1 | from asap.parameters import rcParams
2 | from asap.selector import selector
3 | from asap.scantable import scantable
4 | from asap.logging import asaplog, asaplog_post_dec
5 | import matplotlib.axes
6 | from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
7 | from matplotlib.text import Text
8 | from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers
9 |
10 | import re
11 |
12 | def new_asaplot(visible=None,**kwargs):
13 | """
14 | Returns a new asaplot instance based on the backend settings.
15 | """
16 | if visible == None:
17 | visible = rcParams['plotter.gui']
18 |
19 | backend=matplotlib.get_backend()
20 | if not visible:
21 | from asap.asaplot import asaplot
22 | elif backend == 'TkAgg':
23 | from asap.asaplotgui import asaplotgui as asaplot
24 | elif backend == 'Qt4Agg':
25 | from asap.asaplotgui_qt4 import asaplotgui as asaplot
26 | elif backend == 'GTkAgg':
27 | from asap.asaplotgui_gtk import asaplotgui as asaplot
28 | else:
29 | from asap.asaplot import asaplot
30 | return asaplot(**kwargs)
31 |
32 | class asapplotter:
33 | """
34 | The ASAP plotter.
35 | By default the plotter is set up to plot polarisations
36 | 'colour stacked' and scantables across panels.
37 |
38 | .. note::
39 |
40 | Currenly it only plots 'spectra' not Tsys or
41 | other variables.
42 |
43 | """
44 | def __init__(self, visible=None , **kwargs):
45 | self._visible = rcParams['plotter.gui']
46 | if visible is not None:
47 | self._visible = visible
48 | self._plotter = None
49 | self._inikwg = kwargs
50 |
51 | ### plot settings
52 | self._colormap = None
53 | self._linestyles = None
54 | self._fp = FontProperties()
55 | self._rows = None
56 | self._cols = None
57 | self._minmaxx = None
58 | self._minmaxy = None
59 | self._margins = self.set_margin(refresh=False)
60 | self._legendloc = None
61 | ### scantable plot settings
62 | self._plotmode = "spectra"
63 | self._panelling = None
64 | self._stacking = None
65 | self.set_panelling()
66 | self.set_stacking()
67 | self._hist = rcParams['plotter.histogram']
68 | ### scantable dependent settings
69 | self._data = None
70 | self._abcunit = None
71 | self._headtext = {'string': None, 'textobj': None}
72 | self._selection = selector()
73 | self._usermask = []
74 | self._maskselection = None
75 | self._offset = None
76 | self._lmap = None
77 | self._title = None
78 | self._ordinate = None
79 | self._abcissa = None
80 | ### cursors for page iteration
81 | self._startrow = 0
82 | self._ipanel = -1
83 | self._panelrows = []
84 |
85 | def _translate(self, instr):
86 | keys = "s b i p t r".split()
87 | if isinstance(instr, str):
88 | for key in keys:
89 | if instr.lower().startswith(key):
90 | return key
91 | return None
92 |
93 | @asaplog_post_dec
94 | def _reload_plotter(self):
95 | if self._plotter is not None:
96 | #if not self._plotter.is_dead:
97 | # # clear lines and axes
98 | # try:
99 | # self._plotter.clear()
100 | # except: # Can't remove when already killed.
101 | # pass
102 | if self.casabar_exists():
103 | del self._plotter.figmgr.casabar
104 | self._plotter.quit()
105 | del self._plotter
106 | asaplog.push('Loading new plotter')
107 | self._plotter = new_asaplot(self._visible,**self._inikwg)
108 | self._plotter.figmgr.casabar=self._new_custombar()
109 | # just to make sure they're set
110 | self._plotter.palette(color=0,colormap=self._colormap,
111 | linestyle=0,linestyles=self._linestyles)
112 | self._plotter.legend(self._legendloc)
113 |
114 | ### TODO: it's probably better to define following two methods in
115 | ### backend dependent class.
116 | def _new_custombar(self):
117 | backend=matplotlib.get_backend()
118 | if not self._visible:
119 | return None
120 | elif backend == "TkAgg":
121 | from asap.customgui_tkagg import CustomToolbarTkAgg
122 | return CustomToolbarTkAgg(self)
123 | elif backend == "Qt4Agg":
124 | from asap.customgui_qt4agg import CustomToolbarQT4Agg
125 | return CustomToolbarQT4Agg(self)
126 | return None
127 |
128 | def casabar_exists(self):
129 | if not hasattr(self._plotter.figmgr,'casabar'):
130 | return False
131 | elif self._plotter.figmgr.casabar:
132 | return True
133 | return False
134 | ### end of TODO
135 |
136 | def _assert_plotter(self,action="status",errmsg=None):
137 | """
138 | Check plot window status. Returns True if plot window is alive.
139 | Parameters
140 | action: An action to take if the plotter window is not alive.
141 | ['status'|'reload'|'halt']
142 | The action 'status' simply returns False if asaplot
143 | is not alive. When action='reload', plot window is
144 | reloaded and the method returns True. Finally, an
145 | error is raised when action='halt'.
146 | errmsg: An error (warning) message to send to the logger,
147 | when plot window is not alive.
148 | """
149 | isAlive = (self._plotter is not None) and self._plotter._alive()
150 | # More tests
151 | #if isAlive:
152 | # if self._plotter.figmgr:
153 | # figmgr = self._plotter.figmgr
154 | # figid = figmgr.num
155 | # # Make sure figid=0 is what asapplotter expects.
156 | # # It might be already destroied/overridden by matplotlib
157 | # # commands or other plotting methods using asaplot.
158 | # isAlive = _pylab_helpers.Gcf.has_fignum(figid) and \
159 | # (figmgr == \
160 | # _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_fig_manager(figid))
161 | # else:
162 | # isAlive = False
163 |
164 | if isAlive:
165 | return True
166 | # Plotter is not alive.
167 | haltmsg = "Plotter window has not yet been loaded or is closed."
168 | if type(errmsg)==str and len(errmsg) > 0:
169 | haltmsg = errmsg
170 |
171 | if action.upper().startswith("R"):
172 | # reload plotter
173 | self._reload_plotter()
174 | return True
175 | elif action.upper().startswith("H"):
176 | # halt
177 | asaplog.push(haltmsg)
178 | asaplog.post("ERROR")
179 | raise RuntimeError(haltmsg)
180 | else:
181 | if errmsg:
182 | asaplog.push(errmsg)
183 | asaplog.post("WARN")
184 | return False
185 |
186 |
187 | def gca(self):
188 | errmsg = "No axis to retun. Need to plot first."
189 | if not self._assert_plotter(action="status",errmsg=errmsg):
190 | return None
191 | return self._plotter.figure.gca()
192 |
193 | def refresh(self):
194 | """Do a soft refresh"""
195 | errmsg = "No figure to re-plot. Need to plot first."
196 | self._assert_plotter(action="halt",errmsg=errmsg)
197 |
198 | self._plotter.figure.show()
199 |
200 | def save(self, filename=None, orientation=None, dpi=None):
201 | """
202 | Save the plot to a file. The known formats are 'png', 'ps', 'eps'.
203 | Parameters:
204 | filename: The name of the output file. This is optional
205 | and autodetects the image format from the file
206 | suffix. If non filename is specified a file
207 | called 'yyyymmdd_hhmmss.png' is created in the
208 | current directory.
209 | orientation: optional parameter for postscript only (not eps).
210 | 'landscape', 'portrait' or None (default) are valid.
211 | If None is choosen for 'ps' output, the plot is
212 | automatically oriented to fill the page.
213 | dpi: The dpi of the output non-ps plot
214 | """
215 | errmsg = "Cannot save figure. Need to plot first."
216 | self._assert_plotter(action="halt",errmsg=errmsg)
217 |
218 | self._plotter.save(filename,orientation,dpi)
219 | return
220 |
221 | def create_mask(self, nwin=1, panel=0, color=None):
222 | """
223 | Interactively define a mask. It retruns a mask that is equivalent to
224 | the one created manually with scantable.create_mask.
225 | Parameters:
226 | nwin: The number of mask windows to create interactively
227 | default is 1.
228 | panel: Which panel to use for mask selection. This is useful
229 | if different IFs are spread over panels (default 0)
230 | """
231 | ## this method relies on already plotted figure
232 | if not self._assert_plotter(action="status") or (self._data is None):
233 | msg = "Cannot create mask interactively on plot. Can only create mask after plotting."
