from scantable import scantable from asap import rcParams def average_time(*args, **kwargs): """ Return the (time) average of a scan or list of scans. [in channels only] The cursor of the output scan is set to 0 Parameters: one scan or comma separated scans mask: an optional mask (only used for 'var' and 'tsys' weighting) scanav: True (default) averages each scan separately False averages all scans together, weight: Weighting scheme. 'none' (default), 'var' (variance weighted), 'tsys' Example: # return a time averaged scan from scana and scanb # without using a mask scanav = average_time(scana,scanb) # return the (time) averaged scan, i.e. the average of # all correlator cycles scanav = average_time(scan) """ scanAv = True if kwargs.has_key('scanav'): scanAv = kwargs.get('scanav') weight = 'none' if kwargs.has_key('weight'): weight = kwargs.get('weight') mask = () if kwargs.has_key('mask'): mask = kwargs.get('mask') varlist = vars() lst = tuple(args) del varlist["kwargs"] varlist["args"] = "%d scantables" % len(lst) # need special formatting her for history... from asap._asap import average as _av for s in lst: if not isinstance(s,scantable): print "Please give a list of scantables" return s = scantable(_av(lst, mask, scanAv, weight)) s._add_history("average_time",varlist) return s def quotient(source, reference, preserve=True): """ Return the quotient of a 'source' (signal) scan and a 'reference' scan. The reference can have just one row, even if the signal has many. Otherwise they must have the same number of rows. The cursor of the output scan is set to 0 Parameters: source: the 'on' scan reference: the 'off' scan preserve: you can preserve (default) the continuum or remove it. The equations used are preserve - Output = Tref * (sig/ref) - Tref remove - Output = Tref * (sig/ref) - Tsig """ from asap._asap import quotient as _quot return scantable(_quot(source, reference, preserve)) def simple_math(left, right, op='add', tsys=True): """ Apply simple mathematical binary operations to two scan tables, returning the result in a new scan table. The operation is applied to both the correlations and the TSys data The cursor of the output scan is set to 0 Parameters: left: the 'left' scan right: the 'right' scan op: the operation: 'add' (default), 'sub', 'mul', 'div' tsys: if True (default) then apply the operation to Tsys as well as the data """ varlist = vars() if not isinstance(left,scantable) and not isinstance(right,scantable): print "Please provide two scantables as input" return from asap._asap import b_operate as _bop s = scantable(_bop(left, right, op, tsys)) s._add_history("simple_math", varlist) return s def scale(scan, factor, insitu=None, allaxes=None, tsys=True): """ Return a scan where all spectra are scaled by the give 'factor' Parameters: scan: a scantable factor: the scaling factor insitu: if False a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ The default is taken from .asaprc (False) allaxes: if True apply to all spectra. Otherwise apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only. The default is taken from .asaprc (True if none) tsys: if True (default) then apply the operation to Tsys as well as the data """ if allaxes is None: allaxes = rcParams['scantable.allaxes'] if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu'] varlist = vars() if not insitu: from asap._asap import scale as _scale s = scantable(_scale(scan, factor, allaxes, tsys)) s._add_history("scale",varlist) return s else: from asap._asap import scale_insitu as _scale _scale(scan, factor, allaxes, tsys) scan._add_history("scale",varlist) return def add(scan, offset, insitu=None, allaxes=None): """ Return a scan where all spectra have the offset added Parameters: scan: a scantable offset: the offset insitu: if False a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ The default is taken from .asaprc (False) allaxes: if True apply to all spectra. Otherwise apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only The default is taken from .asaprc (True if none) """ if allaxes is None: allaxes = rcParams['scantable.allaxes'] if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu'] if not insitu: from asap._asap import add as _add return scantable(_add(scan, offset, allaxes)) else: from asap._asap import add_insitu as _add _add(scan, offset, allaxes) return def convert_flux(scan, jyperk=None, eta=None, d=None, insitu=None, allaxes=None): """ Return a scan where all spectra are converted to either Jansky or Kelvin depending upon the flux units of the scan table. By default the function tries to look the values up internally. If it can't find them (or if you want to over-ride), you must specify EITHER jyperk OR eta (and D which it will try to look up also if you don't set it). jyperk takes precedence if you set both. Parameters: scan: a scantable jyperk: the Jy / K conversion factor eta: the aperture efficiency d: the geomtric diameter (metres) insitu: if False a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ The default is taken from .asaprc (False) allaxes: if True apply to all spectra. Otherwise apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only The default is taken from .asaprc (True if none) """ if