source: trunk/python/ 272

Last change on this file since 272 was 271, checked in by kil064, 20 years ago

document function 'align' more fully

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1from scantable import scantable
2from asap import rcParams
4def average_time(*args, **kwargs):
5 """
6 Return the (time) average of a scan or list of scans. [in channels only]
7 Parameters:
8 one scan or comma separated scans
9 mask: an optional mask (only used for 'var' and 'tsys' weighting)
10 scanav: False (default) averages all scans together,
11 True averages each scan separately
12 weight: Weighting scheme. 'none' (default), 'var' (variance
13 weighted), 'tsys'
14 Example:
15 # return a time averaged scan from scana and scanb
16 # without using a mask
17 scanav = average_time(scana,scanb)
18 # return the (time) averaged scan, i.e. the average of
19 # all correlator cycles
20 scanav = average_time(scan)
22 """
23 scanAv = False
24 if kwargs.has_key('scanav'):
25 scanAv = kwargs.get('scanav')
27 weight = 'none'
28 if kwargs.has_key('weight'):
29 weight = kwargs.get('weight')
31 mask = ()
32 if kwargs.has_key('mask'):
33 mask = kwargs.get('mask')
35 lst = tuple(args)
36 from asap._asap import average as _av
37 for s in lst:
38 if not isinstance(s,scantable):
39 print "Please give a list of scantables"
40 return
41 return scantable(_av(lst, mask, scanAv, weight))
43def quotient(source, reference, preserve=True):
44 """
45 Return the quotient of a 'source' (signal) scan and a 'reference' scan.
46 The reference can have just one row, even if the signal has many. Otherwise
47 they must have the same number of rows.
48 Parameters:
49 source: the 'on' scan
50 reference: the 'off' scan
51 preserve: you can preserve (default) the continuum or
52 remove it. The equations used are
53 preserve - Output = Tref * (sig/ref) - Tref
54 remove - Output = Tref * (sig/ref) - Tsig
55 """
56 from asap._asap import quotient as _quot
57 return scantable(_quot(source, reference, preserve))
59def simple_math(left, right, op='add'):
60 """
61 Apply simple mathematical binary operations to two
62 scan tables, returning the result in a new scan table.
63 The operation is applied to both the correlations and the TSys data
64 Parameters:
65 left: the 'left' scan
66 right: the 'right' scan
67 op: the operation: 'add' (default), 'sub', 'mul', 'div'
68 """
69 if not isinstance(left,scantable) and not isinstance(right,scantable):
70 print "Please provide two scantables as input"
71 return
72 from asap._asap import b_operate as _bop
73 return scantable(_bop(left, right, op))
75def scale(scan, factor, insitu=None, allaxes=None):
76 """
77 Return a scan where all spectra are scaled by the give 'factor'
78 Parameters:
79 scan: a scantable
80 factor: the scaling factor
81 insitu: if False a new scantable is returned.
82 Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ
83 The default is taken from .asaprc (False)
84 allaxes: if True apply to all spectra. Otherwise
85 apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only.
86 The default is taken from .asaprc (True)
87 """
88 if allaxes is None: allaxes = rcParams['scantable.allaxes']
89 if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu']
90 if not insitu:
91 from asap._asap import scale as _scale
92 return scantable(_scale(scan, factor, allaxes))
93 else:
94 from asap._asap import scale_insitu as _scale
95 _scale(scan, factor, allaxes)
96 return
99def add(scan, offset, insitu=None, allaxes=None):
100 """
101 Return a scan where all spectra have the offset added
102 Parameters:
103 scan: a scantable
104 offset: the offset
105 insitu: if False a new scantable is returned.