234 | asaplog.push( msg )
235 | asaplog.post( "ERROR" )
236 | return []
237 | outmask = []
238 | self._plotter.subplot(panel)
239 | xmin, xmax = self._plotter.axes.get_xlim()
240 | marg = 0.05*(xmax-xmin)
241 | self._plotter.axes.set_xlim(xmin-marg, xmax+marg)
242 | self.refresh()
243 |
244 | def cleanup(lines=False, texts=False, refresh=False):
245 | if lines:
246 | del self._plotter.axes.lines[-1]
247 | if texts:
248 | del self._plotter.axes.texts[-1]
249 | if refresh:
250 | self.refresh()
251 |
252 | for w in xrange(nwin):
253 | wpos = []
254 | self.text(0.05,1.0, "Add start boundary",
255 | coords="relative", fontsize=10)
256 | point = self._plotter.get_point()
257 | cleanup(texts=True)
258 | if point is None:
259 | continue
260 | wpos.append(point[0])
261 | self.axvline(wpos[0], color=color)
262 | self.text(0.05,1.0, "Add end boundary", coords="relative", fontsize=10)
263 | point = self._plotter.get_point()
264 | cleanup(texts=True, lines=True)
265 | if point is None:
266 | self.refresh()
267 | continue
268 | wpos.append(point[0])
269 | self.axvspan(wpos[0], wpos[1], alpha=0.1,
270 | edgecolor=color, facecolor=color)
271 | ymin, ymax = self._plotter.axes.get_ylim()
272 | outmask.append(wpos)
273 |
274 | self._plotter.axes.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
275 | self.refresh()
276 | if len(outmask) > 0:
277 | return self._data.create_mask(*outmask)
278 | return []
279 |
280 |
281 | ### Forwards to methods in matplotlib axes ###
282 | def text(self, *args, **kwargs):
283 | self._assert_plotter(action="reload")
284 | if kwargs.has_key("interactive"):
285 | if kwargs.pop("interactive"):
286 | pos = self._plotter.get_point()
287 | args = tuple(pos)+args
288 | self._axes_callback("text", *args, **kwargs)
289 |
290 | text.__doc__ = matplotlib.axes.Axes.text.__doc__
291 |
292 | def arrow(self, *args, **kwargs):
293 | self._assert_plotter(action="reload")
294 | if kwargs.has_key("interactive"):
295 | if kwargs.pop("interactive"):
296 | pos = self._plotter.get_region()
297 | dpos = (pos[0][0], pos[0][1],
298 | pos[1][0]-pos[0][0],
299 | pos[1][1] - pos[0][1])
300 | args = dpos + args
301 | self._axes_callback("arrow", *args, **kwargs)
302 |
303 | arrow.__doc__ = matplotlib.axes.Axes.arrow.__doc__
304 |
305 | def annotate(self, text, xy=None, xytext=None, **kwargs):
306 | self._assert_plotter(action="reload")
307 | if kwargs.has_key("interactive"):
308 | if kwargs.pop("interactive"):
309 | xy = self._plotter.get_point()
310 | xytext = self._plotter.get_point()
311 | if not kwargs.has_key("arrowprops"):
312 | kwargs["arrowprops"] = dict(arrowstyle="->")
313 | self._axes_callback("annotate", text, xy, xytext, **kwargs)
314 |
315 | annotate.__doc__ = matplotlib.axes.Axes.annotate.__doc__
316 |
317 | def axvline(self, *args, **kwargs):
318 | self._assert_plotter(action="reload")
319 | if kwargs.has_key("interactive"):
320 | if kwargs.pop("interactive"):
321 | pos = self._plotter.get_point()
322 | args = (pos[0],)+args
323 | self._axes_callback("axvline", *args, **kwargs)
324 |
325 | axvline.__doc__ = matplotlib.axes.Axes.axvline.__doc__
326 |
327 | def axhline(self, *args, **kwargs):
328 | self._assert_plotter(action="reload")
329 | if kwargs.has_key("interactive"):
330 | if kwargs.pop("interactive"):
331 | pos = self._plotter.get_point()
332 | args = (pos[1],)+args
333 | self._axes_callback("axhline", *args, **kwargs)
334 |
335 | axhline.__doc__ = matplotlib.axes.Axes.axhline.__doc__
336 |
337 | def axvspan(self, *args, **kwargs):
338 | self._assert_plotter(action="reload")
339 | if kwargs.has_key("interactive"):
340 | if kwargs.pop("interactive"):
341 | pos = self._plotter.get_region()
342 | dpos = (pos[0][0], pos[1][0])
343 | args = dpos + args
344 | self._axes_callback("axvspan", *args, **kwargs)
345 | # hack to preventy mpl from redrawing the patch
346 | # it seem to convert the patch into lines on every draw.
347 | # This doesn't happen in a test script???
348 | #del self._plotter.axes.patches[-1]
349 |
350 | axvspan.__doc__ = matplotlib.axes.Axes.axvspan.__doc__
351 |
352 | def axhspan(self, *args, **kwargs):
353 | self._assert_plotter(action="reload")
354 | if kwargs.has_key("interactive"):
355 | if kwargs.pop("interactive"):
356 | pos = self._plotter.get_region()
357 | dpos = (pos[0][1], pos[1][1])
358 | args = dpos + args
359 | self._axes_callback("axhspan", *args, **kwargs)
360 | # hack to preventy mpl from redrawing the patch
361 | # it seem to convert the patch into lines on every draw.
362 | # This doesn't happen in a test script???
363 | #del self._plotter.axes.patches[-1]
364 |
365 | axhspan.__doc__ = matplotlib.axes.Axes.axhspan.__doc__
366 |
367 | def _axes_callback(self, axesfunc, *args, **kwargs):
368 | self._assert_plotter(action="reload")
369 | panel = 0
370 | if kwargs.has_key("panel"):
371 | panel = kwargs.pop("panel")
372 | coords = None
373 | if kwargs.has_key("coords"):
374 | coords = kwargs.pop("coords")
375 | if coords.lower() == 'world':
376 | kwargs["transform"] = self._plotter.axes.transData
377 | elif coords.lower() == 'relative':
378 | kwargs["transform"] = self._plotter.axes.transAxes
379 | self._plotter.subplot(panel)
380 | self._plotter.axes.set_autoscale_on(False)
381 | getattr(self._plotter.axes, axesfunc)(*args, **kwargs)
382 | self._plotter.show(False)
383 | self._plotter.axes.set_autoscale_on(True)
384 | # end matplotlib.axes fowarding functions
385 |
386 |
387 | ### Forwards to matplotlib.Figure.text ###
388 | def figtext(self, *args, **kwargs):
389 | """
390 | Add text to figure at location x,y (relative 0-1 coords).
391 | This method forwards *args and **kwargs to a Matplotlib method,
392 | matplotlib.Figure.text.
393 | See the method help for detailed information.
394 | """
395 | self._assert_plotter(action="reload")
396 | self._plotter.text(*args, **kwargs)
397 | # end matplotlib.Figure.text forwarding function
398 |
399 |
400 | ### Set Plot parameters ###
401 | @asaplog_post_dec
402 | def set_data(self, scan, refresh=True):
403 | """
404 | Set a scantable to plot.
405 | Parameters:
406 | scan: a scantable
407 | refresh: True (default) or False. If True, the plot is
408 | replotted based on the new parameter setting(s).
409 | Otherwise,the parameter(s) are set without replotting.
410 | Note:
411 | The user specified masks and data selections will be reset
412 | if a new scantable is set. This method should be called before
413 | setting data selections (set_selection) and/or masks (set_mask).
414 | """
415 | from asap import scantable
416 | if isinstance(scan, scantable):
417 | if (self._data is not None) and (scan != self._data):
418 | del self._data
419 | msg = "A new scantable is set to the plotter. "\
420 | "The masks, data selections, and labels are reset."
421 | asaplog.push(msg)
422 | self._data = scan
423 | # reset
424 | self._reset()
425 | else:
426 | msg = "Input is not a scantable"
427 | raise TypeError(msg)
428 |
429 | # ranges become invalid when unit changes
430 | if self._abcunit and self._abcunit != self._data.get_unit():
431 | self._minmaxx = None
432 | self._minmaxy = None
433 | self._abcunit = self._data.get_unit()
434 | if refresh: self.plot()
435 |
436 | @asaplog_post_dec
437 | def set_mode(self, stacking=None, panelling=None, refresh=True):
438 | """
439 | Set the plots look and feel, i.e. what you want to see on the plot.
440 | Parameters:
441 | stacking: tell the plotter which variable to plot
442 | as line colour overlays (default 'pol')
443 | panelling: tell the plotter which variable to plot
444 | across multiple panels (default 'scan'
445 | refresh: True (default) or False. If True, the plot is
446 | replotted based on the new parameter setting(s).
447 | Otherwise,the parameter(s) are set without replotting.
448 | Note:
449 | Valid modes are:
450 | 'beam' 'Beam' 'b': Beams
451 | 'if' 'IF' 'i': IFs
452 | 'pol' 'Pol' 'p': Polarisations
453 | 'scan' 'Scan' 's': Scans
454 | 'time' 'Time' 't': Times
455 | 'row' 'Row' 'r': Rows
456 | When either 'stacking' or 'panelling' is set to 'row',
457 | the other parameter setting is ignored.
458 | """
459 | msg = "Invalid mode"
460 | if not self.set_panelling(panelling) or \
461 | not self.set_stacking(stacking):
462 | raise TypeError(msg)
463 | #if self._panelling == 'r':
464 | # self._stacking = '_r'
465 | #if self._stacking == 'r':
466 | # self._panelling = '_r'
467 | if refresh and self._data: self.plot(self._data)
468 | return
469 |
470 | def set_stacking(self, what=None):
471 | """Set the 'stacking' mode i.e. which type of spectra should be
472 | overlayed.
473 | """
474 | mode = what
475 | if mode is None:
476 | mode = rcParams['plotter.stacking']
477 | md = self._translate(mode)
478 | if md:
479 | self._stacking = md
480 | self._lmap = None
481 | # new mode is set. need to reset counters for multi page plotting
482 | self._reset_counters()
483 | return True
484 | return False
485 |
486 | def set_panelling(self, what=None):
487 | """Set the 'panelling' mode i.e. which type of spectra should be
488 | spread across different panels.
489 | """
490 |
491 | mode = what
492 | if mode is None:
493 | mode = rcParams['plotter.panelling']
494 | md = self._translate(mode)
495 | if md:
496 | self._panelling = md
497 | self._title = None
498 | # new mode is set. need to reset counters for multi page plotting
499 | self._reset_counters()
500 | return True
501 | return False
502 |
503 | def set_layout(self,rows=None,cols=None,refresh=True):
504 | """
505 | Set the multi-panel layout, i.e. how many rows and columns plots
506 | are visible.
507 | Parameters:
508 | rows: The number of rows of plots
509 | cols: The number of columns of plots
510 | refresh: True (default) or False. If True, the plot is
511 | replotted based on the new parameter setting(s).
512 | Otherwise,the parameter(s) are set without replotting.
513 | Note:
514 | If no argument is given, the potter reverts to its auto-plot
515 | behaviour.
516 | """
517 | self._rows = rows
518 | self._cols = cols
519 | # new layout is set. need to reset counters for multi page plotting
520 | self._reset_counters()
521 | if refresh and self._data: self.plot(self._data)
522 | return
523 |
524 | def set_range(self,xstart=None,xend=None,ystart=None,yend=None,refresh=True, offset=None):
525 | """
526 | Set the range of interest on the abcissa of the plot
527 | Parameters:
528 | [x,y]start,[x,y]end: The start and end points of the 'zoom' window
529 | refresh: True (default) or False. If True, the plot is
530 | replotted based on the new parameter setting(s).
531 | Otherwise,the parameter(s) are set without replotting.
532 | offset: shift the abcissa by the given amount. The abcissa label will
533 | have '(relative)' appended to it.
534 | Note:
535 | These become non-sensical when the unit changes.