allaxes is None: allaxes = rcParams['scantable.allaxes'] if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu'] varlist = vars() if jyperk is None: jyperk = -1.0 if d is None: d = -1.0 if eta is None: eta = -1.0 if not insitu: from asap._asap import convertflux as _convert s = scantable(_convert(scan, d, eta, jyperk, allaxes)) s._add_history("convert_flux", varlist) return s else: from asap._asap import convertflux_insitu as _convert _convert(scan, d, eta, jyperk, allaxes) scan._add_history("convert_flux", varlist) return def gain_el(scan, poly=None, filename="", method="linear", insitu=None, allaxes=None): """ Return a scan after applying a gain-elevation correction. The correction can be made via either a polynomial or a table-based interpolation (and extrapolation if necessary). You specify polynomial coefficients, an ascii table or neither. If you specify neither, then a polynomial correction will be made with built in coefficients known for certain telescopes (an error will occur if the instrument is not known). The data and Tsys are *divided* by the scaling factors. Parameters: scan: a scantable poly: Polynomial coefficients (default None) to compute a gain-elevation correction as a function of elevation (in degrees). filename: The name of an ascii file holding correction factors. The first row of the ascii file must give the column names and these MUST include columns "ELEVATION" (degrees) and "FACTOR" (multiply data by this) somewhere. The second row must give the data type of the column. Use 'R' for Real and 'I' for Integer. An example file would be (actual factors are arbitrary) : TIME ELEVATION FACTOR R R R 0.1 0 0.8 0.2 20 0.85 0.3 40 0.9 0.4 60 0.85 0.5 80 0.8 0.6 90 0.75 method: Interpolation method when correcting from a table. Values are "nearest", "linear" (default), "cubic" and "spline" insitu: if False a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ The default is taken from .asaprc (False) allaxes: if True apply to all spectra. Otherwise apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if) spectra only The default is taken from .asaprc (True if none) """ if allaxes is None: allaxes = rcParams['scantable.allaxes'] if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu'] varlist = vars() if poly is None: poly = () from os.path import expandvars filename = expandvars(filename) if not insitu: from asap._asap import gainel as _gainEl s = scantable(_gainEl(scan, poly, filename, method, allaxes)) s._add_history("gain_el", varlist) return s else: from asap._asap import gainel_insitu as _gainEl _gainEl(scan, poly, filename, method, allaxes) scan._add_history("gain_el", varlist) return def freq_align(scan, reftime=None, method='cubic', perif=False, insitu=None): """ Return a scan where all rows have been aligned in frequency. The alignment frequency frame (e.g. LSRK) is that set by function set_freqframe. scan: a scantable reftime: reference time to align at. By default, the time of the first row of data is used. method: Interpolation method for regridding the spectra. Choose from "nearest", "linear", "cubic" (default) and "spline" perif: Generate aligners per freqID (no doppler tracking) or per IF (scan-based doppler tracking) insitu: if False a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ The default is taken from .asaprc (False) """ if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu'] varlist = vars() if reftime is None: reftime = '' perfreqid = not perif if not insitu: from asap._asap import freq_align as _align s = scantable(_align(scan, reftime, method, perfreqid)) s._add_history("freq_align", varlist) return s else: from asap._asap import freq_align_insitu as _align _align(scan, reftime, method, perfreqid) scan._add_history("freq_align", varlist) return def opacity(scan, tau, insitu=None, allaxes=None): """ Return a scan after applying an opacity correction. The data and Tsys are multiplied by the correction factor. Parameters: scan: a scantable tau: Opacity from which the correction factor is exp(tau*ZD) where ZD is the zenith-distance insitu: if False a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ The default is taken from .asaprc (False) allaxes: if True apply to all spectra. Otherwise apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only The default is taken from .asaprc (True if none) """ if allaxes is None: allaxes = rcParams['scantable.allaxes'] if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu'] varlist = vars() if not insitu: from asap._asap import opacity as _opacity s = scantable(_opacity(scan, tau, allaxes)) s._add_history("opacity", varlist) return s else: from asap._asap import opacity_insitu as _opacity _opacity(scan, tau, allaxes) scan._add_history("opacity", varlist) return def bin(scan, width=5, insitu=None): """ Return a scan where all spectra have been binned up width: The bin width (default=5) in pixels insitu: if False a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ The default is taken from .asaprc (False) """ if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu'] varlist = vars() if not insitu: from asap._asap import bin as _bin s = scantable(_bin(scan, width)) s._add_history("bin",varlist) return s else: from asap._asap