106 Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ
107 The default is taken from .asaprc (False)
108 allaxes: if True apply to all spectra. Otherwise
109 apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only
110 The default is taken from .asaprc (True)
111 """
112 if allaxes is None: allaxes = rcParams['scantable.allaxes']
113 if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu']
114 if not insitu:
115 from asap._asap import add as _add
116 return scantable(_add(scan, offset, allaxes))
117 else:
118 from asap._asap import add_insitu as _add
119 _add(scan, offset, allaxes)
120 return
122def convert_flux(scan, area, eta=1.0, insitu=None, allaxes=None):
123 """
124 Return a scan where all spectra are converted to either Jansky or Kelvin
125 depending upon the flux units of the scan table.
126 Parameters:
127 scan: a scantable
128 area: the illuminated area of the telescope (m**2)
129 eta: The efficiency of the telescope (default 1.0)
130 insitu: if False a new scantable is returned.
131 Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ
132 The default is taken from .asaprc (False)
133 allaxes: if True apply to all spectra. Otherwise
134 apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only
135 The default is taken from .asaprc (True)
136 """
137 if allaxes is None: allaxes = rcParams['scantable.allaxes']
138 if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu']
139 if not insitu:
140 from asap._asap import convertflux as _convert
141 return scantable(_convert(scan, area, eta, allaxes))
142 else:
143 from asap._asap import convertflux_insitu as _convert
144 _convert(scan, area, eta, allaxes)
145 return
147def gain_el(scan, poly=None, filename="", method="linear", insitu=None, allaxes=None):
148 """
149 Return a scan after applying a gain-elevation correction. The correction
150 can be made via either a polynomial or a table-based interpolation
151 (and extrapolation if necessary).
152 You specify polynomial coefficients, an ascii table or neither.
153 If you specify neither, then a polynomial correction will be made
154 with built in coefficients known for certain telescopes (an error will
155 occur if the instrument is not known).
156 Parameters:
157 scan: a scantable
158 poly: Polynomial coefficients (default None) to compute a
159 gain-elevation correction as a function of
160 elevation (in degrees).
161 filename: The name of an ascii file holding correction factors.
162 The first row of the ascii file must give the column
163 names and these MUST include columns
164 "ELEVATION" (degrees) and "FACTOR" (multiply data by this)
165 somewhere.
166 The second row must give the data type of the column. Use
167 'R' for Real and 'I' for Integer. An example file
168 would be:
171 R R R
172 0.1 0 1.5
173 0.2 20 1.4
174 0.3 40 1.3
175 0.4 60 1.2
176 0.5 80 1.1
177 0.6 90 1.0
178 method: Interpolation method when correcting from a table. Values
179 are "nearest", "linear" (default), "cubic" and "spline"
180 insitu: if False a new scantable is returned.
181 Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ
182 The default is taken from .asaprc (False)
183 allaxes: if True apply to all spectra. Otherwise
184 apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if) spectra only
185 The default is taken from .asaprc (True)
186 """
187 if allaxes is None: allaxes = rcParams['scantable.allaxes']
188 if poly is None:
189 poly = ()
190 if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu']
191 if not insitu:
192 from asap._asap import gainel as _gainEl
193 return scantable(_gainEl(scan, poly, filename, method, allaxes))
194 else:
195 from asap._asap import gainel_insitu as _gainEl
196 _gainEl(scan, poly, filename, method, allaxes)
197 return
199def align(scan, insitu=None):
200 """
201 Return a scan where all rows have been aligned in velocity. The
202 velocity reference frame ( LSRK), unit and doppler (e.g. OPTICAL)
203 are those set by functions set_unit and set_freqframe. The data
204 are aligned to the velocity abcissa at the first time present in the data.
205 scan: a scantable
206 insitu: if False a new scantable is returned.
207 Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ
208 The default is taken from .asaprc (False)
209 """
210 if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu']
211 if not insitu:
212 from asap._asap import align as _align
213 return scantable(_align(scan))
214 else:
215 from asap._asap import align_insitu as _align
216 _align(scan)
217 return
219def opacity(scan, tau, insitu=None, allaxes=None):
220 """
221 Return a scan after applying an opacity correction.
222 Parameters:
223 scan: a scantable
224 tau: Opacity from which the correction factor is exp(tau*ZD)
225 where ZD is the zenith-distance
226 insitu: if False a new scantable is returned.