536 | use plotter.set_range() without parameters to reset
537 |
538 | """
539 | self._offset = offset
540 | if xstart is None and xend is None:
541 | self._minmaxx = None
542 | else:
543 | self._minmaxx = [xstart,xend]
544 | if ystart is None and yend is None:
545 | self._minmaxy = None
546 | else:
547 | self._minmaxy = [ystart,yend]
548 | if refresh and self._data: self.plot(self._data)
549 | return
550 |
551 | def set_legend(self, mp=None, fontsize = None, mode = 0, refresh=True):
552 | """
553 | Specify a mapping for the legend instead of using the default
554 | indices:
555 | Parameters:
556 | mp: a list of 'strings'. This should have the same length
557 | as the number of elements on the legend and then maps
558 | to the indeces in order. It is possible to uses latex
559 | math expression. These have to be enclosed in r'',
560 | e.g. r'$x^{2}$'
561 | fontsize: The font size of the label (default None)
562 | mode: where to display the legend
563 | Any other value for loc else disables the legend:
564 | 0: auto
565 | 1: upper right
566 | 2: upper left
567 | 3: lower left
568 | 4: lower right
569 | 5: right
570 | 6: center left
571 | 7: center right
572 | 8: lower center
573 | 9: upper center
574 | 10: center
575 | refresh: True (default) or False. If True, the plot is
576 | replotted based on the new parameter setting(s).
577 | Otherwise,the parameter(s) are set without replotting.
578 |
579 | Example:
580 | If the data has two IFs/rest frequencies with index 0 and 1
581 | for CO and SiO:
582 | plotter.set_stacking('i')
583 | plotter.set_legend(['CO','SiO'])
584 | plotter.plot()
585 | plotter.set_legend([r'$^{12}CO$', r'SiO'])
586 | """
587 | self._lmap = mp
588 | #self._plotter.legend(mode)
589 | self._legendloc = mode
590 | if isinstance(fontsize, int):
591 | from matplotlib import rc as rcp
592 | rcp('legend', fontsize=fontsize)
593 | if refresh and self._data: self.plot(self._data)
594 | return
595 |
596 | def set_title(self, title=None, fontsize=None, refresh=True):
597 | """
598 | Set the title of sub-plots. If multiple sub-plots are plotted,
599 | multiple titles have to be specified.
600 | Parameters:
601 | title: a list of titles of sub-plots.
602 | fontsize: a font size of titles (integer)
603 | refresh: True (default) or False. If True, the plot is
604 | replotted based on the new parameter setting(s).
605 | Otherwise,the parameter(s) are set without replotting.
606 | Example:
607 | # two panels are visible on the plotter
608 | plotter.set_title(['First Panel','Second Panel'])
609 | """
610 | self._title = title
611 | if isinstance(fontsize, int):
612 | from matplotlib import rc as rcp
613 | rcp('axes', titlesize=fontsize)
614 | if refresh and self._data: self.plot(self._data)
615 | return
616 |
617 | def set_ordinate(self, ordinate=None, fontsize=None, refresh=True):
618 | """
619 | Set the y-axis label of the plot. If multiple panels are plotted,
620 | multiple labels have to be specified.
621 | Parameters:
622 | ordinate: a list of ordinate labels. None (default) let
623 | data determine the labels
624 | fontsize: a font size of vertical axis labels (integer)
625 | refresh: True (default) or False. If True, the plot is
626 | replotted based on the new parameter setting(s).
627 | Otherwise,the parameter(s) are set without replotting.
628 | Example:
629 | # two panels are visible on the plotter
630 | plotter.set_ordinate(['First Y-Axis','Second Y-Axis'])
631 | """
632 | self._ordinate = ordinate
633 | if isinstance(fontsize, int):
634 | from matplotlib import rc as rcp
635 | rcp('axes', labelsize=fontsize)
636 | rcp('ytick', labelsize=fontsize)
637 | if refresh and self._data: self.plot(self._data)
638 | return
639 |
640 | def set_abcissa(self, abcissa=None, fontsize=None, refresh=True):
641 | """
642 | Set the x-axis label of the plot. If multiple panels are plotted,
643 | multiple labels have to be specified.
644 | Parameters:
645 | abcissa: a list of abcissa labels. None (default) let
646 | data determine the labels
647 | fontsize: a font size of horizontal axis labels (integer)
648 | refresh: True (default) or False. If True, the plot is
649 | replotted based on the new parameter setting(s).
650 | Otherwise,the parameter(s) are set without replotting.
651 | Example:
652 | # two panels are visible on the plotter
653 | plotter.set_ordinate(['First X-Axis','Second X-Axis'])
654 | """
655 | self._abcissa = abcissa
656 | if isinstance(fontsize, int):
657 | from matplotlib import rc as rcp
658 | rcp('axes', labelsize=fontsize)
659 | rcp('xtick', labelsize=fontsize)
660 | if refresh and self._data: self.plot(self._data)
661 | return
662 |
663 | def set_histogram(self, hist=True, linewidth=None, refresh=True):
664 | """
665 | Enable/Disable histogram-like plotting.
666 | Parameters:
667 | hist: True (default) or False. The fisrt default
668 | is taken from the .asaprc setting
669 | plotter.histogram
670 | linewidth: a line width
671 | refresh: True (default) or False. If True, the plot is
672 | replotted based on the new parameter setting(s).
673 | Otherwise,the parameter(s) are set without replotting.
674 | """
675 | self._hist = hist
676 | if isinstance(linewidth, float) or isinstance(linewidth, int):
677 | from matplotlib import rc as rcp
678 | rcp('lines', linewidth=linewidth)
679 | if refresh and self._data: self.plot(self._data)
680 |
681 | def set_colors(self, colmap, refresh=True):
682 | """
683 | Set the colours to be used. The plotter will cycle through
684 | these colours when lines are overlaid (stacking mode).
685 | Parameters:
686 | colmap: a list of colour names
687 | refresh: True (default) or False. If True, the plot is
688 | replotted based on the new parameter setting(s).
689 | Otherwise,the parameter(s) are set without replotting.
690 | Example:
691 | plotter.set_colors('red green blue')
692 | # If for example four lines are overlaid e.g I Q U V
693 | # 'I' will be 'red', 'Q' will be 'green', U will be 'blue'
694 | # and 'V' will be 'red' again.
695 | """
696 | #if isinstance(colmap,str):
697 | # colmap = colmap.split()
698 | #self._plotter.palette(0, colormap=colmap)
699 | self._colormap = colmap
700 | if refresh and self._data: self.plot(self._data)
701 |
702 | # alias for english speakers
703 | set_colours = set_colors
704 |
705 | def set_linestyles(self, linestyles=None, linewidth=None, refresh=True):
706 | """
707 | Set the linestyles to be used. The plotter will cycle through
708 | these linestyles when lines are overlaid (stacking mode) AND
709 | only one color has been set.
710 | Parameters:
711 | linestyles: a list of linestyles to use.
712 | 'line', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'dashdot',
713 | 'dashdotdot' and 'dashdashdot' are
714 | possible
715 | linewidth: a line width
716 | refresh: True (default) or False. If True, the plot is
717 | replotted based on the new parameter setting(s).
718 | Otherwise,the parameter(s) are set without replotting.
719 | Example:
720 | plotter.set_colors('black')
721 | plotter.set_linestyles('line dashed dotted dashdot')
722 | # If for example four lines are overlaid e.g I Q U V
723 | # 'I' will be 'solid', 'Q' will be 'dashed',
724 | # U will be 'dotted' and 'V' will be 'dashdot'.
725 | """
726 | #if isinstance(linestyles,str):
727 | # linestyles = linestyles.split()
728 | #self._plotter.palette(color=0,linestyle=0,linestyles=linestyles)
729 | self._linestyles = linestyles
730 | if isinstance(linewidth, float) or isinstance(linewidth, int):
731 | from matplotlib import rc as rcp
732 | rcp('lines', linewidth=linewidth)
733 | if refresh and self._data: self.plot(self._data)
734 |
735 | def set_font(self, refresh=True,**kwargs):
736 | """
737 | Set font properties.
738 | Parameters:
739 | family: one of 'sans-serif', 'serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace'
740 | style: one of 'normal' (or 'roman'), 'italic' or 'oblique'
741 | weight: one of 'normal or 'bold'
742 | size: the 'general' font size, individual elements can be adjusted
743 | seperately
744 | refresh: True (default) or False. If True, the plot is
745 | replotted based on the new parameter setting(s).
746 | Otherwise,the parameter(s) are set without replotting.
747 | """
748 | from matplotlib import rc as rcp
749 | fdict = {}
750 | for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
751 | if v:
752 | fdict[k] = v
753 | self._fp = FontProperties(**fdict)
754 | if refresh and self._data: self.plot(self._data)
755 |
756 | def set_margin(self,margin=[],refresh=True):
757 | """
758 | Set margins between subplots and plot edges.
759 | Parameters:
760 | margin: a list of margins in figure coordinate (0-1),
761 | i.e., fraction of the figure width or height.
762 | The order of elements should be:
763 | [left, bottom, right, top, horizontal space btw panels,
764 | vertical space btw panels].
765 | refresh: True (default) or False. If True, the plot is
766 | replotted based on the new parameter setting(s).
767 | Otherwise,the parameter(s) are set without replotting.
768 | Note
769 | * When margin is not specified, the values are reset to the defaults
770 | of matplotlib.
771 | * If any element is set to be None, the current value is adopted.
772 | """
773 | if margin == []: self._margins=self._reset_margin()
774 | else:
775 | self._margins=[None]*6
776 | self._margins[0:len(margin)]=margin
777 | #print "panel margin set to ",self._margins
778 | if refresh and self._data: self.plot(self._data)
779 |
780 | def _reset_margin(self):
781 | ks=map(lambda x: 'figure.subplot.'+x,
782 | ['left','bottom','right','top','hspace','wspace'])
783 | return map(matplotlib.rcParams.get,ks)
784 |
785 | def plot_lines(self, linecat=None, doppler=0.0, deltachan=10, rotate=90.0,
786 | location=None):
787 | """
788 | Plot a line catalog.
789 | Parameters:
790 | linecat: the linecatalog to plot
791 | doppler: the velocity shift to apply to the frequencies
792 | deltachan: the number of channels to include each side of the
793 | line to determine a local maximum/minimum
794 | rotate: the rotation (in degrees) for the text label (default 90.0)
795 | location: the location of the line annotation from the 'top',
796 | 'bottom' or alternate (None - the default)
797 | Notes:
798 | If the spectrum is flagged no line will be drawn in that location.
