import os import matplotlib, numpy from asap.logging import asaplog, asaplog_post_dec ###################################### ## Add CASA custom toolbar ## ###################################### class CustomToolbarCommon: def __init__(self,parent): self.plotter=parent #self.figmgr=self.plotter._plotter.figmgr ### select the nearest spectrum in pick radius ### and display spectral value on the toolbar. def _select_spectrum(self,event): # Do not fire event when in zooming/panning mode mode = self.figmgr.toolbar.mode if not mode == '': return # When selected point is out of panels if event.inaxes == None: return # If not left button if event.button != 1: return xclick=event.xdata yclick=event.ydata dist2=1000. pickline=None # If the pannel has picable objects pflag=False for lin in event.inaxes.lines: if not lin.pickable(): continue pflag=True flag,pind = lin.contains(event) if not flag: continue # Get nearest point inds = pind['ind'] xlin = lin.get_xdata() ylin = lin.get_ydata() for i in inds: d2=(xlin[i]-xclick)**2+(ylin[i]-yclick)**2 if dist2 >= d2: dist2 = d2 pickline = lin # No pickcable line in the pannel if not pflag: return # Pickable but too far from mouse position elif pickline is None: picked='No line selected.' self.figmgr.toolbar.set_message(picked) return del pind, inds, xlin, ylin # Spectra are Picked theplot = self.plotter._plotter thetoolbar = self.figmgr.toolbar thecanvas = self.figmgr.canvas # Disconnect the default motion notify event # Notice! the other buttons are also diabled!!! thecanvas.mpl_disconnect(thetoolbar._idDrag) # Get picked spectrum xdata = pickline.get_xdata() ydata = pickline.get_ydata() titl=pickline.get_label() titp=event.inaxes.title.get_text() panel0=event.inaxes picked="Selected: '"+titl+"' in panel '"+titp+"'." thetoolbar.set_message(picked) # Generate a navigation window #naviwin=Navigationwindow(titp,titl) #------------------------------------------------------# # Show spectrum data at mouse position def spec_data(event): # Getting spectrum data of neiboring point xclick=event.xdata if event.inaxes != panel0: return ipoint=len(xdata)-1 for i in range(len(xdata)-1): xl=xclick-xdata[i] xr=xclick-xdata[i+1] if xl*xr <= 0.: ipoint = i break # Output spectral value on the navigation window posi='[ %s, %s ]: x = %.2f value = %.2f'\ %(titl,titp,xdata[ipoint],ydata[ipoint]) #naviwin.posi.set(posi) thetoolbar.set_message(posi) #------------------------------------------------------# # Disconnect from mouse events def discon(event): #naviwin.window.destroy() theplot.register('motion_notify',None) # Re-activate the default motion_notify_event thetoolbar._idDrag=thecanvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', thetoolbar.mouse_move) theplot.register('button_release',None) return #------------------------------------------------------# # Show data value along with mouse movement theplot.register('motion_notify',spec_data) # Finish events when mouse button is released theplot.register('button_release',discon) ### Calculate statistics of the selected area. def _single_mask(self,event): # Do not fire event when in zooming/panning mode if not self.figmgr.toolbar.mode == '': return # When selected point is out of panels if event.inaxes == None: return if event.button ==1: baseinv=True elif event.button == 3: baseinv=False else: return def _calc_stats(): msk=mymask.get_mask() mymask.scan.stats(stat='max',mask=msk) mymask.scan.stats(stat='min',mask=msk) mymask.scan.stats(stat='sum',mask=msk) mymask.scan.stats(stat='mean',mask=msk) mymask.scan.stats(stat='median',mask=msk) mymask.scan.stats(stat='rms',mask=msk) mymask.scan.stats(stat='stddev',mask=msk) # Interactive mask definition from asap.interactivemask import interactivemask mymask=interactivemask(plotter=self.plotter,scan=self.plotter._data) # Create initial mask mymask.set_basemask(invert=baseinv) # Inherit event mymask.set_startevent(event) # Set