import bin_insitu as _bin _bin(scan, width) scan._add_history("bin",varlist) return def resample(scan, width=5, method='cubic', insitu=None): """ Return a scan where all spectra have been binned up width: The bin width (default=5) in pixels method: Interpolation method when correcting from a table. Values are "nearest", "linear", "cubic" (default) and "spline" insitu: if False a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ The default is taken from .asaprc (False) """ if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu'] varlist = vars() if not insitu: from asap._asap import resample as _resample s = scantable(_resample(scan, method, width)) s._add_history("resample",varlist) return s else: from asap._asap import resample_insitu as _resample _resample(scan, method, width) scan._add_history("resample",varlist) return def average_pol(scan, mask=None, weight='none', insitu=None): """ Average the Polarisations together. The polarisation cursor of the output scan is set to 0 Parameters: scan: The scantable mask: An optional mask defining the region, where the averaging will be applied. The output will have all specified points masked. weight: Weighting scheme. 'none' (default), or 'var' (variance weighted) insitu: if False a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ The default is taken from .asaprc (False) Example: polav = average_pols(myscan) """ if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu'] varlist = vars() if mask is None: mask = () if not insitu: from asap._asap import averagepol as _avpol s = scantable(_avpol(scan, mask, weight)) s._add_history("average_pol",varlist) return s else: from asap._asap import averagepol_insitu as _avpol _avpol(scan, mask, weight) scan._add_history("average_pol",varlist) return def smooth(scan, kernel="hanning", width=5.0, insitu=None, allaxes=None): """ Smooth the spectrum by the specified kernel (conserving flux). Parameters: scan: The input scan kernel: The type of smoothing kernel. Select from 'hanning' (default), 'gaussian' and 'boxcar'. The first three characters are sufficient. width: The width of the kernel in pixels. For hanning this is ignored otherwise it defauls to 5 pixels. For 'gaussian' it is the Full Width Half Maximum. For 'boxcar' it is the full width. insitu: if False a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ The default is taken from .asaprc (False) allaxes: If True (default) apply to all spectra. Otherwise apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only The default is taken from .asaprc (True if none) Example: none """ if allaxes is None: allaxes = rcParams['scantable.allaxes'] if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu'] varlist = vars() if not insitu: from asap._asap import smooth as _smooth s = scantable(_smooth(scan,kernel,width,allaxes)) s._add_history("smooth", varlist) return s else: from asap._asap import smooth_insitu as _smooth _smooth(scan,kernel,width,allaxes) scan._add_history("smooth", varlist) return def poly_baseline(scan, mask=None, order=0, insitu=None): """ Return a scan which has been baselined (all rows) by a polynomial. Parameters: scan: a scantable mask: an optional mask order: the order of the polynomial (default is 0) insitu: if False a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ The default is taken from .asaprc (False) Example: # return a scan baselined by a third order polynomial, # not using a mask bscan = poly_baseline(scan, order=3) """ if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu'] varlist = vars() from asap.asapfitter import fitter if mask is None: from numarray import ones mask = tuple(ones(scan.nchan())) f = fitter() f._verbose(True) f.set_scan(scan, mask) f.set_function(poly=order) sf = f.auto_fit(insitu) sf._add_history("poly_baseline", varlist) return sf def rotate_xyphase(scan, angle, allaxes=None): """ Rotate the phase of the XY correlation. This is always done in situ in the data. So if you call this function more than once then each call rotates the phase further. Parameters: angle: The angle (degrees) to rotate (add) by. allaxes: If True apply to all spectra. Otherwise apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only. The default is taken from .asaprc (True if none) Examples: rotate_xyphase(scan, 2.3) """ if allaxes is None: allaxes = rcParams['scantable.allaxes'] varlist = vars() from asap._asap import _rotate_xyphase as _rotate _rotate(scan, angle, allaxes) scan._add_history("rotate_xyphase", varlist) return def rotate_linpolphase(scan, angle, allaxes=None): """ Rotate the phase of the complex polarization O=Q+iU correlation. This is always done in situ in the raw data. So if you call this function more than once then each call rotates the phase further. Parameters: angle: The angle (degrees) to rotate (add) by. allaxes: If True apply to all spectra. Otherwise apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only. The default is taken from .asaprc (True if none) Examples: rotate_linpolphase(scan, 2.3) """ if allaxes is None: allaxes = rcParams['scantable.allaxes'] varlist = vars() from asap._asap import _rotate_linpolphase as _rotate _rotate(scan, angle, allaxes) scan._add_history("rotate_linpolphase", varlist) return