799 | """
800 | errmsg = "Cannot plot spectral lines. Need to plot scantable first."
801 | self._assert_plotter(action="halt",errmsg=errmsg)
802 | if not self._data:
803 | raise RuntimeError("No scantable has been plotted yet.")
804 | from asap._asap import linecatalog
805 | if not isinstance(linecat, linecatalog):
806 | raise ValueError("'linecat' isn't of type linecatalog.")
807 | if not self._data.get_unit().endswith("Hz"):
808 | raise RuntimeError("Can only overlay linecatalogs when data is in frequency.")
809 | from numpy import ma
810 | for j in range(len(self._plotter.subplots)):
811 | self._plotter.subplot(j)
812 | lims = self._plotter.axes.get_xlim()
813 | for row in range(linecat.nrow()):
814 | # get_frequency returns MHz
815 | base = { "GHz": 1000.0, "MHz": 1.0, "Hz": 1.0e-6 }
816 | restf = linecat.get_frequency(row)/base[self._data.get_unit()]
817 | c = 299792.458
818 | freq = restf*(1.0-doppler/c)
819 | if lims[0] < freq < lims[1]:
820 | if location is None:
821 | loc = 'bottom'
822 | if row%2: loc='top'
823 | else: loc = location
824 | maxys = []
825 | for line in self._plotter.axes.lines:
826 | v = line._x
827 | asc = v[0] < v[-1]
828 |
829 | idx = None
830 | if not asc:
831 | if v[len(v)-1] <= freq <= v[0]:
832 | i = len(v)-1
833 | while i>=0 and v[i] < freq:
834 | idx = i
835 | i-=1
836 | else:
837 | if v[0] <= freq <= v[len(v)-1]:
838 | i = 0
839 | while i<len(v) and v[i] < freq:
840 | idx = i
841 | i+=1
842 | if idx is not None:
843 | lower = idx - deltachan
844 | upper = idx + deltachan
845 | if lower < 0: lower = 0
846 | if upper > len(v): upper = len(v)
847 | s = slice(lower, upper)
848 | y = line._y[s]
849 | maxy = ma.maximum(y)
850 | if isinstance( maxy, float):
851 | maxys.append(maxy)
852 | if len(maxys):
853 | peak = max(maxys)
854 | if peak > self._plotter.axes.get_ylim()[1]:
855 | loc = 'bottom'
856 | else:
857 | continue
858 | self._plotter.vline_with_label(freq, peak,
859 | linecat.get_name(row),
860 | location=loc, rotate=rotate)
861 | self._plotter.show(hardrefresh=False)
862 |
863 |
864 | def set_selection(self, selection=None, refresh=True, **kw):
865 | """
866 | Parameters:
867 | selection: a selector object (default unset the selection)
868 | refresh: True (default) or False. If True, the plot is
869 | replotted based on the new parameter setting(s).
870 | Otherwise,the parameter(s) are set without replotting.
871 | """
872 | if selection is None:
873 | # reset
874 | if len(kw) == 0:
875 | self._selection = selector()
876 | else:
877 | # try keywords
878 | for k in kw:
879 | if k not in selector.fields:
880 | raise KeyError("Invalid selection key '%s', valid keys are %s" % (k, selector.fields))
881 | self._selection = selector(**kw)
882 | elif isinstance(selection, selector):
883 | self._selection = selection
884 | else:
885 | raise TypeError("'selection' is not of type selector")
886 |
887 | order = self._get_sortstring([self._panelling,self._stacking])
888 | if order:
889 | self._selection.set_order(order)
890 | if refresh and self._data:
891 | self.plot()
892 |
893 | @asaplog_post_dec
894 | def set_mask(self, mask=None, selection=None, refresh=True):
895 | """
896 | Set a plotting mask for a specific polarization.
897 | This is useful for masking out 'noise' Pangle outside a source.
898 | Parameters:
899 | mask: a mask from scantable.create_mask
900 | selection: the spectra to apply the mask to.
901 | refresh: True (default) or False. If True, the plot is
902 | replotted based on the new parameter setting(s).
903 | Otherwise,the parameter(s) are set without replotting.
904 | Example:
905 | select = selector()
906 | select.setpolstrings('Pangle')
907 | plotter.set_mask(mymask, select)
908 | """
909 | if not self._data:
910 | msg = "Can only set mask after a first call to plot()"
911 | raise RuntimeError(msg)
912 | if (mask is not None) and len(mask):
913 | if isinstance(mask, list) or isinstance(mask, tuple):
914 | self._usermask = array(mask)
915 | else:
916 | self._usermask = mask
917 | if mask is None and selection is None:
918 | self._usermask = []
919 | self._maskselection = None
920 | if isinstance(selection, selector):
921 | self._maskselection = {'b': selection.get_beams(),
922 | 's': selection.get_scans(),
923 | 'i': selection.get_ifs(),
924 | 'p': selection.get_pols(),
925 | 't': [] }
926 | else:
927 | self._maskselection = None
928 | if refresh: self.plot(self._data)
929 |
930 |
931 | ### Reset methods ###
932 | def _reset(self):
933 | """Reset method called when new data is set"""
934 | # reset selections and masks
935 | self.set_selection(None, False)
936 | self.set_mask(None, None, False)
937 | # reset offset
938 | self._offset = None
939 | # reset header
940 | self._reset_header()
941 | # reset labels
942 | self._lmap = None # related to stack
943 | self.set_title(None, None, False)
944 | self.set_ordinate(None, None, False)
945 | self.set_abcissa(None, None, False)
946 |
947 | def _reset_header(self):
948 | self._headtext={'string': None, 'textobj': None}
949 |
950 | def _reset_counter(self):
951 | self._startrow = 0
952 | self._ipanel = -1
953 | self._panelrows = []
954 | self._reset_header()
955 | if self.casabar_exists():
956 | self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.set_pagecounter(1)
957 |
958 | def _reset_counters(self):
959 | self._startrow = 0
960 | self._ipanel = -1
961 | self._panelrows = []
962 |
963 |
964 | ### Actual scantable plot methods ###
965 | @asaplog_post_dec
966 | def plot(self, scan=None):
967 | """
968 | Plot a scantable.
969 | Parameters:
970 | scan: a scantable
971 | Note:
972 | If a scantable was specified in a previous call
973 | to plot, no argument has to be given to 'replot'
974 | NO checking is done that the abcissas of the scantable
975 | are consistent e.g. all 'channel' or all 'velocity' etc.
976 | """
977 | self._plotmode = "spectra"
978 | if not self._data and not scan:
979 | msg = "Input is not a scantable"
980 | raise TypeError(msg)
981 |
982 | self._assert_plotter(action="reload")
983 | self._plotter.hold()
984 | self._reset_counter()
985 | #self._plotter.clear()
986 | if scan:
987 | self.set_data(scan, refresh=False)
988 | self._plotter.palette(color=0,colormap=self._colormap,
989 | linestyle=0,linestyles=self._linestyles)
990 | self._plotter.legend(self._legendloc)
991 | self._plot(self._data)
992 | if self._minmaxy is not None:
993 | self._plotter.set_limits(ylim=self._minmaxy)
994 | if self.casabar_exists(): self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.enable_button()
995 | self._plotter.release()
996 | self._plotter.tidy()
997 | self._plotter.show(hardrefresh=False)
998 | return
999 |
1000 | def _plot(self, scan):
1001 | savesel = scan.get_selection()
1002 | sel = savesel + self._selection
1003 | order = self._get_sortstring([self._panelling,self._stacking])
1004 | if order:
1005 | sel.set_order(order)
1006 | scan.set_selection(sel)
1007 | d = {'b': scan.getbeam, 's': scan.getscan,
1008 | 'i': scan.getif, 'p': scan.getpol, 't': scan.get_time,
1009 | 'r': int}#, '_r': int}
1010 |
1011 | polmodes = dict(zip(sel.get_pols(), sel.get_poltypes()))
1012 | # this returns either a tuple of numbers or a length (ncycles)
1013 | # convert this into lengths
1014 | n0,nstack0 = self._get_selected_n(scan)
1015 | if isinstance(n0, int): n = n0
1016 | else: n = len(n0)
1017 | if isinstance(nstack0, int): nstack = nstack0
1018 | else: nstack = len(nstack0)
1019 | # In case of row stacking
1020 | rowstack = False
1021 | titlemode = self._panelling
1022 | if self._stacking == "r" and self._panelling != "r":
1023 | rowstack = True
1024 | titlemode = '_r'
1025 | nptot = n
1026 | maxpanel, maxstack = 16,16
1027 | if nstack > maxstack:
1028 | msg ="Scan to be overlayed contains more than %d selections.\n" \
1029 | "Selecting first %d selections..." % (maxstack, maxstack)
1030 | asaplog.push(msg)
1031 | asaplog.post('WARN')
1032 | nstack = min(nstack,maxstack)
1033 | #n = min(n-self._ipanel-1,maxpanel)
1034 | n = n-self._ipanel-1
1035 | # the number of panels in this page
1036 | if self._rows and self._cols:
1037 | n = min(n,self._rows*self._cols)
1038 | else:
1039 | n = min(n,maxpanel)
1040 |
1041 | firstpage = (self._ipanel < 0)
1042 | #ganged = False
1043 | ganged = rcParams['plotter.ganged']
1044 | if self._panelling == 'i':
1045 | ganged = False
1046 | if (not firstpage) and \
1047 | self._plotter._subplotsOk(self._rows, self._cols, n):
1048 | # Not the first page and subplot number is ok.