callback func mymask.set_callback(_calc_stats) # Selected mask mymask.select_mask(once=True,showmask=False) def _mod_note(self,event): # Do not fire event when in zooming/panning mode if not self.figmgr.toolbar.mode == '': return if event.button ==1: self.notewin.load_textwindow(event) elif event.button == 3 and self._note_picked(event): self.notewin.load_modmenu(event) return def _note_picked(self,event): # just briefly check if any texts are picked for textobj in self.canvas.figure.texts: if textobj.contains(event)[0]: return True for ax in self.canvas.figure.axes: for textobj in ax.texts: if textobj.contains(event)[0]: return True #print "No text picked" return False ### Page chages ### go to the previous page def prev_page(self): self.figmgr.toolbar.set_message('plotting the previous page') self._new_page(goback=True) ### go to the next page def next_page(self): self.figmgr.toolbar.set_message('plotting the next page') self._new_page(goback=False) ### actual plotting of the new page def _new_page(self,goback=False): top = None if self.plotter._startrow <= 0: msg = "The page counter is reset due to chages of plot settings. " msg += "Plotting from the first page." asaplog.push(msg)'WARN') goback = False else: top = self.plotter._plotter.hold() if goback: self._set_prevpage_counter() #self.plotter._plotter.clear() self.plotter._plot(self.plotter._data) self.set_pagecounter(self._get_pagenum()) self.plotter._plotter.release() self.plotter._plotter.tidy() if self.plotter._headstring: if top and top != self.plotter._margins[3]: # work around for sdplot in CASA. complete checking in future? self.plotter._plotter.figure.subplots_adjust(top=top) self.plotter.print_header() del top ### calculate the panel ID and start row to plot the previous page def _set_prevpage_counter(self): # set row and panel counters to those of the 1st panel of previous page maxpanel = 16 # the ID of the last panel in current plot lastpanel = self.plotter._ipanel # the number of current subplots currpnum = len(self.plotter._plotter.subplots) # the nuber of previous subplots prevpnum = None if self.plotter._rows and self.plotter._cols: # when user set layout prevpnum = self.plotter._rows*self.plotter._cols else: # no user specification prevpnum = maxpanel start_ipanel = max(lastpanel-currpnum-prevpnum+1, 0) # set the pannel ID of the last panel of prev-prev page self.plotter._ipanel = start_ipanel-1 if self.plotter._panelling == 'r': self.plotter._startrow = start_ipanel else: # the start row number of the next panel self.plotter._startrow = self.plotter._panelrows[start_ipanel] del lastpanel,currpnum,prevpnum,start_ipanel ### refresh the page counter ### refresh the page counter def set_pagecounter(self,page): nwidth = int(numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(max(page,1))))+1 nwidth = max(nwidth,4) formatstr = '%'+str(nwidth)+'d' self.show_pagenum(page,formatstr) def show_pagenum(self,pagenum,formatstr): # passed to backend dependent class pass def _get_pagenum(self): maxpanel = 16 # get the ID of last panel in the current page idlastpanel = self.plotter._ipanel if self.plotter._rows and self.plotter._cols: ppp = self.plotter._rows*self.plotter._cols else: ppp = maxpanel return int(idlastpanel/ppp)+1 ##################################### ## Backend dependent Classes ## ##################################### ### TkAgg if matplotlib.get_backend() == 'TkAgg': import Tkinter as Tk from notationwindow import NotationWindowTkAgg class CustomToolbarTkAgg(CustomToolbarCommon, Tk.Frame): def __init__(self,parent): from asap.asapplotter import asapplotter if not isinstance(parent,asapplotter): return False if not parent._plotter: return False self._p = parent._plotter self.figmgr = self._p.figmgr self.canvas = self.figmgr.canvas self.mode = '' self.button = True self.pagecount = None CustomToolbarCommon.