from scantable import scantable def average_time(*args, **kwargs): """ Return the (time) average of a scan or list of scans. [in channels only] Parameters: one scan or comma separated scans mask: an optional mask (only used for 'var' and 'tsys' weighting) scanav: False (default) averages all scans together, True averages each scan separately weight: Weighting scheme. 'none' (default), 'var' (variance weighted), 'tsys' Example: # return a time averaged scan from scana and scanb # without using a mask scanav = average_time(scana,scanb) # return the (time) averaged scan, i.e. the average of # all correlator cycles scanav = average_time(scan) """ scanAv = False if kwargs.has_key('scanav'): scanAv = kwargs.get('scanav') # weight = 'none' if kwargs.has_key('weight'): weight = kwargs.get('weight') # mask = () if kwargs.has_key('mask'): mask = kwargs.get('mask') # lst = tuple(args) from asap._asap import average as _av for s in lst: if not isinstance(s,scantable): print "Please give a list of scantables" return return scantable(_av(lst, mask, scanAv, weight)) def quotient(source, reference): """ Return the quotient of a 'source' scan and a 'reference' scan Parameters: source: the 'on' scan reference: the 'off' scan """ from asap._asap import quotient as _quot return scantable(_quot(source, reference)) def scale(scan, factor, insitu=False, all=True): """ Return a scan where all spectra are scaled by the give 'factor' Parameters: scan: a scantable factor: the scaling factor insitu: if False (default) a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ all: if True (default) apply to all spectra. Otherwise apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only """ if not insitu: from asap._asap import scale as _scale return scantable(_scale(scan, factor, all)) else: from asap._asap import scale_insitu as _scale _scale(scan, factor, all) return def add(scan, offset, insitu=False, all=True): """ Return a scan where all spectra have the offset added Parameters: scan: a scantable offset: the offset insitu: if False (default) a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the addition is done in-situ all: if True (default) apply to all spectra. Otherwise apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only """ if not insitu: from asap._asap import add as _add return scantable(_add(scan, offset, all)) else: from asap._asap import add_insitu as _add _add(scan, offset, all) return def convertflux(scan, area, eta=1.0, insitu=False, all=True): """ Return a scan where all spectra are converted to either Jansky or Kelvin depending upon the flux units of the scan table. Parameters: scan: a scantable area: the illuminated area of the telescope (m**2) eta: The efficiency of the telescope (default 1.0) insitu: if False (default) a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the conversion is done in-situ all: if True (default) apply to all spectra. Otherwise apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only """ if not insitu: from asap._asap import convertflux as _convert return scantable(_convert(scan, area, eta, all)) else: from asap._asap import convertflux_insitu as _convert _convert(scan, area, eta, all) return def bin(scan, width=5, insitu=False): """ Return a scan where all spectra have been binned up width: The bin width (default=5) in pixels insitu: if False (default) a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the addition is done in-situ """ if not insitu: from asap._asap import bin as _bin return scantable(_bin(scan, width)) else: from asap._asap import bin_insitu as _bin _bin(scan, width) return def average_pol(scan, mask=None, insitu=False): """ Average the Polarisations together. Parameters: scan: The scantable mask: An optional mask defining the region, where the averaging will be applied. The output will have all specified points masked. insitu: If False (default) a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the averaging is done in-situ Example: polav = average_pols(myscan) """ if mask is None: mask = () if not insitu: from asap._asap import averagepol as _avpol return scantable(_avpol(scan, mask)) else: from asap._asap import averagepol_insitu as _avpol _avpol(scan, mask) return def smooth(scan, kernel="hanning", width=5.0, insitu=False, all=True): """ Smooth the spectrum by the specified kernel (conserving flux). Parameters: scan: The input scan kernel: The type of smoothing kernel. Select from 'hanning' (default), 'gaussian' and 'boxcar'. The first three characters are sufficient. width: The width of the kernel in pixels. For hanning this is ignored otherwise it defauls to 5 pixels. For 'gaussian' it is the Full Width Half Maximum. For 'boxcar' it is the full width. insitu: If False (default) a new scantable is returned. Otherwise, the scaling is done in-situ all: If True (default) apply to all spectra. Otherwise apply only to the selected (beam/pol/if)spectra only Example: none """ if not insitu: from asap._asap import smooth as _smooth return scantable(_smooth(scan,kernel,width,all)) else: from asap._asap import smooth_insitu as _smooth _smooth(scan,kernel,width,all) return def poly_baseline(scan, mask=None, order=0): """ Return a scan which has been baselined (all rows) by a polynomial. Parameters: scan: a scantable mask: an optional mask order: the order of the polynomial (default is 0) Example: # return a scan baselined by a third order polynomial, # not using a mask bscan = poly_baseline(scan, order=3) """ from asap.asapfitter import fitter if mask is None: from numarray import ones mask = tuple(ones(scan.nchan())) f = fitter() f._verbose(True) f.set_scan(scan, mask) f.set_function(poly=order) sf = f.auto_fit() return sf