1049 | # Just clear the axis
1050 | nx = self._plotter.cols
1051 | ipaxx = n - nx - 1 #the max panel id to supress x-label
1052 | for ip in xrange(len(self._plotter.subplots)):
1053 | self._plotter.subplot(ip)
1054 | self._plotter.clear()
1055 | self._plotter.axes.set_visible((ip<n))
1056 | if ganged:
1057 | self._plotter.axes.xaxis.label.set_visible((ip > ipaxx))
1058 | if ip <= ipaxx:
1059 | map(lambda x: x.set_visible(False), \
1060 | self._plotter.axes.get_xticklabels())
1061 | self._plotter.axes.yaxis.label.set_visible((ip % nx)==0)
1062 | if ip % nx:
1063 | map(lambda y: y.set_visible(False), \
1064 | self._plotter.axes.get_yticklabels())
1065 | elif (n > 1 and self._rows and self._cols):
1066 | self._plotter.set_panels(rows=self._rows,cols=self._cols,
1067 | nplots=n,margin=self._margins,
1068 | ganged=ganged)
1069 | else:
1070 | self._plotter.set_panels(rows=n,cols=0,nplots=n,
1071 | margin=self._margins,ganged=ganged)
1072 | #r = 0
1073 | r = self._startrow
1074 | nr = scan.nrow()
1075 | a0,b0 = -1,-1
1076 | allxlim = []
1077 | allylim = []
1078 | #newpanel=True
1079 | newpanel=False
1080 | panelcount,stackcount = 0,0
1081 | # If this is not the first page
1082 | if r > 0:
1083 | # panelling value of the prev page
1084 | a0 = d[self._panelling](r-1)
1085 | # set the initial stackcount large not to plot
1086 | # the start row automatically
1087 | stackcount = nstack
1088 |
1089 | while r < nr:
1090 | a = d[self._panelling](r)
1091 | b = d[self._stacking](r)
1092 | if a > a0 and panelcount < n:
1093 | if n > 1:
1094 | self._plotter.subplot(panelcount)
1095 | self._plotter.palette(0)
1096 | #title
1097 | xlab = self._abcissa and self._abcissa[panelcount] \
1098 | or scan._getabcissalabel()
1099 | if self._offset and not self._abcissa:
1100 | xlab += " (relative)"
1101 | ylab = self._ordinate and self._ordinate[panelcount] \
1102 | or scan._get_ordinate_label()
1103 | self._plotter.set_axes('xlabel', xlab)
1104 | self._plotter.set_axes('ylabel', ylab)
1105 | #lbl = self._get_label(scan, r, self._panelling, self._title)
1106 | lbl = self._get_label(scan, r, titlemode, self._title)
1107 | if isinstance(lbl, list) or isinstance(lbl, tuple):
1108 | if 0 <= panelcount < len(lbl):
1109 | lbl = lbl[panelcount]
1110 | else:
1111 | # get default label
1112 | #lbl = self._get_label(scan, r, self._panelling, None)
1113 | lbl = self._get_label(scan, r, titlemode, None)
1114 | self._plotter.set_axes('title',lbl)
1115 | newpanel = True
1116 | stackcount = 0
1117 | panelcount += 1
1118 | # save the start row to plot this panel for future revisit.
1119 | if self._panelling != 'r' and \
1120 | len(self._panelrows) < self._ipanel+1+panelcount:
1121 | self._panelrows += [r]
1122 |
1123 | #if (b > b0 or newpanel) and stackcount < nstack:
1124 | if stackcount < nstack and (newpanel or \
1125 | rowstack or (a == a0 and b > b0)):
1126 | y = []
1127 | if len(polmodes):
1128 | y = scan._getspectrum(r, polmodes[scan.getpol(r)])
1129 | else:
1130 | y = scan._getspectrum(r)
1131 | # flag application
1132 | mr = scan._getflagrow(r)
1133 | from numpy import ma, array
1134 | if mr:
1135 | y = ma.masked_array(y,mask=mr)
1136 | else:
1137 | m = scan._getmask(r)
1138 | from numpy import logical_not, logical_and
1139 | if self._maskselection and len(self._usermask) == len(m):
1140 | if d[self._stacking](r) in self._maskselection[self._stacking]:
1141 | m = logical_and(m, self._usermask)
1142 | y = ma.masked_array(y,mask=logical_not(array(m,copy=False)))
1143 |
1144 | x = array(scan._getabcissa(r))
1145 | if self._offset:
1146 | x += self._offset
1147 | if self._minmaxx is not None:
1148 | s,e = self._slice_indeces(x)
1149 | x = x[s:e]
1150 | y = y[s:e]
1151 | if len(x) > 1024 and rcParams['plotter.decimate']:
1152 | fac = len(x)/1024
1153 | x = x[::fac]
1154 | y = y[::fac]
1155 | llbl = self._get_label(scan, r, self._stacking, self._lmap)
1156 | if isinstance(llbl, list) or isinstance(llbl, tuple):
1157 | if 0 <= stackcount < len(llbl):
1158 | # use user label
1159 | llbl = llbl[stackcount]
1160 | else:
1161 | # get default label
1162 | llbl = self._get_label(scan, r, self._stacking, None)
1163 | self._plotter.set_line(label=llbl)
1164 | plotit = self._plotter.plot
1165 | if self._hist: plotit = self._plotter.hist
1166 | if len(x) > 0 and not mr:
1167 | plotit(x,y)
1168 | xlim= self._minmaxx or [min(x),max(x)]
1169 | allxlim += xlim
1170 | ylim= self._minmaxy or [ma.minimum(y),ma.maximum(y)]
1171 | allylim += ylim
1172 | else:
1173 | xlim = self._minmaxx or []
1174 | allxlim += xlim
1175 | ylim= self._minmaxy or []
1176 | allylim += ylim
1177 | stackcount += 1
1178 | a0=a
1179 | b0=b
1180 | # last in colour stack -> autoscale x
1181 | if stackcount == nstack and len(allxlim) > 0:
1182 | allxlim.sort()
1183 | self._plotter.subplots[panelcount-1]['axes'].set_xlim([allxlim[0],allxlim[-1]])
1184 | if ganged:
1185 | allxlim = [allxlim[0],allxlim[-1]]
1186 | else:
1187 | # clear
1188 | allxlim =[]
1189 |
1190 | newpanel = False
1191 | #a0=a
1192 | #b0=b
1193 | # ignore following rows
1194 | if (panelcount == n and stackcount == nstack) or (r == nr-1):
1195 | # last panel -> autoscale y if ganged
1196 | #if rcParams['plotter.ganged'] and len(allylim) > 0:
1197 | if ganged and len(allylim) > 0:
1198 | allylim.sort()
1199 | self._plotter.set_limits(ylim=[allylim[0],allylim[-1]])
1200 | break
1201 | r+=1 # next row
1202 |
1203 | # save the current counter for multi-page plotting
1204 | self._startrow = r+1
1205 | self._ipanel += panelcount
1206 | if self.casabar_exists():
1207 | if self._ipanel >= nptot-1:
1208 | self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.disable_next()
1209 | else:
1210 | self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.enable_next()
1211 | if self._ipanel + 1 - panelcount > 0:
1212 | self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.enable_prev()
1213 | else:
1214 | self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.disable_prev()
1215 |
1216 | #reset the selector to the scantable's original
1217 | scan.set_selection(savesel)
1218 |
1219 | #temporary switch-off for older matplotlib
1220 | #if self._fp is not None:
1221 | if self._fp is not None and \
1222 | getattr(self._plotter.figure,'findobj',False):
1223 | for o in self._plotter.figure.findobj(Text):
1224 | if not self._headtext['textobj'] or \
1225 | not (o in self._headtext['textobj']):
1226 | o.set_fontproperties(self._fp)
1227 |
1228 | def _get_sortstring(self, lorders):
1229 | d0 = {'s': 'SCANNO', 'b': 'BEAMNO', 'i':'IFNO',
1230 | 'p': 'POLNO', 'c': 'CYCLENO', 't' : 'TIME', 'r':None, '_r':None }
1231 | if not (type(lorders) == list) and not (type(lorders) == tuple):
1232 | return None
1233 | if len(lorders) > 0:
1234 | lsorts = []
1235 | for order in lorders:
1236 | if order == "r":
1237 | # don't sort if row panelling/stacking
1238 | return None
1239 | ssort = d0[order]
1240 | if ssort:
1241 | lsorts.append(ssort)
1242 | return lsorts
1243 | return None
1244 |
1245 | def _get_selected_n(self, scan):
1246 | d1 = {'b': scan.getbeamnos, 's': scan.getscannos,
1247 | 'i': scan.getifnos, 'p': scan.getpolnos, 't': scan.ncycle,
1248 | 'r': scan.nrow}#, '_r': False}
1249 | d2 = { 'b': self._selection.get_beams(),
1250 | 's': self._selection.get_scans(),
1251 | 'i': self._selection.get_ifs(),
1252 | 'p': self._selection.get_pols(),
1253 | 't': self._selection.get_cycles(),
1254 | 'r': False}#, '_r': 1}
1255 | n = d2[self._panelling] or d1[self._panelling]()
1256 | nstack = d2[self._stacking] or d1[self._stacking]()
1257 | # handle row panelling/stacking
1258 | if self._panelling == 'r':
1259 | nstack = 1
1260 | elif self._stacking == 'r':
1261 | n = 1
1262 | return n,nstack
1263 |
1264 | def _get_label(self, scan, row, mode, userlabel=None):
1265 | if isinstance(userlabel, list) and len(userlabel) == 0:
1266 | userlabel = " "
1267 | pms = dict(zip(self._selection.get_pols(),self._selection.get_poltypes()))
1268 | if len(pms):
1269 | poleval = scan._getpollabel(scan.getpol(row),pms[scan.getpol(row)])
1270 | else:
1271 | poleval = scan._getpollabel(scan.getpol(row),scan.poltype())
1272 | d = {'b': "Beam "+str(scan.getbeam(row)),
1273 | #'s': scan._getsourcename(row),
1274 | 's': "Scan "+str(scan.getscan(row))+\
1275 | " ("+str(scan._getsourcename(row))+")",
1276 | 'i': "IF"+str(scan.getif(row)),
1277 | 'p': poleval,
1278 | 't': str(scan.get_time(row)),
1279 | 'r': "row "+str(row),
1280 | #'_r': str(scan.get_time(row))+",\nIF"+str(scan.getif(row))+", "+poleval+", Beam"+str(scan.getbeam(row)) }
1281 | '_r': "" }
1282 | return userlabel or d[mode]
1283 |
1284 | def _slice_indeces(self, data):
1285 | mn = self._minmaxx[0]
1286 | mx = self._minmaxx[1]
1287 | asc = data[0] < data[-1]
1288 | start=0
1289 | end = len(data)-1
1290 | inc = 1
1291 | if not asc:
1292 | start = len(data)-1
1293 | end = 0
1294 | inc = -1
1295 | # find min index
1296 | #while start > 0 and data[start] < mn:
1297 | # start+= inc
1298 | minind=start
1299 | for ind in xrange(start,end+inc,inc):
1300 | if data[ind] > mn: break
1301 | minind=ind
1302 | # find max index
1303 | #while end > 0 and data[end] > mx:
1304 | # end-=inc
1305 | #if end > 0: end +=1
1306 | maxind=end
1307 | for ind in xrange(end,start-inc,-inc):
1308 | if data[ind] < mx: break
1309 | maxind=ind
1310 | start=minind
1311 | end=maxind
1312 | if start > end:
1313 | return end,start+1
1314 | elif start < end:
1315 | return start,end+1
1316 | else:
1317 | return start,end