__init__(self,parent) self.notewin=NotationWindowTkAgg(master=self.canvas) self._add_custom_toolbar() def _add_custom_toolbar(self): Tk.Frame.__init__(self,master=self.figmgr.window) #self.bSpec=self._NewButton(master=self, # text='spec value', # command=self.spec_show) self.bNote=self._NewButton(master=self, text='notation', command=self.modify_note) self.bStat=self._NewButton(master=self, text='statistics', command=self.stat_cal) self.bQuit=self._NewButton(master=self, text='Quit', command=self.quit, side=Tk.RIGHT) # page change oparations frPage = Tk.Frame(master=self,borderwidth=2,relief=Tk.GROOVE) frPage.pack(ipadx=2,padx=10,side=Tk.RIGHT) self.lPagetitle = Tk.Label(master=frPage,text='Page:',padx=5) self.lPagetitle.pack(side=Tk.LEFT) self.pagecount = Tk.StringVar(master=frPage) self.lPagecount = Tk.Label(master=frPage, textvariable=self.pagecount, padx=5,bg='white') self.lPagecount.pack(side=Tk.LEFT,padx=3) self.bNext=self._NewButton(master=frPage, text=' + ', command=self.next_page) self.bPrev=self._NewButton(master=frPage, text=' - ', command=self.prev_page) if os.uname()[0] != 'Darwin': self.bPrev.config(padx=5) self.bNext.config(padx=5) self.pack(side=Tk.BOTTOM,fill=Tk.BOTH) self.pagecount.set(' '*4) self.disable_button() return #self def _NewButton(self, master, text, command, side=Tk.LEFT): if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin': b = Tk.Button(master=master, text=text, command=command) else: b = Tk.Button(master=master, text=text, padx=2, pady=2, command=command) b.pack(side=side) return b def show_pagenum(self,pagenum,formatstr): self.pagecount.set(formatstr % (pagenum)) def spec_show(self): if not self.figmgr.toolbar.mode == '' or not self.button: return self.figmgr.toolbar.set_message('spec value: drag on a spec') if self.mode == 'spec': return #self.bStat.config(relief='raised') #self.bSpec.config(relief='sunken') #self.bNote.config(relief='raised') self.mode='spec' self.notewin.close_widgets() self.__disconnect_event() self._p.register('button_press',self._select_spectrum) def stat_cal(self): if not self.figmgr.toolbar.mode == '' or not self.button: return self.figmgr.toolbar.set_message('statistics: select a region') if self.mode == 'stat': # go back to spec mode self.bStat.config(relief='raised') self.spec_show() return #self.bSpec.config(relief='raised') self.bStat.config(relief='sunken') self.bNote.config(relief='raised') self.mode='stat' self.notewin.close_widgets() self.__disconnect_event() self._p.register('button_press',self._single_mask) def modify_note(self): if not self.figmgr.toolbar.mode == '': return self.figmgr.toolbar.set_message('text: select a position/text') if self.mode == 'note': self.bNote.config(relief='raised') self.mode='none' self.spec_show() return #self.bSpec.config(relief='raised') self.bStat.config(relief='raised') self.bNote.config(relief='sunken') self.mode='note' self.__disconnect_event() self._p.register('button_press',self._mod_note) def quit(self): self.__disconnect_event() #self.delete_bar() self.disable_button() self.figmgr.window.wm_withdraw() def enable_button(self): if self.button: return #self.bSpec.config(state=Tk.NORMAL) self.bStat.config(state=Tk.NORMAL) self.button=True self.spec_show() def disable_button(self): if not self.button: return #self.bSpec.config(relief='raised', state=Tk.DISABLED) self.bStat.config(relief='raised', state=Tk.DISABLED) #self.bNext.config(state=Tk.DISABLED) #self.bPrev.config(state=Tk.DISABLED) self.button=False self.mode='' self.__disconnect_event() def enable_next(self): self.bNext.config(state=Tk.NORMAL) def disable_next(self): self.bNext.config(state=Tk.DISABLED) def enable_prev(self): self.bPrev.config(state=Tk.NORMAL) def disable_prev(self): self.bPrev.config(state=Tk.DISABLED) def delete_bar(self): self.__disconnect_event() self.destroy() def __disconnect_event(self): self._p.register('button_press',None) self._p.register('button_release',None)