227 Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ
228 The default is taken from .asaprc (False)
229 allaxes: if True apply to all spectra. Otherwise
230 apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only
231 The default is taken from .asaprc (True)
232 """
233 if allaxes is None: allaxes = rcParams['scantable.allaxes']
234 if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu']
235 if not insitu:
236 from asap._asap import opacity as _opacity
237 return scantable(_opacity(scan, tau, allaxes))
238 else:
239 from asap._asap import opacity_insitu as _opacity
240 _opacity(scan, tau, allaxes)
241 return
243def bin(scan, width=5, insitu=None):
244 """
245 Return a scan where all spectra have been binned up
246 width: The bin width (default=5) in pixels
247 insitu: if False a new scantable is returned.
248 Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ
249 The default is taken from .asaprc (False)
250 """
251 if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu']
252 if not insitu:
253 from asap._asap import bin as _bin
254 return scantable(_bin(scan, width))
255 else:
256 from asap._asap import bin_insitu as _bin
257 _bin(scan, width)
258 return
260def average_pol(scan, mask=None, insitu=None):
261 """
262 Average the Polarisations together.
263 Parameters:
264 scan: The scantable
265 mask: An optional mask defining the region, where the
266 averaging will be applied. The output will have all
267 specified points masked.
268 insitu: if False a new scantable is returned.
269 Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ
270 The default is taken from .asaprc (False)
271 Example:
272 polav = average_pols(myscan)
273 """
274 if mask is None:
275 mask = ()
276 if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu']
277 if not insitu:
278 from asap._asap import averagepol as _avpol
279 return scantable(_avpol(scan, mask))
280 else:
281 from asap._asap import averagepol_insitu as _avpol
282 _avpol(scan, mask)
283 return
285def smooth(scan, kernel="hanning", width=5.0, insitu=None, allaxes=None):
286 """
287 Smooth the spectrum by the specified kernel (conserving flux).
288 Parameters:
289 scan: The input scan
290 kernel: The type of smoothing kernel. Select from
291 'hanning' (default), 'gaussian' and 'boxcar'.
292 The first three characters are sufficient.
293 width: The width of the kernel in pixels. For hanning this is
294 ignored otherwise it defauls to 5 pixels.
295 For 'gaussian' it is the Full Width Half
296 Maximum. For 'boxcar' it is the full width.
297 insitu: if False a new scantable is returned.
298 Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ
299 The default is taken from .asaprc (False)
300 allaxes: If True (default) apply to all spectra. Otherwise
301 apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only
302 The default is taken from .asaprc (True)
303 Example:
304 none
305 """
306 if allaxes is None: allaxes = rcParams['scantable.allaxes']
307 if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu']
308 if not insitu:
309 from asap._asap import smooth as _smooth
310 return scantable(_smooth(scan,kernel,width,allaxes))
311 else:
312 from asap._asap import smooth_insitu as _smooth
313 _smooth(scan,kernel,width,allaxes)
314 return
316def poly_baseline(scan, mask=None, order=0, insitu=None):
317 """
318 Return a scan which has been baselined (all rows) by a polynomial.
319 Parameters:
320 scan: a scantable
321 mask: an optional mask
322 order: the order of the polynomial (default is 0)
323 insitu: if False a new scantable is returned.
324 Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ
325 The default is taken from .asaprc (False)
326 Example:
327 # return a scan baselined by a third order polynomial,
328 # not using a mask
329 bscan = poly_baseline(scan, order=3)
330 """
331 from asap.asapfitter import fitter
332 if mask is None:
333 from numarray import ones
334 mask = tuple(ones(scan.nchan()))
335 f = fitter()
336 f._verbose(True)
337 f.set_scan(scan, mask)
338 f.set_function(poly=order)
339 sf = f.auto_fit(insitu)
340 return sf
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