1318 |
1319 | def _get_date_axis_setup(self, dates):
1320 | """
1321 | Returns proper axis title and formatters for a list of dates
1322 | Input
1323 | dates : a list of datetime objects returned by,
1324 | e.g. scantable.get_time(asdatetime=True)
1325 | Output
1326 | a set of
1327 | * date axis title string
1328 | * formatter of date axis
1329 | * major axis locator
1330 | * minor axis locator
1331 | """
1332 | from matplotlib import pylab as PL
1333 | from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
1334 | from matplotlib.dates import HourLocator, MinuteLocator,SecondLocator, DayLocator
1335 | t = PL.date2num(dates)
1336 | tdel = max(t) - min(t) # interval in day
1337 | dstr = dates[0].strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
1338 | if tdel > 1.0: # >1day
1339 | dstr2 = dates[len(dates)-1].strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
1340 | dstr = dstr + " - " + dstr2
1341 | majloc = DayLocator()
1342 | minloc = HourLocator(range(0,23,12))
1343 | timefmt = DateFormatter("%b%d")
1344 | elif tdel > 24./60.: # 9.6h - 1day
1345 | timefmt = DateFormatter('%H:%M')
1346 | majloc = HourLocator()
1347 | minloc = MinuteLocator(range(0,60,30))
1348 | elif tdel > 2./24.: # 2h-9.6h
1349 | timefmt = DateFormatter('%H:%M')
1350 | majloc = HourLocator()
1351 | minloc = MinuteLocator(range(0,60,10))
1352 | elif tdel> 10./24./60.: # 10min-2h
1353 | timefmt = DateFormatter('%H:%M')
1354 | majloc = MinuteLocator(range(0,60,10))
1355 | minloc = MinuteLocator()
1356 | else: # <10min
1357 | timefmt = DateFormatter('%H:%M')
1358 | majloc = MinuteLocator()
1359 | minloc = SecondLocator(30)
1360 | return (dstr, timefmt, majloc, minloc)
1361 |
1362 | def plotazel(self, scan=None, outfile=None):
1363 | """
1364 | plot azimuth and elevation versus time of a scantable
1365 | """
1366 | self._plotmode = "azel"
1367 | visible = rcParams['plotter.gui']
1368 | from matplotlib import pylab as PL
1369 | from pytz import timezone
1370 | from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
1371 | from numpy import array, pi, ma
1372 | if self._plotter and (PL.gcf() == self._plotter.figure):
1373 | # the current figure is ASAP plotter. Use mpl plotter
1374 | figids = PL.get_fignums()
1375 | PL.figure(max(figids[-1],1))
1376 |
1377 | if not visible or not self._visible:
1378 | PL.ioff()
1379 | from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg
1380 | PL.gcf().canvas.switch_backends(FigureCanvasAgg)
1381 | self._data = scan
1382 | dates = self._data.get_time(asdatetime=True)
1383 | # for flag handling
1384 | mask = [ self._data._is_all_chan_flagged(i) for i in range(self._data.nrow())]
1385 | t = PL.date2num(dates)
1386 | tz = timezone('UTC')
1387 | PL.cla()
1388 | PL.ioff()
1389 | PL.clf()
1390 | # Adjust subplot margins
1391 | if not self._margins or len(self._margins) != 6:
1392 | self.set_margin(refresh=False)
1393 | lef, bot, rig, top, wsp, hsp = self._margins
1394 | PL.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=lef,bottom=bot,right=rig,top=top,
1395 | wspace=wsp,hspace=hsp)
1396 |
1397 | tdel = max(t) - min(t) # interval in day
1398 | ax = PL.subplot(2,1,1)
1399 | el = ma.masked_array(array(self._data.get_elevation())*180./pi, mask)
1400 | PL.ylabel('El [deg.]')
1401 | (dstr, timefmt, majloc, minloc) = self._get_date_axis_setup(dates)
1402 |
1403 | PL.title(dstr)
1404 | if tdel == 0.0:
1405 | th = (t - PL.floor(t))*24.0
1406 | PL.plot(th,el,'o',markersize=2, markerfacecolor='b', markeredgecolor='b')
1407 | else:
1408 | PL.plot_date(t,el,'o', markersize=2, markerfacecolor='b', markeredgecolor='b',tz=tz)
1409 | #ax.grid(True)
1410 | ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(timefmt)
1411 | ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majloc)
1412 | ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minloc)
1413 | ax.yaxis.grid(True)
1414 | yloc = MultipleLocator(30)
1415 | ax.set_ylim(0,90)
1416 | ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(yloc)
1417 | if tdel > 1.0:
1418 | labels = ax.get_xticklabels()
1419 | # PL.setp(labels, fontsize=10, rotation=45)
1420 | PL.setp(labels, fontsize=10)
1421 |
1422 | # Az plot
1423 | az = ma.masked_array(array(self._data.get_azimuth())*180./pi, mask)
1424 | if min(az) < 0:
1425 | for irow in range(len(az)):
1426 | if az[irow] < 0: az[irow] += 360.0
1427 |
1428 | ax2 = PL.subplot(2,1,2)
1429 | #PL.xlabel('Time (UT [hour])')
1430 | PL.ylabel('Az [deg.]')
1431 | if tdel == 0.0:
1432 | PL.plot(th,az,'o',markersize=2, markeredgecolor='b',markerfacecolor='b')
1433 | else:
1434 | PL.plot_date(t,az,'o', markersize=2,markeredgecolor='b',markerfacecolor='b',tz=tz)
1435 | ax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(timefmt)
1436 | ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(majloc)
1437 | ax2.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minloc)
1438 | #ax2.grid(True)
1439 | ax2.set_ylim(0,360)
1440 | ax2.yaxis.grid(True)
1441 | #hfmt = DateFormatter('%H')
1442 | #hloc = HourLocator()
1443 | yloc = MultipleLocator(60)
1444 | ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(yloc)
1445 | if tdel > 1.0:
1446 | labels = ax2.get_xticklabels()
1447 | PL.setp(labels, fontsize=10)
1448 | PL.xlabel('Time (UT [day])')
1449 | else:
1450 | PL.xlabel('Time (UT [hour])')
1451 |
1452 | PL.ion()
1453 | PL.draw()
1454 | if matplotlib.get_backend() == 'Qt4Agg': PL.gcf().show()
1455 | if (outfile is not None):
1456 | PL.savefig(outfile)
1457 |
1458 |
1459 | def plotpointing2(self, scan=None, colorby='', showline=False, projection=''):
1460 | """
1461 | plot telescope pointings
1462 | Parameters:
1463 | infile : input filename or scantable instance
1464 | colorby : change color by either
1465 | 'type'(source type)|'scan'|'if'|'pol'|'beam'
1466 | showline : show dotted line
1467 | projection : projection type either
1468 | ''(no projection [deg])|'coord'(not implemented)
1469 | """
1470 | self._plotmode = "pointing"
1471 | from numpy import array, pi, ma
1472 | from asap import scantable
1473 | # check for scantable
1474 | if isinstance(scan, scantable):
1475 | if self._data is not None:
1476 | if scan != self._data:
1477 | self._data = scan
1478 | # reset
1479 | self._reset()
1480 | else:
1481 | self._data = scan
1482 | self._reset()
1483 | if not self._data:
1484 | msg = "Input is not a scantable"
1485 | raise TypeError(msg)
1486 | # check for color mode
1487 | validtypes=['type','scan','if','pol', 'beam']
1488 | stype = None
1489 | if (colorby in validtypes):
1490 | stype = colorby[0]
1491 | elif len(colorby) > 0:
1492 | msg = "Invalid choice of 'colorby' (choices: %s)" % str(validtypes)
1493 | raise ValueError(msg)
1494 | self._assert_plotter(action="reload")
1495 | self._plotter.hold()
1496 | self._reset_counter()
1497 | if self.casabar_exists():
1498 | self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.disable_button()
1499 | # for now, only one plot
1500 | self._plotter.set_panels(rows=1,cols=1)
1501 | # first panel
1502 | self._plotter.subplot(0)
1503 | # first color and linestyles
1504 | self._plotter.palette(0)
1505 | self.gca().set_aspect('equal')
1506 | basesel = scan.get_selection()
1507 | attrback = self._plotter.get_line()
1508 | marker = "o"
1509 | if showline:
1510 | basesel.set_order(["TIME"])
1511 | scan.set_selection(basesel)
1512 | if not (stype in ["t", "s"]):
1513 | marker += ":"
1514 | self._plotter.set_line(markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0)
1515 |
1516 | if not stype:
1517 | selIds = [""] # cheating
1518 | sellab = "all points"
1519 | elif stype == 't':
1520 | selIds = range(15)
1521 | sellab = "src type "
1522 | else:
1523 | selIds = getattr(self._data,'get'+colorby+'nos')()
1524 | sellab = colorby.upper()
1525 | selFunc = "set_"+colorby+"s"
1526 | for idx in selIds:
1527 | sel = selector() + basesel
1528 | if stype:
1529 | bid = getattr(basesel,'get_'+colorby+"s")()
1530 | if (len(bid) > 0) and (not idx in bid):
1531 | # base selection doesn't contain idx
1532 | # Note summation of selector is logical sum if
1533 | continue
1534 | getattr(sel, selFunc)([idx])
1535 | if not sel.is_empty():
1536 | try:
1537 | self._data.set_selection(sel)
1538 | except RuntimeError, instance:
1539 | if stype == 't' and str(instance).startswith("Selection contains no data."):
1540 | continue
1541 | else:
1542 | self._data.set_selection(basesel)
1543 | raise RuntimeError, instance
1544 | if self._data.nrow() == 0:
1545 | self._data.set_selection(basesel)
1546 | continue
1547 | #print "Plotting direction of %s = %s" % (colorby, str(idx))
1548 | # getting data to plot
1549 | dir = array(self._data.get_directionval()).transpose()
1550 | # for flag handling
1551 | mask = [ self._data._is_all_chan_flagged(i) for i in range(self._data.nrow())]
1552 | ra = dir[0]*180./pi
1553 | dec = ma.masked_array(dir[1]*180./pi, mask)
1554 | # actual plot
1555 | self._plotter.set_line(label=(sellab+str(idx)))
1556 | self._plotter.plot(ra,dec,marker)
1557 |
1558 | # restore original selection
1559 | self._data.set_selection(basesel)
1560 | # need to plot scan pattern explicitly
1561 | if showline and (stype in ["t", "s"]):
1562 | dir = array(self._data.get_directionval()).transpose()
1563 | ra = dir[0]*180./pi
1564 | dec = dir[1]*180./pi
1565 | self._plotter.set_line(label="scan pattern")
1566 | self._plotter.plot(ra,dec,":")
1567 | # set color for only this line
1568 | self._plotter.lines[-1][0].set_color("gray")
1569 |
1570 | xlab = 'RA [deg.]'
