigation window #naviwin=Navigationwindow(titp,titl) #------------------------------------------------------# # Show spectrum data at mouse position def spec_data(event): # Getting spectrum data of neiboring point xclick = event.xdata if event.inaxes != panel0: return ipoint = len(xdata)-1 for i in range(len(xdata)-1): xl = xclick-xdata[i] xr = xclick-xdata[i+1] if xl*xr <= 0.: ipoint = i break # Output spectral value on the navigation window posi = '[ %s, %s ]: x = %.2f value = %.2f'\ %(titl,titp,xdata[ipoint],ydata[ipoint]) #naviwin.posi.set(posi) thetoolbar.set_message(posi) #------------------------------------------------------# # Disconnect from mouse events def discon(event): #naviwin.window.destroy() theplot.register('motion_notify',None) # Re-activate the default motion_notify_event thetoolbar._idDrag=thecanvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', thetoolbar.mouse_move) theplot.register('button_release',None) return #------------------------------------------------------# # Show data value along with mouse movement theplot.register('motion_notify',spec_data) # Finish events when mouse button is released theplot.register('button_release',discon) ### Notation def _mod_note(self,event): # Do not fire event when in zooming/panning mode if not self.figmgr.toolbar.mode == '': return if event.button == 1: self.notewin.load_textwindow(event) elif event.button == 3 and self._note_picked(event): self.notewin.load_modmenu(event) return def _note_picked(self,event): # just briefly check if any texts are picked for textobj in self.canvas.figure.texts: if textobj.contains(event)[0]: return True for ax in self.canvas.figure.axes: for textobj in ax.texts: if textobj.contains(event)[0]: return True return False ### Region/Panel selection & oparations ### add regions to selections @asaplog_post_dec def _add_region(self,event): if not self.figmgr.toolbar.mode == '': return if event.button != 1 or event.inaxes == None: return # this row resolution assumes row panelling irow = int(self._getrownum(event.inaxes)) if irow in self._selpanels: msg = "The whole spectrum is already selected" asaplog.push(msg)'WARN') return self._thisregion = {'axes': event.inaxes,'xs': event.x, 'worldx': [event.xdata,event.xdata]} self.plotter._plotter.register('button_press',None) self.xold = event.x self.xdataold = event.xdata self.plotter._plotter.register('motion_notify', self._xspan_draw) self.plotter._plotter.register('button_press', self._xspan_end) def _xspan_draw(self,event): if event.inaxes == self._thisregion['axes']: xnow = event.x self.xold = xnow self.xdataold = event.xdata else: xnow = self.xold try: self.lastspan except AttributeError: pass else: if self.lastspan: self._remove_span(self.lastspan) #self.lastspan = self._draw_span(self._thisregion['axes'],self._thisregion['xs'],xnow,fill="#555555",stipple="gray50") self.lastspan = self._draw_span(self._thisregion['axes'],self._thisregion['xs'],xnow,fill="") del xnow def _draw_span(self,axes,x0,x1,**kwargs): pass def _remove_span(self,span): pass @asaplog_post_dec def _xspan_end(self,event): if not self.figmgr.toolbar.mode == '': return if event.button != 1: return try: self.lastspan except AttributeError: pass else: self._remove_span(self.lastspan) del self.lastspan if event.inaxes == self._thisregion['axes']: xdataend = event.xdata else: xdataend = self.xdataold self._thisregion['worldx'][1] = xdataend lregion = self._thisregion['worldx'] # WORKAROUND for the issue axvspan started to reset xlim. axlimx = self._thisregion['axes'].get_xlim() pregion = self._thisregion['axes'].axvspan(lregion[0],lregion[1], facecolor='0.7') self._thisregion['axes'].set_xlim(axlimx) self.plotter._plotter.canvas.draw() self._polygons.append(pregion) srow = self._getrownum(self._thisregion['axes']) irow = int(srow) if not self._selregions.has_key(srow): self._selregions[srow] = [] self._selregions[srow].append(lregion) del lregion, pregion, xdataend sout = "selected region: "+str(self._thisregion['worldx'])+\ "(@row "+str(self._getrownum(self._thisregion['axes']))+")" asaplog.push(sout) # release event self.plotter._plotter.register('button_press',None) self.plotter._plotter.register('motion_notify',None) # Clear up region selection self._thisregion = None self.xdataold = None self.xold = None # finally recover region selection event self.plotter._plotter.register('button_press',self._add_region) ### add panels to selections @asaplog_post_dec def _add_panel(self,event): if not self.figmgr.toolbar.mode == '': return if event.button != 1 or event.inaxes == None: return selax = event.inaxes # this row resolution assumes row panelling srow = self._getrownum(selax) irow = int(srow) if srow: self._selpanels.append(irow) shadow = Rectangle((0,0),1,1,facecolor='0.7',transform=selax.transAxes,visible=True) self._polygons.append(selax.add_patch(shadow)) self.plotter._plotter.canvas.draw() asaplog.push("row "+str(irow)+" is selected") ## check for region selection of the spectra and overwrite it. ##!!!! currently disabled for consistency with flag tools !!!! #if self._selregions.has_key(srow): # self._selregions.pop(srow) # msg = "The whole spectrum is selected for row="+srow+". Region selection will be overwritten." # asaplog.push(msg) def _getrownum(self,axis): ### returns the row number of selected spectrum as a string ### plabel = axis.get_title() if plabel.startswith("row "): return plabel.strip("row ") return None def _any_selection(self): ### returns if users have selected any spectrum or region ### if len(self._selpanels) or len(self._selregions): return True return False def _plot_selections(self,regions=None,panels=None): ### mark panels/spectra selections in the page if not self._any_selection() and not (regions or panels): return regions = regions or self._selregions.copy() or {} panels = panels or self._selpanels or [] if not isinstance(regions,dict): asaplog.push("Invalid region specification")'ERROR') if not isinstance(panels,list): asaplog.push("Invalid panel specification")'ERROR') strow = self._getrownum(self.plotter._plotter.subplots[0]['axes']) enrow = self._getrownum(self.plotter._plotter.subplots[-1]['axes']) for irow in range(int(strow),int(enrow)+1): if regions.has_key(str(irow)): ax = self.plotter._plotter.subplots[irow - int(strow)]['axes'] mlist = regions.pop(str(irow)) # WORKAROUND for the issue axvspan started to reset xlim. axlimx = ax.get_xlim() for i in range(len(mlist)): self._polygons.append(ax.axvspan(mlist[i][0],mlist[i][1], facecolor='0.7')) ax.set_xlim(axlimx) del ax,mlist,axlimx if irow in panels: ax = self.plotter._plotter.subplots[irow - int(strow)]['axes'] shadow = Rectangle((0,0),1,1,facecolor='0.7', transform=ax.transAxes,visible=True) self._polygons.append(ax.add_patch(shadow)) del ax,shadow self.plotter._plotter.canvas.draw() del regions,panels,strow,enrow def _clear_selection_plot(self, refresh=True): ### clear up polygons which mark selected spectra and regions ### if len(self._polygons) > 0: for shadow in self._polygons: shadow.remove() if refresh: self.plotter._plotter.canvas.draw() self._polygons = [] def _clearup_selections(self, refresh=True): # clear-up selection and polygons self._selpanels = [] self._selregions = {} self._clear_selection_plot(refresh=refresh) ### clear up selections def cancel_select(self): self.figmgr.toolbar.set_message('selections canceled') # clear-up selection and polygons self._clearup_selections(refresh=True) ### flag selected spectra/regions @asaplog_post_dec def flag(self): if not self._any_selection(): msg = "No selection to be Flagged" asaplog.push(msg)'WARN') return self._pause_buttons(operation="start",msg="Flagging data...") self._flag_operation(rows=self._selpanels, regions=self._selregions,unflag=False) sout = "Flagged:\n" sout += " rows = "+str(self._selpanels)+"\n" sout += " regions: "+str(self._selregions) asaplog.push(sout) del sout self.plotter._ismodified = True self._clearup_selections(refresh=False) self._plot_page(pagemode="current") self._pause_buttons(operation="end") ### unflag selected spectra/regions @asaplog_post_dec def unflag(self): if not self._any_selection(): msg = "No selection to be Flagged" asaplog.push(msg)'WARN') return self._pause_buttons(operation="start",msg="Unflagging data...") self._flag_operation(rows=self._selpanels, regions=self._selregions,unflag=True) sout = "Unflagged:\n" sout += " rows = "+str(self._selpanels)+"\n" sout += " regions: "+str(self._selregions) asaplog.push(sout) del sout self.plotter._ismodified = True self._clearup_selections(refresh=False) self._plot_page(pagemode="current") self._pause_buttons(operation="end") ### actual flag operation @asaplog_post_dec def _flag_operation(self,rows=None,regions=None,unflag=False): scan = self.plotter._data if not scan: asaplog.push("Invalid scantable")"ERROR") if isinstance(rows,list) and len(rows) > 0: scan.flag_row(rows=rows,unflag=unflag) if isinstance(regions,dict) and len(regions) > 0: for srow, masklist in regions.iteritems(): if not isinstance(masklist,list) or len(masklist) ==0: msg = "Ignoring invalid region selection for row = "+srow asaplog.push(msg)"WARN") continue irow = int(srow) mask = scan.create_mask(masklist,invert=False,row=irow) scan.flag(row=irow,mask=mask,unflag=unflag) del irow, mask del srow, masklist del scan ### show statistics of selected spectra/regions @asaplog_post_dec def stat_cal(self): if not self._any_selection(): msg = "No selection to be calculated" asaplog.push(msg)'WARN') return self._selected_stats(rows=self._selpanels,regions=self._selregions) self._clearup_selections(refresh=True) @asaplog_post_dec def _selected_stats(self,rows=None,regions=None): scan = self.plotter._data if not scan: asaplog.push("Invalid scantable")"ERROR") mathobj = stmath( rcParams['insitu'] ) statval = {} statstr = ['max', 'min', 'mean', 'median', 'sum', 'stddev', 'rms'] if isinstance(rows, list) and len(rows) > 0: for irow in rows: for stat in statstr: statval[stat] = mathobj._statsrow(scan,[],stat,irow)[0] self._print_stats(scan,irow,statval,statstr=statstr) del irow if isinstance(regions,dict) and len(regions) > 0: for srow, masklist in regions.iteritems(): if not isinstance(masklist,list) or len(masklist) ==0: msg = "Ignoring invalid region selection for row = "+srow asaplog.push(msg)"WARN") continue irow = int(srow) mask = scan.create_mask(masklist,invert=False,row=irow) for stat in statstr: statval[stat] = mathobj._statsrow(scan,mask,stat,irow)[0] self._print_stats(scan,irow,statval,statstr=statstr, mask=masklist) del irow, mask del srow, masklist del scan, statval, mathobj @asaplog_post_dec def _print_stats(self,scan,row,stats,statstr=None,mask=None): if not isinstance(scan, scantable): asaplog.push("Invalid scantable")"ERROR") if row < 0 or row > scan.nrow(): asaplog.push("Invalid row number")"ERROR") if not isinstance(stats,dict) or len(stats) == 0: asaplog.push("Invalid statistic value")"ERROR") maskstr = "All" if mask: maskstr = str(mask) ssep = "-"*70+"\n" sout = ssep sout += ("Row=%d Scan=%d IF=%d Pol=%d Time=%s mask=%s" % \ (row, scan.getscan(row), scan.getif(row), scan.getpol(row), scan.get_time(row),maskstr)) sout += "\n" statvals = [] if not len(statstr): statstr = stats.keys() for key in statstr: sout += key.ljust(10) statvals.append(stats.pop(key)) sout += "\n" sout += ("%f "*len(statstr) % tuple(statvals)) sout += "\n"+ssep asaplog.push(sout) del sout, ssep, maskstr, statvals, key, scan, row, stats, statstr, mask ### Page chages ### go to the previous page def prev_page(self): self._pause_buttons(operation="start",msg='plotting the previous page') self._clear_selection_plot(refresh=False) self._plot_page(pagemode="prev") self._plot_selections() self._pause_buttons(operation="end") ### go to the next page def next_page(self): self._pause_buttons(operation="start",msg='plotting the next page') self._clear_selection_plot(refresh=False) self._plot_page(pagemode="next") self._plot_selections() self._pause_buttons(operation="end") ### actual plotting of the new page def _plot_page(self,pagemode="next"): if self.plotter._startrow <= 0: msg = "The page counter is reset due to chages of plot settings. " msg += "Plotting from the first page." asaplog.push(msg)'WARN') goback = False self.plotter._plotter.hold() #self.plotter._plotter.legend(1) self._set_plot_counter(pagemode) self.plotter._plot(self.plotter._data) self.set_pagecounter(self._get_pagenum()) self.plotter._plotter.release() self.plotter._plotter.tidy() ### calculate the panel ID and start row to plot a page #def _set_prevpage_counter(self): def _set_plot_counter(self, pagemode): ## page operation should be either "previous", "current", or "next" availpage = ["p","c","n"] pageop = pagemode[0].lower() if not (pageop in availpage): asaplog.push("Invalid page operation")"ERROR") if pageop == "n": # nothing necessary to plot the next page return # set row and panel counters to those of the 1st panel of previous page maxpanel = 25 # the ID of the last panel in current plot lastpanel = self.plotter._ipanel # the number of current subplots currpnum = len(self.plotter._plotter.subplots) # the nuber of previous subplots start_ipanel = None if pageop == "c": start_ipanel = max(lastpanel-currpnum+1, 0) else: ## previous page prevpnum = None if self.plotter._rows and self.plotter._cols: # when user set layout prevpnum = self.plotter._rows*self.plotter._cols else: # no user specification prevpnum = maxpanel start_ipanel = max(lastpanel-currpnum-prevpnum+1, 0) del prevpnum # set the pannel ID of the last panel of the prev(-prev) page self.plotter._ipanel = start_ipanel-1 if self.plotter._panelling == 'r': self.plotter._startrow = start_ipanel else: # the start row number of the next panel self.plotter._startrow = self.plotter._panelrows[start_ipanel] del lastpanel,currpnum,start_ipanel ### refresh the page counter def set_pagecounter(self,page): nwidth = int(numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(max(page,1))))+1 nwidth = max(nwidth,4) formatstr = '%'+str(nwidth)+'d' self.show_pagenum(page,formatstr) def show_pagenum(self,pagenum,formatstr): # passed to backend dependent class pass def _get_pagenum(self): # get the ID of last panel in the current page idlastpanel = self.plotter._ipanel # max panels in a page ppp = self.plotter._plotter.rows*self.plotter._plotter.cols return int(idlastpanel/ppp)+1 # pause buttons for slow operations. implemented at a backend dependent class def _pause_buttons(self,operation="end",msg=""): pass