1571 | ylab = 'Declination [deg.]'
1572 | self._plotter.set_axes('xlabel', xlab)
1573 | self._plotter.set_axes('ylabel', ylab)
1574 | self._plotter.set_axes('title', 'Telescope pointings')
1575 | if stype: self._plotter.legend(self._legendloc)
1576 | else: self._plotter.legend(None)
1577 | # reverse x-axis
1578 | xmin, xmax = self.gca().get_xlim()
1579 | ymin, ymax = self.gca().get_ylim()
1580 | # expand plotrange if xmin==xmax or ymin==ymax
1581 | if abs(ymax-ymin) < 1.e-3: #~4arcsec
1582 | delx = 0.5*abs(xmax - xmin)
1583 | if delx < 5.e-4:
1584 | dxy = 5.e-4 #~2arcsec
1585 | (ymin, ymax) = (ymin-dxy, ymax+dxy)
1586 | (xmin, xmax) = (xmin-dxy, xmax+dxy)
1587 | (ymin, ymax) = (ymin-delx, ymax+delx)
1588 | elif abs(xmax-xmin) < 1.e-3:
1589 | dely = 0.5*abs(ymax - ymin)
1590 | (xmin, xmax) = (xmin-dely, xmax+dely)
1591 | self._plotter.set_limits(xlim=[xmax,xmin], ylim=[ymin, ymax])
1592 |
1593 | self._plotter.release()
1594 | self._plotter.show(hardrefresh=False)
1595 | # reset line settings
1596 | self._plotter.set_line(**attrback)
1597 | return
1598 |
1599 | def plotpointing(self, scan=None, outfile=None):
1600 | """
1601 | plot telescope pointings
1602 | """
1603 | visible = rcParams['plotter.gui']
1604 | from matplotlib import pylab as PL
1605 | from numpy import array, pi
1606 | if self._plotter and (PL.gcf() == self._plotter.figure):
1607 | # the current figure is ASAP plotter. Use mpl plotter
1608 | figids = PL.get_fignums()
1609 | PL.figure(max(figids[-1],1))
1610 |
1611 | if not visible or not self._visible:
1612 | PL.ioff()
1613 | from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg
1614 | PL.gcf().canvas.switch_backends(FigureCanvasAgg)
1615 | self._data = scan
1616 | dir = array(self._data.get_directionval()).transpose()
1617 | ra = dir[0]*180./pi
1618 | dec = dir[1]*180./pi
1619 | PL.cla()
1620 | #PL.ioff()
1621 | PL.clf()
1622 | # Adjust subplot margins
1623 | if not self._margins or len(self._margins) != 6:
1624 | self.set_margin(refresh=False)
1625 | lef, bot, rig, top, wsp, hsp = self._margins
1626 | PL.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=lef,bottom=bot,right=rig,top=top,
1627 | wspace=wsp,hspace=hsp)
1628 | ax = PL.gca()
1629 | #ax = PL.axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8])
1630 | #ax = PL.axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8])
1631 | ax.set_aspect('equal')
1632 | PL.plot(ra, dec, 'b,')
1633 | PL.xlabel('RA [deg.]')
1634 | PL.ylabel('Declination [deg.]')
1635 | PL.title('Telescope pointings')
1636 | [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax] = PL.axis()
1637 | PL.axis([xmax,xmin,ymin,ymax])
1638 | PL.ion()
1639 | PL.draw()
1640 | if matplotlib.get_backend() == 'Qt4Agg': PL.gcf().show()
1641 | if (outfile is not None):
1642 | PL.savefig(outfile)
1643 |
1644 | # plot total power data
1645 | # plotting in time is not yet implemented..
1646 | @asaplog_post_dec
1647 | def plottp(self, scan=None):
1648 | self._plotmode = "totalpower"
1649 | from asap import scantable
1650 | if not self._data and not scan:
1651 | msg = "Input is not a scantable"
1652 | raise TypeError(msg)
1653 | if isinstance(scan, scantable):
1654 | if self._data is not None:
1655 | if scan != self._data:
1656 | self._data = scan
1657 | # reset
1658 | self._reset()
1659 | else:
1660 | self._data = scan
1661 | self._reset()
1662 | # ranges become invalid when abcissa changes?
1663 | #if self._abcunit and self._abcunit != self._data.get_unit():
1664 | # self._minmaxx = None
1665 | # self._minmaxy = None
1666 | # self._abcunit = self._data.get_unit()
1667 |
1668 | self._assert_plotter(action="reload")
1669 | self._plotter.hold()
1670 | self._plotter.clear()
1671 | # Adjust subplot margins
1672 | if not self._margins or len(self._margins) !=6:
1673 | self.set_margin(refresh=False)
1674 | lef, bot, rig, top, wsp, hsp = self._margins
1675 | self._plotter.figure.subplots_adjust(
1676 | left=lef,bottom=bot,right=rig,top=top,wspace=wsp,hspace=hsp)
1677 | if self.casabar_exists(): self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.disable_button()
1678 | self._plottp(self._data)
1679 | if self._minmaxy is not None:
1680 | self._plotter.set_limits(ylim=self._minmaxy)
1681 | self._plotter.release()
1682 | self._plotter.tidy()
1683 | self._plotter.show(hardrefresh=False)
1684 | return
1685 |
1686 | def _plottp(self,scan):
1687 | """
1688 | private method for plotting total power data
1689 | """
1690 | from numpy import ma, array, arange, logical_not
1691 | r=0
1692 | nr = scan.nrow()
1693 | a0,b0 = -1,-1
1694 | allxlim = []
1695 | allylim = []
1696 | y=[]
1697 | self._plotter.set_panels()
1698 | self._plotter.palette(0)
1699 | #title
1700 | #xlab = self._abcissa and self._abcissa[panelcount] \
1701 | # or scan._getabcissalabel()
1702 | #ylab = self._ordinate and self._ordinate[panelcount] \
1703 | # or scan._get_ordinate_label()
1704 | xlab = self._abcissa or 'row number' #or Time
1705 | ylab = self._ordinate or scan._get_ordinate_label()
1706 | self._plotter.set_axes('xlabel',xlab)
1707 | self._plotter.set_axes('ylabel',ylab)
1708 | lbl = self._get_label(scan, r, 's', self._title)
1709 | if isinstance(lbl, list) or isinstance(lbl, tuple):
1710 | # if 0 <= panelcount < len(lbl):
1711 | # lbl = lbl[panelcount]
1712 | # else:
1713 | # get default label
1714 | lbl = self._get_label(scan, r, self._panelling, None)
1715 | self._plotter.set_axes('title',lbl)
1716 | y=array(scan._get_column(scan._getspectrum,-1))
1717 | m = array(scan._get_column(scan._getmask,-1))
1718 | y = ma.masked_array(y,mask=logical_not(array(m,copy=False)))
1719 | x = arange(len(y))
1720 | # try to handle spectral data somewhat...
1721 | l,m = y.shape
1722 | if m > 1:
1723 | y=y.mean(axis=1)
1724 | # flag handling
1725 | m = [ scan._is_all_chan_flagged(i) for i in range(scan.nrow()) ]
1726 | y = ma.masked_array(y,mask=m)
1727 | plotit = self._plotter.plot
1728 | llbl = self._get_label(scan, r, self._stacking, None)
1729 | self._plotter.set_line(label=llbl)
1730 | if len(x) > 0:
1731 | plotit(x,y)
1732 |
1733 |
1734 | # printing header information
1735 | @asaplog_post_dec
1736 | def print_header(self, plot=True, fontsize=9, logger=False, selstr='', extrastr=''):
1737 | """
1738 | print data (scantable) header on the plot and/or logger.
1739 | To plot the header on the plot, this method should be called after
1740 | plotting spectra by the method, asapplotter.plot.
1741 | Parameters:
1742 | plot: whether or not print header info on the plot.
1743 | fontsize: header font size (valid only plot=True)
1744 | logger: whether or not print header info on the logger.
1745 | selstr: additional selection string (not verified)
1746 | extrastr: additional string to print at the beginning (not verified)
1747 | """
1748 | if not plot and not logger:
1749 | return
1750 | if not self._data:
1751 | raise RuntimeError("No scantable has been set yet.")
1752 | # Now header will be printed on plot and/or logger.
1753 | # Get header information and format it.
1754 | ssum=self._data._list_header()
1755 | # Print Observation header to the upper-left corner of plot
1756 | headstr=[ssum[0:ssum.find('Obs. Type:')]]
1757 | headstr.append(ssum[ssum.find('Obs. Type:'):ssum.find('Flux Unit:')])
1758 | if extrastr != '':
1759 | headstr[0]=extrastr+'\n'+headstr[0]
1760 | self._headtext['extrastr'] = extrastr
1761 | if selstr != '':
1762 | selstr += '\n'
1763 | self._headtext['selstr'] = selstr
1764 | #ssel=(selstr+self._data.get_selection().__str__()+self._selection.__str__() or 'none')
1765 | curr_selstr = selstr+self._data.get_selection().__str__() or "none"
1766 | ssel=(curr_selstr+"\n" +self._selection.__str__())
1767 | headstr.append('\n\n***Selections***\n'+ssel.replace('$','\$'))
1768 |
1769 | if plot:
1770 | errmsg = "Can plot header only after the first call to plot()."
1771 | self._assert_plotter(action="halt",errmsg=errmsg)
1772 | self._plotter.hold()
1773 | self._header_plot(headstr,fontsize=fontsize)
1774 | #import time
1775 | #self._plotter.figure.text(0.99,0.01,
1776 | # time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"),
1777 | # horizontalalignment='right',
1778 | # verticalalignment='bottom',fontsize=8)
1779 | self._plotter.release()
1780 | if logger:
1781 | selstr = "Selections: "+ssel
1782 | asaplog.push("----------------\n Plot Summary\n----------------")
1783 | asaplog.push(extrastr)
1784 | asaplog.push(ssum[0:ssum.find('Selection:')]\
1785 | + selstr)
1786 | self._headtext['string'] = headstr
1787 | del ssel, ssum, headstr
1788 |
1789 | def _header_plot(self, texts, fontsize=9):
1790 | self._headtext['textobj']=[]
1791 | nstcol=len(texts)
1792 | for i in range(nstcol):
1793 | self._headtext['textobj'].append(
1794 | self._plotter.figure.text(0.03+float(i)/nstcol,0.98,
1795 | texts[i],
1796 | horizontalalignment='left',
1797 | verticalalignment='top',
1798 | fontsize=fontsize))
1799 |
1800 | def clear_header(self):
1801 | if not self._headtext['textobj']:
1802 | asaplog.push("No header has been plotted. Exit without any operation")
1803 | asaplog.post("WARN")
1804 | elif self._assert_plotter(action="status"):
1805 | self._plotter.hold()
1806 | for textobj in self._headtext['textobj']:
1807 | #if textobj.get_text() in self._headstring:
1808 | try:
1809 | textobj.remove()
1810 | except NotImplementedError:
1811 | self._plotter.figure.texts.pop(self._plotter.figure.texts.index(textobj))
1812 | self._plotter.release()
1813 | self._reset_header()
1814 |
1815 | # plot spectra by pointing
1816 | @asaplog_post_dec
1817 | def plotgrid(self, scan=None,center="",spacing=[],rows=None,cols=None):
1818 | """
1819 | Plot spectra based on direction.
1820 |
1821 | Parameters:
1822 | scan: a scantable to plot
1823 | center: the grid center direction (a string)
1824 | (default) the center of map region
1825 | (example) 'J2000 19h30m00s -25d00m00s'
1826 | spacing: a list of horizontal (R.A.) and vertical (Dec.)
1827 | spacing.
1828 | (default) Calculated by the extent of map region and
1829 | (example) ['1arcmin', '1arcmin']
1830 | the number of rows and cols to cover
1831 | rows: number of panels (grid points) in horizontal direction
1832 | cols: number of panels (grid points) in vertical direction
1833 |
1834 | Note:
1835 | - Only the first IFNO, POLNO, and BEAM in the scantable will be
1836 | plotted.
1837 | - This method doesn't re-grid and average spectra in scantable. Use
1838 | asapgrid module to re-grid spectra before plotting with this method.
1839 | Only the first spectrum is plotted in case there are multiple
1840 | spectra which belong to a grid.
1841 | """
1842 | self._plotmode = "grid"
1843 | from asap import scantable
1844 | from numpy import array, ma, cos
1845 | if not self._data and not scan:
1846 | msg = "No scantable is specified to plot"
1847 | raise TypeError(msg)
1848 | if scan:
1849 | self.set_data(scan, refresh=False)
1850 | del scan
1851 |
1852 | # Rows and cols
1853 | if (self._rows is None):
1854 | rows = max(1, rows)
1855 | if (self._cols is None):
1856 | cols = max(1, cols)
1857 | self.set_layout(rows,cols,False)
1858 |
1859 | # Select the first IF, POL, and BEAM for plotting
1860 | ntotpl = self._rows * self._cols
1861 | ifs = self._data.getifnos()
1862 | if len(ifs) > 1:
1863 | msg = "Found multiple IFs in scantable. Only the first IF (IFNO=%d) will be plotted." % ifs[0]
1864 | asaplog.post()
1865 | asaplog.push(msg)
1866 | asaplog.post("WARN")
1867 | pols = self._data.getpolnos()
1868 | if len(pols) > 1:
1869 | msg = "Found multiple POLs in scantable. Only the first POL (POLNO=%d) will be plotted." % pols[0]
1870 | asaplog.post()
1871 | asaplog.push(msg)
1872 | asaplog.post("WARN")
1873 | beams = self._data.getbeamnos()
1874 | if len(beams) > 1:
1875 | msg = "Found multiple BEAMs in scantable. Only the first BEAM (BEAMNO=%d) will be plotted." % beams[0]
1876 | asaplog.post()
1877 | asaplog.push(msg)
1878 | asaplog.post("WARN")
1879 | self._data.set_selection(ifs=[ifs[0]],pols=[pols[0]],beams=[beams[0]])
1880 | if self._data.nrow() > ntotpl:
1881 | msg = "Scantable is finely sampled than plotting grids. "\
1882 | + "Only the first spectrum is plotted in each grid."
1883 | asaplog.post()
1884 | asaplog.push(msg)
1885 | asaplog.post("WARN")
1886 |
1887 | # Prepare plotter
1888 | self._assert_plotter(action="reload")
1889 | self._plotter.hold()
1890 | self._reset_counter()
1891 | self._plotter.legend()
1892 |
1893 | # Adjust subplot margins
1894 | if not self._margins or len(self._margins) !=6:
1895 | self.set_margin(refresh=False)
1896 | self._plotter.set_panels(rows=self._rows,cols=self._cols,
1897 | nplots=ntotpl,margin=self._margins,ganged=True)
1898 | if self.casabar_exists():
1899 | self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.enable_button()
1900 | # Plot helper
1901 | from asap._asap import plothelper as plhelper
1902 | ph = plhelper(self._data)
1903 | #ph.set_gridval(self._cols, self._rows, spacing[0], spacing[1],
1904 | # center[0], center[1], epoch="J2000", projname="SIN")
1905 | if type(spacing) in (list, tuple, array):
1906 | if len(spacing) == 0:
1907 | spacing = ["", ""]
1908 | elif len(spacing) == 1:
1909 | spacing = [spacing[0], spacing[0]]
1910 | else:
1911 | spacing = [spacing, spacing]
1912 | ph.set_grid(self._cols, self._rows, spacing[0], spacing[1], \
1913 | center, projname="SIN")
1914 |
1915 | # Actual plot
1916 | npl = 0
1917 | for irow in range(self._data.nrow()):
1918 | (ix, iy) = ph.get_gpos(irow)
1919 | #print("asapplotter.plotgrid: (ix, iy) = (%f, %f)" % (ix, iy))
1920 | if ix < 0 or ix >= self._cols:
1921 | #print "Row %d : Out of X-range (x = %f) ... skipped" % (irow, pos[0])
1922 | continue
1923 | ix = int(ix)
1924 | if iy < 0 or iy >= self._rows:
1925 | #print "Row %d : Out of Y-range (y = %f) ... skipped" % (irow,pos[1])
1926 | continue
1927 | iy = int(iy)
1928 | ipanel = ix + iy*self._rows
1929 | #print("Resolved panel Id (%d, %d): %d" % (ix, iy, ipanel))
1930 | if len(self._plotter.subplots[ipanel]['lines']) > 0:
1931 | #print "Row %d : panel %d lready plotted ... skipped" % (irow,ipanel)
1932 | # a spectrum already plotted in the panel
1933 | continue
1934 | # Plotting this row
1935 | #print "PLOTTING row %d (panel=%d)" % (irow, ipanel)
1936 | npl += 1
1937 | self._plotter.subplot(ipanel)
1938 | self._plotter.palette(0,colormap=self._colormap, \
1939 | linestyle=0,linestyles=self._linestyles)
1940 | xlab = self._abcissa and self._abcissa[ipanel] \
1941 | or self._data._getabcissalabel(irow)
1942 | if self._offset and not self._abcissa:
1943 | xlab += " (relative)"
1944 | ylab = self._ordinate and self._ordinate[ipanel] \
1945 | or self._data._get_ordinate_label()
1946 | self._plotter.set_axes('xlabel', xlab)
1947 | self._plotter.set_axes('ylabel', ylab)
1948 | lbl = self._data.get_direction(irow)
1949 | self._plotter.set_axes('title',lbl)
1950 |
1951 | y = self._data._getspectrum(irow)
1952 | # flag application
1953 | mr = self._data._getflagrow(irow)
1954 | if mr: # FLAGROW=True
1955 | y = ma.masked_array(y,mask=mr)
1956 | else:
1957 | m = self._data._getmask(irow)
1958 | from numpy import logical_not, logical_and
1959 | ### user mask is not available so far
1960 | #if self._maskselection and len(self._usermask) == len(m):
1961 | # if d[self._stacking](irow) in self._maskselection[self._stacking]:
1962 | # m = logical_and(m, self._usermask)
1963 | y = ma.masked_array(y,mask=logical_not(array(m,copy=False)))
1964 |
1965 | x = array(self._data._getabcissa(irow))
1966 | if self._offset:
1967 | x += self._offset
1968 | if self._minmaxx is not None:
1969 | s,e = self._slice_indeces(x)
1970 | x = x[s:e]
1971 | y = y[s:e]
1972 | if len(x) > 1024 and rcParams['plotter.decimate']:
1973 | fac = len(x)/1024
1974 | x = x[::fac]
1975 | y = y[::fac]
1976 | self._plotter.set_line(label=lbl)
1977 | plotit = self._plotter.plot
1978 | if self._hist: plotit = self._plotter.hist
1979 | if len(x) > 0 and not mr:
1980 | plotit(x,y)
1981 | # xlim= self._minmaxx or [min(x),max(x)]
1982 | # allxlim += xlim
1983 | # ylim= self._minmaxy or [ma.minimum(y),ma.maximum(y)]
1984 | # allylim += ylim
1985 | # else:
1986 | # xlim = self._minmaxx or []
1987 | # allxlim += xlim
1988 | # ylim= self._minmaxy or []
1989 | # allylim += ylim
1990 |
1991 | if npl >= ntotpl:
1992 | break
1993 |
1994 | if self._minmaxy is not None:
1995 | self._plotter.set_limits(ylim=self._minmaxy)
1996 | self._plotter.release()
1997 | self._plotter.tidy()
1998 | self._plotter.show(hardrefresh=False)
1999 | return